my fav moments from that one ted lasso panel

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happy happy so let's kick off with a question my daughter asked me last year while we were watching season two on the couch when is Christmas in America Fair hit Fair every day every day Sarah is there every day um it is it is in late December um when Jesus was born 209 which is uh beards a beard all night yeah uh the ninth episode were the two like sort of extra Crystal how did it feel being such a lovable character in season one then uh opening up season two finding out that Danny Rojas is a dog murderer when I found out about that I was um laughing a lot and then I was like I shouldn't be laughing um but no I think it was a great moment I'm so happy it happened and you don't know no dogs or animals Sarah Niles Dr Sharon Fieldstone how was it coming into the cast for you and bloody hell yeah had you heard of the show it's literally in your hand yeah hello it was so feel good and then afterwards I was like I'm gonna burn something Crystal candles I'm gonna kill a dog I want to be in this sacrifice some Lambs we were like two 12 year olds going oh no she's really good scared I was like I was basically [ __ ] myself so I was like you keep still No One's Gonna know that we were literally like we were we were like we rag each other offers and went is she actually Hannah waddingham Hello honestly to say you know thanks for being on the planet as the same time as the rest of us you know cheers for that and it's been so gorgeous to actually play two that are different but at the same time and she smells phenomenal all the time and also I get to be around her all the time sometimes I get to go to her dressing room and she's trying on outfits sometimes can I just say that I really welcome being in scenes with the both of them because they tell me when stuff is stuck in my teeth which is you're welcome every afternoon usually spinach um but there's other stuff coach beard Everyone by the way Brendan hunt [Applause] yeah this guy how has that informed the the two coaches and and you know uh the heart of the show you know every time someone asks that question I feel like we get a little bit closer to revealing that we don't like each other [Laughter] I feel like yeah I feel it's going to become obvious at some point like we don't have to say it people just sniff it out you know then Apple's gonna get mad throw off their campaign yeah that's true they got to be on opposite sides of the poster okay we'll throw on the charade a little bit longer here we go um I'll sit I'll sit like this that'll that'll help these two are friends there's like this minor mythology has has uh has grown a bit out there that like me and Jason are like best friends who've known each other forever and like he's fine um I agree for Beard and Ted it's this element of like well we don't really have to say much there's there's already something there and we both know it's there and um it's more than a little sexual thank God for that you can't no you can't cancel that out either I mean the camera's right there it sees yeah I want to bring who I view is one of the all-time great plus ones ever and that's my buddy Brandon Hunt because Brendan because Brendan is uh self-sufficient we all remember Brennan and Jason and Charlie still to this day how's Brendan doing I go have you not watched the [ __ ] show I know if Brent's gonna go out Brian's gonna be just fine you know uh it's it's uh you know it's it's the town has got to worry you know this can be smothered in red [Music] I thought you were implying that I was going to kill a bunch of people no that's the game because you know blood is red right uh once it's once it hits oxygen yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah carry on this is this is what it's like on set but you must just be having so much fun making this show you know with Joe and non-stop Joy yeah because I know so little about uh football world oh sorry go ahead yep Sam and Rebecca kiss and then nine yeah they do yeah they did his door slam credits you know hello Phil dumpster over there you know just in the scene at the Wake when uh Jamie says that he loves Keely is just one of the most beautiful moments I think it's such a stunning stunning moment and I just want to point that out all right cheers guys good night agree to disagree great how are you Nick I'm all right thanks looking slick Nick oh yeah I can't I don't know there's a button that I meant to I was told by The Stylist to undo and I can't find it and that's what he did on his audition tape he's been holding my breath for this whole time [Applause] filming season three so I I I miss a lot of these people genuinely season three yeah yeah oh good okay tough way to find out sorry James how do you hold down what is possibly the sweetest smile in the world whilst playing Isaac seriously that Stern face look at that smile how sweet yeah I would just like to say that my um wife Mary is in the audience it's her birthday today yeah I just wondered [Applause] [Music] [Music] by scientifically speaking majority of us hero fathers yeah yeah wow [Music] how babies are made you mean like okay and so yeah there's yeah there's a whole whole heaping you know shitload of Father stuff in the show yeah um literally he's like this between yeah you're trying to give him notes being okay so here's what's going on but um you haven't seen him in a while and he's just like here's the coffee sir here's a coffee oh I thought that was really profound following that Mayhem into this kind of oh he gets it [Music] gets it you're a nice girl and pretend to be you know a football team and a coach and all that and yeah it was one of those crazy moments where you're just like like what the [ __ ] are we what is this what are we what a silly weird show to invite Joe Harrison in he won't just come yeah exactly yeah like a vampire it's not good getting us all together yeah we're like [ __ ] it wasn't my idea [Laughter] oh no never again and then you know suddenly get addicted to crystal meth but that would be a great storyline or spin-offs um breaking Higgins I mean this is how it cracks me up to like the final moments of like you're gonna charge me for this interview yeah yeah and it's a house visit too right around there is boundaries and just sitting across from Sarah and just telling these things and like and just having to ball your eyes out like with a [ __ ] mustache is ridiculous and what about Sarah how very good at riding a bicycle you are yeah cyclist rehearsing what the hell and then we give you a fold up bike which is a hard as hell bike to ride and it's just like every shot you see of Sarah riding a bike on that show is movie [ __ ] magic it is yes it is more incredible than Elliot's bike flying in [ __ ] E.T it's like it's like you confidently stood there when I came towards you in the night was dark and it was like you're like whoa whoa whoa whoa that's trust I was ready to take a hit yeah clearly played all the trust games there that now we can end it now we can end yeah
Channel: theaterkidtrash
Views: 19,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ted lasso, apple tv, apple tv plus
Id: 1IUST-AV4uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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