Team Secret vs BLEED - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Pacific Stage 2

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yeah this is cheeky triple push up dash at the ready frenzy in hand and Darion able to win out the first one Oreo quickly trades it out bu back goes for the reload himself down to 47 but 2G with a fantastic plank timing does find one but zest turns back is's able to go ahead and equalize still at a 3v3 as he bash away here with the double face the sheriff shot connects find one finds himself a second cannot get the third now just going to be a KO battle where eny needs the head shot and he's got it solid as ever team secret pick up the p man Envy just so so good as they look for a bit of a crunch play here up over the top there's the reveal though terion going to be taken out Jeremy able to find him counter spray however finds him Jeremy Falls and Jesse bash caught up as well man solid idea from Team secret but losing out on two players yeah Jeremy knew there was one up there just couldn't couldn't find the player scary getting away with just 66 Health though as it's uh reagg towards a crazy guy on his own though is he going to read that 2 G's gone into wine it's going to be a tough one to sus out I think and eny on the other hand sheriff in a dream do have a fragment zero point disconnect so drone not going to chase far enough forward on the swing in be trying to get the head shot there 2G continues just lurking but you can see crazy guy just watching for Recon now Z the swing out and he's still able to find the kill T across the opposite side 3v2 Spike planted gun upgrade though for 2G grabs that Phantom Shadows traveling no Health from him bleed from here he going to be trying to deny this conversion as cleanly as possible already two players down SP not spotting push up through the smoke scary eating a bit of damage re challenges and does find that kill now it's all on wild Oreo and that's going to be the cleanup coming through ble exactly where there where they are at he's able to back off crazy guy in the metime going to be taken down as wild Warrior trying to take some space here in this B site but bleed they're still scattered there's only 20 seconds remaining they're starting to rotate um this round is over yeah they just have to save I think they know it at this point there's nothing they can do birthday buff the birthday blunder this is absolutely scatter brain here from the side of B Sally not yet smoked now going to be set catches a glimpse of Darion but cannot find that kill start working their way forward the crazy guy getting taged so very low counter spam here with the Odin going to get something back only a smattering of damage there onto Oreo scary sad at Lumber smoke disa painting but scary still able to find the kill the counter spring coming in and V able to find one from Market 4v4 but HP bars not really favoring bleed here push forward to G able to F red taken down spray Across The Omen tray it out flying but now it's just Zess all his Lonesome it's completely and utterly surrounded The Flash connecting fully and that'll be the clean up coming through three players left alive the Odin in in boat waiting for this with the Odin there's the no command I don't think there was enough time here and they don't want to respond with the lock down just going to try to wait this out but look at these look at these rotations oh R instantly two kills going to be found Jesse B is get taken down by the fragment reible here or will get flushed out but now the swing in from 2ge resetting the a finds himself a second looks for the third doesn't even need to have it I mean that's got to be in your head right the way 2G was punishing them from that position early same spot for Jeremy with this op good flash flash connects on to one swing out though Jeremy still going to be good for the shot Darion shut down Fury otherwise not finding too much there scary just tping forward here into the sight smoke at the ready paranoia as well ready to res set as red does find a nice timing's able to find one forward Hunter Fury just looking to clear out this lock down destroys it reveal out on the C I do believe fragment connecting at his feet jery with a shorty able to take him down oh space now found you're on the site and scary cannot find that other elimination it's all down to rla and crazy guy now just the former rla finds the first cannot get anymore one of the closer rounds that we've had what if it's just destroyed I mean what you like you ever seen a racer with Arnold Schwarzenegger uh no well then I can't never mind defeated it's like that basically you see through walls and you kill people that's the premise of the movie okay well Oreo this time punished for the aggression as well Jeremy is okay decent opening B here as bleed try to get themselves a second round it's all on 2 G A 1 V4 clutch Spike try and deny this Victory away from bleed but no they will have this one assured but still such significant punch towards a contact here so important for team Secret in this round because there's no other forces available I saw enough but appar it does go across and connect but it's going to be Darion actually able to collect two b z Now pushing forward does find Jeremy things are looking solid so far for bleeding the pistol four to2 Jessie V going to be coming back across here's this movement but Spike not planted to G down to 54 now dad is Darion finds himself a third and it is all down to Jessie bash and everything every angle covered can't even try to pick up the ghost make too much noise does get tapped down low now has it but rla there to go ahead and collect a solid bleed they get themselves a rla having to back away very swiftly fortunate to not actually take any damage yeah wild Oro heard those footsteps too good paranoia paranoia I thought maybe go for the timing shot but Darion just tuck back to go for the swing does not have a tail trying to get himself out of this position soal able to push forward finds that kill solid shot from rla trads it back a little bit but now he himself gone a 3v3 Spike getting planted shock D knock lining up there for Jessie bash bit more unorthodox of a plant position standing ahead got so much control can't use that fragment and shocks flying Jeremy getting a bit of damage there oh the main control though wasn't held by team secret turn for the flash Jessie bash finding one scaring out around the back finds one swing on the 2gy crazy guy in with a shot needs to go quickly here some more damage found through the box bring on the Rosie and there you go head shot is going to be found bleed will convert the bonus operator should be recoverable dangerous position to be in can he connect the shot sees it Jeremy gone distracted by the Recon fantastic Peak timing flash up over the top crazy guy catch the line share of that one TP to g i he just TPS in right alongside switch there's a market is going to be blocked off by that smoke he gets in for free swing in now towards the site rler trying to hold things down Z going to fall takes one with him eny on the floor but now 3v3 the push forward rla finding one spotting the other two eventually he going to be flushed out second and can now come in both sight committed the spray is good that's going to be the spike now on the floor Jessie Vash inching forward trying to take the fight over towards them he's seeing nothing he's running out of time Recon sent works his way back over here the P coming across tries to decide where he wants to go for the plant but he's just being delayed he's got to try to stick to this one but he just cannot make it happen bleed play that beautifully at the end and they continue now five rounds consecutively checking up above peaks in finds one has to K in out but now scary strikes finds it Spike here on the floor Jeremy committed forward here into the sight scary another threepiece another Flawless across Jeremy pushing forward trying to play anti here but now the shots open up say collected two Darion with a rep gives himself a second as H Falls all 2 G finds himself a third and my God what a position to be in no way Taps the door the swing back out the window broken craws down and he just can't get there fast enough we are tied up at 10 to 10 with kind of bullying team secret into this position shock gets value Oreo down to 50 in as well taking a nasty hit lock that it does that one any more tags looks like the answer is going to be no for now crazy guy just spamming a cross time is whittling and he's still rewarded with a kill he finds one trying to backpedal there's no one there to try to cover him here in Market Jeremy does he actually pursue forward for this one the counter swing available swings in finds it but he cannot get away Spike planted zest to equalize man Advantage now very much expounded upon as bleed look to run this back lock down available should they even feel the need to use it here 4v2 no command will come out first and foremost drop down he found SC dead now it's Arion versus Envy toys made spotted takes him even lower and be still suppressed here Darion getting in on the spike the fragment going to be coming through can hold that one to half as Z pleas out oh he's whipped he's absolutely whipped it he doesn't realize orted eye but Darion just sticks to diffuse that's one thing brushing that off to go up 10 to two this is way worse and then have a run back yeah that is going to be a difficult recovery unless they can try to keep themselves in it here with a round win running out of bullets and okay random straight head shot while Oro able to find the kill to try to equalize going to be taken down as rler continuing to play forward here's that switch hit tried to push forward but Oreo ready for it picks him off man ADV Vantage the spike plant here for the side of Secret for now still very much in this map going to swarm over the top to try and delay the door is still not broken double approach in from tree smoke comes down cutting off Main but everybody here within the sight Darion going to be spotted but not punished NOA catching him as Oro will get flushed out switch now opened up INB stuck here and Main Jeremy dead a 2v2 the drop down the op swinging around spots of Dar gets the w b shot it's all en me and he cannot make it happen the defuse coming through and bleed complete the ultimate run back contact going be found however line at the ready but crazy guy for the find one Jesse bash going to be taken down paint shells at the ready Dar just waiting until he hears something that gets word here from scary has spotted out on one paint shells going to be exchanged paranoia as well flying through minor amount of damage found here by scary but now the push forward Darion going to be good for one the push out of the smoke the right click and that is going to be damn near Flawless here for bleed as to get themselves the pistol yeah this wise of Team secret but over to the other side of the map catching crazy guy in transition but that's a lot of info and immediately almost everybody is going through good opening kill for 2 needed Dart now out quick cleared Daren still able to find one Jesse puts him down counter paranoia across but man Advantage here for the side of Team secret Spike wraps around through alley gets itself ready to be planted but already secret quick on the pivot they get themselves in position spam looking for some damage wild going to take one scary checking out with backside finds himself one Jesse now with three scary The Last One Alive tap on the spike retap Jeremy low on health there's the head shot and there's the clean up scary redpol clutch the threepiece the opponent convers I mean Jeremy knows there's a player back there though swing out the op shot going wide this time around Darion on the entry caught up by that show ster jery on the rep able to find one sh out from Darion trying to create some space but Oro able to find that shot finds that kill the rep Jeremy himself a second looks for a little bit more caught with a pel in hand but it's just p flashed up scary unable to find that damage just a singular kill a secret will finally get them perhaps now look what R is though he's ready okay there you go that's now pulling the trigger that's crucial timing show stop is available for Jeremy but now he cannot pull that one through Gary on for two zest finds himself third shot will put zest down on the floor but he is going to be res anticipates the peek in through Market finds that shot it's no time yeah it's dwindling doesn't want to have to commit the AL here res coming in cyber try to cover Jeremy another that pot shot but does nearly end up dying for it can they actually get out of this one is the question is scary nope not going to be deep enough Crossfire here oh my God drone checking paint shells lobed in there you go oh get his catch and that's going to be the kill very nicely meticulously placed here from Wild Oreo shuts down the entry oh my God H out though Flash in Jessie bash has to pull back with 2 G able to find one crazy guyers back finds that enemy Omen scary play off the back of his own paranoia hounding down Secrets IG 30 seconds jump up over the top in standing oh can't get both of them rla though however now Last Man Standing available does he want to invest it now Spike just going to be picked up oh catch a glimpse of each other land coming in paint shells not going to go deep enough to disuade boombot trying to lead the way and Jeremy with the off shot will be able to finish it off team secret find their second round win yeah and I was going to say you want to start thinking about a here we oh my god oh another solid shut down getting attack crazy guy kill shows up up over the top and as he lands Z swings in and crazy guy collects two monstrous Hunter Fury from him Jesse eventually able to find the shot Spike down a drops the spike but now he's pinged out last play sat here in the back wild Oreo dead that'll be the clean up trying to recall it before the dart connects but solid lineup trip destroyed as there's the push-up coming through and sappy is rla picks up a second Jeremy Tagg down to 50 to see if they've juggled the weapon away if that is going to in fact be recoverable but it doesn't matter he's already cut tail he's moving his way over in towards Market blot quick clear on that one trying to keep mv's position bit of a secret swing out the head shot is going to be solid Paro however crashing across the perfect timing stopping him from finding more fragman now into the corner just bash Force outward but still comes up with a kill K me around the back standing just painting an outline around scary who now TPS out the safety no util available except for the Recon that has just come up Jessie bash is going to be blind swinging in finds the head shot he's got everything to do crazy guy faces in Jesse Mash stands his ground oh 3K clutch get the fa line out as Dart tring to track that one trap wi connects Jessie bash the challenge here on that corner Jeremy the me time pushing forward finds s shut it down Jesse bash coming up with two Jeremy sat within the Cyber cage rla seemingly reading this is ready for the push out finds that punish he cannot rescue his teammate looks for a little bit more it's going to be Jesse collecting a third paranoia does not connect Jesse gets a fourth Jeremy we'll go ahead and collect that one from beyond the grave as Z bleeds out Recon not pinging out anyone as oh they're all piling forward here into this choke this could be absolute devastation a showstopper drawn set but it goes a little bit shy damage still found paint shells Here rla Wanting the challenge forward turns back away surprisingly still alive push forward to G going to be taken down but now time dwindling the rolling thund crashing across 9 seconds remaining in collecting two and there's the clean up 7 to five at the half team secret fighting back yeah scary scary if he continues to inch forward could end up getting caught by this SP line oh Flash coming through but Jeremy going to be quick to turn it around Oro take it down to 48 but he now found Recon sent zest tucking back himself here on the site the push forward to Jeremy clean with it finds himself a second plant now coming through the rest the bleed getting themselves over here towards the site bom Bud out this is really really difficult they have no util other than a shock Dart and he lands it right at Jeremy's feet well that's a good start speak of it does get taken down but still quite a bit of damage taken here on the side of bleed as he contined to try to push forward to open things up R trying Work down to G cannot make it happen HP bars low here for secret but still standing lot of difficulty they're having shutting down team secret on this attacker side and they're just going for it 2ge we're in the world of ego oh he had to TP back quick check over into the side rler fin now just sat within his own cyber cage pulls back the camp push out Jeremy making his present sow but turn fire is going to be solid crazy able to find two redler kill on the enemy R but in finds but now is the last one standing revealed it's third and now sudden Le serion the operator in hand tap onto the spike plant down being cut Darion knows that it's not planted quite just yet plays this out patiently that's tucked in position he has a boombot but does he sus it out does he think to try to check these angles want to try to swap a weapon almost certainly bomb position now going to be given away boombot Dodge the forward and Darion is not ready for it tries to pull off the diffuse but he cannot the Red Bull clutch once again a secret move up 10 to seven look at the look at the positioning of crazy guy if he in the through mid Jeremy he's the one pulling out the showstopper it's going to be a duel but it's one the Darion it's somehow Still Standing on the back end of the head shot the followup does he have a third he abs does back of that one Dart revealed but two G his position not such a secret but as he swings out help take down sest Rolling Thunder now crouching across not going to be connecting on anybody other than crazy guy who's already Welling away tucked back wild Wario intercepting redla there at Mid finds the kill makes him think twice about that position as paranoia crashing across and crazy guy continu to swing out taken down refin up there on the plant now Spike coming through scary up over the top catching a glimp able to find one but a 2v4 with an op in play once again bleed going to have to go on a save yeah it's it's again you have all the info in the world is bleed but you're not able to make the right reads I mean zest challenges 2ge and it's not a bad challenge at all he used the fragment to force the movement put himself in a arguably slightly better position but 2G is just better that's what some of these rounds are coming down to okay yeah you get the kill Envy down finding one scary playing unexpectedly but I don't think he's ready for the rotate back and yeah 2ge will be able to swing out and find it Darion out on his Lo trying to hold on to the op but 2ge so damn accurate there at the end but again arriving with the full flash connects and he just can't play that line with the operator now he's dead counter paranoia out but that will expire right bleed now the 4v5 a 3v5 as R La Falls here a guy working his way out from Market makes noise is going to be known TP back into their spawn 2 G looks for the backstab L command coming through the crazy guy dead presence known scary able to find that but ends up falling down wild oreo with the three piece will close it out 13 to8 team secret what feels like it would normally be a pretty Defender heavy comp that fade to check with flash turn the will be one for one as redla taking down in quick on the trade out it's a little bit of damage there himself and this is another kind of point of interest in this match there's a lot going on is wild Oreo now just shifting over to a different role and he said it you know he's very flexible he can play agent oh bash looking for the catch here does quite a bit of damage but now has to try to exit cage coming up eats a little bit more pulls back 22 Health remaining on him clear on the Trap wire rotations now starting to come through ha spotting one the D Jeremy finding that kill gets himself a second push out Jeremy is just holding down the fort pain shells up over the top SC rotating back into it and he will fall a 4K from Jeremy okay quick net forward one of the things to bear in mind is this judge un scouted but now known Flash in scary taken down 2G just hounds him down and now you're going to have to win some battles on the flank but again there this deep info that team secret is able to get off of those flashes make it shots going to be going wide say show stopper also in the back pocket but now eliminated 4v4 going to be wild getting noted here over at alley PL can come through looks like they want to try to Fast Track that Annihilation here from zest and oh the timing from in out lurking rla gives him an advantage once more Envy now upgrading the weapon as well quick drop down off the Rope on built back up ration around in towards heaven here from 2ge but they're still worried about this garage angle miss the push out starting to come through Jessie bash mattering get damage found as he drops it's going to be crazy guy finding one but 2 G answering back Darion finding another keeping them in this one the pp cannot be used zest able to collect now all on wild Wario blast pack going to shove it back swings under the corner time ticking still however he's just taking everything away from him he cannot save the round but he can absolutely get rid of all of the economy here from bleed be holding push coming through paranoia not going to connect to S on the snake bite drifts back we try to aggress forward there in a garage the ha gets cleared out not connecting the swing out oh pixel out of place and to g able to find one in collecting two up into the smoke just shutting down the approach crazy guy now Last Man Standing couple shots through but kill not found does swing back gets that head shot but versus three with no time just maybe try to play for kills but Envy not allowing it we get that Annihilation oh my God here we go oh boy right into all of them and that's going to be a two-piece for Jeremy solid read solid shut down as they will not concede any Crown whatsoever over to bleed and that's the annihilation gone I mean one of those big ultimate that could get you a win on this attacker side just knocked out of the round ridiculous read from Team secret I feel like it's been a while since I've just seen an aggro a main P with a showstopper feels good grenade makes me oh scary okay TP is up in front of the pain shell look for the timing and will be able to find one but Jeremy trades it out just as fast so right now at best it's looking like bleed avoiding a Flawless going to say shades of RB the 4K back in 2021 oh yeah oh man that is you are digging deep into the memory banks there jeez 2021 what a different world that was indeed not spotting anything bash is holding back right creeping forward bash feels his position a little bit early still oh my God finds that head shot that is disgusting a dink but no kill there wild Oreo going to be able to survive the round sh the delay damage found Haun not spotting anything here on the site boombot cleared out Jeremy here up top eating a bit of damage tries to drop back for now is going to be alive just tucked back here into having heals now coming through show stop ready from Darion s it will be able to fight Jessie bash solid enough trade out for him as now the neural could be invested well drop down can't restabilize able to collect that kill but Oreo quick fantastic turn finds 2 G suddenly a man Advantage some weapons are covered and everybody deafened here but HP bars are low this is still winable for secret real creeping forward the St R able to collect that kill and it is going to be a Thrifty after all the investments from the P the previous they need to be able to string two together now coming through the swing in take it down now they're basically just trapped here in male paranoia does come across and crazy guy on the entry able to find one jerem with covering fire picks in the pieces down zest gone and now scary last one standing secondary trap wire now getting ready to be sent this is going to be a creep up the ropes a shorty in hand here for Jeremy rla pulling out the dart this is madness does he push this set up here boom they try to check going be a pull back here from Darion pain shells out now over towards M they try to slow up this approach short out jumps down fire here for bleed looking solid J able to find one Oreo coming up with two scary now Last Man Standing and Omen battle My ultimate is not ready there's s used here by both sides unable to TP across the map 2ge the paranoia still in his back pocket scary creeping around here peeking in towards elbow trying to see if he can SP anybody but just silence here he has so much time to work with makes it really difficult for 2ge cuz now you're not sure scary maybe trying to sew the seats of Doubt here can think oh you know has he rotated but eventually we'll have to just try to go for the play paranoia sent the TP forward likely unheard scary watching above the swing on the corner and two G finds the timing Jesse where you at Jesse aight you're not playing SOA you can't can't just Dart from Spawn and completely completely open oh you know at least at least he bought a gun at least he bought a gun so it's not the worst of Cipher on split that's actually facts and he bought armor too so he didn't pull a Boer well yeah no setup here so now going to have to play for the full retake Sonic sensor is going to be set up Nightfall at The Ready Set and that's going to connect on to just about everybody I think only Envy really dodging out on this one is Darion now in a bad spot going to get sted up at watching it heav able to find one 2 G Oro on the entry two kills here for the sky but it's into the meat grinder here up here not sure if Jeremy caught any glimpse of R Lu my territory my okay goes for it nothing going to be found Darion taken down as Oreo able to find a kill show stoer now in play Zest eliminated Spike on the floor scary able to go ahead and trade one back as two will fall while Oro comes up with a third now it's all in crazy guy a 1 V3 as team secret have it eight four half in their sights yeah I mean just the willingness to give up space and then collapse as they walk through the front door there I mean he's just completely locked out the a hold to a bay yeah drop back yeah 10 seconds left there just nothing more to be done they creep around from behind shots flying and that is going to be it Jessy bash collecting the final kill looking to maybe reclear up here it's heaven but yeah they managed to get past that Sonic sensor and crazy guy not aware of this at all turns sights over to the vent but as his knife out and ends up getting picked off R now trying to hold the line but just immediately eats a ton of damage tucks into the corner tries to go for the right click Envy will get whittel away at low HP for him scary sending out that paranoia is able to find one but then instantly traded back out assist Darion now last one standing in a very much needed pistol round but All Odds and hope starting to dwindle here going to be a quick clear onto in spots one he knocked down the nine it's Darren ready for the drop down finds Jeremy knows that the other players is going to be low paint Chell now built up sends it in towards the pillar no bounces off the corner Oreo going to be safe for the time being but Z coming away with one standing he gives his team in a chance the hold on the Spike getting it up to the half pulls off of it here for now Darion the retap waiting for the swing two playing just out of sight IUS things and now he's just playing the time Darion oh in such a poor position from here 2G will swing the corner and take him down and save team Secret in this pistol round do have that camera pushed pretty far forward but cleared oh Pain's thought about now sent might be able to find some damage but on the entry Darion finding one the pain collecting a second there redl eating a bit of damage there the TP into the back of elbow looks like he's redit in the eyes 2 going to be dealt with no further damage to be dealt so bleed wire but out bleed going to struggle to try to get themselves into position actually retake this sight you just have a paranoia to work with the smoke scary that's it sending it into the elbow does connect on the two push coming forward Darion going to be able to find one red getting the other but not ready for Jessie bash to be back screen as he collects a second Zess now last man alive just going to have to play it quiet set up the push forward and Darion able to win out the fight it's quite a bit of damage but now the approach coming through getting ready to hit on the B smoke sent paranoia across and now the net coming through into play caught with util in hand the poop one enemy remain it's up costing him his life Jeremy going to be taken down that was all on Envy this man's been pulling off Miracles here for the team all day long can he do it once again tap onto the spike notel Dodge Darion the first to fall fuel however Limited has to drop that 30 seconds left where about the drift the cross over in toward stairs as rla watching from above the push forward rless got the head shot bleed denying the map point the match point quite far forward nothing spotted should tell him this is likely going to be b as there's a swing in but scary going to be trained out a good amount of damage de but wild Oro can go ahead and heal that up S and oh it's not going to hit anything they just tuck back they waited out kill not found rotation still not coming through Jeremy now showstopper in hand crazy guy completely unaware ends up getting blown to Smither 2 5S rla dead and now it is all and Darion and a 1v5 poison orb knocks that back there with his forehead but that's about the most that he's going to be able to do here in this round Place coming up behind him fast rotate they ready to come through is scary he's just out in the front some shots across some damage deal do get the head shot there on the wild Oreo put the spike down on the ground another show stoer in behind exits the smoke Mis the situation doesn't know where he's at stabiliz finds Jeremy iny now arriving the shots not quite connecting the TP back across the map the reveal coming through T 2 G arriving get the plant down full send rotate coming through this bleed start working their way across going be trying to catch anybody rotating in through mid but it's just going to be a massive approach into heaven as rla reads that he's in the Smoke finds the head shot now it's all on Envy once again noise made damage received it's a double setup so going to try to ensure that this is impossible for but the diffuse has already come through and NB looks to just back away bleed four rounds to go for an overtime got it okay I I I love this change up here from bleeding away a Sonic sensor in mid so you got a lot more control of the map with this spread really really like this this trap wire has to get value though counter spray cam not going to be spotting any of this for him there's the reveal first kill going to be found push forward pain shells flying spotted rotating around the back of the Cyber cage here but rla trying to figure out which way he needs to be looking here to try to reinforce the rest of the team TP in towards backside wild Oro just going to be topping inbody up there with that healing TR blaz going to try to scout but quick cleared out able to adjust finds Jeremy but wild Oro fighting back Darion now dropped to G so very low it's scary out of bullets he ends up getting taken down good damage found Jessie bash down to his sliver the push forward crazy guy finding one getting another and now it's all on wild Oreo and he's got it the 3K to Clos it out 13 to8 once again team secret they fight to and nail bleed they put up a decent attempt some good resistance
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 64,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant pacific, valorant asia, ts, team secret, team secret valorant, bld, bleed, bleed valorant, ts vs bld, ts bld, ts - bld, bld ts, bleed secret, bleed ts, ts bleed, secret bleed, vct, vct 2024, vct pacific, pacific stage 2, dv, daily valorant
Id: P821Ia1ADv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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