Teal Hunting South Louisiana (CATCH, CLEAN, COOK)

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i just now sat down to uh start editing today's video and you know i was looking through the footage and uh i thought about not even posting this video uh the hunting honestly it sucked i only had one group of teal come in when the cameras were on and i whiffed three times boom boom boom and i beat myself up over that so bad because i never got the redemption shot it's a little bit embarrassing whenever you miss three shots boom boom boom when the birds are like 10 feet from me which is probably why i missed them because they were 10 feet from me you want to be able to put on display good shooting good hunting and stuff but in reality that's not always how it goes and whenever i created this page i made a promise to myself that i would always keep it real i made a promise to myself that no matter how good or how bad the hunt was y'all were gonna be able to see what happened and so i gotta fulfill that promise to myself and i'm gonna edit this video and i'm gonna put it together for y'all uh the way that it happened and just let y'all see it i got nothing to be ashamed of you know it's like not every hunt is good and we sometimes we have off days so yeah i just wanted to tell y'all that so don't expect us to smash the ducks in this episode but i did put something together for y'all at the end to make sure that y'all got at least some good content we did a catch clean and cook for y'all so a few birds that we did kill um we went ahead and cooked them up for y'all and i'm excited to share with y'all i hope you all enjoy what's up y'all it's nate welcome back to fallen tide tv i'm here just getting stuff ready for tomorrow me and evan are going back to where we killed those 10 teal at a few days ago the weather is not looking good at all the weather is thunderstorms in the morning um it's not getting any better as the day goes on but we're going to show up he thinks we're going to kill a limited teal pretty early in the morning so that's pretty exciting of course uh to me that's worth getting up in the morning and going i don't know i'll go sit in the rain just hope the lightning is not too bad you know i really don't like lightning what's cool about it is we don't have to go very far taking out the kayaks so we don't have to worry about rough waters or anything like that everything is small water is we're not going out of any lakes or anything like that so i feel pretty comfortable um yeah i'm really excited so join us tomorrow as we go on this adventure no telling where it's gonna take us or what's gonna happen but uh it's always an adventure here it's always an adventure so i don't expect anything less but wishes luck keeping my fingers crossed hopefully kill some birds tomorrow well we made it to the blind this morning somebody actually was set up where we were trying to set up but i think we found what may end up being a better spot we know that this is a fly away right here and the way is it the way it is it's kind of like a it's kind of like a shoot right here like i don't know it's like a funnel in the marsh and then it opens up back here to my back right into like this little shallow pocket and uh the wind is blowing like straight like this and so i feel like them t like i don't want to be back in this little pocket right here but they're probably going to come right up to shoot in order to get there and our decoys are going to be right there to intercept them so hopefully it works out good we might end up shooting birds in the pocket that come up over these little trees that they got right here and come straight in or they're gonna come straight up this chute and uh we'll be able to shoot them like that i think it's a pretty good setup it's just cracking daylight here this morning got about five minutes till shooting light uh evan had to go run to his other spot where those guys are set up and grab his mojo pole that's how remote this little spot is that we're hunting is that he's able to leave his mojo pole there for a week but uh yeah this morning it's kind of a it's kind of a race against time if you will because at like nine o'clock literally on the dot there's thunderstorms coming like legit thunderstorms so we're gonna try our best to be done before nine o'clock hopefully we don't have to stay in the thunderstorms i think we're just gonna hunt until that stuff gets close and once it gets close we'll uh we'll pack up and go ahead and head on in but i'm excited about to be able to shoot look how pretty that skyline is behind me man that's beautiful well i made a boo boo i was uh i tried to film evan treat the first bird in the morning but uh i accidentally hit the record button twice so he's got one down right back over there but i didn't get it on camera we bout to flip on the gopro though now so let's go oh my god i suck so bad bro no i don't know how i miss them birds dude a little bit oh my god that was terrible bro what am i shooting you're right there grab that birdie come on yeah i got him i'm the worst hunter i'm the worst cameraman everything today oh my god so he's so i get on this camera bright and early this morning and i tell evan hey i'm gonna just film you because the gopro don't have enough light for me to record he shoots a duck i didn't have it recording i don't know how that happened but it didn't happen it wasn't recording what happened to your flying right now but anyways and then right after that oh i see him i spoke to you you're going by your buddies damn oh they whiff oh they kill one they killed one so then these teal come they do it right right in my face they're coming around all right i'm about to have to shoot you're going right by your boys huh oh they got another oh did they get both oh they got both hey yeah that's what we were supposed to set up at this morning yeah that's why you don't let people see where you're going at all yeah so then after these birds come right up to good i mean i mean they do it right they're right in my face six yards i whip all three shots he pulls one and then i'm messing around with my gopro one lonely teal just comes slide right in front he rolls it and falls in the roseos i'm just standing around doing nothing i didn't get it on film either so needless to say i'm not having the best day behind the camera and i'm also not having the best day behind the gun because the only time i did shot i missed all three shots you win some you lose some i'm losing so far oh god you did oh i got you now bro [Music] he's no longer speaking thinking about your boys huh all right in the decoy yeah oh they quadrupled they just cut four if we got the spot that we wanted this morning we'd had some birds uh them guys over there they got a little mess of birds down they just pulled four out of a flock uh that went in on a big high flying flock uh it's kind of frustrating you know but that's what you deal with whenever you're on public land you know you can wake up in the morning and somebody else could be there it's just the reality of it uh that seems to be the the primary location where the birds uh where the birds want to be so we're a little bit outside of where the birds want to be but i mean we got a couple of birds down shot a couple of gather news i don't know i might cook something up for y'all later way across there let's see what that wind did my shot i didn't even get close huh [Music] maybe i killed him yeah i got it [Music] [Music] all right i think i got him now that's one that's one expensive gallery right there bro big old congo yeah buddy the old congo y'all almost stepped right on top of that water moccasin but yeah it's the rain it's starting to rain is starting to get here now so i'm gonna pack all of this stuff and we're gonna try to beat the rain out of here to be honest which uh i actually shot the water moccasin because i was thinking about eating a thing and then i i googled water moccasin recipe and everybody on google said don't eat a water moccasin i don't know why i'm gonna do some research later i'll let y'all know but everything said don't eat a water moccasin um cause i've eaten rattlesnake before rattlesnake is great i figured you know a cottonmouth would be just as good but i don't i don't guess i don't guess it's just as good so i don't know i just threw it i feel bad for killing it i mean it wasn't hurting nobody out here but yeah it's gonna hurt you yeah you do hunt here a lot so maybe maybe we saved evan a trip to the er i don't know well it it kind of turned into a chicken shoot i guess that's what you want to call it did get one teal in hand he knocked down three i think the gators uh claimed a couple of them that's about the only thing we could think of i mean they were dead yeah they were sitting in the pond dead but uh yeah the hunt wasn't so good i didn't get a whole lot of footage for y'all as far as the hunting goes so i guess i'm gonna go home and just cook something and that seems like a good way to round out this episode i think i'll just go cook something for y'all so i don't know what i'm cooking yet but i'm gonna cook up some i might stew down these uh these gather new right here i don't know we'll figure it out whenever we get home just made it to the house so i'm gonna clean these birds real quick and i'm actually gonna i'm probably gonna just stew them up i guess i'm just gonna cook them down with some onions and stuff make a little brown gravy and uh i'm just gonna eat them over rice so i'm about to clean them right now i guess i'll get this kayak out of the way so apologize the lighting under here kind of sucks now i'm turning this light and see if i can make it a little bit more better so this is what we ended up coming in with got uh got some gallinus one teal these gather news eat pretty good i really do um i find them to be pretty dang good table fare of course the teal is as well everybody loves teal but the gathering who aren't bad they got a big old gizzard in them we like to pull the gizzard out and eat them uh a real good just cooked down in a brown gravy i think that's what i'm gonna do with them today i'm not gonna do nothing fancy basically when it comes to the teal what i usually do for the teal is i'm just cutting the breast meat out early season especially late season i i will actually keep the skin on but i'm going to show y'all real quick as you can see here early season there is no fat on this meat i mean on this skin at all i mean that's just straight paper thin skin because what i like to do with ducks that are you know fatty from eating in the wintertime is i like to render the fat and and i like to i like to cook the breast meat almost like you do a steak but i like to cook it in the rendered uh the rendered fat it's almost like you're frying it in baking grease and it's it's amazing that's how i love it it's my favorite way to eat ducks but today since we just browning the meat and uh making like a like a brown gravy i'm just cutting the breast meat out no skin and we're gonna cook it down like that i don't find i don't find with a teal there's very much meat on my leg so i usually don't keep the the legs or anything now these guys are a little bit different um you can get a lot of you can get a lot of meat off of these uh gallons here i like the breast meat the heart the gizzard and the legs off of these things so you get a lot off of these coupes are the same way although i find i like the gatherings better than the koots some people would say otherwise but nah it's a lot more of a look at the difference in color in this meat i hope y'all can see look at the difference here in the color that's a teal and this is the gallinum look how almost like a white meat that is it's such a mild meat it's a bird that most people just pass up in the marsh they just choose not to shoot it like i don't know i guess they don't think it tastes good but they don't know what they're missing i can't resist a cajun boy like myself i can't resist so after you get have to get the breast meat out i'm coming in here and getting this gizzard out of here everybody's got a different way of getting the uh it gives it open i've seen it done a few different ways look at them look at the legs that come off of these birds if they kick me off for showing you all this then whatever but look at the meat that comes off that leg or that gallon here that's a good solid chunk of meat shoot that's that's just as big as the breast that comes off of them so if you're eating gathering and you're wasting the leg meat you know you're wasting a good bit of a good bit of meat [Music] well i'm gonna go ahead and go take me a shower get cleaned up i'm absolutely filthy um i might have to run in the store i gotta make sure that i got all the ingredients to make this dish i think i do um but if not i might have to make a run to the store i'm gonna go ahead and take me a shower and then we will continue with the dish all right y'all so the way we're gonna be doing this gallinu and teal we're basically gonna make a stew so i'm gonna start by putting the meat in a little bit of flour i don't know if y'all can see it just got a little thing of flour here i'm just gonna put the meat in here just to coat it a little bit and i'm gonna toss it in this i got a little bit of oil in here yeah that's the first step all right so you see that basically like just a little coating on it and then throw it in here see just a little bit a little bit of a little bit of flour on it everybody's got their own way of doing stuff that's just the way i do it if you want to know how your food is organic that's a bb shotgun bb all right while that's browning i'm gonna chop up this onion and get ready to go in with all my seasonings i'm just showing y'all what i do i'm not definitely ain't no chef so don't take what i do as a as the only way it's certainly not like most of this stuff i learned on my own anyways like just by doing i don't i don't i didn't really have like a teacher i guess or a mentor when it comes to cooking at all i watch videos and stuff sometimes most of the time i'm just you know experimenting trial and error so if y'all got any other ways to do this you know be sure to let me know so i'll be glad to try different things if y'all got any suggestions on how y'all want me to try to cook something or uh you know just let me know i usually brown this for like i don't know 10 15 minutes basically after i brown the meat i'll let y'all look at it real quick so after i brown the meat a little bit i throw in my onions and all of my seasonings i go in with the onions oh lord i'm making a mess and then take my seasonings put that in there and the next thing i do i just take some beef broth and basically just pour it all in there i put the lid on it on low heat probably about well my thing it's i usually put it on like one basically just let it simmer for i don't know a couple of hours whatever it takes until that meat starts to fall off the bone once that happens it's pretty much done really not much to it after i let this cook down i'm just gonna put it on some rice and we'll eat it over rice tonight so yeah a simple meal you know there's a lot of ways that you can make a duck stew i don't know if i would exactly even call this a duck stew because to me to make a stew the right way you got to have you got to have a roux for me now that's one way you can do it that's like a cajun style stew and you can make a roux you know you could do you could brown your meat in a pan over here you could have your onions going here you got your roux going here and you can put it together and it'll be like a real thick like dark gravy it'll be a basically a cajun style stew and if i had more time today i would have did that but i've also cooked them like this and and i like it either way so and i also think this is a simple way for just somebody who you know doesn't have a lot of experience uh you know cooking duck this is an easy way to do it without having to worry about a root and because a room you know you can burn it if you really don't know what you're doing um i think i'll do that next time well it's been slow cooking for about an hour now um i went ahead and added a little bit of flour to it just to kind of thicken it up a little bit i want to give y'all an idea what it looks like see nice and thick still got some ways to go before it's uh falling off the bone but we're getting there well they've been slow cooking for a couple hours now so i'm gonna give it a little taste test it's good it's nice and thick it's good probably needs a little bit of seasoning a little bit more seasoning but um but yeah the texture is real good you really can eat it whenever you want i'm just gonna let it continue to cook down a little bit longer until it's nice and uh [Music] nice and soft all that meat starts to fall off the bone it's this tender already really i mean if i wanted to eat it now i could but i'm gonna let it go a little bit longer make me some rice put it over some rice and uh that'll be my supper tonight turned out all right all right y'all i'll let it go for about another 30 minutes and uh i was ready to eat man that's good such a simple meal and for it to be so good you're so worth it i'm gonna sit here and enjoy this supper i really hope that y'all enjoyed today's video um i can't wait to get back out this weekend and chase after them to you one last time it's been it's been a strange teal season to say the least high water hurricanes terrible weather uh it's been work but i'm glad that we were able to give y'all at least a couple of good hunts at least a couple of good episodes this season um yeah now i'll focus my sights on some squirrel hunting next month and then getting ready for big duck season which i am so excited about and i cannot wait to show you all the adventures that lie ahead of us for big duck season i just know that we're going to make some incredible content come big duck season i am so excited for that but with that being said i hope that you all enjoyed today's episode on fallen tide tv until next time i'll see y'all peace out
Channel: Falling Tide TV
Views: 2,027
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hunting, tealseason, tealhunting, southlouisiana, cajun, cooking, flair, jonb, outdoorlimits, fallingtide, hurricane, duckhunting, fishing, waterfowlhunting, waterfowl, fun, entertainment, vlog, vlogger, outdoors, outdoorvlog
Id: -KHqz3daJZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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