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[Music] all right kevin today is the day oh you're gonna fly your airplane for the first time it's not gonna be the mindy joe and mojo show today no kevin could be on the show today now you've flown a few times with me we've only flown this plane a handful of times the last one is when it came out of maintenance and i just don't like to teach on post maintenance fights because those are the ones where you need to pay attention the most and now this is our first flight after that so kevin is going to sit lefty today i'm going to be your instructor and we're going to see how this goes wish me luck so we're gonna be taking off and landing at our home grass strip but in between we're gonna head to another airport to a paved airport get a few practice landings in before we come back here because this airport is a little bit more challenging just a little bit but you're gonna do great i'm really excited for you to sit left seat for the first time [Music] play [Music] [Music] okay so keep it light on the nose but definitely don't be pulling it off the ground we got 10 degrees of flap so it is going to want to pop off when it's ready but just because we're on a grass field doesn't mean we need to do like soft feel because the ground's quite hard today so what i want you to do is keep it straight looking down the runway not too close to you look down the runway and just keeping it light with full power rudder as needed to keep it straight we don't really have any wind today and you're gonna feel when the plane is ready and an airplane honestly it's right when the air speed starts to register it kind of registers a little late in my opinion um but you'll see that kind of come alive but just stay looking outside i'll let you know when it's kind of ready you gonna stay with me you got this all right are you ready we got make sure you're full feels on both trim set flaps 10. all right add the power good keeping it straight yep just keep it light you're good keep it on the ground but keep it light you got full power in yep all right now you can break it off the ground gently yep good air speed yup keep it right here about 90. you're right here is where you're looking a little nose down for me we're a little slow yeah just a nice gentle arm okay now i want you to take your flaps out nice and slow push the button and then down to the floor great now keep climbing at about 100 120 somewhere comfortable but i do want you to pull the power back to the green so that's right here on your manifold pull it back see that green band keep it going there we go and now i want you to roll back your prop to about 2400 rpm yep keep rolling it back we're looking right here that's 25 keep going keep going there we go see how it sounds just so much better now it's happier yep are you good yep we're good all right let's make a right turn out how'd that feel are you good yeah did it okay how we could have popped it off the ground a little earlier but like i said our air speed doesn't felt like you wanted to climb and you said just be light just be light so i was just thinking to be like yep like we're not we weren't we're not trying out our short field performance today we'll play with that another day right now i just want to do normal takeoffs and landings with you all right you can level right here this is about it trim it if you need to so if you pull the trim towards you the nose will come up and if you push it down the nose will go down remember to fly the airplane first and then trim it to relieve the pressure okay and you can pull back the power now to i don't know 20. right here we're looking see that 20 yeah we're just gonna slow up we're at 2000 feet traffic patterns 1800 and we're nearly there we are nearly there okay so i want you to switch over to falcon which is on your left on the radio there's a button yes okay charlie runway what he was talking like this how do you feel are you good i'm focused i'm happy for you yeah it's good so i don't know which way they're going but they're going to figure it out you're doing the right thing no matter what we're going to come out on the go he didn't say the runway great job holding altitude i'm not doing anything mojo's doing that that's the point a lot of people over fly the airplane skyline 02 down midfield left that one runway three one time great all right so we're gonna want to pull the power back below 100 miles per hour is our whole flap range bring the power to the left to the south's gonna maneuver for the 45 at the left three one talk all right we're below 100. great get my first notch in traffic zero two delta turning and left base runway three and falcon let's do a full stop this one skyhawk 9342 is five miles all right you know how to land a plane boy keep the nose down we're getting a little slow nose down and add power [Music] all right slowly start working it out look down the runway you're looking good keep it coming now full power out and just hold the flare hold it hold it hold it hold it we're not trying to impress nobody getting off at the next taxiway okay little right rudder a little right rudder if you want [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good you got that feeling now good now nose down a little give me some breaks get the wheel stop spinning great slowly let the flaps out yeah finesse it just as you lean down to get the flaps out careful not to push the nose over with you um keep that this left hand stiff because you don't want to control the plane as you're gonna head down makes sense to feel myself doing that yeah now pull the power back for me yep you'll do just fine there i'm not worried about you feel good it's a good flying plane huh yeah it it's is that's what it is and we can land through the south again unless which way do you prefer to land on our strip do you know no let's uh no idea i'd say let's land south uh that way the trees don't freak you out i'd rather you have to come in a little bit steeper and not have the trees so close okay let's land south [Music] yeah consider bringing the power back now to about 15 and then you can pull the carpet all right are you below 100. i want you to tell me that all right you go make sure now all right you can start to turn in like just north of that lake go ahead yup and you're good on your descent about 1300 on finals what we want to be yep squared off so kind of get right on the edge of this lake right here yeah point towards that open pasture keep that power where it's at keep the descent coming very good you want to start the turn final we're a little bit faster than the cub getting on center line for me okay keep flying this way until we get on center great that's good get your last notch of collapse forward start to inch out power for me and keep the nose the way it is we're going to keep the nose down and now back out i want you to keep the nose light we're full now you can start to add a little breaks if you'd like not a lot it's okay if we miss our turning but i think you got it all right let's make the turn add some power through the turn we don't want to get stick we did i'm cleaning you up okay i think i understand the problem what's the problem my feet are just on the brakes yeah we don't like that yeah we're gonna like that goes super slow for me down this hill we'll talk later [Music] so [Music] okay well it was getting dark fast so we only got to do one landing at falcon walk me through that how was the takeoff here and landing a falcon well takeoff here was good the trees on either side didn't really affect me because you kept telling me look down the runway look down the road and i looked down runway and i listened that's what you should do every time not just so taking off here was good but what's crazy about this plane is i'm pulling the power back once we get up above the tree line you're having me because it's so powerful there's so much energy going it's like what yeah that's what you're not used to you're used to just like full powerful mixture till you get to cruise and we can do that but just for our engine life if we bring it back a little bit and just do like a nice cruise climb once we're clear of obstacles that's what our operating manual wants us to do and it's been working really good for me yeah my head in the falcon that it felt like home yeah you know that landing was better i think we planted it a little bit hard on the pavement but that was your first landing back in a long time but it was fine and i i didn't you know you know you were telling walking me through the numbers and everything but that felt good taking off from falcon was good coming back home that was different we're going to need a little bit more practice there but what'd you think you uh initially started coming in like we were in our cub yeah and this plane's faster so you have to account for the ground speed so that means you know with a little cub you can have such a tight little traffic pattern but you need more space to make those turns in a 182 where you're going significantly faster so you start to come in really tight which i applaud you i love that and we'll get there but i needed you to have some extra time to get through all the procedures that we needed to get yeah i think my takeaway is i'm gonna have a little longer downwind yeah and i don't want you making a huge traffic pattern i want you to make a safe traffic pattern that if you had an issue you're in gliding distance to the runway but it can't be you know 500 biggest difference is we're coming over the trees and as soon as we clear it you're like push it down push it down which i did and we i mean the landing was fine i know you helped a little bit let's be honest but we turned off at our house which i mean was a thousand feet i mean not too much distance that was used on yeah we used less than half the runway uh you probably landed yeah in about a thousand feet that'd be about right but but that also includes super tall trees on one end so we have 100 foot trees and then our runway is like bucked up to that so this landing area of the runway is essentially unusable because unless you're slipping really hard down below those trees to utilize that front part of the runway that you really can't use it so when we got above the trees and runways made we know we're like we know we're there and we know that we're at a good um air speed right when we clear the trees that's when i it's chop and drop time and that's strange for you i know you haven't done that you don't do that at normal airports so right when you clear the trees it's full power out nose to the ground because you got to make up for that 100 feet where normally at the end of the runway there you'd be at 20 feet not 100 feet so you got to make up for a little bit that way we can utilize our runway because we don't have a super long run okay and there's trees on the other side too so what do you think as my cfi am i signed off why would you ask me that right now i think that's a no so we're gonna probably do this a couple more times you fly the airplane fine if we were based at falcon 100 if you want to go fly to falcon or if paved normal airport yes but our runway environment we just need to do a couple more laps we need a little bit more practice because how does that feel here i'm gonna have to use this little uh contraption you bought me for christmas if i go up by myself and have to land at home i don't think you'll have time to use that i hope not so how do you feel landing here you asked me if you're signed up are signed off are you comfortable to be psyched i was nowhere near as nervous that i thought it would be i was i was you know in the moment and comfortable but no i i don't want to go up by myself for a couple more times but i could see it happening soon yeah you know i mean i i've never flown the plane before so we're learning and i got the best teacher there is thank you well very very good job we will continue this another time hopefully in the next week or two you'll be running away with the keys mojo and kevin show no
Channel: Schmiiindy
Views: 24,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NpRdV22yOOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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