Teaching MY CRUSH to drive a manual transmission in my FIXED 1962 Chevy Corvette

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it's a neutral so you can go ahead and start it up are you wait you just want me to go for it and start it up right now I just spent about $5,500 sorting it out because I blew the differential doing burnouts just let the clutch out and go okay oh no how mad are you right now there's rut you made it you guys I I'm just in my living room y'all are in an old Corvette it looks like welcome to H Garage the dumbest Automotive channel in all of YouTube and today is Fleet update day the 62 Corvette is back in addition we are selling a few cars today but most importantly we have a very special guest who is is kicking you're trying the kicking that's what you do it it is what I do in every single video I know why do you need to stretch before you walk well yeah it's nice to get limbered up but uh this is April and April is my crush and uh today I'm going to teach her how to drive a manual transmission in my 1962 Corvette I don't think this is a good idea at all you're starting this video with that this is terrible well you need to learn how to drive a manual April has just moved to Kansas to work on a project with me which I'll show you later in today's video but also you haven't had a manual driving lesson in Kansas yet this is perhaps your worst decision you ever made cuz this like I don't want to ruin this is that all original U mostly so I just blew the differential in it driving it too hard right dropping the clutch too hard which is something that could happen if you uh mess up but as far as manual transmission options go I think it's the best one as far as it being the easiest and then well the count or the Ferrari 599 or the BMW Z8 that one's well that one's the most fixable most fixable with the oldest technology yeah but you got this and the most like I don't know if I want to say the most prized but I feel like this is like American history this is American art right here that I'm going to ruin well I'll let you build up your courage a little bit because first I'm going to give you a tour and update everybody on the status of the fleet and uh one car here is actually going to go don't don't say the grand national do not let's continue the tour and the one that is going is the grand national stop it you are not selling your grand national no I'm not no this is April's favorite car I love this car I picked it up in uh Palm Beach I love it and we took a little road trip to the Florida Keys I love this uh no it's not going anywhere it's the car next to it the BMW M6 only 20,000 M on it I started to do a manual transmission conversion and uh got the wrong car to convert it yeah the transmission's like $7,000 oh so you're going to bury it again no no no no no I buried another one uh so this one it just wants to stay stock it only has 20,000 miles somebody would really appreciate it so I think yeah no reserve on cars and bids it goes I think bangle but are cool yeah and the cage well it's caging I just had it out for a drive at the last cars coffee it's doing great how do you uh you don't you don't think you want me to drive this one um that would probably be really dangerous a clutch job would be about $50,000 on this thing if it thing though it's gated so it's a little easier perhaps to drive what do you think is easier to drive this or the 62 that one's a pretty heavy clutch this one is even heavier and it's more finicky the visibility is terrible there's a lot even if this were an automatic this would be a challenging car to drive is this all the original paint it's it's all the original paint yeah why would you even drive it anywhere I like that's kind of what's the point of having a ice car if you don't want to drive it I get it but I wouldn't want to take this on the road anywhere if this is the original paint that's beautiful I know it's scary and it's pearl white so it'd be impossible to match if anything happened to it when I bought it it was expensive but not like stratospheric expensive and now I am kind of scared to drive it yeah which is bad but trailer Queen now yeah um behind it the BMW Z8 the last time I tried to start it it wouldn't start now the battery tender it's starting new problem at tall the wheels you put on it yeah beautiful I bought this about two years ago right before Barett Jackson Houston which was the very first auction we work together yes it is that's a beautiful car you you drove it during the auction and I was like who does this guy think he is he's got this fancy car at the auction he's driving around there a James Bond over here really cool yeah this is a beautiful car so you're not getting rid of this one not getting rid of this one uh not getting rid of the ASD Martin nothing else is going in here other than the BMW M6 but let's say you had to let everything go except for one car what would it be uh it might be it would be between the SLR and the SLS for sure I love the SLR wait you would sell the I can't use the count I would be too hard to use that every day these two cars are much more usable and I both I think they're both great investment person you you would sell I would if I had to have one this kage would be too difficult to own because of the drivability aspect of it and the value it would never move I want something if I'm keeping one it would be something I actually want to use and the SLR is very usable yes it was great for Monterey car week what do you think this shape was like what was the image like the idea around this front end obviously it's phallic I wasn't thinking I was thinking like a spear like spear heading into the wi I don't think a spear has a has a bulge at the yeah like a arrowhead spear you're cutting and a lead Edge into the wind with the Mercedes emblem right there I don't think Spears have a a tip like that honestly to be sharp a little sh yeah it needs a little bit of sharpening um this one uh would be a little tougher to own just from a maintenance standpoint if I'm using it a lot but not too bad because it's a Mercedes the SLS uh I love the go Wing doors I love the engine and the noise it makes it's a great Cross Country tour and I think an icon personally but my grandmother's called car I would never get rid of as well so yeah my grandmother got that new gave it to me when I was 16 uh these two are well that's my dad's Trans Am this one's the old car issues police car Plymouth Fury and then the uh gated manual 599 if you uh do well in the Corvette you can graduate to others if you how much do you think the value came up when you put the gate in the oh I don't know there's been a few sales at Barett Jackson where they've sold for at least 10 or 20 grand more than the conversion cost which is around 50 Grand so it's an immediate add value more than what you put in for the conversion but I don't know is there's more that get on the road if that's going to continue to be the case what is that color called Venus Venus wine beautiful oh the last car though the Maybach the Maybach 62 I'm coming up on one year of ownership with actually just over a year and it's been through a lot but uh just had it detailed have a seat in there you got this at very I did along with the SLR is this the one that you were running up to the block to get like literally running up to the block like I need this car I had already bought the SLR McLaren so I was pretty spent but this thing was stalling out in the 30s which this is a $400,000 car new and I got up there waved my hand at 40 and I owned it one bid and it was mine the 62 with the partition which is really cool I'll join you in a second I got a girl on my my buug yes we have the power door closed here wow mhm that's fan that's extra fancy and then we have ample privacy here phone yeah there's a old flip phone from 2004 this is worth nothing absolutely nothing but it's to cool we have it and now we can black things out if it uhoh it's it's uh um just some bugs oh oh came alive there we go just a just a little delay is all so it's following through it just got a little nervous I guess there we go now we're well we were all alone before but now we are very much alone special I love this edition of the roof Isn't that cool what how much was this option it's like a $50,000 option really yeah so more than what I paid for the entire car just for this roof which is really cool because uh I can go transparent as well yeah transparent translucent you know you see those bathrooms in like China that are bathrooms and they have this electr chromatic which now you can see the bird poop right there did you just make that up no cuz it sounds like it's correct but sounds like science I don't know but yeah then it goes completely black out as well oh my oh my so we can procrastinate in here for a little bit yeah that's a good idea or we can go do what we're supposed to do which is drive that you got this I just I don't want to ruin one of your car like I feel it genuinely feel terrible for you right now it will be fine no it won't like what happens if it's like a money shift or just something like I could really Jack it up like that's a beautiful piece of American History the nice thing about my YouTube channel is people like to watch bad things happen it's a weird thing on YouTube with anybody uh like whistling diesel uh so if you break it then I get to fix it again I make more videos with the wizard so bad is good good is good but I think I think you'll be totally fine I can't all right are you ready are we seriously doing this yes very easy H fourspeed here I gotta no I don't I just I don't think it's a good idea it won't bite you come on come come on in it won't bite you come on so is the seat comfortable the seats really comfortable well that's good cuz there's no adjustment to it at all so hopefully you can reach the clutch it is a bit heavy so go ahead and give it a push the one all the way to the left all the way to the floor oh that's heavy yeah ooh that is rough oh my God this is going to be terrible so you want to make sure it's in neutral you can see there's a nice diagram here and you just kind of Jiggle It To Tell the the m is not very subtle uh but if it yeah it's a neutral so you can go ahead and start it up are you wait you just want me to go for it and start it up right now I just spent about $5,500 sorting it out because I blew the differential doing burnouts and then it had all kinds of leaks it been sitting for a very long time and also so there was about an inch of sludge in the oil pan okay and the oil filter was probably from the 1980s you're kidding yeah that was one thing the wizard was on vacation so I picked up the car and and he wasn't there to tell me all this but he told me over the phone so you have sat there for a long time uh I guess the oil filter was really hard to reach so they just probably left it on there for 30 something years was like that on the Grand National too yeah exactly okay so go ahead and clutch in just for safety and start like a pep talk you you got this this is it's a beautiful beautiful car and we have a nice long run taxi way this is my favorite body of Corvette seriously the first generation I mean I say that and then I'll see a C2 tomorrow and be like oh that's my favorite but like right now this is beautiful this is American history right here and you're about to learn how to drive stick in it and I'm about to wreck it no you're not what's the worst thing that I could do um you hit a multi-million dollar airplane oh my gosh it's a tough clutch yeah woo how do you do okay okay you turn it on seriously mhm you got this little gas okay go ahead and put it in first oh my gosh there you go and this has such a nice granny gear and it's so torky that you don't even need to give it gas so just slowly let out the c or Tor torky slowly let out the clutch no gas just just wait slowly until until the car starts moving and once the car starts moving don't just dump the clutch no I'm so nervous right now keep going keep going just slowly feel it very slow so you can do it a little faster than that oh my gosh this is it there you go okay it's starting to grab starting to grab starting to move yes don't dump it just cuz you're moving oh look now you can let go now that we're moving okay you got this oh that made me so nervous that made me so nervous we're staying in first the whole time no you're going to shift right now give it a little gas come on I'm just going to pull it straight back right accelerate a little more all right now second clutch in down to two is that two that's I think so okay let out you got this okay what do I do now uh go ahead and stop and try again break and clutch break and clutch yes break and clutch oh my gosh see you're natural that is a disaster it's also the best easiest car to learn how to drive a stick in says who says me obviously uh oh now you parked it on a hill a little bit so uh oh no um so now try it in first again but see you're going to start rolling backwards you have to do things kind of quickly because we're rolling backwards yeah put it in first I'm going to run into Jake I produc behind yeah okay wait I wasn't listening okay your clutch is in put it in first putting it in first all right now slowly let it out we're going backwards yeah we are literally going backwards yeah it's okay just let the clutch out and go okay oh no how mad are you right now it didn't hurt anything I don't think that was terrible it's okay okay the hill is a little challenging okay the hills challenging okay so go ahead and try again put the clutch in starting the car yeah start of the car as we roll backwards it's okay gas no just stop hit the brake to get it to stop again slowly let out the clutch and remember how where it bit last time where you're able to go yeah um that's when when it starts to bite you can let go of the brake okay you don't need to use the gas in this car until it starts to grab CU it's such an easy Granite Gear all right put it in first it says easy but it's so not here you go okay slowly let the clutch out CL out even though it starts to grab doesn't mean you let off the clutch all the way go now start giving it gas and start all the way releasing clutch okay you did it we business baby we got this I'm on it and there's oncoming traffic but you got this my go don't panic Don't Panic I'm just going to be cool I'm in the wave and be like no big deal yeah just like every other day I'm in the c one hi Santa Claus look like Santa Claus but you can turn around right here okay how do I am I CL in clutch in neutral in there's going to be cars here coming around blind so you got to break you're not supposed to just up plane I'm going to stop cuz there's a plane right there I had to stop look at the plane that plane was probably so nervous cuz he's like oh my gosh there's this blonde driving C1 right into my Runway why is it clutch so hard that's just how it was back in the day okay I'm like literally but usually people don't have their leg in all the time like that they're able to do it sort of quickly and efficiently like right now since you have it in neutral you do not need to have the clutch in you can let go and the car won't move see tell me this now I getting such a good left leg workout but we'll do a few more launches here and a few more shifts where you get comfortable and then you can drive me to the farm there's like actual civilian innocent people on the road we need to go there because there's one more car that I'm selling there I need to tell people is there yeah one more well doesn't that look gorgeous and it's still in one piece good job April I was fun I was like sweating when I was driving you can still drive it again tomorrow it is totally functional you did not hurt the clutch you didn't hurt anything you are an ace that is an easy car other than the heavy clutch it's pretty simple mechanically get get down there look at that it's bigger than mine definition my chicken legs yeah terrible so uh we're here at uh hoov's farm and this is sort of the scene of the crime for our latest product but before we get in there I guess the Escalade is still here still my daily driver caught a rock and cracked a windshield otherwise uh she's doing Flawless the other car that I am going to be selling is not the ls swap 911 not Apollo 911 not the 911 Turbo I'm still waiting on Wheels to do this Safari build but all the bars and everything are on it uh the car that needs to go I know you're a big fan of this one yes yes yes you're selling it I am selling the HHR SS I'm going to be so sad PT Cruisers and the prop okay it is really cool at least to me not to you but I do need the money for other reasons around the house over here this isn't going to be a door forever but it will be for now so that's a window oh my gosh I'm so nervous um yeah active construction site so this is the master bedroom Edition that was the two-car garage but now it's starting to look like a bedroom so here's the bedroom with the view out back bathroom and closet in there great room Edition out here and somewhere out there is going to be a little two-car garage 2 but I get up every morning and I have a view of hubie's garage 3.0 that 60x 100 pad right out there by the lull now April has come to Kansas for hopefully many reasons not just because Chicago is terrible I miss the traffic and the smog and the crime but Kansas is nice she might maybe like me a little bit but also we are going to work together on a new project on YouTube it's premiering at the same time as this so we'll actually pick up tomorrow on our first official filming day for Good Morning YouTube is that what we're calling it I think so and that's what the film studio is for which is right back there in the barn next to the million mile Dodge Ram which is actually running great as well yeah so is it going to be like the world DST talk show too it might maybe we'll see hopefully you like it well it's the next day and I sure I'm happy that we didn't do the stick driving lesson with the Corvette in the rain today but uh now we're all indoors inside of the barn dominium in the back of my house including the 62 Corvette which is driving great uh but we're making the finishing touches here on the back Barn condo and working on our new project we just filmed the first episode 100% Jake is editing away here uh but where the magic is happening is past the bathroom which is now the makeup station and into the studio hello hello welome April in full regalia ready to film the first episode here look at the lighting yeah which I'm about to knock over but yes don't knock over you are so well lit thank you that's important this is our setback here we got the black bird SR71 myv plane my favorite car of course the grand grand national I love the Vintage because you worked in radio for a very long time yes so that's Art Deco not when that came out no not when that came out and of course the Superbird my one of my favorite and I always compared it to Tyler let me tell you because I don't like this comparison she's done this before on bar Jackson but yeah because he's American maid so if you had to be a car i' be American maid and you know they started out not I don't want to say like an ugly duckling but like you had a little trouble in high school you're a little awkward and girls didn't like you right and that's still kind of true you're just well I like you so and and you know and now it's grown into this beautiful Swan which is what Tyler is a beautiful Swan right now yeah your side is much better decorated you have the Star Wars and the little decor here I need to work on mine I sell as some be shelves but at least I have the go Wing here my dream car with the Mia medal I got two years ago and then there's the mighty Enterprise d and a few Star Trek props the phaser and the tricorder pew pew don't have Voyager well I like Voyager better the Enterprise D is a prettier ship in my opinion but this is my chair and that is April's chair and we are doing good morning YouTube a YouTube morning show that is going to have very little to do with cars and there's cars in there there's little there's cars in there but this is not something that I've ever done anything close to before uh she's done a lot of this kind of stuff so she's kind of carrying me through it I'm not I'm riding her coattails I do not do YouTube that often I'm like broadcasting television and so this is New Territory for me so I'm following your lead yeah we are combining forces and episode one is out now on our new YouTube channel and I'll have it linked below so check it out and our first guest on the show you're going to absolutely love cuz he's a a big car guy yes rutage wood of Top Gear Fame but he's gone on to do so much else and he was a good source of advice for us so hopefully you like our first episode of Good Morning YouTube be sure to watch subscribe and as always thank you so much for watching she actually makes $9,500 a month oh my God for selling her armpit hair she makes six figures selling armpit hair well I don't even like my armpit hair honestly it's too long you have very long spiky armpit hair it's like my hair unusual so if you would like to buy some of Tyler armpit hair okay so here's the thing this is our very first episode so you're like the trial and error to see if this actually works we're testing it out
Channel: Hoovies Garage
Views: 635,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r1h3wZ19Dro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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