#TedLasso Emmy Screening Panel (2022)

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okay let's jump into this shall we so let's just catch up season one received 20 primetime emmy award nominations becoming the most nominated comedy in emmy award history [Applause] that's not accurate it's not first first year show not ever like first year freshman freshman show freshman yeah thank you sir yeah ever okay um sorry about that oh that's um and uh it won seven emmys is that right that's right i think so swept the border the critics choice screen actors guild award for best comedy ensemble there's so much talent expressing itself in this show in every department winning for editing casting sound producing but ted lasso is out there winning people's hearts yeah and i think maybe it's because what comes from the heart goes to the heart well let's see [Laughter] good evening jason sedakis hi there whoever we refer to you as yeah jimmy slash yeah um as you know i'm uh he i am not known for my soft line in questioning true so let's kick off with a question my daughter asked me uh last year while we were watching season two on the couch when is christmas in america fair hit fair every day every day sarah every day um fair fair fair question by the brilliant uh young lady um it is it is in late december um [Music] when jesus was born you know um undeniably um and uh but yeah we that but the christmas episode of season two 304 carol of the bells i believe excuse me sorry i'm in i'm i'm in a third season state of mind uh but 204 yeah aired sometime in what september august august august august august 21 great august 20 august 21. that that's because it was the it was the fourth episode um that's it that's it uh but we've also we've also found that the apple tv service will it will allow you to watch something whenever you want once it's available so every day is christmas every day is christmas as sarah said yeah okay cool well every day is christmas in america yeah okay good but i mean like in the press like you know we had 10 episodes first season then the second season got picked up and then and a really good bargaining uh technique is to pay attention when the place that that pays you asks you for more then you can sort you can really just you know you know go get them and they asked for two up two more episodes and those those two for our second season we we because we had already known what the story was for for season two uh and then we all all the writers you know chat about it we pitched ideas and the christmas episode was was one that went out and then 209 which is uh beards uh beard all night which we end up calling yeah uh the ninth episode where the two would like sort of extra they asked for two extra episodes and so if we could do that and so we really you know we're like yeah yeah we can and so those you know only we were only we i mean what would you say that they'll carry 10 of the of the season's narrative they were more like stand-alones but um but yeah that's why that's why christmas in august uh exists cool cool so just um jumping over there to cristo fernandez the man inside danny rochester yes christo how did it feel being such a lovable character in season one then uh opening up season two finding out that danny rojes is a dog murderer well when i found out about that i was um laughing a lot and then i was like i shouldn't be laughing um but no i think it was a great moment i'm so happy it happened and you don't know it allows okay yeah that i still think of myself i'm not sure if i should but no it was cool to see another aspect no dogs or animals were hurt during the shoot of this it was just cool to see another side of dany that was not shown somehow in season one and just to realize that in life not everything can be all the time smiling and positive sometimes life brings you momentum that can be tough like killing a dog and i'm so happy in that aspect that that that's the thing danny went through and also it was the beginning to meet uh the great character of dr dr sharon and then yeah yes yes and it was the beginning of a great um exploration in our season which is uh mental health and i'm happy to have i'm grateful to have that moment and having done it with true danidor rojas yeah yeah and thank you and sarah niles dr sharon fieldstar [Music] how was it coming into the cast for you and bloodio yeah okay had you heard of the show um yeah i did a self take lockdown my friend who was helping me was kind of looking at me like very strangely like you haven't seen this what have you been doing with your time um but yeah i didn't started to watch and i was like this is real you know you reminded me of cheers yeah it's that you know a lot it was so feel good and afterwards i was like i'm gonna burn some sage hanging crystals and candles i'm gonna kill a dog i want to be in this sacrifice some lambs no i didn't i didn't sacrifice any land no but i wanted yeah i was like i love this so much i want to be a part of it yeah you're such an amazing part of it and your stillness as dr phil stone is something else what point did you kind of decide how she was going to be in the read-through over zoom do you remember i was texting like two twelve-year-olds going oh no she's really good i'm immediately scared i was like i was basically [ __ ] myself so i was like you keep still no one's going to know that you i was like like a swan you know like looks very still we were literally like we we were like we rang each other after someone is she actually a therapist because she said it was extraordinary just the change that shifted just in the read through it was amazing we honestly can't overstate that like she was like doing all the languages like speaking french like everything in the wreath i got a lot of help and um hannah waddingham hello [Applause] i just want to just want to say you know thanks for being on the planet at the same time as the rest of us you know cheers for that um [Music] [Laughter] and juno temple so like seeing rebecca welton and keely jones and you two fall in love all at the same time on screen off screen is kind of an extraordinary moment i think and it feels important how does it feel like one of the greatest gifts that could happen in this mad industry right i actually don't really know what to say about it anymore because it's so it is so kind of in there for for good mm-hmm with us both that i don't think and i know it sounds really cheesy but i genuinely don't think either of us can express it properly well try because and we're here you know give it a go take a step oh i'm going to leave you guys we know the most important thing is we know and that's what also i think it's about being us talking you know our real friendship but also getting to be a part of this and really what is a normal female friendship where you love your best girlfriends and getting to put that out there on a tv show where people are expecting women to be pitted against each other and that gets so boring and it's been so gorgeous to actually play two women that are different but at the same time go through some of the same pains some very different pains but really truly support each other through it and call each other out on each other's [ __ ] as well it's a real friendship that's the biggest thing i think calling each other out because people kind of like you said about women being pitted against each other people don't actually ever focus on the fact that women can call each other out and still love each other deeply and push the other one forward and we even said it about season one when sassy and keely meet we both presumed that there would be some friction there because you're so used to it in everything that we see all the time and when they meet when she was immediately like oh my god you're amazing that was it was just so gorgeous for us wasn't it and actually when sarah arrived as well we were both like can we please have some scenes with dr sharon because everybody needs therapy yeah because he's still waiting yeah but it's unusual you don't realize in everything you see the women even if it's just an underlying thing of bitchiness it's awful so i mean we're very blessed that our writers room are full of raging feminists as well as the as the women there and it's a really re we appreciate it so much that their work comes through us you know and it's just for for me and her to have found each other so easily i mean like i said we're we're in for good and that's why i don't talk about it too much because it feels saccharine and we we know it isn't so well yeah it's a beautiful thing to see it really really is it feels like a really special and she smells phenomenal all the time and also i get to be around her all the time sometimes i get to go to her dressing room and she's trying on outfits sometimes i just say that i really welcome being in scenes with the both of them because they tell me when stuff is stuck in my teeth you're welcome every afternoon it's usually spinach um but there's other stuff and um i'm very grateful for that because probably nobody else would do it [Laughter] [Music] yeah i mean there's just so many amazing friendships in this show you know in character and out of character and coach beard everyone by the way brendan hunt [Applause] yeah this guy and um i'm just you know that relationship that friendship just feels it kind of almost got like an angelic kind of nature to it in in a way i think a little bit like you know clarence was jimmy stewart sort of vibe you know what i'm saying and um [Music] yeah i think so yeah and um i was just wondering you know with your friendship how has that informed the the two coaches and and you know uh the heart of the show gosh you know every time someone asks that question i feel like we get a little bit closer to revealing that we don't like each other yeah i feel like yeah i feel it's going to become obvious at some point like we don't have to say it people just sniff it out you know and then apple's going to get mad and throw off their campaigns that's true they gotta be on opposite sides of the poster okay we'll throw on the charade a little bit longer here we go um i'll sit i'll sit like this that'll that'll help these two are friends i mean i don't know i mean i think the main the main part of our relationship that is in um uh beard and ted's relationship i think is is how little needs to be said you know like um it's sort of there's like this minor mythology has has uh has grown a bit out there that like me and jason are like best friends who've known each other forever and like he's fine um i agree but uh we we do like each other and we and we always have since we met each other but we would also then go you know a year or more without seeing each other or talking to each other because our lives were going different places but then we'd see each other again and and right away like hey you know and pick up where we left off um and and i do think that is part of what's there for for beard and ted just this element of like well we don't really have to say much there's there's already something there and we both know it's there and um it's more than a little sexual um thank god for that you can't no you can't cancel that out either i mean the camera's right there it sees um [Laughter] um so we just kind of carry that sort of a bit of a of a like i don't know intimacy understanding that it's kind of just there um and it's very it's very helpful because it uh it mitigates rehearsal you know sure yeah yeah it i mean brass tax it's also it is legitimately how i came to understand the the small level of soccer football that i do was through brendan i mean that's why we did the the initial commercial uh that that i was like oh can i bring two people they're like sure and i was like and my manager was like who are you bringing i was like oh uh joe kelly and brendan hunt who's brandon hunt he knew joe because joe and i had done second city together uh but he didn't know brendan yet at that point i don't believe and it was like it's like did you just just trust me uh and that was in 2013. but then also you know towards brenton's point like in 2010 when it's time for me you know i was single at the time and i was doing press for for horrible bosses uh this this film that i did and and jason bateman who was in that and charlie day brought their uh amazing uh wives slash partners and uh who are the same people they didn't bring four people just uh they that they um i was like i was like oh i want to bring i want to bring who i view as one of the all-time great plus ones ever and that's my buddy brandon hunt because brendan because brendan is uh self-sufficient he's self-sufficient and yet midwestern enough to like you know stick out in the best ways and people are just like oh yo like you know and they all remember brennan and jason and charlie still to this day how's brendan doing i go have you not watched the [ __ ] show and he's doing great like um and but how's he really doing no i know they don't know and so that i feel like ted and beard have that too where you know like in 209 you know ted worries about you know you all right and that's different than the way jason deals with brennan i know if brent's gonna go out brandon's gonna be just fine you know uh it's it's uh you know it's it's the town has got to worry you know this can be smothered in red painted red oh got a guy i thought you were implying that i was going to kill a bunch of people now that's the game because you know right uh once it's once it hits oxygen yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah carry on this is this is what it's like on saturday and um are there like um you know in the creating because you must just be having so much fun making this show that you know and with joe and non-stop i was just wondering are there any like little hidden influences or little gems that we might not know about that influenced the show at all like between you i mean thousands yeah right yeah right yeah i imagine it would be yeah i mean yeah there's a bunch of you know i mean like movies that we like and improv teachers that we've had either together separately you know it's almost it's almost too many to uh to try to get through here but let's give it a shot yeah here we go uh we open on rebecca's office and she's looking at a hockney painting no just get no this is the first part no i mean like a fun one like a small one is like you know dr sharon fieldstone is her name and that's that's because of dr marsha fields known from sleepless sleepless in seattle that's why dr sarah or the doctor excuse me excuse me uh dr susan we we chose that because it was one of our writers therapist names right uh dr sharon excuse me uh some galiano all these um but that would be one but yeah i mean sports sports movies books you because because i know so little about uh football the world oh sorry go ahead and yep metaphor comes in quite you know quite a bit and so one thing we talked about in the first season the writer's room is that ted's reference level and especially ted and beard's collective reference level is our room's you know reference level uh and so you know pulling from all different things whether it be you know musicals or hip-hop or um you know things that are overtly spoken about but then the ways to convey ideas have certainly come up time and time again whether it be you know just using showbiz as a metaphor but but we're using sports as a metaphor and talking about showbiz or life or family or you know mentoring or any any of that jive that's that's yeah we've there's a ton yeah like the the um there's like a musicality to this show that i think is incredible not least obviously the music you know you open up on the funeral episode with color me bads i want to sex you up you know and then uh going through rick astley's al always poignant but didn't realize they were so pointy in those lyrics you know and then ending up with nick drake's mum molly drake singing i remember he wasn't even a signed artist at the time and it's like it just crosses that whole breadth of humanity and so like yeah so like okay so for those three examples i want to sex you up with me because because it's a hot [ __ ] song and it's from the new like yeah from it's from the new jack uh scene by the way hot hot scene you don't know i know we had we had we had nine you know you know we find out at the end you know beer excuse me like sam and rebecca kiss and then nine yeah they do yeah they did [Laughter] kiss door slam credits then beard has his knight uh and then we yeah then we open up and and that song is from from uh you know new jack new jack um city uh the soundtrack of and it's just a a sexy [ __ ] tune you know uh and then the uh who who who picked um was it bill who or somebody picked the rick astley song we were thinking of a i think jane picked it in the end jay becker uh among our many great writers uh who wrote that episode um but yeah it was a list of like hey what's a bunch of dumb songs and we all submitted it was like a list of 10 dumb songs and let's give one to hannah but then i think never going to give you up was kind of much like the name roy kent was like a placeholder yeah that stuck yeah and uh and worked out amazingly and then yeah then we then we had then i asked hannah like can you can you can you feel through this song or i mean it's her story to tell more than mine because i don't i have to make a lot of decisions um and so she'll remember that more but then to button the thing the molly drake thing was a song that marcus mumford you know who does our theme song and did all the music for his first season uh him and tom howe and then the second season as well that he had he had referenced as like just a vibe of a song that i think fits into the tone of the show because he and i had had a lot of conversations about it leading up to it and it's just one that always stuck in my head and it would just was lovely it was just like boom okay and and and apple has always been amenable unlike other streamers like they don't they don't give a [ __ ] about those like the exit song when you leave the theater you know like like film makers really care about that song that you leave so much so the radio head has you know exit music you exit a theater to like it's like an idea and streamers are just like okay don't leave don't leave don't leave here tonight here's the next episode as opposed to like letting you land right and so apple has a let us land so we've we you know we've had a big chunk of change for some of our our final songs that are maybe only five six seven seconds you know and and apple's always been cool with it you know warner brothers has been cool with it and that was that one there so those influences all come from all these different places and you just have to be open to them as a person you know helping make these decisions to to to doing that mm-hmm and i think that episode is just like such a a great demo demo of the show it's it's a it's a piece of art i really think it is a piece about that episode and um you know going i mean right the way through i'm just thinking hello phil dunster over there you know just yeah you know i'm just thinking um in the scene at the wake when uh jamie says that he loves keely it's just one of the most beautiful moments i think it's such a stunning stunning moment and i just wanted to point that out all right cheers guys good night to disagree and um brett goldstein he's here he's there [Applause] how you doing uh good to see you yeah good to see you here too jimmy krim jim criminy jim criminy jimmy [Laughter] um i also just i really want to hear everyone and just say hello to everyone as well is um nate we missed we missed nate the great how are you nick i'm all right thanks looking slick is how he is i didn't know i didn't hear what you said hannah you're looking slick nick oh yeah i can't i don't know there's a button that i meant to i was told by the stylist to undo and i can't find it and that's what he did on his audition tape this is so much easier on zoom why don't we just do that again is this making the moment unstyling i've been holding my breath for this whole time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i hope he's happy he's not here how are you oh i'm fine now yeah i'm good thanks thanks how has it been going over to the dark side [Music] uh it's been all right i think um uh it's i i i'm obviously filming season three so i i i miss a lot of these people genuinely season three oh good okay okay tough way to find out sorry james um but yeah it's uh you know um it is what it is sadly yeah dot dot dot i'm just really really aware that i might give something away okay okay um how do you do it carla bikini [Music] how do you uh how do you hold down what is possibly the sweetest smile in the world whilst playing isaac seriously that stern face look at that smile squeeze why are you going to make me blush [Laughter] how sweet um anybody want to ask anybody else a question no what to each other well yeah hell no no okay um i just lost my place for a second so i was just doing a little holder um jimmy i would just like to say that my um wife mary is in the audience it's her birthday today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy birthday to you [Applause] i just like to say that i did think of asking mary to stand up but that might make me seem like a real bastard husband controlling stand up baby come on but i knew that that she would have the hood spa to stand up by herself yeah that's mary roscoe ladies and gentlemen who is also [Applause] [Music] who is also mrs higgins so you hopefully you all know that while we're here can we also give like a quick shout out to billy billy's hair charlie [Applause] [Music] thanks for the job theo park emmy award-winning cast [Music] um fathers i'm just uh you know interested in the theme of fathers within within the show and um you know there's a there's a moment i i remember when um you know obviously ted is a father and he's a coach and he says um you know i love coaching uh but for me success is not about the wins and the losses it's about these young fellas becoming the best versions of themselves both on and off the field but it's not always easy but neither is growing up without someone believing in you how does that make you feel those words you know what i mean like that it's it's serious stuff right i mean it's a comedy but it's um it's deep it goes deep i mean are you asking me that question um yeah yeah i think you know by a lot scientifically speaking majority of us hear our fathers um but you know biological you're right yeah we've had fathers might not know yeah yeah you know [Music] how babies are made you mean like okay um but yeah i mean that's that's one of those metaphors coaching sports is a great metaphor for you know leadership mentor mentorship um you know fatherhood i mean just parenthood in general but but yeah there's something about you know the state of affairs with with with men being um you know sort of given these examples in society or in their home or on in art that that i personally have have been been a benefactor of many opposite examples of and yet they come from these places that are known to house and uh uh create um toxicity uh and and for whatever reason i i i got to you know be confronted with the other version time and time again uh or at least maybe was you know lucky enough to constantly choose a a different path doesn't mean i've executed every single time but but i've known i've had the option you know much like you know like things we're doing this season or that you know nate was you know like that opportunity where you have where you have a path you know to go this way or that way and so yeah there's yeah there's the whole whole heaping you know shitload of father stuff in the show i mean he was trying to say yeah yeah yeah yeah and i mean never more personified by uh the really unforgettable performance of kieran o'brien who plays uh jamie tarts yeah father you know how how was that um phil like when you actually got to play with kieran because that was kind of extraordinary yeah it was it's it's funny in a sense whilst it's jamie's biggest moment in the season and arguably the show it was sort of kieran made it a lot more straightforward by just he was sort of this like wind-up toy that just never stopped he was just bouncing off the walls the whole time and and he made it a lot easier and he did it in season one there's one scene that you see him when when ted's walking past and you see him you know having a go at jamie and like that was that was an afternoon a hot entire afternoon that kieran was just like bouncing off the walls and like um literally he's like this in between yeah you're trying to give him notes okay so here's what's going on but um you haven't seen him in a while and he's just like here's a coffee sir here's a coffee right i mean i'm not wrong right that's like straight up yeah yeah it's yeah it's [ __ ] great yeah and and you're like yeah you're like oh we started oh we started we started i didn't okay right he's he's in it right okay yeah yes yeah and and again that's that's theo saying like watch uh i hear uh with these parts we'll always be uh um here's uh here here's here's six people but here's who you want she's you know always right but yeah no but i think that he also what he did and i think that anybody who has come on as a on to a sort of show that has already been going for a few months and you're coming on for a day or just a really short amount of time can attest to it's really hard to just lock your wheels into the tracks and um yeah and make an impact like that and and he did that with me in such a way that he found this sort of weirdly mate paternal thing with me so that when we started he started like you know pushing me around in the scene that's not me doing like popping and locking that's just um yeah yeah it was uh maybe it was me popping along i don't know i don't i don't know i don't know if anyone knows please do so um but but um but yeah so basically uh in answer to your question i think i forgot my question is but it was he made it he made it a lot more straightforward and and it meant that and to be honest everyone when we did that was so good at um it's you know it's a locker room so it's normally there's a lot of energy going on uh when we're shooting locker room scenes and it just felt like that day there was a real uh reverence towards that and i'm incredibly grateful for everybody who was there and it leads to this opening up that brilliant where you see roy and jamie have the end which i i don't know about you guys but that had me in floods that beat and i get to act with both of these beautiful brilliant humans on a regular basis and i was destroyed by that moment i thought that was really profound following that mayhem into this kind of oh he gets it he understands okay you're a nice girl yeah how was that brett because it was amazing that roy is the guy that gives the hug when it's that most needed jason do you remember there was one when we shot that scene it was so intense and everyone and the whole team were in it and a few people were crying in rehearsal like it was so intense there was like almost yeah like a reverence but there was almost like an intense mane it like it was so heavy doing that scene and just before we'd done the scene we'd done before was like a wacky wild funny funny scene and i was stood with you and at one point you went this is a weird show isn't it yeah yeah i think because it's the one where we all walk it i mean andrew do it in the dressing room at wembley and we had just done walking into wembley like this big like we're getting to perform you know getting to play wembley uh and and pretend to be you know a football team and a coach and all that and yeah it was one of those crazy moments where you're just like like what the [ __ ] are we what is this what a silly weird show um and i'm sure everybody that makes you know a television program has had that moment you know when you're dressed up you know like a goof or whatever but just the the swing of emotions from morning to like lunch to then at post lunch and just karen doing his thing okay like it was great but that's such a great point is like that that's all whipped up by that tornado of of the casting of and the execution within the writing and the structure of the show based on like an image of knowing that these guys need to have this moment and he whips it up and then it gives jamie this this and phil this charged moment you see beard be kick-ass and then you get to see everybody you see nate stunned everybody yeah i mean we show everybody and yeah during rehearsal dudes on the team you know were you know and people and i think crew people were like really like and then boom [ __ ] you know roy ken and the music comes after roy's decision that was a big choice in the editing where he's like don't let the music do it roy's got a roy brings george harrison in like that's like it's like george harrison doesn't no yeah george george is waiting for roy you have to invite george harrison in he won't just come yeah exactly yeah like a vampire yeah that scene was so so serious it is i think the only scene i've had to refill dance to where i didn't laugh i think in the history of dead lester i remember i remember that day me and um like mo hashem who plays bomber catch in the show we were fasting at the time i like so like when the scene started i was just like i just couldn't wait to eat and then like like it happened that's why you were so quiet i say that but like by the end of it genuinely like we were just like like you know chip chip was there like yo you guys can like come have a snack i was like yo good like let's just like there was like a sense in the room of like we are in it like i know it's like these two carrying it and kieran but like we were all there as a team we were like like nobody is leaving this room until like we're all just going to sit here and hold this moment together and it was it was genuinely yeah it was like incredibly beautiful and you know when else we had that the similar feeling was when we did the funeral and hannah did her speech song that was she did that all day and from the very first rehearsal just [ __ ] you know just read it out just read it and we're all crying like every time it's [ __ ] amazing and there was more than just the team there was like 200 extras as a whole it's like putting on a play every night but 300 times that day oh she was good but it's all it's sorry i know that you're the other one leading this uh not good getting us all together yeah we're like [ __ ] it wasn't my idea [Laughter] oh no magic never again um but it's also i mean you know it's all nice that we we're but it's all that brett said this before when we've done interviews pool it doesn't the show doesn't exist in a vacuum the stories don't exist in vacuum and so does this as well i think it's important that we're all nice to each other but it's we're still chat i still feel challenged by people and you still feel like you know you have really interesting conversations when you're on set and you know there are there are days when you have to dig in and and like really make sure you're doing staying on your track and i think that everybody helps each other do that and you have to remember to not be a fan girl in a scene because there's a camera on you yeah i find that all the time on this show more than anything i've ever done i find myself like gorping at the person i'm acting opposite i think oh god i'm meant to have my [ __ ] together and there's there's actually someone it's me again sorry this is me again um i just wanted to say the reason the reason i said it is because there's there is somebody and this now feels like we're bringing it up but chip is uh produced on the show and let's go right here there would be no show without chip hamilton he's the real one yeah one of our producers like he also like works with j he's just been he's everything to us he's a five merchant we don't get on chips around yeah too right yeah he embodies that spirit and i think that it's been there there are days when you know doesn't matter what show you're filming you have days when you don't feel up to it and then yes man this guy comes along and he puts minstrels you go like this i'm not exaggerating don't you go like this you go and he goes what do you need yeah yeah yeah he's got this like he's got like water bottles in here yeah because everything everything physically and emotionally you could possibly need sorry yeah yeah [Applause] and you know and you need those good vibes on this because there is so much for a comment for a show it's just so funny it's such a funny show there is so much pain in this show as well i mean isn't that what comedy is though huh isn't that what comedy is you've got to laugh through all right really [ __ ] painful stuff yeah and jump and you know like um the characters really go through such really private and painful and just or not even necessarily painful i mean just really personal moments something you know i'm thinking like you know with um nate spitting in the mirror i mean no one wants you don't no character would ever want to sort of uh be seen doing that and yet you know you have to do that nick right i mean unless it was cgi was it i don't think so uh was it all your own spirit put that on your cv i had a lemons on set um uh it was i remember it being quite weird because it was quite covety at the time and so it was massively probably the spirit um yeah yeah but it's based on it i i i when i've been asked about this in the past i i've not known the the or not quite remembered the full answer but it was based on a real friend of yours or someone who used to cite themselves up by doing that no i mean not a friend of mine but but a story jason of a guy that like played high school basketball uh that would that would go down and give himself a pep talk in the thing the spit was um yeah just just me heightening it maybe i like and and because i just think yeah looking at oneself in the mirror and knowing where he was going to be going to to do that then and then to do it later yeah and just like yeah it's just his way of just like this like this is what men do like thinking that you know not knowing necessarily where nate learned it but yeah it was it was based on a guy you know a guy would be in a basketball game and and the the team would be in the locker room and they go all right let me and here we go and then they all run out and then one guy would linger uh no one really noticed and then a guy went back to i gotta go pee and he went back in as he was going back in the bathroom so the story is like he's in the mirror going you know you are bob evans you are but you know like like like a 17 year old kid you know and like coming around the corner going like i'll use the girls room you know like yeah and that's that's that's where that came from yeah great hey bob changed his name okay robert but yeah you know everyone has to go through such vulnerable moments i'm i'm wondering as well that moment the second ki i mean that moment between you know keely and and nate when he spits the second time or the third time i guess but uh in the mirror at least when when he accidentally i mean purposely but miss reads misreads you know empathy for intimacy from keeley and then goes for the kiss and immediately feels so crappy and so to go from spitting on yourself to pump yourself up to get your parents a good table at a restaurant to then doing it to shame yourself i i towards what phil was talking about earlier the trust that people put into this show whether they're there for an hour two which never happens they're always there for at least a day because we we take forever uh we're so indulgent uh but then also when people come on for a season you know like sarah uh or a day like kieran um but for for for phil as jamie tart playing a real son of a gun that whole first season for yourself when you've had to ask some heavy-duty questions you know uh certainly tony head playing like the like the biggest son of a [ __ ] like i've got inside me like uh and then you have nick who's so sweet so funny so lovely to just like just trust in this show to trust in like the producers and and the directors uh and the writers that like hey just just just go for this without it and to k and and to kill it and it's so that that trust you know when you when you see it shown to you and given to you you can't help but give it back if you if you don't i think you're that's a sin that's a creative cardinal human sin to not return that energy back to him and so then it's just vibrating around i think amongst any of us and depending on and i think that's what 4k television is really allowing for people at home and especially the quality of streaming coming off of apple tv the both in the app and that's from the heart guys juno how did you feel when you um first read the uh scene where uh keely is in bed watching um uh her phone on her own and uh roy and roy roy arrives are you masturbating to a man crying come on oh is that what you were doing i mean don't you all um it made me laugh out loud especially the beat with the throwing of the phone because that's something that i haven't done in that exact situation but i'm quite good at being late in cars to go places and i remember once answering the phone from my agent and i was supposed to have been in the car about an hour ago and my immediate reaction was to throw my phone across the room because i saw how late it was and it shattered and so that immediately made me laugh that you would throw your phone i thought i thought we're gonna get robbed and it's like okay that was weird what are you doing and so that i really related to just immediately but then i thought there was something so again brilliantly written about that scene where it's really funny and then ends up being quite profound of a woman saying to a man it's okay to have a gentle side to have a vulnerable side in fact it's really sexy to have both because sometimes i want a man to hang out with me and sometimes i want a vulnerable more boy-like person to hang out with me like sometimes you want it to rain and sometimes you want it to be sunny right and so that scene was kind of i think it covered all that grounds and we had a really good time doing that scene and covering all those bases and then also getting to be like jamie tart i know it's okay but that discussion happens in that scene also and then it ends up with it being ultimately they fall back into bed together so it's like an entire play in one scene and it was really hot yeah again google men crying close the door yeah yeah it it it just feels like again like one of those important moments and i and i really think that and you know and i just love the way that roy kent says were you having a wank but so accepting and lovely what was that line uh watching people have sex in the woods yeah i could never be that open i'd never be that free i could never be that freaker i could never be that free yeah yeah yeah which was jamie lee i think yeah yeah it's amazing and collar like you know there's that smile how has it been for you know with isaac like starting off and season one is a is a bully and then you know moving through to like team captain well yeah man you know and then going to team captain is it like is it i got no idea um well it was all right yeah um i mean yeah it was great um i didn't know until late on until like the day before and i was like sweet um yeah nice one um yeah yeah isaac's journey has been great yeah he's turned into a fine gentleman he's sure i kind of like him a little bit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure and um jeremy i'm just uh i'm you know yes [Laughter] how has it been for uh for higgins like going in there with the diamond dogs and just you know um he just always seems to say the right thing he's just he's a super wise guy isn't he don't you don't you think um yes i think sort of accidentally i think it's just because he's um he's one of the few characters who's in a sort of stable relationship and he's he's not going to you know suddenly get addicted to crystal meth but that would be a great storyline or is it or spin-off breaking piggins or just micro dosing mushrooms doing that yeah um so yes i i am i took to that i used to be in a men's group about 20 years ago and it's got sort of um a reverberation of that kind of thing of um of guys just um just telling it how it is and um and not really dealing with it which is um a thing that men's groups sort of do as well um uh so i found it very true you know those scenes when they came along um yeah what did what was your men's group called we didn't have a name it wasn't like a band or you know um are you on youtube do you cry you should be did i cry did we cry in the men's group on youtube guys [Laughter] but you also do that great there's that great meet with you me at the end of season two where he gives keely such great advice about talking to rebecca i love that oh yeah yeah and he's like a philosopher and it had puppies in it as well which you handled like a champion yes there was only one poo if i remember yeah and that was me it's quite small this is why filming takes so long and has rebecca welton changed your life hannah like you know playing playing her and going from being kind of having to conceal that trauma through the breakup with rupert and then you know from going from some revenge and then just opening out i don't know whether she's changed my life in terms of um my own emotional stability but she has in terms of for the first time ever feeling like i'm playing somebody who feels like a friend who i need to honor and i will struggle deeply to not be walking along with her anymore yeah yeah she it's she's she has you know if anybody ever makes a statement about her i feel a deep reaction to it more than anything i've ever played yeah i felt her ripping through my bloodstream from day one and it's been a weird thing like not even not even feeling like you're kind of on and off working or not with her so yeah i'm i i'm genuinely and i can't speak for the others but i'm really gonna struggle to not to not be walking along with her but anyway fun and games i love her i love her and i felt a huge responsibility um for men and women of of a certain age who are lost and you know it's not always the ones that have kind of let themselves go that the kind of stereotypical thing is oh somebody's struggling whatever the ones that try and present a strong exterior are often the ones that have had their hearts smashed on the floor and i wanted to honour that mostly and i think you know i'm people of women in particular have spoken to me about um the character of rebecca and what she's gone through and it really does feel like is this is a healing energy that's going out there you know by people experiencing watching this it's a it's a it's a serious thing yeah and i take it very seriously and i hope people know i do because the most response i get is is men and women coming up and saying thank you for for highlighting that it that is difficult and that you can be presenting one thing and go home and be desperately lonely and have to pick yourself up the next day and that's why i'm an absolute stickler for all her her appearance has to be absolutely i mean literally like the wardrobe department like han we've we have taken away 0.5 centimeters on the side of that skirt we can't take anymore and i'm like no no he can because it means something to me all the things on her desk that she's a bit precise about things because it adds a layer of you know granite that nobody can penetrate because if they do she'll she'll not be able to cope yeah like what baby of how much biscuit you eat yes yeah yeah yeah how much how many crumbs are on the count you know on the desk that she's had a particularly dodgy morning you know yeah yeah yeah and you know i'm also just thinking with um with uh dr sharon fieldstone in that scene um when ted says okay i'll tell you everything and um it's it's it's just so it's just so powerful isn't it that that moment and um there's a there's a moment in it when uh ted says um um that um from then on he he made the decision that he was never gonna let anybody go past him without uh understanding that they had some pain in inside of them right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah knowing that that someone's dealing with stuff yeah because life's hard yeah um yeah i mean look people a lot smarter than me have said versions of that for centuries um and we forget it sometimes within ourselves and as as a culture but but is it but it's the truth it's the truth um and yeah and and it takes dr sharon to help him get there you know just like it like it helps coach beard or or sometimes it takes a keely jones or you know any any one of these characters has done it for any of those anyone else on the show i i would um but yeah in that instance it's very much you know it like it's not an origin story i mean it's such a cynical [ __ ] way to look at it be like oh you know we get what he's like it's like no it's like a choice every [ __ ] day to be like that it's not one a person just doesn't become that because they're born on krypton it's like it's like like but whatever i like i i you know i think it's um it's it's important to like yeah to realize that really and i think it was it was really really um great that that dr sharon was so willing to make a special case for ted like to just just not give up on him not give up on him regardless and i'm [ __ ] laughing this is like cracks me up to like the final moments of like you're going to charge me for this interview yeah yeah and it's a house visit too right boundaries boundaries and just sitting across from sarah and just telling these things and like and just having to bawl your eyes out like with a [ __ ] mustache is ridiculous and it's like you know yeah bro i mean bret that's definitely a time you weren't there but like i would have invoked like what a weird [ __ ] show this is like whatever method you take to get yourself there emotionally to talk about something that didn't really happen well the story about the the book happened to me but like my dad's still alive luckily uh but he did do the other thing and so like it's like telling all that stuff is like something just have started just there just there off camera like you know like just [ __ ] there is the best is the best and i appreciate you for doing this okay [Applause] you know we're we're out of time we're out of time so there we are it's not end on on something so um nice do you know what [ __ ] you know what i really loved with you two together make it funny where you just drank water in her apartment for like three years that's one of my favorites hilarious did you glug water like in silence it was jokes yeah thank you for that thank you and again we broke the hospital scene we and what about sarah how very good at riding a bicycle you are yeah there you go she's just a natural cyclist rehearsing that's one of those things you write something in the script we wanted we wanted dr uh sharon to be like just boom just like she shows up she's like an assassin she shows up in a town solves some [ __ ] problems and moves the heck on doesn't unpack or lives out of his suitcase doesn't leave a carbon footprint has a bicycle like and i like i mean again theo for finders sarah for saying you know put herself on tape and her friend were saying watch he didn't ask me to ride a bike exactly we did not check on the plane what the hell and then we give you a fold-up bike which is a hard as hell bike to ride and it's just like every shot you see of sarah riding a bike on that show is movie [ __ ] magic it is yes it is it is it is more incredible than elliot's bike flying in [ __ ] 18. it's like it's like we got it we got it we got a bit we got you confidently stood there when i came towards you in the night it was dark and it was like you're like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's trust i was ready to take a hit yeah clearly played all the trust games at trauma beautiful thing there that now we can end now we can end yeah thank you everybody for being here we can thank you thank you yeah good night you
Channel: Cristo Fernández
Views: 360,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cristo Fernández, Espectro Mx Films, Actor, Acting, Cine Mexicano, Mexicano, Mx, Mexican, México, Mexico, Guadalajara, GDL, Jalisco, Hispanic, Hispano, Latin, Latino, Indie Film, Film, Filmmaking, Filmmaker, BAME, Casting, Ted Lasso, Dani Rojas, Football is life, Jason Sudeikis, Brett Goldstein, Apple Tv, Warner Bros, Juno Temple, Brendan Hunt, Bill Lawrence, lol, Hannah Waddingham, Toheeb Jimoh, Emmy, Emmys, Awards, interview, cristo fernandez, Cristo, Cristo Fernandez, Phil Dunster, Kola Bokinni
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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