50 times Valorant pros clutched an unwinnable 1v5

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out by it and the flank horse are just being contained NRG not finding particularly value from playing that heavy offsite situation wa a second you he's lighting people up he's got the read no shot so low and he holded in the smoke I cannot believe it it's an ace clutch for EU hello and welcome back from nail biting 1v5 Aces to perfectly timed defuses these Pros prove that no situation is truly unwinable when you've got the right mindset and the skills to back it up get ready to witness the greatest clutch moments in valerant history oygen into main Redux the only one taking a different angle okay yeah shots are just wanting to be expended outward but they're just not able to find anyone Al making the shots happen and it is beautiful 3K just pulled out of nowhere and maybe oh my God beautiful Ace is three going to be enough for paper x as we do see the spray coming in through the smoke nobody close he s clear the second trip but it's going to be something that draws the first we're seeking good for a double Jing still alive on the site something trying to bounce back out his J flies for but texture he's just going in through aim training as all these targets fly at him one V2 can he get the clo he's already been spotted he's going to plant with the help of the P finds doesn't have time though he has to stick the plant will he have it he stops IT div knows and he goes for the peak text with the ace and once again he drags Shen out going for the from the shadow trike I like this Governor as well staying on to the S Jet Bo also gets caught no way now it's all up to ban defuse coming right in the stopper it's half it's halfed someone's going to have to go for the D B with the ace did he have aade or something to stop them to leg that's it [Applause] y certainly turned up today three kills already and well it doesn't look too good for paperex you might think this is an eag but it's not the weaker weapon up forsaken good for two maybe more to be found but nobody low he's 90 HP fighting another three Health five for Forsaken and Ace to put in the first round on the board for paper Rex unbelievable just waiting twom Man spray down and it's on to Mitch who has an Aftershock to play with ya but really not in any position to use it yeah one V4 why not Mitch here we go double head shot for Mitch going back forth the first two kills going back his way yet another one three kills down Mitch Mitch no do it to a mitch don't do it to him Rolling Thunder going in KY dazed a how this could happen a 5 V1 he's taking his time KY just has to go for the defuse it is down to half Mitch getting his heartstrings played with Kaki is there time oh my goodness one V5 line yes he can takes down TCH but still multiple players to still worry about s goes out big shot on Penny f is down 1 V4 now for Xander he catches up two can he get a little bit more he takes down Android but still needs two more because of the revive he still gets HZ TCH now on a 1 V one against Xander 36 HP he has no idea where he is Spike is taking down no way Xander with an ace to shut out NRG what around and all of them being won by na'vi it leaves Nar alone you know that you don't want to give this man too much they're just throwing their utility he found three in quick succession down to just 38 HP in fact 20 does the spams do even more more he needs to hit these Final Shots and he needs everything to miss from the side of na'vi you said he'd been a little quiet so far but you can see that na'vi are giving him the respect he deserves at this stage sitting back with in he's found his fourth of the round may not know the sh's there but he's able to reposition even if he doesn't get checked and actually when that Spike gets tapped thrash might be able to path up very close before it's spotted in fact used already very early on the thought he heard him drop down but it was a fake cu Shia now knows where his opponent is thrash won't be here to help it has to be the shot connected from Nate the ace just a bullet away there it is an absolutely into the next round and as you said with the kill on the Cloud Leo is going to get it one way or another what is that shot no this man has been known for clutches but this would be absurd he isolates the jeel onto Dino as well this has gone from a 1v5 toles still to check but it seems to be watching the right one although he's looked away at the moment he snaps back and clutches it Leo with winning ridiculous rounds for this squad nothing is more a staple of the G2 roster than looking for those du and taking them as early and as aggressively as possible right here it's paid dividends and I think if you're G2 you're coming off the back of whatever warmups they're playing you're coming off the back of making a roster change but you're definitely thinking that you're the stronger player some Trigger Discipline from kayak there he's going to try to sneak into B he's gotten all the way through oh no last player standing Tom they've not let him do this they've not let him ninja diffuse they're too far away they can't stop it G2 how have you done this they've lost the round to a ninja diffuse what in the world is that Tom he would have liked an Allante a lone horse side stepping paranoia that's a double oh oh more to the pl another double remaining with eight bullets Spike planted having to deal with that as well is not an easy task especially with m ing the back line he's patient though Andante pushing and that's another head shot this could be the ace clutch Six Bullets Guiding Light allows mush to cross but it's only a fake will that around to decides to stick instead only to half no not even that I think he's fluked it or does he have time alante A one V5 clutch and time to get the defuse on and what a way to put Germany on the board that is now though looking for more e frags Eco Frags e frags e a n you jiner can't believe you've done this that's my bad guy I don't I didn't mean it I didn't mean it oh my God Roxy no way no way Roxy gets almost line up here four on the round looking for the half here no time really get but I don't know if there's time for the she has it she absolutely has it yeah my God Roxy just pulled off an ace I was literally clowning on Guild so difficult to dig Shia out of that angle the re aggress towards a now flash shallows got both that's one could send another he's eating that himself who comes out of it first no noie gets it noie follows up hold on now recover 8 seconds now down to five he does indeed have the ultimate now readily available spike is in what can you do with this Smoke's of course still there for now but Angel going to slip away through towards lamps and one towards heaven demik trying to clear sight as much as he can with the ultimate now that's good utility usage going to get that deeper forces the fight towards heaven he takes it now here we go he's going to take the burn sits there does not mind they're both from the same side prediction from noi the N to follow I think that's pretty close de's got to be careful he's getting close to way oh my God players falling behind yes a couple of them are days and we're pitching towards the front flash behind the high tide Cove up and now each he's looking for the diffuse nothing so far that cells could do at least a kill a second one from B that's a spike though not yet a halfway P gets the third kill a two versus two can he actually get it done on Theo this one he gets the ace and it's sa for S one of the cleanest Aces this season of Val going to be forced to make a play happen here and I think just walk straight into King and this is so damn difficult and there it is low enough the shorty does the job just trying to Wade right into it and none of the util has been cleaned up yet death a bit of a miracle moment from him he stepped up three kills in it tab to spike needs to reload doesn't have any bullets but now time's running low he's got nothing else to work for him Seekers pushed back around the corner 11 Health to his name could this be it a bit of a miracle for the igl he would have to Ace he's got the most to do him versus The World Is What It Feels Like doubled up one dropped down Taco spotted it positions there crossair placement good for one still finds it looking a wrist and it is good util in his hands finds it to Target and that's the a so much more the haters denied the final again have to dash to the side though to avoid the eye of Cloud9 as they're already playing this fast retake just pushing them away still Tapper he opens it up once more trying to play in that connect area but they're not expecting the cloud n players Mitch from the back bottom mid taking out the players swarming them dapp with three in the round but he is the last one remaining he would have to Ace this one to be able to clutch it up he has been nasty in the clutch at times in his career it was something he was so known for at the peak of Sentinels it looks like he doesn't quite realize they're both coming from the B connector it was just a flash he does no do that is expects Mitch but catches him at out as he hit a footstep now he knows the positioning goes for an Head Hunter and play Dapper you've got to be joking what a performance from dapp very nicely done to clear that back out meanwhile Woods gotone Behind Enemy Lines somehow jonap knows though and he drops him that's one step closer 30 seconds left he hears that oh but he's not able to land the shots Boo's gotten back out on the site he's got the spike in hand he's got help over his shoulder and he's got in Heretics that much closer to their ninth round drop the I mean it was looking dicey but 10 seconds left they got the job done worthless that's a really good fault line J to p and one V3 all staring at elbow Benji fishy will fall make it to an ace to potentially close the map can he pull it off they're both right there the spam onto the first they're both weak he's going to connect it all oh and Jo de P Aces his way to take G2 to playoffs what P te here at upper needs to do the line share the work sees to try to slow things up push it to collect two standing but now he's all his own some one HP certainly impossible but no P he fights back looking for the ace clutch Jonah the slow cre forward how does he do it he is on his feet the crowd erupts they might not be ready for this pace I mean this is so quick they're already flashing into the sight on the reload and zest okay does well div he's still going as well 18 health and he's trying to hold the sight while his teammates Sprint from the other side of the map any damage here would be massive and now he's got some support but Foxy's found a Kill from the connector with him on 18 this is getting very dangerous shock Dart goes through it might be perfect Z has got four already one more to seal this round for DRX he's trying to play it patient expecting his opponent to maybe make a misstep but this is an unorthodox position in this sort of stage in the round he's going to give it up slightly make his move try and use his utility to almost bait his opponent in get that little bit of extra information but it's cat and mouse and he's looked away as Foxy starts to make his way forward in towards the site just 18 HP and I don't know if you'll expect it to be it's deep and any sort of gun that they can take out of the hands of NRG is magnified in the long run and that's two sadok in a 1 V2 30 seconds left plenty of time 1 V2 for the ace seconds this would be unreal on this stage I mean at best you're no shot sodic has gotten it this far it's just a one V one now and he still has time the spam from Victor as he repositions now 13 seconds left Victor has a lot of utility here but the swing out from sadok with the flash waiting crossair train and the a from Sonic is trying to catch them when they push up after the lock down trade there not fantastic they keep going paper Rex way one return M freaks forsaken Jing on their way towards this sight still with that lur coming in I don't that's a great flash that no the no look the no look he's just flexing on him and zppa now has a chance now the wall is going to be broken a player on the other side forsaken doesn't land the shot immediately flash very far away from being back online but see might give it to him it is going to be the res instead but he's going to go swing it up what is that from Zappa he just eliminates everyone basically sends paperex home it's just going to be Brock with a double one player remaining and it's bang coming in from mid it's a 1 V5 no way he makes it a one V one bang so close to Glory now a Proto in the back of sight playing now with util but bang might just be one of the best plays of his career can he finish it oh he spots him M and he's looking to find it bang with the one versus the one man Yu death trap all right well he gets pinged out just going to have to G crash out as there's the follow up from something a brilliant trap play using the Yu himself has made this time around something on for the ace Buzz fighting for his life and the tournament life he'll get the triple to answer back and the blade storm Ace for Buzz he finds his Target just needs to get it and the buzz Ace keeps steering drop deil still has that blade storm but he doesn't have the spike he finds himself in a 1 V4 oh reset make that a 1 V3 three 30 seconds left 30 second reset okay make that a 1 V2 defo manages to pick up the Spike as well understands heo there Ethan's going in there as well he goes in defo good for four looking to work the ace with the blad storm heo he's got to UT defo does it my goodness the ace to kick off the series for Gambit find him the right click misses but it's just overwhelming Nitro here oh as the pi with his blad trying to the Head couple knes on this to try to get the refresh he gets the refresh as keeping the round the chance wall he has the wall and the molly the retake is possible here as looking for another one he gets it two more players to go ASA coming alive in this one three kills looking for the ace as he starts around cor for the backside play there's another right click a get the ace with the blad storm coming all the way from the B side to save it on that line and it's a free one for bone cold again he gets a second scream answering back he's got to deliver something here CED is in position it's all on scream's shoulders there is a Whi from Cen opportunity for scream if he can find him there we go scream looking to make it happen oh my God G gets himself an ace if that doesn't bring liquid back into this I don't know what will and as they start the a very well played by Mir wrapping around the corny at the exact time but crash's good for two with the sheriff that's going to drop things down a 2v2 now crash is's just five Health Jo's going to clean up FNS again the that's like man the lurk the L just hasn't been there right like they've been able to to have a beat on it the entire time what kind of shot crash good for four with the sheriff we talked about the 3ks the 4ks dog oh the so much more difficult yeah oh but he's going to upgrade a weapon crash has a transform trans for the ace the Red Bull clutch from Envy is this the turning point is wouldn't you be Chronicle playing behind the smoke and there's the opening as they come around the corner they're not expecting to still be agressive and he's going to get all five and Ace for being turned up wow now this play J with a buck in his hand he's even T The Flash APM off the bloody charts from this guy and now want it paved away committing one of the blades we're moving away from that hat nades flying through and forwards this is a sight that's going to be gained now for already getting that plant down demon one take Ms into your own hands here chance to really Wrangle back fate and control crashes with the fire in line making sure that nobody can really take it adjustment round away [Applause] goodness res after res yeah got him all over the place there's nobody there to diffuse one two yeah I don't know how they do this I don't know how they do this he finally gets up on top but the operator from Death saves gets the kill but you're right there's no time this man just one V5 at the entry point towards hookah on B oh no and you know I think when you're not clearing your angles that well that's what's going to happen so svin gets two kills but there's still three more oh my God and this might mean he just moves right through the blind spot yeah it does God and now he has time to play it all he wanted wanted to do was change up his angle that's all he wanted to do oh my God kill what is going on what is happening when the ace takes down the op [Music] though oh but win thr pushed be long and that was the scramble Rock converts to and still has the spike but no one left to is an op on the field hear him walking up jigle wow that's infil down H will detect that Brock is out of hookah screw face trying to time the pinch with Sil and hookah and Brock could do it the ace the thrash the detain early round aggression look at this from Jeremy deep into the pockets and they land ATT oh it's a quad kill and then the ace they had no idea that he was there the sneaky Jeremy in the corner [Music] ninja ninja those ninjas more difficult to get in round on this one something gets taken oh uhoh shed you were literally looking there a second ago oh dvo dvo dvo dvo dvo he's waiting 1 2 three there we go it's beautiful and now it's left with the Esmond holding up in heaven sure doesn't get much but he finds the head of yond it's a 1 V one now he has a spike in his hands he can rotate back round to B if he wants I think he's just going to cut noise and wait he wants this Ace he wants to kill Suma here he's just Round the Corner he finds ah head of Suma gets the ace he just going to try and stop this in fact he has a little bit of help from Angel he can hold the ground nice one from dark though he's got in on the flank made this one competitive brought it back to an even STS been off long AR this may be low but he's still fighting the battle of the Jets withu still Ki bardis lands another shot it's left all onto the fin he's been quiet so far the first goes his way through with the [Music] [Applause] classic eny enemy remain what the hell were the rest of you doing some sort of a plant oh they got hurry waste out the utility early flash then coming out and as they're waiting for this flank it's just taking forever so somebody else has to come in for the Theus another St on the ground but it's halfway a push down finally onto the AR stairs as RG and barice all the rest of him by V but the diffuse it's coming in they get it no way you B more doesn't want to die this he has to be careful and Asis is taking names and taking command he has got three so far and the Vandal now in the clutches of the brimstone can boom actually play the heroics and do this right now it's all up to ASIS though and we'll see if going to make it work he's pushing down to the spike right now elbow hold as well as the guarden here for Bren he's looking left and right left and right will he get caught out it's for in the for asteris and now the Flames are a foot he's going for the defuse and Jesse bash he's for there as a d King is heating on up yet to get three kills already blaz right behind him and all eyes on Lexi now he only has a sheriff but boom Esports they should be able to take this round unless Lexi has something to say about it after getting that kill though has been planted and now the next duel will still go to Lexi Lexi though left with 61 HP still three opponents just taunting him down right here really tall order her Balo says hello now Lexi what's the plan there's someone waiting on the other side he's trying to pre-fire but he hits the door frame instead unfortunately only three bullets in the chamber going to be reloading and Lexi he's done a lot of damage honestly he has a gun he can actually back on away and call it the day but no he wants to be it get rid of Flasher Lexi right now get the ace and say nothing is impossible because Lexi will still hold this one together and SMG looks to believe will they make it yes they do with half a second remaining what a ace this is going to change the game you watch how many bullets does he have in that chamber 12 that's eight too many can you imagine if he just gets head shot after it oh there's one oh there's though oh there's three three is he just going to stick the diffuse I think he is oh no no he's still scouting oh they're like so far away he had no idea he going to get gun down One V one get rid of the Recon bolt you can't tell me X is not the greatest player ever to have oh XY you kidding me oh my gosh he is the greatest [Applause] to a 3v3 on the site s player head first flashed up try to stay alive he smoke about the blender there it is two of them falling back to back leaving carp and munchkin in such an uphill battle but they take the first step the second carp out of his mind with 20 seconds though look how close car refusing to lose holding on so desperately they found out a captain he's taking one C he's doing everything one more to find he needs an ace or it's nothing p goes in but M moves closer C can you believe it tap into that aspect and really cause some damage cause some problems for NRG some will be tested here that's Little Cobra round to start things off for [Applause] he's fine he's fine how often have we seen most of it's been in this series alone players holding an angle and then leaving it we saw a lot of it on Lotus we got a little bit of a little bit of it on Ascent yeah no way no way he's got enough time dryad they have to kill him he's got enough time dryad governor with the ninja diffuse and the clutch
Channel: Koroda
Views: 293,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, 1v5 valorant, valorant 1v5, valorant clutch, valorant clutch 1v5, valorant 1v5 clutch montage, valorant champions tour
Id: zgQawjRPJDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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