Our Deal w/ Hoovie's Garage was a Disaster

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okay so um this is i i have to begin the story by saying that this is in no way um meaning to start a fight or pick a fight with somebody rather it's it ends up that has a sort of maybe a cute ending um but anyways uh this is this is this is gonna be fun um so in january of this year um a lot of people started reaching out to us it was probably actually december of last year a lot of people started reaching out to us because a very famous youtuber um mr tyler huvey tyler hoover of hoovey's garage purchased um a pair of lamborghinis and he made it known that he bought these cars for a very good deal i guess he was shocked at even this deal and everybody was commenting in his videos and listen tyler is uh huvi's garage is is one of the bigger automotive youtubers um online i think he has like 1.7 million subscribers or something like that so he's a big guy and i've actually spoken to him before but i've never really truly worked with him uh ed bullion who's a dear friend of ours and we've been on the vin wiki channel introduced me to him to help with a murcielago transaction there was a trade and i was selling edicar which is actually another great story about selling ed um probably the worst lamborghinis that he's ever purchased uh but that'll be a separate story and um so i had known tyler and everybody started tagging curated and curated tv and me and anything that tyler was posting about these lamborghinis and it was a 1997 lamborghini diablo roadster a titanium car over black interior uh 97 and a half because uh if i miss if i remember correctly it's an airbag car but it has the smaller 17-inch wheels so in 1998 lamborghini started producing 18-inch wheels but if you bought an sv that was from 96 or 97 and same with the roadster they looked identical but they were actually smaller wheels so they were 17-inch wheels so so definitely a nice car not the most desirable of diablo roadster models um and i believe it was like 13 000 miles so not low miles but not high miles and uh a 1989 countach anniversario anniversary uh 25th car uh pearl white beautiful color on red interior and again similar miles not super low and uh everybody was just saying hey you got to try to buy these cars you got it and guess what um tyler actually reached out to us uh to give a our opinion of values for the cars um he had brought them to to i think it was carmax to get a value and ended up through ed reaching out to us to give him an appropriate value so we did a video with him and he was awesome to work with and then one day he reached out to me uh january 13th or 14th i had to go back through some messages and basically he wanted to sell the diablo and and i was you know excited uh we had been back and forth on price i thought the car looked really great it didn't have a wing and i actually like the early diablo roadsters without a wing i think the makes the rear end look really wide and the car hadn't been advertised in years so it was an interesting car it did need some work he was very very transparent he sent me a ton of photos even sent me the videos where his mechanic i guess the wizard was going through the car and you know finding all the problems so as a seller he was probably one of the most transparent sellers you could ever ask for carfax checked out didn't look like the car had paintwork it needed some service items and it's funny because a lot of people were sending us messages that we need to save these cars from tyler hoovey tyler hoover destroying them and that his you know whatever he was going to be cheap and not fix these cars right and i guess that his his mo um on his garage is you know you know trying to fix things for small prices etc so i basically you know we went back and forth and we agreed on a number and basically i you know my i think my last exchange was great congrats we have a deal send us a copy of the title and we'll process the transaction and and typically the way it works we get a copy of the front and back of the title we create a purchase agreement and within 24 to 48 hours we're paying for the car we pick up the car obviously and then and then you know we go through the car and probably for two to three weeks i would say is what the car needed in terms of work um you know a service you know some touch-ups i think it needed fresh tires so i was excited to have new inventory and maybe do some youtube stories uh with uh tyler and that was one of the fun things that we talked about and guess what um a few days go by and tyler says you know what john i'm so sorry i have to back out of the deal i just i fell in love with the diabolo and you know as a passionate guy um i had to say that i understood like diablos i love them they're great cars he started driving it he said it was probably the most comfortable lamborghini of his lamborghinis and uh he's like you know what i'm gonna keep this car but i'm gonna keep in touch with you because if i ever do decide to sell it or i decide to sell this countach i'm going to call you so another probably 30 days have gone by and this is also in a period where this year it's been difficult to find inventory there's not a lot of sellers the classic car market is is very hot things are selling um so i hadn't had a lot of inventory and i was looking for great countaches and great diablos which are part of our dna and actually in this process tyler had mentioned us a few times in his youtube videos as the go-to guys and gurus of these cars which was greatly appreciated so a little time goes by and he reaches out to me again uh through facebook and and says hey i think i've decided i've got to pay some bills or whatever and i think i've decided i'm going to sell the countach and very excited again i said amazing um and i was very very happy and you know we went back and forth and and you know on price and again he sent me all the photos and all the little things that weren't you know and and there were some concerns the ac blower was not working at the time and ac fixing the ac on a countach can get very expensive quick it can also be an easy fix it could be something like a fuse but you can't bet on that when you're buying a car for inventory you have to understand that it could be ten thousand dollars very quickly for these services but again lamborghinis are great cars diablos and dashes are chain driven so i'm not worried about pulling the engine as long as there's no major leaks let's face it they're older cars so there are minor leaks and things that are sweating but as long as there's no no major leaks as long as the cars have been serviced i'm not that scared of like a major issue besides a clutch you do have to pull the engine out on both diablo uh countach and murcielago to change the clutch so that can get very expensive we're talking ten thousand to fifteen thousand dollars sometimes and when the engine is out um and it actually has to come out it's it's not like you're dropping the engine like a testerosa or 355. it actually has to be pulled out through the car um with the gearbox and everything comes out all at once so you have to use like a cherry picker and it's it's a lot of work and when you have the engine out you should do everything else around it i mean really you shouldn't just change the clutch and put it back in so again i was trusting his i would say his judgment of the cars and his mechanics judgment of the cars but besides that it looked like a very nice car very honest car um not the lowest mileage but again a perfect driver for somebody in a really nice car so we went back and forth and we were probably about a thousand dollars apart on price and i was being you know it was like principle to me because he had backed out of the first deal and i was a little upset but again it was through passion and i said okay no it's fine don't worry and he was apologetic but now i'm saying you know what listen tyler this is the price like you got to work with me here this this could start to get expensive for me i'm the one that's actually taking the risk this is what i could ask so you see my margins it's not huge margins um and i think i'm giving you a fair number and he finally said okay i think we have a deal i think blah blah blah so we went back and forth and i finally said you know what i'm not gonna argue with you anymore over a couple thousand let's just do it and he disappeared and i think a couple days went by or a week went by and i'm like hey like what's going on and he just tells me man i am so sorry i am you know i just i just i'm going to keep the car i can't do it i'm going to take a loan i'm going to the credit you know credit bureau or whatever it was a credit facility and i'm gonna take a loan on my murcielago and and i'm not gonna sell you the car and i have to be honest i was pretty pissed um you know my immediate reaction was that and we get this a lot and it's actually pretty frustrating so we have in many ways and i say this sincerely because we're so focused on diablos and countaches we've sort of set the market sometimes and people a lot of people come to us dealers and collectors of what's the value and it gets very frustrating because people will ask us the value and i'll say i want to buy the car and then they go take that number and they go shop that number to try to get 5 000 more or 10 000 more and many times i tell people hey listen just tell me what you want and let's come up to a fair number the more you shop the car the less i really want it because then it's not like any discovery it's you know it's it's been shopped around um and it becomes sort of frustrating i mean you we're the ones that are helping people find values and then you know someone ends up buying it for a thousand dollars more and and i was really upset at first because i figured this is what tyler's doing he is shop he's taking my prices and he's shopping them he's going to sell them to somebody else and try to get more money so i was a little bummed um i was frustrated i did like the countach i i did like the diablo um i did actually have a client that would have been perfect for the countach so you know i was a little annoyed and um i sort of was like screw that guy like i i'm not i don't want to talk to him anymore i don't want to work with him um but then uh through ed and through uh basically some other channels realized that i was gonna have to work with tyler again on car trek and i was gonna have to give evaluation on his cars on car track and you know my immediate reaction was i just wanted to destroy the value of his sls he has a mercedes sls that he used for car track and i realized quickly upon finally meeting him in person and talking to him and i had met him a few years ago at amelia island but i realized in the past couple weeks with amelia island and talking back and forth with him that he really is a nice guy and he's really a passionate guy and um it was funny because i had never really watched huvi's garage too much i had watched it when he had first bought the lamborghinis but i started watching some of the car truck videos and some of his videos and sort of his story reminded me of my story of sort of like you know going through struggles and meeting you know shitty people in the car dealership world and you know and then eventually through your passion finding something that works for you and and being you know maybe somewhat successful or sick he's been very successful at what he does and i really sort of started to like become a fan of his and really like him so it's it's sort of funny for me to say but i'm actually really glad that he didn't sell me the diablo and i'm really glad that he didn't sell me the countach um and i definitely um upon our filming of card track i was probably a little rude to him um and and was was very critical of his sls and i shouldn't have been um because after meeting him and talking to him i realized he's really a passionate guy like us like our entire team and like myself and really sincerely just wanted to keep what was his poster car the countach and keep the diablo which is something that he loved to drive and i will say is as i do get older and i work with a lot of clients i find myself sometimes arguing or negotiating against myself because i am passionate about these cars um you know someone asked me what should i do should i sell my toss or should i sell my diablo now as a car dealer i want to say yes of course sell them to me you know but in the reality i do believe in the values um and i will say since i was negotiating with tyler on the cars the cars have gone up even more um in value so he did he did a great deal he i did a horrible deal for us but um and and i i my my passionate side wants people to keep their cars enjoy them and that is i would say tyler hoover embodies uh the next generation of collectors guys that dreamed about these cars they're using the cars they're enjoying the cars and it's also at the same time a potential investment for them i can't get mad even though i did hate tyler hoover for a few days uh definitely uh congratulate him on his success and hopefully we'll continue to work with him and maybe one day have the opportunity of buying his diablo and his countach
Channel: Curated TV by John Temerian
Views: 293,774
Rating: 3.8053195 out of 5
Keywords: LAMBORGHINI, diablo, countach, hoovie's garage, car deals, car stories, vinwiki, hoover, bad deal, betrayal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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