How did YouTube RUIN The Car Wizard's shop?

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most mechanics would have thrown up their middle fingers and said get the you know what out of my shop [Music] so one of the craziest questions i get is actually a very constant question i get anymore is has youtube changed how you run your shop how you operate your shop especially from some friends i have that also are shop owners and the answer is youtube has ruined my shop now when i say ruin my shop i don't mean it's a bad thing what i mean by that is the fact that the way that a normal person thinks of how a mechanic shop runs from day-to-day activities compared to the way my shop runs from day-to-day activities is a night and day difference my shop originally started as your average day-to-day shop there were no cameras involved it was just you bring your car you get it fixed you pay and you leave and what it is today and i've joked with several people other youtubers is it's almost become a production studio it's probably 20 to 30 percent a mechanic shop the rest as far as income wise the way the money works it's really a production studio now how did that happen how did it get that way so you guys have seen already a video here on vinwiki about how youtube got started or how i got introduced to youtube in my life but how it changed the shop is a completely different story altogether it's not necessarily how it changed me as a person but really the shop it kind of all started in halsted in this the medium-sized shop that i had in halstead where tyler had gotten his youtube channel started this is before car issues season one it was just tyler and his then baby youtube channel it was really small at that time and as anyone who has owned a shop or is a mechanic in a shop could imagine having a camera in your face where you're trying to work really pisses you off it can make you very angry because anyone who's run a shop for 15 20 30 years has a trained mindset of phone calls estimates get the cars done we need to pay the bills let's get these cars out of here that does not work in my shop it did originally that was the original way that i ran it but that is not the way that has ran today there were times i actually thought i don't know if this is going to work i still want to run a shop i still want to fix cars i really enjoy that but i don't know about this whole camera thing this is this is crazy being told to take my wrench put it back take it back off hold on you did that wrong put it back on let's try a different angle let's let's stop what we're doing back up start from the beginning put the parts back on let's try this again most mechanics would have thrown up their middle fingers and said get the you know what out of my shop but again there goes divine intervention i thought i felt a feeling inside myself that said you need to put up with this you need to you need to work with this and make it work and find a way to integrate it into your shop don't put up your middle fingers you need to make this work it's taken time it's taken a lot of patience but i've found a way to make it all balance and make it all work so it has made changes as far as the conventional way of running a shop it has completely ruined that but the advantages that have come along the way and then the net positive that is the result of it all is totally worth it in the end tyler's channel started to grow a little bit more there were more videos more cameras i'm in the middle of three or four cars for your conventional everyday customer and i'm trying to figure out how to fix these cars and then my phone rings and i answer it and it's tyler i've got this one car the engine doesn't start i want to film this i need to have it done by the end of the week blah blah blah what what do i do here how do i make this work i i need to keep my day-to-day customers happy i don't want them to run off you can't call a customer up and say your car is not going to be done today because we had to film so we stopped working on your car that's not going to work you'll get screamed at very quickly so some of the ways that i found to balance that is i would call the customer up and say hey can we get another day or two to work on your car we had some things come up i don't exactly tell them it's filming or anything if you need the car right away we're happy to keep going or keep working on it but we had something come up it would it be okay if i gave you a ten percent discount and in order to get a day or two more out of this and nine times out of ten no problem so then call tyler up say hey i got some extra time bring the car let's do this let's get the filming done i'll get the car running you can film your video and inadvertently it would work he would get his video out the game that i received out of this is once the video went out that's the best advertising a shop could ever have it reaches hundreds of thousands of people nationwide they see me working in the shop they see the name of the shop and they associate my shop with at the time a fledgling youtube star and just as i got that figured out and started to make all that work then i get a phone call from tyler hoover that says we're going to film a professional show it's going to be called car issues and there is a company bright bay creative that's going to be producing this do you want your shop involved do you think you can make this work i could find another mechanic shop it would be a huge deal i really would like to work it here with you and i said what what is this like one day a week or how how's this gonna work he said oh no it'll be 24 cars and there's really no schedule it's just kind of when the cars show up we need to film right now and get this done and it may take the entire day so there was more training on my part do i give up do i throw this under the bus or do i figure out how to make this work how can i integrate this it's it's really it was really stressful in the beginning now it's it's i totally get it but at the time it was very stressful so i started saying with customers we are now filming doing professional filming we're happy to work on your car your car will may be featured in the back of the video the only downside is it may take a little longer to get your car done but we'll work with you on the price we'll be happy to help you out it's just not going to be done of the snap of the finger and i found when customers found out their car might be on a video that totally their their stress is gone and they think wow this is cool in my mind i'm thinking i'm going to lose so much business this is this is going to cost me my shop for to film a video for tyler that would be the average thinking of a conventional shop owner this is going to lose me my shop but the opposite became true it blew up the shop the word got around and have you ever heard of omega auto clinic i was there getting my car work done and they were filming professional level quality studio quality videos in the shop it's going to be on tv this guy's like the big ticket here in the area or you know things like that pretty soon i started getting phone calls over and over and that's when the time came that i needed to hire another mechanic there goes growth that's how it works there's more money coming in i'm learning to deal with the stress of filming i'm learning to deal with balancing the schedule balancing keeping the film crew happy keeping tyler's youtube channel fed with content i'm starting to figure this all out i got another mechanic hired so that i could say here's this car keep working on that in the background while i film so progress is still being made on the mechanic side of the equation and also progress is being made on the film side of the equation and we got car issues finished and got it all done and i thought okay so now i've pushed a lot of these people off now it may slow way down but the opposite again came to be true once the word got out car issues was filmed there there was also a news article the local newspaper did an article and they showed pictures of the film crew filming there and huvi's garage was also being filmed there with those videos being out it wasn't very long before the phone was ringing off the hook that's when i knew i had to hire an office guy that's when i hired my guy dave who's been with me since that day for multiple years he's been a very very loyal employee but i don't think he realized at the time when he started the original bargaining chip was that he could sell cards for me he could answer the phones and over time he turned in to be my publicist i don't think he ever realized that i don't think i even realized it at the time if you were to fast forward to today 50 to 60 percent of the phone calls and contact with the public that he deals with is strictly based on the fan base you got people driving from out of state that want to visit the wizard and say they've seen the outside of the shop we've got people that are calling that want to speak to me that constantly i got car questions i got this and that if it wasn't for dave in the office it wouldn't be possible and i don't think i could hire someone today to be a receptionist that would even understand how this all works or to be able to meld it all together he's able to do it because over time slowly he has worked out his methods to make it all work when the phone rings and he picks up the phone it could be a fan or it could be a customer or both you don't really know and he doesn't really know so that has to be ascertained every time the phone rings we'd like to thank auto tempest for their support of this month's videos on benwicky auto tempest is the best place to find your next car whether it's your dream car or your next project anything you want to look for it's the most powerful tool to search all the major listing sites at the same time they give you much more specific search criteria they are the supporter of car trek and we cannot thank them enough for that but this is now their fourth year of sponsoring the vinwicki channel so be sure to thank them now by checking out the link in the description below to search for your next car all the cars one search
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 1,313,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinwiki, car stories, the car wizard, tyler hoover, hoovies garage, car issues, shop, mechanic, business, entrepreneur, hustle, kansas
Id: IO1_lDFLo80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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