FNATIC vs BBL Esports - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: EMEA Stage 2

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sensor's already gone Dera under pressure and already eliminated Elite the highlight of split one he was fantastic in all of bbl's games and he's definitely somebody to watch the Battle of him versus alier is something I've been excited for well I was going to say all split but that's only one day yeah short time window as there is for fanatic to get back in BBL quickly finding all the kills and leaving Chronicle alone let's see what that deadlock can do this pistol might not be where the utility gets it run at it already out of util down to the pistol taking re easy and even po Chronicle off to a flyer of a start probably a pretty good reason CA though he's looking for that initial fight and see you later it doesn't matter what utility Chronicle had online if he's met with a head shot if he's shot in the face there's nothing he can do with it yeah those sound sensors won't be doing anything from this point forward BBL sight control rifles in hand post PL to play with back complet complely covered by Elite as well not worried about a flank all they have to do is fight forward and Braves doing a damn good job of it they're still going a confident face to this attacking side and they get the reward a four versus one that durka does not want to get involved in that becomes the new Target Alpha still has his traps online looking for some wall bangs but they're stepping right over them 12 seconds have to move to the site to get this plant hero dealt with that's a sliver of Health removed they know Alpha should be around this position plant coming through if he could deny it it would be huge but no chance doesn't want to give but now as the last man standing trapped in with the entire enemy team right in front of him his chances are slim it is a a roll of the dice there's the aggression finally for elite but he got a little uneasy he's looking for a cam for any players trying to grab the information but instead it was the aggression catching him Advantage now sits with the team that really doesn't have a lot to play with just the pistols barrier mesh already thrown through that's actually going to cut up this attacking side it slows their push isolates CER now the SS online and the shot from Chronicle is perfect PO is the last man standing this round looked like a guarantee for BBL and instead a a one versus three with a flank coming through from alpha a player in front soon to be blocked out by the door but all that could serve as a distraction 35 seconds and still no real Comfort ground to plant that Spike and it looks like he definitely suspects the flank and he will land the first few shots out the down and another por going blow for blow and now it's only hero with 70 HP and a sheriff he can see por going hunting 15 seconds left he's eventually going to have to get this Spike down he's trying to bait in his opponent again almost takes it but that plant hasn't happened he's going to know that there's a peak coming through even getting tacked up the shock do will make him incredibly low it's the peak out but he doesn't connect the shot control there no traps to cover it on the walk through so they're not stacked up on the site with the push is coming in durka still manages to find the first and there's a bit of a sneaky play from Boer Tu up close good flash but dur is there to save the day gets the paranoia online there's the swing but rezy still able to land one in return doesn't look like it's that close with the blad storm online though this is where derka can do serious damage and might not need it only one man left El lead in a 1 V3 that this time ftic will close out instead they're going to look to try and move into the den of hero and Alpha with 20 seconds left this back site hold might be difficult Chronicle down but his util wasn't here they'll still need to watch out for Alpha's traps as they make their way through there's one 10 seconds left the timer taking away as hero steps up for his double the Odin on back side combining they dropped Alpha abili canceled it's when they decide to break through this cage or break through whatever is there it should be off the back of the smoke but instead it's CER walking through short to grab the double the rifle in his hands is deadly and now he's even got the operator upgraded to Alpha A's one versus three well he does seem to be going for it they've got the credits to risk it planted he needs something quick ca's going to give him that fight he doesn't miss the shot though he's been fantastic so far today and this setup is perfect from fnatic it's whether BBL will fall for the Trap we step into these danger zones and they've already removed one of the players who can do any damage to them Durk is left blinded and even as the Trap catches w on he's in the blind Fades and just like that the round is theirs that is unbelievable from durka over at long last Annihilation online on the way back through ftic at Boer making his way in mid and he's being caught checking the wrong way Chronicle only good for one the number thinning and fnatic locked out by a smoke an operator and an Odin to work with credits pretty healthy for the next round yeah they don't need to go saving is a very strange look another forou though huge issue theik already tiing too fast for them to Roo out these final players so it's going to be hero sent to try to make it costly drop some weapons while Durk is saving that off for the next Chronicles position as well this Crossfire has been created in a bit of a peculiar way timing though might not be with him he's going to go swinging and while he he's got the information he's found where three of the players from bbo are the problem is is B him his life booler as well this is a risky position to they've seen him they know he's there all these aggressive spots from fanatic could failed miserably and now hero well that's what they need first goes his way needs a little bit more gets a second as well an ace on the cards a player or two have done that in their debut but this might be the best of them bike planted drone will give him the information on toora a little bit further away for elite who sat back winning this should be now and impossible with how far back his opponent is sitting Bora up close and he's not going to be able to that rotation is going to take a while to make it way all the way through and while they break it Alpha steps up behind takes the kill C her back turned gun put away the BBL oh not quite being put away in that midf fight but everything else going the way of fnatic four versus two hero oser 20 hp Holding On by a thread to rely on those other players to land something it's Chronicle and durka holding this choke point once Chronicle gets contact durka swings and that will close the round once again although this time it looks like the Defenders are attempting to come through mid more Dera just looking up to farm as many orbs as possible C has done while though kept things even he's hoping to try and get the gun but lurking within the smoke as another it's somehow though por who's been firing today he's also pick up the rifle a second or two and he's going to go down because of it now it's dark's turn anything you can do this man can do better puts them in an advantage reezy he's looking to trade it all on his own but he'll go down because of it sound sensor up Spike has been spotted and dropped both players coming in from above he's trying to figure out where it is teammate even tried to shoot the Sonic sensor there's another burst both of them catching up top slowing them on the way through and you can see the problem if you tried to jump down you're in big big trouble for fnatic just waiting for that drop to come in player down below baiting with couple of jumps nice shot to start it but Durk is able to return Chronicle just a classic up close 31 HP 19 now the reload and he's got him with them stuck in such a narrow angle that makes it easier for Durk to take them down after one blade already cers made it here to help found his first and backing up those players on sight ftic might think twice about going for this still and need a pick on the way in and it looks like they're committing maybe unaware of how many players are waiting beckoning them in on the other side although they shouldn't they caught two with the hund fury they've seen CER here but confident to follow up off that damage now they have to go because the spike is down and as they make their way towards it but wall bangs and jump ups from CER put an end to this one the information is there to play with for BBL they've put two and two together the rotates are underway 14 seconds very low on time and Elite has his C J spots one on the way in now he's caught crouching but they still need to push into him do a good job of it 6 seconds as the Pine comes in this is Fury a chance to give them something back into the sight but it hasn't happened por however has all three grouped up together here Alpha I think has been spotted at the back so hero is the only unknown quantity trying his best to reposition make a play and he's going to get the chance to fight wins that first jawel puts it back into a 2v2 scenario and now they can sit pretty now they can try and play the advantage of the time that is ever ticking down another for Alpha into the one versus one and he'll be able to close it as well ftic to make their move three players here Annihilation being used in the setup but the fight has already happened there's nobody left to annihilate at this point every single member Drop and just poor and brave their positions are known still going for this though still feeling like they can fight it okay you know what pora's managed to make this one a bit more competitive listen pora having to retake into what should be a clutch we've seen it we've seen it happen many times fnatic be trembling a little bit seeing that that man's still alive definitely the Huer isn't the knife oh it didn't catch Chronicle so they don't have the information on Main I think that might be the nail in the coffin timing based of course but flash out signals the push Chronicle even waiting an extra second and then he strikes into the hands of CER Brave though is in trouble he's able to get out of there but he can't quite move afterwards that's the problem stuck on the ground nice push out of rezy great timing if he gets that shot on Chronicle the other players reloading and it could have been Chronicle and Boer out of the round right off rip instead the a players get contact lose their lives so B has to push has to get some information two guys sitting outside B that's good info but uh not a lot they can do now on a 2v5 hero plays needed this is seeming like an impossible task a gamble taken by the side of BBL understandable as to why and fanatic have just paused poisoning themselves seeming go into an MDA site have themselves a a free round and for the side of BBL for it might actually have to be a save here they're just not in a position where they can really afford to throw away this rifle it's also a scenario where realistically do you think that you're going to be able to win this one barrier mesh deep stops anybody peeking through that smoke on short rezy instantly has to rotate give up the position puts pressure on the sight players but Brave thrives under it finding the first now here comes the teleport through but the corner was not cleared CER able to punish and leave Alpha all alone an ace clutch one versus five the first already found but the lineup too strong big trouble brewing with the annihilation as well and it's caught one por is on the way he's flying up in the sky buter grabs a double while the squad is distracted this could work out in their favor now hero locked out in towards main Chronicle manages to catch por as he emerges from the Cocoon but take a look at the HP there shock Dart onto Boer he's 47 tagged low Brave still on site to be dealt with reveal though allows the wall bang to come through Boer finally finished off reezy thinking about emerging from this smoke and it looks like his timing could be next to perfect if he could isolate Chronicle instead he's given away his position an opportunity for the clutch he's trapped in a corner and chronicle's got him 13 to9 on bbl's map pick fanatic have come out swinging but Alpha's leading the charge looking to challenge Elite pushing him back towards the back of the site but that's where so many more BBL players have come through the plant is secured but at the cost of one of fanatic's lives Chronicle down he clutched the pistol in the last it's going to be down to somebody else this time and while with Alpha combining with hero there might just be a chance brought it back into a 3v3 ala reposition it's not a bad one but it's a little bit worrying just because of where por is coming from it leaves him very much isolated especially with the flash has been immediately I think he just saved his own life with dizy and he's going to peek out and get the kill it's now left all on to basa he bought time with the molotov but now he needs to hit the shots both players desperately low but B will land that kill as well s fight will only slow them a few more seconds push is coming out of fnatic but the flank is also underway CER extremely close to completing that poer goes back to watch it but he won't win that fight CER moving in the WR Direction he wasn't ready for Chronicles double back okay they keep the control back there the plan can be attempted and if they swing that's where Alpha strikes from the side Brave though doubled up on the angle not expected good spray by durka bringing it back to favoring that attacking side but not for long por has dropped him leading it all into Chronicles hands and he came close to making the adjustment he'd hope for BBL sake this isn't where they let that three lead slip oh big danger man's being removed Alpha coming in with a grudge quick one tap on the CER sends those rotations to the a site bra still a little while away but those smokes come into play there they are dropping no chance to follow up though with the pl secured you heard the voice line Hero's got his thrash sure there's a lot of weaknesses for fanatic there's one strength and that is Alpha in this round his second scalp already claimed and now those weaknesses well the numbers certainly make up for that deficit flank underway being watched though by durka he is tucked in now swinging information could be although the timing a little bit risky little spooky but as they go towards the spike this is where thr comes into play they've got the molotov they've got orbital strike that's the thing ftic have so much for this post PL and I don't even think they're going to need all of it BOS is waiting just in case anybody even Taps that Spike but isn't going to be happening Heroes them as well just to make Chron to have all that information and that just opens the door for this absolutely perfect flank po looking the wrong way oh and he's in heavy traffic por with two it's good enough it's made it doable on what would have been an asight retake or indeed a crunch on the plant but instead the Spike's gone to B and it's wide open seconds not as well there was a Temptation from BBL to go through the TP but they don't want to take that risk Chronicles going for the one shot he's going to try and take someone and then fall back but not quite quick enough and with the show stuffer leading the way they're going to be able to clear quite a bit of ground quite quickly fantic are scrambling to try and get back into post PL position he gets turn the third as well por is on the flank he got away with this a few rounds ago surely not again this time a late play out of Boler making his way back around but there's a double flank Brave is here as well boers caught him he hasn't spotted the second player though but Chronicle trades it out quickly that round is locked down by ftic unless rezy has a big clutch up his sleeve he's already found one but quickly the final shot is connected even against these numbers but getting the plant is a different story altogether re's up close CER becomes the target but rezy can strike for one now his position is known though fighting inside the pit the spams from all around too strong and with Boer picking up a leite it seems like this site is on lock down you have to fight back through the pit back through the utility they still have a mosh pit they still have a Molly they still have a snake B good luck getting back into this one operator dropped not going to want to try and play through up and there is some of the utility being thrown out B are now going to buy even more time this is where fanatic back in the day the Rat Kings as they just sat back spamming utility bers brought it to this team as well there's nothing you can do they're going to try and throw in the wingman as a last ditch Jeffer but the fact is the round is already over I was going to say once again BB I'll have the read but take a look players have started to rotate out just as thr comes through still leav they've C two and the third player's gone down there's nobody left to even defend them that thrash was absolutely perfect and this time hero will take the kill himself you couldn't have asked for more than that fanatic after what has been a 51 deficit take a pause the old fanatic pause and it seems to work for again Elite scurrying away on the other side of the map saving the weapon is the best he can hope for there a lot of economic weakness there after losing a few rounds in a row every little is going to help for the next but fnatic know that and with credits still in their back pocket they're going out to try and hunt it down nice shot from Elite to at least secure the first TP comes through player on a site and a player in the other direction there's no Avenue open for him to get out of here has to fight his way through and Chronicle meets him it's also worth pointing out the buy is not the best here for BBL trying to bait them it's interesting cuz bra next to no cash por as you said I think he's been different dark in most of those opening fights I'd be interested to see the head-to-head at the beginning or sorry at the end of the game and por is still going he's just looking to take this into his own hands I feel like the main times he's died is with youtil yeah it actually is he's down to 45 HP decides not to commit the it's the right call only one more player was spotted there with the spike the walk up from fnatic is dangerous a rifle in the hands of alpha air but a second player both rifles now have found so much impact and fnatic are isolated only now grouping up but 15 seconds left on the clock the sight still to be cleared the flank underway from Brave as well back to me again looking for those early fights but Alpha after what was successful round a few ago has not had the same success fighting up against Elite marked one already getting a little bit of extra information that they're still there and in fact fatica just looking to walk this one lead almost had a chance for more but did have a chance the shots not landed two rounds to go this is where BBL have to decide when they want to commit their ultimate still with a showstopper that's just now making it to the a site still with there never mind the ultimates this man's doing it all himself three under his belt almost the fourth dur tagged a bullet or two landed the spike tap to draw them into the open here comes the thrash and durka can't get away from it oh perfectly done with B Dr The Last Man Standing might beat the knife but they do him the justice of finishing him with a bullet 7 to four 30 seconds left he's now being flanked on Brave has started to make his move it's all about time I mean if Brave just committed to it from the start he would already have that kill ftic need to be careful not to let this clock run that much further down nice show stoer landed tter though has got the spike on the floor and the flank from Chronicle well let's let's look at Chronicles second he's gone through a wardrobe he's met a lion and a witch I there's just no time I I guess it was more so for the postplant scenario but instead he's so ridiculously far away that the round's going to end with no problems instead they're walking straight into the line down the one found in the last round it doesn't matter though Elite is definitely back he's gone very quickly D still here he might be able to turn this takes the head off of Rey puts this back in to a two versus two that kill also Tom got durk's back on line Molly for Boer and brave has two Health if that even so much as flies past him he's dead but boer's going to have the challenge first and there's the shot only the one bullet needed it lands right away CER though not want to let these rounds slip out of his hands without a serious fight they're now approaching the spike he's waiting n in hand to buy himself the time there it goes and they don't even get it half because of it good idea where he is but taking the challenge is a different thing entirely satchel and the peak it's beautiful from CER eventually they're going to have to go look the b b of finds a kill yeah the wingman spots out 30 seconds left DL now left down to just a bathroom push and they've been seen der it in the corner and it cause a big distraction in fact their eyes are so drawn towards lamps that there was no chance a quick double spray down and the confidence to swing in for his fourth of the round go they'd be done they're going to win on the defense if anything patient waiting for both players he's going to hit both shots he has not been missing today and now leading the way will be thrashed to just clear out all the remaining ground the rest of fanatica full Sprint trying to make their way back try and contest this one it will have to be a risk The Flash is solid but it's only going to be the one for one trade make that a one for two trade as Elite takes down durker as well hero Spike planted and a one B4 it would definitely be the most impressed have been today but they already know where he is she's still gun for you and they have a thrash thankfully it only catches du yeah hero safe from it but not safe in the round 36 HP 1 V3 time against him he's made the realization the rest of BBL shifting their way towards the side of the map gravitating in show stoer lands and it's dka for two the double to put fnatic ahead and BBL quickly turned tail they were getting ready they were amping up for the execution and I think it would have been the show stoer leading the way now I'm not so sure all depends on what they can find the leite is going to be spammed out DK is having one hell of a round there's a couple of low players but again this is untapped damage and well speaking of Tap St is hitting everything one mat stands in his way and D will take over this round oh try and slow them down I think Chronicle may have been heard there or the brave hasn't reacted just yet oh that is a misclick and a half there's no way that was part of the plan it doesn't matter though Alpha just popped off what is that third kill and well I said about holding on to hooka control Alpha's done that one away from the ace Alpha here's hunting him down and there's the SW what a round from alpha here put that one in the boook going to have Browns like that there's nothing you can do about it more derka he doesn't like the fact that someone's matched him on Aces looking to try take this round into his own hands poster he's got to be careful I think he's dead yep just caught out by the Viper screen he brought this back into contention but you've got to be feeling nervous if you're BBL there without a doubt three round Gap even now just a onean Advantage but thrash of Viper pit to work with Viper pit not quite in position just yet in fact fight okay there it is I I thought for a second they were going to go in lamps but Elite has used it on site this is the best play blocking off that retake angle it does leave lamps open a little bit would have like to see it slightly more passive thrash big danger traded out CAU one up close I'm not sure if gecko was seized as well looks like hero was that's a big detain slowing down fnatic on the way back through and isolating DS in the meantime with Alpha a down the numbers start to thin big swing on the back side to take down Brave and durka manages it now it's all on por another big clutch needed and the diffuse already underway swinging but not quite in time it's already done nine for fanatic 17 HP for por they're walking right into it Hero has a chance he's seen the barrel oh but Braves a bit too quick nice shot now making the way towards the site Chronicle in a bit of danger there's a showstopper on its way oh it's on derka catching CER was that in the air I don't think it even landed on the floor behind three versus three shot on Boer puts the numbers in bbl's favor they need to plant they get this now spam actually lands 34 HP on rezy barely holding on but he gets the plant through dur caught up close as well they know where both these players are and they've taken them down just in time BBL guarantee themselves an overtime on bind already oh a couple of them trapped there's a good Molly to actually shut them in while they're hit by the night for escaping that will cost some damage but doesn't seem to matter they're winning all the fights yeah sneaky play from boser inside the orb uses the Decay and the lack of vision to drop a player dog went past I'm not sure that it saw Brave I don't know if they turned just in time to catch that bit of information but either way Chronicle won't be rotating nor will alpha they stay in position in case the TP is used but now it's clear it won't be plan secured BBL 3 versus four trying to isolate one on Chronicle they heard the TP but they're not able to drop him another angle opened up and fnatic about to swing this a little ahead of the pack is Boer in fact one by one they swing but they win their DS in the end maybe they Farm some SS here as well good opportunity but it's a round that they don't expect to win coming in still they've won plenty of those before and dropping Dirk is a great start another weapon to potentially be retrieved Brave still inside those smokes head shot angle on the CER never one you really want to take up against that man di he through Nice kill by Hero avoids the bullet of CER X Chronicles flank here very much they're very much aware of it on BBL and he will just rotate back around the middle two players spotted inside of bath good information for the side of to play with they found the last man they've dropped them two now all eyes on path and rezy on his way through only gets the one 12 to 11 way through BBL show uper in hand looking for victims fanatica fallen way back content to play the retake but they've lost Alpha air previously when this sight's taken they always have control over hookah but now a much more two-dimensional approach goes trash and catches one orbital strike used by BBL and it's caught hero he was stuck in the mud and now fanatic with aug huge disadvantage they fought all the way back to 1211 but it looks like a stop will be put to them here BBL have done it 13 to 11 they bought a map three in this series this spike plant the next time yes there is and it's perfect by CER great result on hero yeah left him out to dry a little bit seemed like they didn't expect the full swing dark is completely blinded at the back and boa is trying to block everything now cleared out they know that there's either a wraparound coming all they're all sat towards the mound and although the spam are doing damage they haven't got the kill in fact all the kills are going back in the other direction dka has to fight versus the full force of his opponents and it isn't going to be happening quick fight that CER is going to have in his hands TP out from Brave an aggressive spot the Boer doesn't see coming and it's the ghost picking up the first two the pistols are doing damage the rifle comes out the sh ster fired and Durk is right into it Alpha the last man standing and he'll be shut down what a response from BBL taken down by Elite battle I was excited for C going out we've seen stuff from both reey aware as well they've got a couple of low players that they have to be careful of but right now a lot of the battles are going in their favor another for a leite and he post his face there looks a little confused hero and Chronicle facing off in this two V4 scenario the cam already going to give one of the positions away needing a little bit of help to fight but now he has to try and do it all and Elite is there once again little bit of damage done B to trying to play up close but no sound low HP was the fallback is it take even more damage the nade will do that little bit more Al for at least being able to find one keeps this one competitive and in fact they might throw in a night of their own hesitant as to whether to use it it doesn't matter though cuz Alpha's managed to find a couple Brave though been Unstoppable they're going to know where he is shot not connected but he do it all anyway through the wall and buys another 5 Seconds cuz they can't Purge derka though finally is going to shut down some of this aggressive push there's still one man they have to deal with though and they have finally it takes all of that to get rid of Brave this time Fortune didn't favor him they've made the right call they don't know it but if they commit to a I think pora wins this round I was just waiting for it sitting inside tree that position shouldn't be expected with such aggressive a positions in the early round but they have avoided him they've gone to B spike is planted double the numbers Viper pit is a safety durka one from showstopper this should be it at long last fanatic seemed to have gotten around on the board if por wins this one I might just leave the building would be truly ridiculous and he will be shut down fnatic with a round on the board seems like again duck is going to get but he is caught in fact it's a different stun a little bit later it's certainly caught them off guard and look at the results Chronicle pulls it back into a doable position durka firing from afar but pora's got enough time to dodge the rocket soare oh and he's down what a shot from pora it's all on Chronicle but he's got to pit something to work with going for the plant first keeping it safe one en oh and a nice shot to por for third of the round Viper Pit and the door needs to be opened or else he can just sit staring forward waiting for a decayed Elite to Round the Corner the Highlight will give him away he has crossed he's now on the right he's cling the distance and almost lands it 5 HP all that's in it are what BBL like to do ftic making the read and now look to execute on the back of it find a few kills por is stuck in the corner very low in HP but his teammates are primed and ready to Blitz back in fanatic step back they wait for it with a firing s a great adjustment and with the kill on CER x a great round win PO is only 26 HP surely he doesn't even go for that but hey waiting around the smoke they get the information that there's players close but only going to be the trade everyone hiding the information I'll tell them where the players are it's whether they can capitalize on it and absolutely not fantic instead hero giving them a further Advantage Boer with another ftic looking like a beast in these last four rounds of the half as cusher plant he's got to go for this one they finally figured it out here on the attack there were definitely a couple bumps in the road but not ones you could see coming I can understand it bbl's early aggression was crazy now their late round aggression needs to be one versus four there's any man to do it it is this one but look at fnatic they are well not offering individual fights they're all grouped up showstoppers good boers down starting to get worried he's only 43 HP n close is very good it's going to force them back give a 1 V one we expect this box has to be cleared they've spammed it a few times they're suspicious but not suspicious enough Durk a n online and it's found its way right onto the site pushing them back and he'll catch them on the way out the bullets don't land but the info is there and Chronicles strikes on the back of it strikes out for the second kill but Braves in a one versus four ace clutch good in pistols this man's been spectacular all series long but this it has to be too B big of an ass yeah I I think just making sure they get a few extra credits but the round is Fanatics screen against them he has played aggressively the paranoia just a split second too late unfortunate timing at that brave has reacted well at leaves a solo defender of Boler and it's just not pretty reezy is too easy for him to win that fight in the end and Alpha Chronicle and Alpha it needs to be another hero play almost caught Brave a snake bite an ambitious play and might even caught him he's taking a moment to Peak tox scre waiting for the vulnerability to fade away he's being spotted on the cross back but nothing you can do about that now without the pick grave around the side they don't expect him to be here and that's a huge oversight in this round of all for brave to get that opportunity even a third on a platter the hero does manage to take him down with 30 HP he ain't getting out of there two versus four wild spams for Chronicle one of the best chances they have to get back into this and none of them connect now the a site will be taken a seiz back or a haunt n excuse me backside and a plan to come through again it's it's the same two players players on the other side of the map that again are just in a scenario where they might just have to hold on stage two with a victory over fnatic that Peak from hero the timing is good and eventually the shots land for a kill oh now the show sto it it's so well placed he doesn't connect the shots it doesn't matter eventually he'll do it with the pistol as well he could have got three he ends up getting two just in a different fashion and while ftic didn't need play for an even footing that definitely looked peculiar I'm I'm I'm not sure what's happened there nonetheless back in they go Dera is going to rectify things for a second but Gua already dropping another it's starting to fall apart but even still they've kept it even the spam's out now it's left all on to one Chronicle in the clutch facing off against a lead and the timing from Elita Sublime one weakness on Boer another on durka but they still spur forward oh my goodness the UTI what gets it done Brave again finds himself down low but he has crossed and they have absolutely no idea that he could be here by the looks of things Alpha's position up top back turned it's going to be free at least one Brave now got two up on offer it's could be easy oh he's whift it on the first Alpha turned and spotted him but still able to recover a player rapping though it's hero been any point of he seen the barrel though that gives Chronicle a freebie there needs to be some support utility he actually survived on the edge the util not working out and while Alpha it seems like that showstopper kill has almost angered him a little bit ever since he's been Unstoppable Elite 1v5 camera taken out you'd need an ISO Shield to get through this one then I might believe actually yeah I would I would oh my God can you imagine BBL with that ISO there's so many teams I'm terrified of but Heretics has to be number one mini boo woot oh is neon Just Surrender if I was on the other side I would supportive utility but he's also the man with the spike and he's going to go down immediately hero now steps up and puts this one seemingly to bed retri the spike it's still Elite and cerx might be up against the full Squad of fnatic but they can get it done they Pro that to us already that's two quick kills for CER a show stoer used to buy them some time a plan to come in and neural theft activated for the information even the attempted flank by Chronicle will get them nothing he wraps back around to his teammates but look at CER he's gone walkabouts this was a problem for fnatic when it came to bind they were wrapped on again and again this time they're ready but Boler gets dropped the kill goes on Alpha year and Chronicle has to do it all this was looking like 121 and it will be one way or another and it might just be for BBL CER X the nade leaves Chronicle on 39 and even as he moves to the spike to tap it CER is close by it'll be half at least Chronicle maybe sticking it but pick up the rifle that he's positioned for himself there's the shot it's por with the Rolling Thunder with the breach who's the first man into the angle a big mistake for BBL although they might get back into it the paranoia is even hot Al the aers able to kill him the nade was forcing him out of position the advantage falls back to the attackers I'm looking at Chronicle Still Standing he's coming in for a flank it's definitely being watched doesn't have the gun for this not necessarily at least and now Brave knows he's there the surprise factor is gone the rest of the players need to make a move need to create something and reezy dropping another straight away going to commit that night for chronicle again though always deadly in these scenarios they've got to be careful another for hero again the Ty against to turn Chronicle with one more it's left to the 1 V one the new man of the block will be the hero for fanatic it's going to be 1311 The Comeback complete hey hero welcome to fanatic buddy this is what it's like three Maps 13 to 11 1111 down
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 100,884
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Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, valorant emea, valorant europe, vct 2024, vct, valorant champions tour, fnatic, fnatic valorant, fnatic highlights, bbl valorant, fnatic - bbl esports, fnatic bbl esports, fnatic vs bbl esports, bbl fnatic, bbl - fnatic, bbl vs fnatic, bbl fnc, bbl - fnc, bbl vs fnc, fnc bbl, fnc vs bbl, fnc - bbl, daily valorant, daily valorant highlights, dv
Id: 9Gi2b9VEqM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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