My Rainbow Friends BIRTHDAY PARTY In Roblox?

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oops guys crew here and we're going on a field trip today let's go but why are we acting sass because we gotta make it to the bus before it's too late that field trip is not for our class yes it is just get your butt in it everyone use your thighs to move faster quick come on don't mind me i am just a box entering the bus yeah just cargo oh yeah don't don't mind me are we there yet are we there yet luna guys we're going to odd world remember we're not even supposed to be here hey oh hi we did see that we didn't see that wait the amusement park's right there wait the ferris wheel no no guys this is the right way driver you you went the wrong way it says do not enter right there ow um welcome i need your help are you a teddy bear who's talking are you luna the bear i like luna the bear ow okay it's not luna the bear sheesh my blocks fell over all you have to do is find them and put them back just knock them over come on get that no we don't need luck for picking up blocks please they're just blocked there's nothing worrisome about blocks oh my god right through hemlock where are you i think we're at a campsite you are my idol it's your favorite it's huggy wonky that's not huggy wuggy um it's blue funny from human fall flat wait gold where did you get that block from the floor oh whoa see them they're everywhere wait what's in there rainbow uh i don't know i was just trying to get in because i don't want to listen because like why do we have to listen to that teddy bear anyways i don't know um you know what let's go through this door first this is part of the field trip all right part of the field trip follow the blue arrow why is there a locker he has an experience okay see it's a blocker i see this i got it another scene wait what is this spelling two c's all right let's spell something everyone kai's or cousin because wait what why not yeah did you hear that giggling nope i mean someone's having fun without us what the hell i hear music in here guys like you're starving a red letter is there something um what you guys behind me behind me really big blue um no i'm hiding sorry it's drooling it's okay they're trapped oh never mind they're chasing me it doesn't know what you are using oh oh great that's a great idea oh gold what are you doing no i'm a boss you were too old right behind the barrel no no no no no i'm not turning gold gold why did you do that she turned into okay daddy we gotta return the thing you guys do not lose because they're coming back zero what are you spelling who cares we don't even spell anything hide here i got a b and a y a b um gold are you still alive i have to respawn let me use my roblox i'll come back uh it says no escape i got some more blocks what's in the store whoa guys this room looks weird i like this place blue's first friend while blue's not very nice sketchbooks original sketchbooks used to create the character designs for the rainbow funtime friends cartoon funny show go through the crawl space what is a museum it gets a museum tracko it says this is where they were actually made in this machine become interesting i don't want to be um we might want to find gold but there's a lot of stuff around here what's this oh back to start hold on a minute hey gold we're back guys i'm seeing kind of a similarity so this is called the rainbow friends right this is a blue friend where are the other ones blue eat them all they didn't want to be our friends who ate the rainbow oh roy g blue think of it it was always blue the logic is blue always wins no it's not you're just saying that because you like you can trust me i also like the color blue yeah yeah you should trust funny let's put the blocks back come on do you see blue anywhere gold i don't know but what are we even spelling i don't even know why he wants all of this oh blue's coming oh no no no no no no no no oh okay everyone become an egg hey follow dracula you're not here this is totally not suspicious oh guys oh finally come over here stop playing around where did you come from follow me hurry up why are we tons and tons of blocks in here cause we haven't found that no in here oh wait sorry what what's that she doesn't know where she's going just follow me guys she's really bad with directions great memory right here oh my gosh you're right oh thank you purple this what's all of this go back um i think it's where they craft multiple blue cutouts [Music] wait guys we should check up here first there's some torches on the wall i don't think they do anything this is a castle we should collect more blocks what's in here you know what i kind of like this field trip detour it's fun hey guys come look it's the theater oh yeah i don't like how the theater looks oh i hear something i hear blue but i don't see blue there's a block oh wait pick it up pick it up grab the blocks got it you almost got them all this is so easy you guys where are you rainbow come on go back to the theater oh don't mess with the blue trap hey blue over here hey come touch this box oh nice try sucker guys we're taking so long to find the cubes are showing them on the map okay just go get it all right i'll go get it go get it i'll go get it you guys stay here get it no i'll get out there i'm gonna do it i want the last two balls i'll save us from doom oh thank you rainbow i got two where is it there's three how do we get down save us from doom because i'm in the basement come on we need to get to the basement oh there's nothing in here nothing it's just a hiding spot yep gold guys why is blue chasing you guys i got the block come on see that get out blue you know uh there's a blue right here for you so you can come grab seriously don't throw me under there where am i going i am lost guys meet at the table i have the last blocks it's blue terrified i saw blue right ain't scared of blue blue and dye are the same colors we both like blue and we think y'all should shoot [Music] all right place to place it hopefully blue didn't get too many of you no we got none of us he got one of us but we have robots no it's green is that green is that a snake oh the green looks nice green looks like a pool noodle get some rest you'll need it for tomorrow what all right that was hot it was like a survival horror game yeah i'm not sure uh oh well the box was quite comfy everyone this is a camera watching us guys new bed i like it it has all our colors sort of funny like getting tricked by the the most important sign don't let blue hug you he might be hungry sounds like green is awake i knew their name i think he knows you're in there no need to worry about him though he's blind how can he catch you if he can't see you he can hear us yeah we're pretty loud other senses wait there's popcorn around here wait please stop nice free popcorn wait is green a dog wait gold loves dogs i do well i think you want to see this puppy you have to get all the treats for him it looks like it do here i hear squeaky toy green green we have some treats for you three we got biscuits what kind of biscuits are they cheddar wait didn't even tell us where to place these biscuits there's nothing oh you should just stop this later again all right everyone to the theater let's go give some biscuits to green oh there's a new machine here wait what oh what kind of machine oh what is that oh we making a dog treat i think we are cool oh green is gonna love this dog food it's okay everyone's split up green oh we have to take them back to the theater so far this is pretty easy green we're gonna pick up all your dog treats you think green's down here yes gosh oh that's not green that's blue oh no no no no no no no blue fondant nothing in here oh wait in here i don't even see green hello what do you need nothing hey i said hello there can i get a bag of peanuts we don't got peanuts here all we got is run for your life oh oh ah sit green sit sit underneath the dog trainer actually great with pets green's like a fruit roll-up um no luna just died and there's two monsters in the hallway can you just deliver the jeets i only have one treat bag draco look funny your approach was too aggressive you know it was a threat you have to turn backwards like this okay whatever treat done got this this and this connect more treats guys two more it's almost done nice you think something's behind this door yeah i think so that's probably another boss that's gonna appear crew we actually need to find the last two bags of dog treats i found one i found one yeah that's what we're trying to look for boop i think we're just missing lunar luna come on luna come on i'm running hurry before they come uh hiding like a box lunar come on yeah and insert come and get your food green yep just fill it up for everyone that's not green [Music] orange left his cave maybe he smelled the food orange has a strong nose well we don't smell right right or that tonight's the last night oh but i want the field after you fix my machine i'll show you why you're really here finally are we also gonna try are we food are we gonna turn to food guys i know it we're the chosen one why did the vents start leaking it's pink right pink anyways i think we're here for like a surprise party you think so okay so we're getting light bulbs now oh is this life all right it's clearly for me because it's the rainbow ah of course it is like let's just pick up every light bulb before going to the room you guys got my present right yeah your present is this idea oh just gonna keep picking stuff up hey i found that first lunar it's a game of teamwork okay it's not a time to be selfish orange is out there and it's just murdered rainbow you keep taking the lights out of me watch for the vents guys do you hear that oh i hear someone nope wow luna i see that blue blue's in the vents all right let's go no one's in the vent come on yes they are any more light bulbs around here luna and i'm going back to the theater guys uh me too yeah wait orange is that the pet snake do you see that oh that's orange oh oh that's cool hey orange come here and eat your kibbles food dispenser for you orange come on eat up we'll fill it up come on eat your candles well that was uh lunar eye did did orange guys luna and i kind of did something stupid guys we're so sorry what there might have three lights there might be a salamander running around trying to knock your face okay i got your lightbox that was purple funny got eaten by purple guys batteries in here pretty funny oh i mean fuses okay mr picky buzz buzz hey wait all right draco follow follow luna and i we have a surprise to show you whoa come on rainbow meet us in the basement the theater no follow follow oh she's dead she's dead go oh it's leading us because we have to beat him follow the trend he says orange no no no no no no no no we haven't seen it orange is hungry luna how are we gonna feed orange orange is chasing orange flannel i can't die again the game glitches the game glitches lunar i think orange is behind you no no no no no don't worry you'll get your kibbles orange just wait a little bit more no blue blue um what do i do what [Music] come on i have to go put one of you in charge of this um i have two fuses we need two more two i have two goals here hi hi orange orange there's too much happening oh it's right here orange do i hide you gotta feed it we gotta feed it we gotta feed him all right i gotta treat it just feed your orange orange luna's there you're welcome stop eating me no i did feed it yeah clearly you didn't feed it enough one fuse going in and the last one finally wait did we just create a monster wait what's going on that shouldn't be happening huh did we create a rainbow power oh what is the machine okay it's too dark to see i don't know it's your machine you've created something what did we do oh power outing everything i think we're in our final monster hmm does it see in the dark i'm going to take a guess well then i'll be in my box all right i'm going to sleep guys you won't see me out there all right good night night everyone see you tomorrow looks like you'll have to turn the power back on okay lunar teddy find a way to power up the backup generator i'm not luna teddy who knows maybe i'll even let you all leave afterwards if you go to crew district oh my gosh you'll probably need these oh thank you totally nice not evil every okay but like oh no you're not gonna let us leave turn on fancy lighting i do what do you think beautiful i love it okay guys what are you looking for what what dracula you have two no hey someone push blue one yeah yeah yeah girl it's green it's green it's green no thanks okay green is slow everyone don't wear it it's true green moves like a turtle which is good one battery two battery looking for the batteries guys is your music check the washroom come on all right all right we got nothing in here but there is this turn clear nope we got nothing i hear stomping big stump must be blue oh wait another battery nice open that door there's a dying battery i can hear it oh blue's in here gold whoa whoa okay see blue in there run run run bye bye we have yeah i think we're good rainbow and i are going to check the basement anything in here oh there's something purple oh it's scrambling hands you go first rainbow you first ah okay hey say hi it's it's purple oh purple's nice hi purple [Music] it's electric it's electric purple is like electric or something all right purple guys i have like five batteries i have six batteries i got one yeah and no more no more purple is like energy drink buddy get to the theater we have everything we need i'm hiding everyone head to the theater oh no that orange i'm gonna lose i'm gonna lose it don't follow the trail and orange come on okay i'm trying not to follow a crayons nightmare ghouls you better be careful orange is here hiding oh no oh good okay i have the battery all boxes unite is it safe they're dead come on yeah go go go whoa got it uh wait two we need one we're missing one great all right someone go find it i'm hiding i bet you it's in orange's hideout glass battery hurry luna oh my gosh is something gonna come out of that machine looks like we're back in business what is this hooray thanks for turning the power back on yes and now you're going to get rid of us as a reward i'm going to let you all go okay but first i'm throwing you a goodbye party oh you shouldn't have cute this was a party make sure you all redeem your party tickets this is so cool go get it i am [Music] after the party i'll let you all go i promise okay thanks nice person wow is it me or is this the best field trip ever this is totally not a scam i think we're all gonna be friends after this you think so everyone grab a ticket [Music] ah funny's got the rare hat i'm so glad you could make it get ready for some delicious goodbye game no i love kay oh my gosh and it's chocolate once everybody gets a slice of cake i'll open the exit and you can all go home oh my gosh i totally don't hear the monsters okay um do you think we're born yesterday you think we're stupid but i will not sit down free kay what i don't know about you but i'm definitely getting tricked by you guys you look so sad wait don't pop it don't pop eyes up blue why are you so blue we should crouch guys should we this door's heavy i need help sorry sorry sorry sir oh my gosh you guys are so dead cold oh my god oh my goodness eat the cake okay let me out let me out let me out all right crew listen up we're all gonna make it out alive this time just don't step on the stoopy balloon whatever you say right there how did we make it here's something come on come on okay you guys go first you guys feel sparse i want to do something rainbows this is a party right no this is a party so we need some music and let's start the music pop pop pop oh my gosh break there's no restaurant do it oh wait um that was a bad idea rainbow killer ball rainbow rape no you don't have time to play this again i'm not playing this again i'm not playing this again there's no way oh come on everyone died good job oh wait gold's still alive rainbow you deserve what no no he wants me he wants to be do you have to blow up the candle happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you happy are you serious uh oh i know what to do great are you ditching yeah honey guys buddy it's okay it's okay i think i could go through right i think i think we have to go you guys no oh no i see your hats wait funny maybe if you stay alive all right it's okay funny we'll escape for you uh-oh you'll escape for rainbow night no rainbow you're here you don't get so scared i don't care about you now rainbow doesn't get to escape one blue there's no two blues in this world bunny dog just one it's true just one gold are you thinking got traumatic die blue you suck back up step step step all right let's keep going like and subscribe because it's sad we survived no not oh yeah yeah yeah gold survived two times now are you serious mommy veteran oh it's goal finale who's that what is it i mean luna teddy oh it's not a teddy it seems i have underestimated them it's not a teddy bear it's a google oh it's a big eye things are about to get a lot crazier let me guess your red [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,848,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox obby, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox games, roblox story itsfunneh, roblox story krew, roblox rainbow friends, roblox friends, roblox story, roblox story funneh, roblox story funny
Id: uiB9-0SbsZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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