MASSIVE Paver Driveway Install with Concrete Steps and Sealing Process!

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check it out the finished product looks pretty clean in my opinion um it's more of a rough broom finish than normal but i would definitely say you're not gonna slip on this guy right here walking up it you know since it's a little a little rough it's not too rough it's just just enough just enough roughness so that you know it's safe to walk on just kidding [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi david o'dell here with odell complete concrete this is the first day on the job site this entire driveway is coming out and it's getting widened that little circular porch there that's all going to get removed because this is going to be pavers now the porch is going to be pavers as well as long in the driveway there's another porch back here on the left behind this ac that's going to get switched out to pavers as well the ac is going to get moved out of the area until the pavers are put in and the ac can be replaced at that point this is my son's son's job timmy and he's uh doing the demo here he's branded himself a little uh mini skid he's got a dumpster out front the concrete's coming out pretty easily because it doesn't have any reinforcement in it and it's already cracked up into about eight by eight sections already just over time that's what happens to concrete cracks [Music] so right here they got into this porch and uh it wasn't coming out very easily it was solid concrete it wasn't back filled like a lot of these porches will be hollow in the middle because they'll be back filled with something this one was just poured solid so we had to break out the jackhammer it's a little 70 pound makita electric had some rebar in those porches as well this particular project's in buena park california in order to do these porches with pavers we're going to have to still form and pour concrete for a base for the paver so it's just like doing a regular port and place set of steps concrete finish the only difference is you have to allow for the pavers to set on top so you have to take that into calculate into account to uh reset or recess the concrete to allow for pavers to set on what we're going to have for a base for the driveway is six inches of crushed concrete road base that'll get compacted and then there'll be about one inch of a sand base to set the pavers on as they're removing this porch they found out that whoever put that veneer on the house didn't attach it very well so just the vibration from the jack camera running the 75 70 pound electric makita um vibrated the stone right off the wall so that means it wasn't put on well so what they're going to do is complete the porch with the pavers and then rebuild that they've saved all the pieces sometimes you can't find them if it's been there a while they won't so they stopped making some colors and sizes so uh he was pretty fortunate he was able to find because a few of them had broke as well so he needed about 10 replacements and he did find some they weren't the exact type but since it was so few that he had to get they were they matched good enough because you just kind of you know put them in there put those 10 randomly in there it kind of blends you'll see that at the end it's really hard to see them you can see here they're trying to establish other elevations of for the concrete foundation for the steps porch that the pavers will sit on you do have to allow you know your pavers are two and a half inches and then you just have to decide what height you want your steps and then figure that into the calculations and then go for it in this case they're going to be six inch high steps and i think they're going to be about a foot tread and they're going to they have some ball nosed pavers that we'll be using on this as well the type of pavers for this whole project is going to be the antique cobble and the colors uh called tuscany and it's uh from orco right out of stanton so that ac um blocks you from doing steps coming off of both directions it would have been nice to have steps out of both directions all the way around but in this case the ac blocks that so you're not going to be going off that side here's the concrete going in the porches looks like they're going to go in first get the concrete basin for the pavers yes so you've got the two porches going um as well as the garage floor but the garage floor is going to be in a different video we got the job just all poured out you see we're working on the steps right now these actually aren't going to be concrete there will be pavers but since i was pulling the garage i was just thinking i might as well just pour these steps get these steps already all prepped out make them a concrete base and just get some nice thin set and use uh use that to stick the papers on so they went ahead and stripped and faced it i mean uh you really didn't have to because we covered but other than that the wood stakes were in there um to get that out of the concrete it's always a good idea if you have the time otherwise you can just break them off now the ac came out they wanted to leave it in there as long as possible um just to keep the house cooler so they got to this point where it had to come out so we're getting everything graded out got streamlined getting set up right now um what we did is we have two string lines against this house right here and uh since we're going to be sending the pavers against the house that modern vertical look instead what we did was we just measured the width which is four inches i went four and a quarter just in case there's stucco popping out or anything like that for each stake there's one right there and this one what i did is i put uh i tied my streamline up against that one pulled the streamline all the way down to the garage of the house and butted the streamline up as close as i can to these stakes you can see it's slightly off not too bad though so we might just push that stake a little that way which will give this perfect alignment but the whole point of this is this will be our straight string line to start laying pairs off of we're going to pull the string on all the way to the front as well but i do want to verify really quick and make sure that we're straight with the house so that line will be the reference line for setting all the pavers off of that line is straight with the house and it's also square with the front of the garage which is lucky because usually when you got two separate structures they're usually you know not in line with one another all right now what's happening is running the plate compactor over the native and then after the native is compacted then we can start with the road base so what they did to get really good compaction is put the water on there let it soak in for about 30 minutes to an hour so that water penetrates deep and then run the plate over it that's how you get good compaction all these string lines that you see up are at elevation so that's what they're reference referencing everything off of why they're outgrading this in here so they compacted in a couple lifts they've already compacted the first layer now this is the second layer that'll get compacted again the type of sand that they're going to put on top of the road base to set the pavers on it's actually they're not doing 100 sand they're going to use what's called a c-mix max is kong is a concrete mix you just add cement to it's got the sand and rock in it so that's what they're using for the base the final set of the pavers it's small aggregate and sand blended which is going to give you a little stronger base than just pure sand less likelihood of erosion as well now they're stacking some of the pavers in the garage because they want to work from the back out and they're going to grade and sand like half of this job at a time so the grades and put the sand set pavers and then do the second half that way from walking back and forth they're not disturbing as much of the area around the whole perimeter it's going to get a border a nice chocolate chocolate brown border okay we're about almost done with the entire grade of this paper driveway got ramon here he's an amazing paper layer he actually cut this board to height for these string lines right here and what he does is he grades underneath the streamlines and that gives us gives us enough room for papers and sand because that two by four it's actually uh i believe it's two and three quarters actually so he cut like uh three quarters inches off so he can give it enough space for those pavers and sand so another advantage of ripping that board is it's uh lighter so when you're just uh working it by yourself like that like he was doing it's a little bit lighter piece of wood because it's thinner i like the idea of it being lightweight and easy to work the screed now here's that blend coming in the final stage before you're ready to set the pavers okay let me show you really quick how we're setting these up so we got our uh electrical our conduit and what we're doing is we're trying to make sure we're about two and a quarter well two and a quarters for the pavers if we go two and an eighth we're gonna be a quarter inch over our streamline which is okay because when we compact it's gonna go down about a quarter inch so we're looking for about two and an eighth so put a little bit of sand like that measure it out push it down to about two and an eighth and we're good go do the other side okay so once you've established the grading pipes what you want to do is completely bury those that way they won't move and then bring your base into the middle between the two pipes and then you can start screeding it off we're setting up our square so that when we lay out everything everything will be completely straight for this paver driveway um what we did to do that is we put our border pieces against the concrete driveway that we poured or the garage coffee that we poured and now we also have a line running with the house see that line right there that's running all the way down to the front parallel with the house now we're just checking to see if we're square so when you look down the driveway everything is straight all right so that's the main reference line to setting all the pavers on this driveway so they're going to set the entire field the middle area prior to setting the band or border around the outside edge and then there'll be a little bit of saw cutting around the edge to fit that border in you can see how some of those pavers shoot out a little bit into the border those will all be cut off this pattern is probably the easiest pattern there is they're just half overlapped on each other so now if any of the pavers as they're laying them aren't setting exactly how they like them flat level then they have a they carry a rubber mallet with them to tap them down without if you use a hammer or sledgehammer you're gonna possibly crack them or or damage them after all the pavers are set and the border set run the plate compactor over it with uh some cardboard under it so you're not scratching the pavers um but prior to that you have to throw the polymeric sand and then hit it with the plate combat because it vibrates all that sand in into those cracks and crevices then you douse it with a little bit of water and that sets up that polymeric sand so that it won't wash out in the future on you then it's just a matter of uh cleaning it up and then spraying some water-based sealer on there which is gonna happen within this video so after those pipes came up they left a little bit of a hole that you gotta backfill and then smooth out again [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we've got pretty far only these pavers out you see the mainstream line that we set up from the beginning so straight line gets the house so we're nowhere square been following that line down and we've also been pulling streamlines from there across making sure we're straight this way as well so straight this way and that way we want to show you guys a really cool trick real quick jim why don't you take it over hey okay battery died i had to switch it out really quick all right jimmy why don't you show us how it's done all right so roman showed us a cool trick over here normally when you you know cut it you would measure the gap but for the corners it's a little bit different we've been having a hard time so this trick really helped us out basically what you do is you take it from edge bring the edge up over here and then mark the corner then you take it down here mark this corner and mark the other corner you started and you'll get a perfect cut every time i show them the papers show them the paper marks on both of them so we got the mark there mark to the corner mark there and mark to that corner and that will give us a perfect miter that's how you get those corners to come in nicely mark both pavers at the same time you know that's a dewalt cordless with a seven and a quarter diamond blade which is ideal for cutting and there it is through these papers okay and that's the perfect miner you got it perfect so by following that string line along the side of the house they just saved a lot of extra cutting so they only gonna have to cut one side of the driveway rather than both at least where on the side of the house but out here in the front they had to cut both sides all right guys roman is going to show us how to make our own concrete he's going to show us the old school style right now so basically what he did there to make the concrete is he had the uh powder cement the portland and then uh he used the actual base that was put in underneath the pavers because we used it to blend instead of pure sand so that's that's why that came in handy at that point just had to add cement to the base and water now you can set the whole border in that mix and that'll hold that whole field from shifting that's the idea behind it setting the outside perimeter in concrete something to hold that that whole works together so knowing that we have a plate compacted the middle area of the field it's going to go down a little bit now that band's not going to go down because that's on concrete so right now i would say that that band has got to be set a hair lower than the pavers so what we're doing right now is we're just filling in the rest of this side right here because we're going to just chop saw this way all the way down i'm going to snap a line on all these pavers and just to use the chop saw and cut everything at once it wastes a little bit more materials but it's a lot quicker than cutting each one individually ramona over there though he does like doing it the other way around he actually likes putting the borders in first and then building everything out to the uh the borders but i don't know i've been doing it the other way for a while but he likes it the other way but you know there's two ways to skin a cat right right now we're just gonna put these all in cut them real quick with the chop saw well on the border my what i would think depending on the pattern it's really based on the pattern you're using whether or not you're going to cut the border print first or or set the you know set it first because if you're doing like a herringbone pattern that's you're going to want to definitely cut that you know do it rather than work to a straight edge but in this particular case where it's a simple pattern like this where it's just halves you could potentially set the bands on this no problem [Music] all right we just cut in the border and this is one of those deals where you get up to the uh borderline or something in the way like this chain link fence you can either come back an inch and just have a half half paver in there or you can push it all the way against the chain link and then you gotta cut a one inch sliver in this case um the owner chose to go all the way against the chain link so we cut one inch slivers to make up that gap that's all the way along that chain link there so when they got to the porch they allowed a certain height on those steps the pavers weren't the height that they're expecting so they're off by about a half inch so they have to build it up a little bit so each riser will have to be built up a half inch which is okay because you need something for the pavers to stick to anyway so what you could do in that case because it's a half inch that you can't use thin set that's too thick but you could mix your thin set with your mortar then you could go up to that half inch and get a really good bond so right now he's going to lay out the corners right here on the ground and make the cuts they'll have um both directions laid here and then he'll um mark the angle and make the cuts over here and then take all the pieces and set them in place he threw some adhesive on top of that concrete that's a good idea especially when you're building up a little that's gonna bond the whole works together [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so right here they got a slight radius going into the corner of the house and it looks like these because that radius isn't that abrupt they can make the make it work but just by cutting the ends of these pavers pie shape so a nice option when you get down to these apron approaches with this little wing that's on an angle and since you're pouring concrete anyway on the garage floor in the porches or what have you um you could but you could just add concrete to the approach and just paver up to it so you have a nice straight edge across there yeah look like the pavers didn't quite fit along the edge of that porch with that little sliver in there but you can't you can't make everything work 100 of the time when you're working with modular stuff i guess you could potentially go back when you have those slivers go back about three pavers knock off a little bit of each one and to make that last chunk a little bit bigger but then you have a square cut on these and take these antique cobbles because they notice how they have a rounded edge so that might not be a good idea either basically i think you're just out of luck you got to live with the slivers so here's that polymeric sand going in which like i said earlier needs to be vibrated into the pavers and then you douse with a little water and it sets it up so it can't wash out later okay so all the pavers are installed we pressure washed everything now we're just laying down the sherling sand and this is uh a special type of sand that when it gets wet it gets hard and hardens between the joints of the pavers to keep everything locked in once we have enough of the bags thrown out on the pavers we're gonna just start sweeping it here's the sweeping process just to work it all into the nooks and crannies this is just your standard broom it's not horse hair unfortunately it's just a straight nylon now here comes the viber plate they put some cardboard underneath it to protect the pavers um if you got enough sand out there you could just run it over the sand but if you don't have enough sand you'll need something to kind of protect the pavers and from when i hear um you know the uh mud flaps on the trucks the big trucks the big the rear mud flat those work pretty good on the bottom of these because they're strong rubber and you can actually fasten those to the bottom they actually make them also but they're about six hundred dollars to buy the rubber ones that are designed for going to the uh underneath the plate compactor so i think for a mud flap for 60 bucks will be fine all right so they're going to sweep all this into the cracks and crevices and whatever's left over you can potentially bag and reuse but following uh getting the excess off they're gonna pressure wash clean up and then start the sealing process here's the sealer going on this is a water base it's glaze and seal product and this particular water base does have a slight sheen to it so what's nice about sealing your driveways especially because if you have a car or oil that leaks out of it the the sealer is going to help prevent it from absorbing into whatever is underneath it so you can pressure wash it off if you get to it quick enough and you have a good layer of sealer on there you can get rid of it without any residual look at it look at that all right do not step on the driveway guys anyway that about wraps up this video if you like these kind of videos subscribe hit the notification button that way you'll be notified as soon as we upload the next video have a good day oh
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 210,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: odell, odell concrete, odell complete concrete, how to install a paver base, installing a paver driveway, how to lay out pavers, how to lay pavers, diy paver laying, how to lay pavers like a pro, how to prep a paver base, prerperation for pavers, lay pavers like a pro, how to install pavers like a pro, install a concrete paver patio, concrete pavers, outdoor project, hardscape, how to properly lay pavers, install concrete pavers ask this old house, how to fix, fix broken pavers
Id: gIU6dfYg_wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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