Half Hour With: Ted Lasso (Brett Goldstein, Phil Dunster & Hannah Waddingham)

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[Music] hey everybody I'm Yvette Nicole Brown and I'm your host for today's half hour with Ted lasso you can see their little faces but joining me are three of the stars of my favorite show Brett Goldstein who plays Roy Kent and is also one of The Talented writers and producers Phil blunderster who plays our fave Jamie taught and the lovely Hannah waddingham who plays Rebecca Wilton hi honey don't know I'm sorry it's been too long since I've had these particular faces and squares in front of me so I'm so happy to see you guys now this is something where we're we're going to talk for half an hour and I want this to be an opportunity for people who already love the show to get some tidbits and also people that may not know the show yet so Brett can you kind of catch us up on what Ted lasso is all about and tell us about this season three which is your most ambitious yet is the story of a man called Ted lasso is an American football coach who is brought over to England by Hannah wardingham's character to coach a Premier League football team soccer he knows nothing of the sport but gosh damn he's got a good attitude and he comes over and starts to change people's lives and then those people change his life and then it becomes a show about mental health and uh trouble and uh the darkness within and about love and togetherness and support and people trying to be their best selves while also dealing with their own from their past their present and their future nice mostly dancing you know yeah yeah Phil yeah can you give us a glimpse into the writer's room yeah I have visions of this big board with diagrams where you guys move the players around Diamond Dogs but how do you guys write so well for every single person and how does the room work for you guys the room is like you're right there are there are white boards all over the room and there there will be a big board that has all the characters names in columns and we will start adding stuff as we work out their stories then you start putting those stories together what works thematically there are things we know there's a season Arc board there's an episode board there's a character board and there's a joke board and uh whenever somebody saying finding a particularly good Joker Goes put that on the board so there's a board that just has jokes tons of jokes that can be used at any point if they're appropriate to the script and uh how do we know all the characters voices because we've also it's basically like a massive group therapy it's like a load of people uh sharing their problems around the table and then that all ends up in this in the scripts and monetize it yeah yeah we're like instead of dealing with this in therapy let's make money out of it instead so we're we're talking about mental health and changing and shifting and I feel like Phil that Jamie's changed in these seasons and in the past you know he had everything that drove him was kind of like ego issues or dad issues or his Quests for fame but now it seems like it's deeper like even his issue with Zava doesn't feel like it's just jealousy it feels like there's more to it so how has it been developing this new version of Jamie and um do you have any any input with the writers or are they helping you figure out how you want to navigate this new version of him because I'm loving where he is oh yeah bless him he's come so far isn't it um yeah I think you put you you make a really good point about like the reason that he is the way he is and like we what was behind you know as an act to yourself you'll know that like you're knowing you need to know I guess you'd call it motivation there's probably lots of books about that but like what is driving each sort of action and it feels like he's learned through the sort of teachers around him through uh through Ted but also and through Roy camp but also I think a lot through Keely really he's land you know things like accountability and apologizing uh and I think that that has been something that his intention now is like it just has shifted it shifted we can see that he's trying to do it better or nicer he's still just doing it as Jamie uh and so I think it would feel us as an audience member I think we would we wouldn't uh appreciate that the shift has just happened all of a sudden it's not a linear thing it happens he learns the lesson he tries to get it right he sometimes get it wrong but at least he's trying and then he just tries to bet it harder next time they write so well it makes it feel like it's us that's writing it that's what I'd say I would like as as one of the writers of the show I would like to point out that as much as Phil says he didn't write anything he did write the word that has become everyone's favorite word of this season which is poop hair that was so he is actually probably the most significant right that's my favorite bit I literally have taken I took notes you guys I take notes when I watch the show and I literally wrote I wrote poop in a dash if there's an Emmy going for writing it will go solely to film for why is it even more funnier okay Hannah it's your turn relationship uh with your ex-husband the horrible Rupert has been coloring a lot of of Rebecca's decisions but I feel like this season she's kind of finding her power in other ways and she's finding a way to be a little Freer a little wacky or you ended up with a full bottle episode that was like the rom-com of my dreams are you pleased with your alter ego and how she's handling life and all the struggles that come with it this season yes mostly because sometimes she does handle it and sometimes she very much doesn't and it can be a trigger of a glance of a word of an anything from anyone and I think that is so realistic that we are not all suddenly together and that it can be spending time with one person like the sidekicker that can be or one word Trigger or literally seeing Rupert down the corridor or just seeing Rupert all Bex or whomever from that part of her in like five minutes before she was meant to see them and you know how you're not quite ready for that I love how that's written but that suddenly Rupert's there tapping her on the back when she's trying to get into Zava or she suddenly turns away from the comfort of of Keely downstairs and suddenly there's her nightmare which is Rupert and Beck Santa they're talking about their effing child you know so it's those moments when you're caught off guard you probably would have been fine two seconds later but in that moment of softness where she's vulnerable and and relaxed just turning around I think those but those bits of writing are so clever and even with the it with the psychic you know when she when she says you know I think I'm done here gathers all herself together it's like the new Rebecca has gone no to know what I'm not feeling this but then it just takes one word and everything falls apart yeah it's really the the positioning of those moments I think in this season particularly is really juicy and how much of that is I've always wondered this as an actor how much of this is on the page for you guys and how much of it is you guys knowing your character so well that are like if they if they say uh Rebecca sees uh Rupert does it then say and is and reacts or is that you just knowing that if she sees it I think they I think all the writers know now that there is a there is a I would say and about the boys there is a perfect where do the writers stop and we begin where do the where do the characters stop and then the person begins there is such a beautiful symbiosis now I don't think anything like that needs to be there even if it is here and there you know we do it's something funny genuinely I'll tell you a real true thing that we do in the road trip I think in a first draft you do right Rebecca reacts her face crumples you know it's you you'll put those sort of directions in and then when it comes time to we need to reduce the script because the script's 300 pages okay we'll get to a line like that and we will literally say out loud she's very good and we'll delete the line because we know you'll do that anyway we don't need to spell that out she's going to do that anyway you know what I mean yeah she's very good there's a moment and and uh there's a comment that uh Ted says about um about Roy's breath it's a little tart Jamie tartish tarte in one of the uh scenes and the and as I'm watching him say it I say Brett's going to check his breath he's gonna check his breath and then two seconds later just slowly Roy just lifts his hand to just make sure everything's okay and there's little niceties like that throughout the show where you just knowing these characters so well and knowing how you play them I just love the little delicious things you guys find because honestly your eyes supposed to be on Ted right now and if you're not looking at Ted in that moment you might miss what Roy is doing but because you guys fill every frame with goodness if you're in the shot you're gonna give us something and I think that is just a testament to your talent and just how great you all are I just thank you okay so Brett you have this embarrassment of riches as a writer you uh you have great actors but you also have really musical people you have Jeremy who's a musician in real life you have this beautiful Hannah who's an accomplished singer how fun is it to write these outside talents into your storylines because Jeremy had that great moment in the Amsterdam episode the whole episode was my it's now my favorite um will we ever get a full-on musical episode of this show because I know there's a lot of people that can perform in this cast if we could uh justify a full musical episode it could be beard some of his little Edibles and he just yeah it's done I wrote it I mean look you know I'm I'm openly you know look beard after hours is you know I it's because I wanted Brendan to Hulu you know I mean and I love it dancing I mean it's literally the most complicated way to get how can we get Brendan onto a new movie and with Hannah I'm always trying to get her to sing and she's always like I don't think that's the thing and I'm like you should always be singing you shouldn't be thinking ever I don't wanna I don't want to hear you chatting when you could be singing with that voice I agree so yeah I'm always trying to get something I love that with Higgins as well because it also feels very um that's the the reality is you can't just whack in everyone's party trick it has to be earned and I think that Amsterdam one is a perfect thing of like for all the things we know about Higgins and all he's been through this sort of moment of pure it's just very pure like he he gets to live a sort of fantasy for a moment and he's good and he's been you know it's something he practices and it's like it feels at least to me it feels earned and it feels genuine and it's it's a really really lovely moment but it isn't what's the word gratuitous oh because he can play you know I mean it like we built three years to get to him today you know yes Phil I think as well uh if I may be so bold you may uh I feel like that in a nutshell is it was a perfect example of uh if if the show's good at anything uh it's it's really good at those things not happening someone said this before not happening in a vacuum and there is the opportunity for these people whether it's to show good traits that they've learned or to like you know do their party piece or whatever uh it feels like there have been there's the opportunity to do the good thing and it's been earned through many times of like maybe choosing to do the wrong thing you know like Hannah was saying about Rebecca's Journey she's like chosen to act through Pride or like chosen or like has has happened to or you know or or you know Roy will use anger instead of using you know this thing that he's learned and I think that it's really it's the thing that it's really good at is the show's really good at is earning those moments and so you know I mean frankly you know Hannah's earned every single moment she should sing all the time but uh but it makes it even more special when it's just you know it that was an example it's made more special and the same same thing goes for like Ted's puns like I'm a fully card holding member of pun all the time um but I also feel like uh [Laughter] um but uh but yes it's and I feel like the same thing goes for all of the characters you could just have one character and go but do their thing do their thing do their thing do their thing do the catchphrase but there's so many different versions of that for so many different members of cast which is no doubt really hard for the writers because they've got to like earned that for everybody but yeah so I think um the party trick analogy can be extended to like moments of good heart being shown I think that's so I think I solved it I've solved it right now here's how it's gonna happen young lady you listen up because this is your future Rebecca is going to tell a story that before she met Rupert she only sang yes and then Rupert you know broke her she Now talks and at the end of the season when she finally defeats and then she was paying for the rest of her days thank you like she's so great because she earns those singular moments when they happen like she will sing all the time [Laughter] um so I want to talk a little bit about uh the Jamie and the Roy uh friendship it is true love story um that we all have wanted and I want to know how that has been you guys working together did Brett know how to ride a bike before that moment and how has it been showing the evolution this wonderful friendship uh I thought the thing that was amazing about that is that uh they both the thing that they share the person that they have shared as it were that they have in common uh is the person that I think that they have both been most sort of intimately vulnerable with and I think there is this shortcut um sort of emotional shortcut Bridge um that means that they have that closeness and they also like they also understand each other in a way that football is a very specific kind of breed of human and I think that you're sort of pedestal and you're it's quite isolating I'm sure in a way that you know that few people can truly understand the intricacies of being football and I think that Jamie and Roy different ends of the spectrum of their career or timeline or whatever um they have a sort of they have a what's the word like a um like a mode of communication that is like it's like a you know they can get on they can communicate really easily but they just know there's like the joy of it for an audience is that they're the last two people who would have that relationship and yet it makes the most sense because it's that emotional vulnerability that they have shared with that one person that they have in common and therefore they have that that um that language together who's made who's made them both a better person I was about to say she's changed both of you in bed for it to make you better so that also fits and speak speaking of that Keely um Hannah you and Juno have created I've said this a thousand times if you created one of my favorite sisterhoods on television and what I love about this season is that it also shows that even friendships ebb and flow because as her career goes another Direction you guys can't talk and see each other as often but you still connect can you talk a little bit about what it's like to form that friendship on screen and off and you know you're like friendship goals across the board you two as well yeah do you know what I I um do you know and I have talked about this a lot of you know if there had been one of us that wasn't there and the other one was with somebody else and how the the just the perfect timing of both of us you know being chosen to do this being available to do this and we really can't imagine doing with anyone else and and like you're just saying about you know since we wrapped in November Juno and I have nion been playing phone tag apart from the odd message here and there and like you saw when I came on here I was genuinely I'm genuinely I was so looking forward to seeing her and that thankfully is a thing that we don't even have to try and leave on the screen and even though the writing of course is brilliant and it is ridiculously groundbreaking because there should be more of this of course but there doesn't seem to be very much um still ridiculously um I think that what what she and I have in Spades is a thing that perhaps The Writer's room can't even touch upon which is both of us would literally lie down and let the other one step over to get where they needed to go and it's it's a thing that you either have as women in particular I don't I don't think men need to worry about it as much women either have that deep love and respect for each other or they don't so we both consider ourselves very lucky to have been cast with each other but you know the great thing about the two of you is that you have it for everyone this is not just a a Juno and Hannah thing you guys extend that love to every woman you encounter and that's what makes you subscribe I wouldn't know how to be any other way absolutely same kiddo same so in case someone hasn't had a chance to catch the latest season of Ted lasso what's the one thing that comes to mind that might entice them to start binging this season you got three minutes share it amongst yourselves if you've got it just encourage you to start talking don't say that close and I'm like I'm gonna see I'm hoping you've invested this far keep going like if you've got I mean season two ends in such an exciting way if you if you end season two and go yeah I don't care this is not the show for you I disagree oh of course I think that even if you hadn't seen the previous two seasons this is going to be a controversial statement there is such a strong thread Red Thread through it all that you could if you're smart which we lean into the audience being smart you could decipher what has come before because the writing through it is so beautiful thank you very much you're true this is true Lady this is true Phil I don't know if you can tap that but you can try there's another dance people like the dancing and there's dancing there's another dance yes wait hold on well I guess you just have to watch it and find out oh well oh cheeky oh there is another dance there is another dog I thought you meant an emotional dance too that too that's it you know again World play I'm just you know can I just show you something that you just realized is in the back of my shot that you can't see that I haven't even put there one second what is it [Music] look at that this is beautiful as is your background it's really lovely well listen guys I don't think we could end anything better than that unless you'd like to say something to Hannah for that Phil I love you very much and that was a bit more for giving it to me I'm waiting for my one from you Brett thank you to our friend at Apple TV plus and to Hannah Phil and bread for joining us today and to everyone watching thank you I love you either I love you I love you [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: Half Hour With
Views: 45,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brett Goldstein, Hannah Waddingham, Phil Dunster, Ted Lasso, Yvette Nicole Brown, Half Hour With, FYC, Emmys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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