TBN Praise the Lord April 20, 1995

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[Music] host the coast and around the world it's time to pray [Applause] praise the Lord permits the major Christian events in America and across the world from the heart of Europe to the tip of Africa [Music] the Centers of Asia Central and South America [Music] you're a part to the world's largest prayer embrace gathering joining us from Southern California our founder and senior pastor of Julie Christian Center of San Jose California dick for now evangelist and pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church of Los Angeles California dr. Evie Hill evangelist author and founder of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa Oklahoma dr. aural and Ellen Roberts ministering music and all time country-western favorite fern Jackson Henry to take your calls prayer partners around America [Music] now your hosts president and founders of the Trinity Broadcasting Network Paul MJ [Music] [Applause] wild world now watching TBN I have to tell you that Paul today had some very very special business he had to do for TBN and he asked that I come tonight and just talk to these two precious people and the precious guests that are on tonight is just such a joy and for dr. Roberts to be on tonight after the awful tragedy that happened in the United States so near your hometown and where of course the university is is something that we're going to be talking about quite a bit tonight I know all of you want to stay tuned and we love you and we thank you for tuning in tonight you know I today when I knew that I was going to be hosting tonight I thought about sister Roberts here tonight and the letters that we get from some of you precious people the way you feel like that you're going through something that no one else has ever gone through and I meet you in the stores I met a precious lady in a store last night just a Robertson she stopped me and she said you just got to pray for me and the story that poured out was just so sad and you know I prayed for her right in the store and it was wonderful but some of you think oh those on television they just never go through any pain or sorrow they just sit up there and such happiness and see the smiles on their faces but I want to tell you most of the time we come on smiling through some kind of Tears some kind of heart that's been broken and the Roberts have truly gone through things that a lot of you have faced in your life and they have come through it and that's what many of you need to know how they did it and so we're just gonna talk about a lot of wonderful things with them tonight they're two of my favorite people in the whole wide world and we all love them so much I'm gonna read a very special scripture it's very beautiful to me it's from Hebrews 10 then it talks about a lot about the week that we just went through and we thought of Jesus so many times last week because it truly was the week of his sorrows and yet the week of his glory and his joy his greatest joy he finished the task that from before the foundation of the world he was set to fulfill last week we celebrated that beautiful time and I'm just gonna read a little bit of Hebrews 10 that's very special I'm reading from the Living Bible and I'll skip a little bit of it but it's so beautiful it said this is why Christ said as he came into the world oh god the blood of bulls and goats cannot satisfy you so you have made ready this body of mine for me to lay as a sacrifice upon your altar you were not satisfied with the animal sacrifices slain and burnt before you as offerings for sin then I said see I have come to do your will to lay down my life just as the Scriptures said I would and after Christ said this about not being satisfied with the various sacrifices and offerings required under the old system then he added Here I am I have come to give my life he cancels the first system in favor of a far better one under this new plan we have been forgiven and made clean by Christ dying for us once and for all under the old agreement the priest stood before the altar day after day offering sacrifice that could never take away our sins but Christ gave himself to God for our sins as one sacrifice for all time and then he sat down in the place of highest honor at God's right hand waiting for his enemies to be laid under his feet for by this one offering he made forever perfect in the sight of God all those who he is now making holy that's our Jesus and that's what he did for us and I love him so father we are grateful that the Holy Ghost is in us this very moment he is beside us as a great Paraclete he's in charge no matter what man thinks or man does the Holy Ghost is in charge of the moving of the power of God upon this earth and through this perfect sacrifice of our Savior we are given life and given life more abundantly and we're given hope in spite of everything happening around us we're given hope not fear but hope and faith thank God for your victory tonight that many are going to be set free going to be healed with the power of God are going to be saved by his precious blood will be baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire and the Lord is here to meet us tonight so Jesus of Nazareth we pray we believe and we expect many miracles amen and oh we've got so many things we want to talk about just before Vern sings dr. Roberts what went through your mind when you saw the news at 9 o'clock that a building was blown up in Oklahoma City the enemy came in and blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City the capital of the state where I have lived was born and have lived all my life I could not keep the tears from running down my cheeks my body began to shake because instantly I thought of two person ages I thought of God that he is our refuge and the only one to whom we can go but I thought about the devil and that people have forgotten if they ever knew that there's a devil in this world and he came to steal to kill and to destroy trying to kill every one of those in that building and I believe that that this is the first big signal that I have seen in my lifetime that something is going to spread across this earth to awaken people about the coming of the Lord and that people now must turn to a greater power than the devil for greater is He that's in us than he that's in this world and this is not a time to be discouraged although although we are hurt we are torn apart it's time to pray and to believe God and to help one another we must remember there's somebody greater on the scene and his name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and as an Oklahoman I raised my hand to the Living God that God's going to get glory some way out of this by saving other lives and awakening many more Evelynn what was your you know I was very sad Jan - because I know a lot of people in Oklahoma City and I don't know how many of those that were hurt I don't know how many of them I know because I haven't heard it'll take us weeks really to find out who was actually destroyed whose lives were destroyed and how many people were hurt but my mind went back to the time that we lost our daughter in a plane crash and our son-in-law and I tell you no one knows how that feels except someone who's been through it if you've been through a tragedy you know how it feels and that's that all came back to me and I thought oh my my my my we were just two people with the children of my daughter and her husband and of course the family but here are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of families who are going through this and I said lord I hope they know you I hope they know how to call on your name because without God Jen I don't nobody I don't believe I could have gotten through the plane crash and all of that I know about it was about the fourth night after she died I said to Aurel honey you're gonna have to hold me I can't make it tonight I just I can't sleep and he said Evelyn we have to plant a seed of faith to get us out of this torture that we're going through and I said what do you mean he said well we have to go on television and tell our people because they think we're sitting up here we're happy we've never had a trial in our lives we've never gone through what they've gone through we have to tell the people what we've been through and I said oh honey I don't believe I can just lay my heart out before the whole world and he said well I won't ask you to do it if you don't feel like doing it I'll do it and I said no I can't let you do it alone so we made a television program and we told the people how we hurt and it was hard to do it was the hardest seat I've ever planted in my life but oral said this will get us over our grief if we enter into it like other people do when they have injuries they expect us to pray when they have hurt and we do pray and now let them know that we go through the same thing we're human too but God is there and here's the comforter and I tell you Jan the Holy Spirit has been good to me all through these years but that was the first time I ever really knew what his comfort meant it he comforted me with His Holy Spirit and the Lord gave aural he spoke in the prayer language we'll be both prayed in the prayer language and he gave a prophecy that we would get out of our trauma if we would plan to see the faith and it began to lift after we got on the television now everybody can't get on a television show but you can do something can share some things to share your grief with someone else or share their grief because people want to talk they've got to talk and get it out of them first first you have to get it out of you and then you have to go to the Lord and say Lord comfort me by your Holy Spirit and he will without the Lord how do you ever get through this I don't think I could have I mean your daughter and son-in-law just took off on a private plane one day on earth they get on the commercial they came back on the private plane and it went down in a rainstorm and just you've got what a phone call me the next morning one of our man Colin Steele came to the door with a policeman I knew when he had the policeman with him something was wrong and they they had died on him they had died on the plane that night the night before and we got some message the next morning and they left how many children they left three children we had to go there immediately the little ones were waiting for mommy and daddy to come and we had to go in the house and tell her that mommy and daddy are not coming that they're in heaven and the little things grabbed us and and we grabbed them and we prayed and like heaven said the Holy Ghost who's our comforter came down in that little house and he was so sweet and so precious I'll say to you dear friends in Oklahoma City it could be some of my loved ones some of my relatives might be involved I don't know but now it's the time to praise you never prayed I know you're praying I really feel in my spirit but the more people praying right now in the United States than have prayed possibly since the last war since the last war no event has been this bad in the history of the United States and in the heartland Oklahoma is a microcosm of the whole nation it's where the Indians are 62 tribes is where the great land runs were opened up and people came from all of America and all of the earth and Oklahoma is a cosmopolitan state it's at the center of the state it's a hardy state the people are strong and and tough and many of them have great faith in God but this is the single most devastating physical thing that has come from Satan against against us and I'll say more about it later but as Evan said we have the holy spirit we're not without hope we're not without health God is God is here and you dear ones who've lost loved ones and you don't know where others are people to pray and and something is going to happen and it's going to be miraculous how do you see it coming something good we said my faith know that is true and that is a statement of faith something will come out of it I know when I saw the picture in the paper in Dallas I believe it was the Dallas paper where there was a little grandmother hovered over a little baby that had been in the childcare and the baby had fallen from the second floor into the first floor on somebody and had lived but was very very critical and and the children that that were taken and well anyone that was even hurt in it it's just absolutely not gonna defeat us no you're not defeat Oklahoma or this country he will not defeat God's people he will not defeat us and the ones that did it will well I believe that too I was thinking that today that we absolutely can pray they be caught it is time and they will be and I mean it doesn't bring any any one back that says they may have them right now good for you good we hope anyway we just our hearts have gone out so to all of you in that area that have been hurt and that have lost loved ones and please know that we've been in prayer for you and we're going to pray again tonight we thought about the TBN station in Oklahoma City and and and how thousands would have been tuned in there from time to time this switch from the secular media them carrying it all the time to the TBN station who was carrying about the gospel and the power of God and what a blessing it is that the TBN has a station there in Oklahoma City that's right oh and we do want to let people know that there's his hand extended there at the studio and that if any of you for any reason have lost anything and you need clothing and food and there's just many many items and things that we have at the Oklahoma City Station and we can get that address from somebody and get it up on the sky well the first things that happened in Tulsa when the Red Cross called Oral Roberts University the faculty and staff lined up to to give blood and oh how proud I was of that they've been giving blood all through these years on any kind of disaster but but for them to line up like they did for Oklahoma City and for all those people meant a lot to me personally and you know when I heard him asking for blood and that people were donating it so lowly cook all over Dallas I mean the lines yes they were having to wait in line I thought you know Jesus gave his blood to save us and isn't it interesting that that still what saves people is yes but it's Jesus gave once and for all his precious blood for us we're gonna have Vern Jackson sing a song right now are you singing to Vern or just to super and the first one is I just came to talk to you Lord a beautiful song we're gonna talk a little more about okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't come here to ask you for anything I just came to talk with you lord you've answered a million prayers of war that are forgot to thank you for just came to town with helo [Music] maybe tomorrow there'll be trouble and sorrow and a fan wasn't eardrums [Music] but auntie fair's tomorrow's tasks I have known special favor to ask I just came to talk how many times lord have troubles brought me down to my knees oh but this time ah just came to talk with you [Music] you see I really have no selfish motive in mind I just want to thank you Lord for all those other times I just came to talk with you low maybe tomorrow they'll be try a bull and sorrow and a thigh and tear drops will fall but Mt Faye's tomorrow's tasks I have no special favor to ask I just came to talk with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like you know violin with a bow badly bent I lay silently gather [Music] on the front and the back the finish was cracked with my strange build untarnished [Music] and the master musician with a handle of precision though he should have just thrown me away he picked up the ball from my bare floor a symphony of prey now would have thought God could ever repair this old instruments sin had abused [Music] I must have been Satan me favor toy till it threw me away over you but from a pilot debris God's hand lifted me can you guess who the master now play for sweet music drips his fingertips in a scene for be afraid over and over the mellow od swear I'm overflowing with this the angel of descent all heaven joins in wanna turn [Music] so DP I render music Holmes - here he smiles as he gently play my heartstrings are cool and my spirit is to with a sample de afraid my own heart strings are pulled my spirit [Applause] we're the c-clone Oh [Applause] [Music] Thank You fern Symphony phrase that's in the bookstore's right now by the way last time I saw it was number two has it gone up oh it went down to number four three Oh No well we've got to get some of our little grandmas out to the stores and it's in all of the Christian bookstores wherever you are let's go symphony of praise I tell you higher than I've ever been still out sells anything it's incredible it's old it has sold I saw the records this week it is sold in the stores of course we gave way a hundred thousand then it has sold a hundred and ten thousand so two hundred and ten thousand of those albums have gone out it is beautiful and I guess it's everyone's favorite but symphony of praise is in this story and we'd love for you to go get that it has a lot of beautiful songs on it too dr. roberts is with us dr. Oral Roberts and Evelyn and it's such a joy to always have them here they're the wisdom that they have and the things that they've gone through in their life is what we all need to just sit at their feet and learn and you had something else you wanted to share what did Jan I'd like orals to tell you about a miracle that just happened to us this past weekend east over Easter weekend you know it's always good to hear a fresh mirror oh yeah of course I've been living with a miracle for 56 FS in here we're healing with tuberculosis yes and another remarkable healing that came as a surprise the the problem that brought it not the problem that brought the miracle with a problem that brought the trouble came as a surprise tell us about it honey well the Bible says that sickness is the oppression of the devil it's no friend of God God doesn't send it and the see Friday night before Easter we were getting ready for for bed usually goes to about an hour before I do and a ripping pain struck me the lower part of the front of my body and I thought it's gonna tear my body apart and I I mentioned it and freed and Elvin said well I believe it'll go away if she's one of the bed and went to sleep and when I came to bed I mean that thing was tearing this side of my my body apart and as as much as I've ever heard Satan come at me and and say something to me he said man you in trouble now and I know that that same old satanic voice has said that a millions of people woman you're in trouble now man you're in trouble now and I believe my hand on it and I prayed I started to wake in Evelyn and I didn't want to do that so I laid my I laid my hand on it and immediately the Lord led me to pick up my Bible and I picked it up and he had me turn to Philippians in the fourth chapter may I read a verse or two it may be because this was part of the healing and it might be the the basis of the healing for you tonight and I've been preaching on this verse 19 verse of chapter 4 of Philippians from but lack God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus but what I've been preaching on not only that verse but the verses up above it that that when you read those verses it makes the nineteenth first fit and Paul said now you Philippians will also beginning verse 15 that in the beginning of the gospel when I departed from Macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but you only giving and receiving and recently in my research I found that the word receiving there's another word that God uses in the Greek language for the word receiving here receipting like getting a receipt concerning giving and getting a receipt getting a receipt it's been inspired my soul I've been preaching it all over America and I've been excited about it and he said for even in Thessalonica you sent once and again under my necessity not because I desire gift no preacher worth is salt is preaching the gospel for money you'd be sure to that but that is our fruit that may abound to your account to your account I began to understand what what God meant concerning giving and receipting concerning and giving everything because you have an account you have an account to draw from and there it is in the in the seventeenth verse but I just our fruit that may abound to your account to your account it's like going up to the bank to cash your check and they say well you don't have any money in this Bank you pull out your receipt in second and they double check and they say sure no yes you have money but I'll be glad to cash your check because you have the receipt and giving and receiving sowing and reaping which I've been preaching for 40 years or more the reaping part means the that you have receipt and it is because you have an account in heaven and now in verse 18 he says that giving receiving or giving a receipting has an odor of a sweet smell it is a sacrifice acceptable it's well pleasing to God and my God shall supply therefore you need to read those verses from 15 through 18 to get verse 19 in order but my God shall supply all your needs well I read that my god said you have an account with me cash it in account with me cash it in so I rolled over and before I knew it I was asleep but the next day that silly pain that terrible thing was ripping across my body so Evan called our family doctor by the way believes in the merging of medicine and prayer and he said to her mrs. Roberts get Roberts to the emergency room with a hospital by 131 definitely getting there because it sounds like appendicitis I said everyone men my young age appendicitis just for kids so she got me on the phone with him I said look I'm too old to have things I said oh no you're not and as I described he said sounds exactly like appendicitis meet me at the at the emergency room and Evan drove drove me there and pretty soon he came in he begin to probe well yes he said it's exactly like appendicitis he said I have called the emergency doctor the surgery the surgeon who did your surgery before no he is the partner that's right that's right and he said I I've I've called him I've arranged with the radiologist and all the blood tests and so after he finished he sent me into the to the radiologist and the surgeon walked in and actually Jan they were in the ultrasound room he could say this was Saturday before and they said we've got to use the ultrasound now for some reason I'd forgotten what they did with ultrasound one enjoined the situation but the ultrasound looks inside your body it shows you all your body parts that's the best way and there's a screen I was watching it and but the surgeon beat there the radiologist there and he greeted me and he was very kind he said I've been watching you on television for forty years and he said I want you to know how I feel about healing and that that really just came in and he flipped it on and there was all the parts and he was looking down there and meanwhile the surgeon showed me exactly where appendicitis strikes and he put his thumb right where the main pain while he said this is the exact spot I said that's where the plane is the exact spot and he said look over there yes so I watched the the ultrasound and the radiologist was doing all of all these things and suddenly we got quiet and I remembered what the Lord said you have an account with me cash it in and they rolled me in on the gurney I didn't know what that was called until they told me it was a gurney and I set up on the side of it and I was hearing God's saying me you have an account with me you have it again and you you have this receipt cash it in cash it in I just closed my eyes while they were talking back and forth the surgeon and and then the radiologist and you know the warm feeling of God went through my whole body and when I opened my eyes the radiologist said to the surgeon hey look there Oh something has changed oh that thing is not fair he said do you see that little thing that looks like a cloud I said yes he said a cloud like thing has come over what you had and whatever it was you had is gone the Lord must have hailed he said well if he has I just like to say praise the Lord [Applause] everything everything like the presence of God the power of God was just all over me and this radiologist he just floored floored me he looked at the surgeon and said doctor you're not gonna get to use the knife myself if somebody else ruled me in the gurney he said I'm gonna do it so he took hold of the gurney and roll me down those hallways where Evelyn was waiting and when we got there Evan said doctor how is he well I said what is it doctor yeah what is it doctor and he said it's nothing well whatever it was is gone that's what I said and I said you mean it's not appendicitis well if it was it's not there now I said does he have to have surgery no surgery I said what does he have to do he said just take him home and feed him anything you want what do we do to get out of here he said just walk out we don't have to check out he said no just walk out now teach us this teaches I want to know teach us out of Philippians again I have been preaching this what I got about six six six months of going not see faith this is part of seed faith that I didn't know about I thought I knew everything about you know Jan when we talk about giving and receiving we always think about money it has a lot to do with money well it does have something to do with money of course the Lord expects us to give but there are other needs we have besides many sometime now money would not have taken care of this appendicitis he had this need and he was giving a receipt in fact he didn't tell you on the way up to the hospital he said to me Evelyn the Lord told me that I need to cash in a receipt and if you will agree with me when we get there the Lord will heal me he's forgotten he said that but I said I'll agree with you oral and I was agreeing with him but when they said it's appendicitis and they sent for the surgeon it makes you wonder you know what is going to happen and but I knew he had cashed in his receipt I knew that is it because you had laid hands on so many people all these years is that why you could mash him back I'd like to say this very very carefully to everybody the book of Philippians written by Paul and the fourth chapter if you have a pen write it down chapter four verses 15 through 19 15 through 19 belong together the the 19th verse is the second most quoted verse in the Bible John 3:16 for God so loved the world is the is the number one quoted verse in the Bible but the second one that our kind of believing people the charismatic Full Gospel people quote second most is Philippians 4:19 but God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus what they don't do is start at verse 15 that that sets up verse 19 because verse 19 you can quote it until you die and nothing's gonna happen unless you understand what causes goddamit care what and and Paul said it's giving and receiving and that's more than money first of all you give your life the Bible speaks of people who brought money to the Lord but the Bible says but first they gave themselves they gave themselves to God money is just a part of you are part of me but it is a part of us because it represents our time it represents our talent it represents our effort and money is not money it's just a medium of exchange of something I do for someone something someone does for me or an exchange of goods or services and he says giving and receiving and he said youth Philippians that is you you believers in Philip I you may remember that is is where Paul and Silas were thrown into jail for casting a demon out of a young woman or an earthquake shook the place and and they were freed and the jailer was saved and Paul established a church and Paul travelled all the world but this time he was in prison and Rome and he was suffering and he said you're the only ones of all the churches he's established and he preached the same message to all of them you're the only one who has communicated with me concerning giving and getting receipting or giving and receiving as against the King James says it giving and getting a receipt from your account from God and your account from God has a sweet smell it's a sacrifice acceptable it makes you well pleasing to God and here we are I have labored I have laid these hands on more than a million and a half sick people I mean touching touching them until I really broke my shoulders I've been in 17 nations I have poured out my life and in winning souls we won 1 million souls in one year I you talk about receipts I've got receipts are never even thought about catching I mean this is this is opened up this has opened up my whole life here I'm I'm 77 years young think about the rest of my life there seats I'm gonna catch receipts my wife and the receipt Jan crowds if you give love you give peace if you give joy to give happiness whatever you give for someone yes you're gonna place a thong we've just had on maybe many people gave but many people prayed not only gave they prayed and told others and every Christian he's into giving in one form or another yes everybody don't receive well I was taught not to receive as a younger preacher I was taught to give but but if I if I expected receive I had guilt feelings you know they have they laid that guilt trip on us but thank God many years ago God helped me break that thing wide open with the miracle of seed faith of sowing and reaping you may remember way back there when all all that happened but I predict that preachers are gonna lay on to this just like this pressure is lay people are and let me tell you we're gonna give the devil a black eye you talk about the devil bombing that that building we're going to bomb him and we're going to cash our seats he's gonna get our finances man-thing we're going to get lovely save we're gonna I love that is the sweetest thing you know Jan Hezekiah is a good example tell about it I just read it because right we've been studying this for something at home you know and talking about it until I can tell you open my spirit like as wayward as we were driving home Evan said oh you know the miracle is almost a shock miracle and you you want a miracle mean you know what's coming but when it comes to you your shop do you realize I'm taking you home I'm not leaving you in the hospital you know Jim that wouldn't they wouldn't we took him up there I while he was in there in the ultrasound room I was writing down my list how many people do I call you know just saying she'll call everybody I had to cancel and all of these things and I was just saying Lord I don't understand this I just don't understand it but we're committed to you if this is the way you want it to go if he is supposed to be had through surgery okay I accept that I receive it but it sure would be nicer if we just had a miracle then when it canteen and we were driving home it was so when we got home I said many people will hear this they'll think I'm crazy again well when I introduced seed faith of it back there many years ago they thought I'd lost my mom but now then seed faith is so is part of the fabric of them of the body of Christ but now I'm introducing something else and I want to tell you Saul through the Bible for example second Kings Twitter let it let me read you six verses about a man who cashed his receipt yes sir in those days was Hezekiah sick unto death and the prophet Isaiah the son of amos came to him and said unto Him thus saith the Lord set thine house in order or thou shall die and not live now listen this is a heavy load then he turned his face to the wall and prayed unto the Lord saying I beseech thee O Lord remember now how I have walked before thee in truth remember how I've had a perfect heart how I have done that which is good in thy sight and Hezekiah wept sore and it came to pass after Isaiah was gone out into the middle Court he wasn't even completely gone that the word of the Lord came to him saying hey wait a minute Isaiah we've got a problem here on our hands we've got a guy in there with a receipt I've done it in the way of everything and came to pass after before Isaiah was gone out in the middle Court that the word of the Lord came to him saying turn again and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people thus says the Lord the God of David our Father I've heard thy prayer I've seen thy tears behold I will heal thee and I will add under thy days 15 years I really believe that God stopped eyes out before he could get out of the house from delivering the message set your house in order you go to die you're sick and you go to die then a god tapped a seal the children said don't leave turn around go back this man had just reminded me he has a receipt and he's ready to cash it in and go back there and help him cash it in and God healed him and God added 15 years to there it is in the bottle Fornell do you hear that there it is you're gonna follow me very this in the Bible trouble folks there it is in the Bible this is Noah waters confidence this is the Bible I love this it's what God did after that this is I think this is very interesting he added to his life 15 years but he told them now go out and get some figs and make a fig Pocius and put on his Avoyelles that's on his body and heal him so the Lord used both medicine and prayer I don't think the fig for medicine but focus of any kind that you put on somebody worked when you were a kid and had a sore foot didn't somebody put some fat meat on your foot I'd call that medicine and that also for stuff do you remember though I remember that but you know healing is in the leaves so whatever is madness yes it sits in the earth and certainly it's in the supernatural power but everyone I saw they have a new lease of life cuz I supposed to be there later in the hospital right now cut open but here I am healed by the power of God and and you're giving me the privilege to to share this wonderful isn't that a wonderful idea now tell me what did you say to the Lord when you were looking at the ultrasound so saw your appendix all in a mess tell me how you talked to him did you talk to my Hezekiah did did you what did you say I was quite quiet quite bold or more than I expected to be but sitting there the surgeon was standing that red to operate on me I just simply said in in effect Lord I've been in this healing ministry 48 years this I've laid my hands on a million that have sick people I have given to you I've given my tires and my offerings as seeds of my faith I have poured out my life you said to me that I had a receipt and for from you and to cash it in Lord I don't know how to cash it in but I'm asked it helped me I want to cash it in right now and that was that healing walk that we just went through my body and that radiology stops hey there's something going on here in this office and I see a receipt on this [Laughter] [Applause] this is incredible teaching it's in credit it's just open moment you know the in in Psalms there's a wonderful wonderful scripture that kind of says exactly what you've been saying it says in your day of trouble we all get to that place may the Lord be with you watch out preserves 20 Psalm 20 and may the God of Jacob keep you from all harm and may he send you aid from his sanctuary in Zion but listen to this dr. Roberts may he remember with pleasure the gifts now you're in trouble you call on him he's gonna remember with pleasure the gifts you have given him your sacrifices and your burnt offerings he's gonna remember it in your day of trouble when you call it it and may he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans and may there be shouts of joy when we hear the news that your appendicitis has been healed what what David say with pleasure the gifts you have given him God is to be reminded he will remember it and then he sends you eight from heaven from 23 that your third verse says this is the King James well remember all that offering yes my word if I remembered all the offerings I've given to God I'd be here the rest of it but you only cash him in when you need them that's right I'm thinking right now some more you only cash you mean when you need them say now I'm teaching because I've only had this about about six months when when I discovered through a friend of mine that this word receipt was in the original and was the the other word for the word receiving now he just mentioned it but of course when I heard it he you know everything just went off and me oh and I began to search in the Bible and in my spirit and and I begin to develop this this theme in fact I was thinking if this preacher who discovered this first and just wrote one little line if he were to hear me now did he'd be surprised how big it is oh it's wonderful and you know there's another scripture that I'll find it in a minute but it's someone asked God for something in the New Testament and I'll look it up and find it and all of a sudden he says and God remembered that he paid to build the sanctuary so yes the Centurion and the Jews came to came to Jesus and told him that his service was was sick and said he has built us a synagogue he has built it and and Jesus went and did the healing that's right he said I he remembered his own yes which means that was Cornelius when the angel said that your arms have come up before God your prayers and your arms have come up before God and because of that here's what you do and he sent for Peter and Peter came and brought him the message of salvation and the Gentiles got in kearney this was the first you know and because of that we Junt times got it I think that we have been bold enough I never was accused in the ministry of not being bold but I don't really believe I've been bold enough good for you well be both if we can cash it in Jen that means anybody who's and given to God in any way shape or form you have a receipt and you can get your receipt cashed it for whatever needs you may have it's a seed of faith that's right if it's your faith if it's not just giving something but if it's a seed of your faith if you're giving it out of your heart to God I love it do you know what we're gonna get back to this situation that happened in Oklahoma City because we want to pray we want you to pray and we want Vern Jackson to sing that wonderful song America keep holding to God's hands that is the answer you know a little something went through my mind when it happened and of course we're all just glued to the television just forever to just watching and seeing if they could find out what had happened but I thought you know we all and and sister Roberts mentioned this just before we went on the air that this is possibly the beginning of the end times and you might want to mention that a little bit but you know whether or not it is the beginning of the end times and Jesus is coming it very well may be but Jesus came or the end came instantly for all of those people that were just sitting in that building as innocent as could do just doing their work the end came for them instantly and none of us ever know you never know in these days your daughter in a plane just coming home children said instantly it was the life she was thinking it can happen you see on the news you saw the problems in Japan with the gas and on the train and the earthquakes the end can come for any of us instantly I thought of all the little children that had been taken in that but I also thought they were all under the age of accountability livable and those little precious ones are in heaven they're all in heaven but those that are at the age of accountability one second they're here and the next second they're in eternity it can happen in a moment anywhere now who would have dreamed working in a federal building in Oklahoma City Oklahoma but it can happen and the point is are you ready to meet your maker no matter whether it's tonight whether it's now some of you may be leaving this earth now watching whether it's in the morning whether it's in the middle of the night or whether you live until Jesus does come one way or the other you're going to meet Jesus one way or the other you're going to have that time when your knee will bow before him and you will have to declare whether you do it with joy and speakable and full of glory yes you are the Lord you are the king you are the Messiah every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord and we want you to be ready to know him be ready now don't wait don't wait one more moment those people just got up and dressed and like every other day just went inside at their desk and began their work and just in a split second their lives were taken they were an eternity don't that it happened to you that you don't know Jesus as your Lord and your savior dr. Roberts you're gonna have Vern just saying oh yeah oh you want me to pray just before I do I said them a few minutes ago that this single incident in itself is the most terrible thing that's happened in the United States if we became a nation I didn't mean to say that it was worse than a great earthquake or anything like that but because of the Terrorism that is sweeping through the world and now in the heartland of America where you would never dream it would happen terrorism has struck now connect that with Genesis six 11 where it says that the earth was filled with violence which brought in the flood and Noah and his family were righteous and found favor with God and built the ark and the the violence of man reached a climax and caused the flood to come but the righteousness of Noah's family reached a climax and created the ark and while the flood was destroying totally sinful man the ark with Noah's family in it was riding the crest of the wave and and I believe that out of this God is going to show us something out how to hide in God because in terrorism there's no place to run except to God and dear friend I feel this almost as much as someone who was there in person and was hurt or who lost a loved ones course we can't feel the way you feel but this whole nation feels it and I let's join in everybody if you will join hands and they're in your hole let's just form a circle of Prayer around this globe dear God you are our refuge you are our shield and buckler you are our refuge and we come to you as a because you are our refuge and we come to God in humility we don't understand all these things except we know there's a devil that hates us and wants to kill us all we come to you because you're a good god you didn't send this but you're here to help us in our need in our desperation and we call upon you and help us to remember the good things we have done the receipts that we have that we can cash them out by faith and that the Lord will give us many miracles of deliverance bless my own whole state of Oklahoma Oklahoma City on the people they're the dear ones involved in this bless our law enforcement officers bless all of us and help us in times of terrorism that we will be in the Lord because he's our refuge through Jesus Christ amen and amen man and those of you that don't know or have not made that forever decision to just let the most wonderful sinless man that ever lived just receive him let him be your Savior in your Messiah it's so simple even a little child can understand it the way my dad taught it to me when I was just 2 or 3 years old was we'd sing a little song that just said into my heart into my heart come into my heart Lord Jesus come in today and come in to stay come into my heart Lord Jesus and as a we when I understood it and I don't know what I would have done through the years without Jesus in my heart if you haven't ever just received him as your Savior do it tonight and just know that the peace that you have by knowing no matter what happens in your life this life is a second eternity is whatever and what the decision you make now may determine your forever so know Jesus as your Savior in America in a time of trouble there's only one thing to do just keep holding to God's hand for in Jackson's gonna sing it for us pray fruit I would like to sing this song for every person living here in the United States of America this were wonderful wonderful country that God has given to us from a thought to a dream from a dream to a seed the price of freedom you can understand you've been wounded in your heart you've been torn apart still to this world you're like the promised land America keep holding to God 10 and keep the lights of freedom shining brightly to each leg keep a watchful eye and and love at heart on every woman child and man [Music] Oh America keep to God's hand [Music] from the first he was there he ran our forefathers prayer through our struggles he had they're friends so true [Music] now we're standing proud and tall don't forget who did it all he's the guiding hand that brought us safe thus far Oh [Music] Erica keep falling to God's head and keep the lights of freedom shining brightly to each land keep a watchful eye and the loving heart on every woman child and man [Music] Oh America keep holdin to God's hand [Music] hallelu [Music] glory glory hello [Music] or a glory hallelu is true is Margie go [Music] or a glory high whoa [Music] or a glory hallelujah [Music] is true [Music] is Marty Oh Oh on he is true is my Oh on [Music] America keep holdin to go ten keep the lights of freedom shining brightly to each keep a watchful eye and a loving heart on every woman child man [Music] keep holdin to God whoa a capo the lights shining brightly too [Music] keep a watchful eye heart on every woman child man [Music] please keep holdin to God [Music] [Applause] [Music] no you stay low and mave beneath fellow I'll help you again your failures take you by surprise but they were always in my eyes when will you stand [Music] always carving my [Music] passed away when you tried [Music] and cliff you fell virtual team Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] blow the enemy knocks you down you lie wounded it on the ground it's not your life stove by my strength you be renewed then greater things are through you as you my you are always Harvey [Music] well you try to spare either right you [Music] felt your team [Music] always in mind I heard your cry [Music] you felcher Oh [Music] Thank you very we hope that while that America keep holding to God's hand was playing that you were praying for Oklahoma you know I was reminded that we have a station right there in Oklahoma City they felt it of course and we have a big tower that's up very near there and but everything was very safe and we thank God for that one of our board members John Benefield's office was just a couple of miles away and he just felt it just tremendously but those of you that if you need prayer if you want to if you need his hand extended items food or clothing or whatever you need if you need prayer our station right there in Oklahoma City is at 3705 North West 63rd Street 3705 Northwest 63rd Street right in Oklahoma City Oklahoma and the phone number is four oh five eight four eight fourteen fourteen and we have a lot of beautiful people there in Oklahoma City that would love to pray with you if you're hurting they would love to talk to you they'd love to let you know how much Jesus loves you and that that was absolutely the work of the enemy so those of you in Oklahoma we love you dr. hill is with me right now and we're so glad to have him doctor Evy Hill let's give him a hand know that we work here my goodness what a night but I want to let you know that tonight we've had Jay from San Luis Obispo 80 years old received Jesus Karen from Albany Georgia twenty nine are in Georgia we say all Benny candy from Hartwell Georgia 24 Barbara from New Orleans Louisiana 56 and day from Chicago we have a lot of wonderful counselors here tonight and they would love to talk to you and lead you to Jesus dr. hill what do you think about this Oklahoma thing I have four thoughts first of all when I heard my my flush went into action number one I was frightened yes it's fearful you know we often think of tragedies abroad in New York Chicago San Francisco Lhasa Oklahoma City be that in your mind you think if you make it Oklahoma City to Texas down and you say no and so I was frightened the second Amaro's man just as mad as I could be just ready to pick up my gun and said now where do we go from here I mean I was I'm just angry I'm its course I mean it's just the my flesh I had to deal with that quickly and then of course secondly Prattville the Lord led me into praying for all of the people who have to not only be hurt but wonder wonder how why you know those little babies touched me and they're just being in a building that all of a sudden goes apart I'm in buildings are we in all time and then finally I immediately said that we've got to get some money to the Red Cross and then I want to said to the great people of Oklahoma you you you'll handle it I know I know I know Oh kiss dr. Roberts is an example you'll handle it and we'll be there to help you our church is in one of the poor sections in the country but Sunday morning will be taking up an offering to help and encourage every pastor and every church to do so because I think that I think that I think it's gonna happen a number of times but I think that my anger needs to be vented out into the point that I I do think we need to realize that and maybe for Christ's sake we need to begin to think about the United States and that how many people throughout this world hates us and why they hate us I don't know the figure now but I think it's about 80% of the missionaries support of around the world comes from the United States and the United States is not hated because we've done anything necessarily wrong and indeed we have but I think the United States Satan hates us because if he can put us out of commission in put missionary work around the world in a bad shape not out of shape but in a bad shape and I kind of think we need to start taking a look who's coming into this country and how much freedom we're giving them and they're having to just blow down everything that we've built up I got mad about it I don't you know before you judge me also remember I said I prayed I must confess I was angry well it does make you a mean somebody is so you know it's almost like they're chicken yeah I mean if you've got grievance get face-to-face with somebody and work it who's this I hope the president turns loose everything he has to find out yes just where and and and how did this come to pass and who brought it to pass and I think we all just this is not a time where we make a political issue out of it let's stand together as one nation under God and stand with those people and and just just tell the people we might fuss and fight but but don't you come and blow on us Paul not our heartland don't even touch my leg land music so I prayed about it I praying for that the Lord will be merciful even under those eye enemies you know but I want Oklahoma to know because we've been there you know many times and I don't some of my best friends some of these best males we get in support and now it's our time to return so call on us don't don't feel that you by yourself these are occasions where America is America white black brown you pick on us you know we become one you just left my wife but don't you hit my dog we're together hey you know one of the things that I was thinking today that I'd love to talk to you about is the your childhood and the unbelievable you know in most of our eyes way that you were raised and yet for you to sit in the White House with how many presidents now I've been called to the White House by six presidents presidents he sat in the White House and yet raised in a log cabin in the backwoods of Texas you know this gives everybody hope everybody yes talk to us about your upbringing doctor here well my my father left my mother when I was a year and a half and I was born in Columbus Texas which is a real raw place to be born if you're afro-american I do have some history a my my great-great-grandfather got off the boat as a slave in Savannah Georgia and then worked his way through and later wagon train to Colorado County and the Colorado River Columbus Texas 75 miles west of Houston and the the the white people wouldn't let him cross the river and so he stayed on that side of the river in an organized Spanish town which is there now Spanish town was organized by my great-great-grandfather mine who was a farmer slave and my my great-great grandmother was grandma president and she was two-thirds Cherokee and she organized the first colored school in Colorado County and so all of all of our parents my mother I took her remains there buried on the banks of the east of the Colorado River so you have mother took us for us to San Antonio Texas to try to find work and found work for children $12.50 a week with four chernow that's rent clothing a little toy that's food and everything we used to one of the reasons why we have food that we won't let go is that most of the food that we had for supper was food that the white people didn't want I mean you know they put three pieces of chicken on plate and they're only two and leave a good juicy laying there what mother would pick it up and put it in the side somebody else would eat a steak but didn't want the other half she'd cut it off and put it in a sack then she'd bring it home and mix it with onions and and bell pepper and drop a little garlic in it and make some hay and that's my favorite dish today put a little brown gravy or not white gravy but brown gravy over rice and with that hash you got something I was playing in the yard one day next door to mrs. Moore and mrs. Moore had a sister who lived twenty-seven miles out into the country out from Seguin Guadalupe County down in German area and she said who is this boy and I was only four years old but I had a great big head and a great big stomach cuz we didn't have it malnutrition and she said this is Miss Hills Children's awarenes ill she said she's working and so mama who no kin to me by the name of mrs. Langham Mama and Papa Aaron and Ella Langham they waited until mother got home and they said let us help you let us take that boy into the country and help you let us we have plenty and I heard that in my ear we have plenty and plenty to me you know let me go and she said all of our children are grown and we don't have anybody and mother said no I can't give my child away they said no we don't we don't mean give them away but in those days you had no such thing as as welfare you had no such thing as aid to dependent children you had no check on the 1st and the 15th people just help people that's that that was the welfare people help the people and so make a long story short after talk they let me go to the country now were you excited about that oh no no I was excited I was only 4 but you know a four-year-old child heard the word plenty country you knows they're going to the country you see the wealth wasn't in the city when I was a child yeah that's all the city folk came out in country to get some meat yeah and so I went to the country the plane turned out to be a two room log cabin the Plenty turn out to be wild squirrels wild rabbits hickory nuts blueberries moral barriers there plenty of you and go out there and mother wanted me to come home when I was six but we'd go every two or three weeks and I'd see my family but I didn't want to come home I was in love with mama and papa we didn't have no television and we could only play the radio three times a day because it's a battery and we didn't have money to keep buying batteries so Papa had to make jokes Papa had to be my television he had to make me laugh these are made and the jar were here I feel so sorry today that we've turned all that over to televisions when there was a time parents had to entertain that children now you just haven't gone in the room look at television boy and that's sad so I stayed on I went to school and then at 11 years old I woke up and papa was dead mama was gone so then mama and I were together from 11 years old on a lake of land that's there now and it's been labeled historical landmark where Evy Hill was the children of the country in the community I taught my life during Vacation Bible School this is an unwilling experience but I stayed there I went and you heard my testimony I went I finished high school out of a two room log cabin and one of the things that most people don't you well the lady came into my office and said not here you wouldn't know nothing about poverty I said have a seat let's discuss it yeah and she said that her children was so bad off said they have him had a state this month I said whatever the head she said ground meat now that's exactly what a steak is before you swallow it it's brown so there is there is possibly no one listening who has seen poverty who has experienced segregation discrimination who has been abused because of my color there's possibly nobody who has had to live off of what they call hand-me-down I always call them handing me up because whatever anybody gave me it was more than I had so let's hand me up Edward McDonald it's probably nobody's been as cold as I've been because a log cabin is just put together with logs and mud probably been nobody has been as hungry as out there but through it all I think the Lord was preparing me to speak to this generation and I can talk to him I can talk to him just surround have a seat you know no excuse you could make it when I finished high school I thought chemistry was a course in music I never never had it never heard of it I made my first grade and chemistry was a B all the rest were A's I finished with a 3.7 average so don't come up here with know stuff about you can't make it you can make it and I guess the Lord took me around that way to tell everybody you've make it you say to tell my people you can make it and then I've had a whole lot of white fools I said now you show better make it you've been in front of me a long time you better get off so I think God probably prepared me and maybe gave me a heart maybe maybe I wouldn't have made it had I not come through that route but I know that you can make it I'd like to say to everybody now you may not make it in the manner in which you want to make it but you don't have to steal you don't have to kill and you don't have to get mad you don't have to get mad I think one of the great joys of my life and they listening right then singing now because they listen to me all time but one of the great joys of my life was last year I went back to Sweden where I was for a home admin 19 years and my god you couldn't get nowhere near the place they had it in the school they knocked out all of the walls I mean the petitions and the white people I used to pick cotton for were there and the white people who used to call me boy were there and they all honored me and I think the joy is that in my heart I have no bitterness I have no regrets because in a sense they inspired me because when man I used to pick cotton for it used to be kind of mean you know and I told mommy that's all right my house will be twice the size of his house one of these days it is it's twice the size and when they would drive down the street and water splash sure that's all right he ain't driving but a Chevrolet I'll Drive a Lincoln one day and I do hang in there don't get mad with nobody don't give up on God don't steal people don't steal people's stuff you don't have to do it that way that's the show that's the long route around if you want to the short route to success stay with God's be as honest and as truthful as you always can work hard I expect nobody to give you a whole Lots mama mama mama used to tell me she used to tell me she said you have two strikes against you the color of your skin and you're broke but you don't need but one more ball to knock a homerun and I believe I believe and so I don't I don't have any and I have been accused of being everything but I don't have any anger in me that's some things I don't like I'm mad about this Oklahoma situation but I don't have any and I thank God I don't have I don't have to have a lot of stuff to yeah yeah you had to forgive your father for leaving you yes yes that was a I didn't know I met my father for the first time to know him when I was 16 to know him when I was 16 I'm sure when it was a baby I'm but I didn't know him but for the first time and to my knowledge my dad gave me $2 in life because he gave me $2 when I was 16 but then I grew to hate my father because of what I went through and with what mother my mother went through with these children and it's a pretty it's a pretty it's pretty bad thing and have have a lot of sympathy for children who were brought up without father because you got a defense I was alone so anytime two or three fellows want to jump on you they jump on you because they know you can't fight back you know you can't whip three and they won't come at you one out of time and you don't have things you I never had a pony of my own I never had this oh yes I did I had 36 stick horses [Music] I never had this I never had anybody to shelter me to protect me just mama Papa died when I was 11 so I grew up to hate my father and then he said some mean things about the fact that he when I began to get on up and and and and board preach I was recognized he put it out he was so disappointed that he had spent all that money in life and I turn up to be so-and-so preacher and so I got it I got the word through my cousin my cousin was in a meeting and I said well you tell him if he go East and I go west I doubt whether we'll ever meet to make a long story short I was a pastor and I still hated him yeah and found scriptures to justify you know but then one day my cousin called and said your daddy has just had a stroke he's in the hospital and you have to go get him I said no I don't have any daddy Papa died when I was 11 said your dad is out there in hospital I said there's a man out there in the hospital but ain't my dad she said oh no and Jane there is nothing compared to the feeling and I tell any walking daddy right now be very careful when I had to and I married now and I have at that time I had a baby had my own house but when I had to walk out to that hospital and pick up in my arms somebody that I hated from the depths of my heart and there he was with a stroke and an alcoholic and when I had to take him into my own house and put him in my bed and even then he just his meaning as stubborn as he could be and he was about I'll pay you I'll be I said shut up you know and God sent me through that and God did a strange thing I couldn't find no assets nowhere that he had because I didn't you know I wanted her up and get rid of him and he didn't have no social security that I could find no nothing and we didn't have no SSI there and my wife and I were just making we wouldn't make it a whole lot United when you started making no matter we weren't making the money and we had to take money out of our pockets and take care of a man that gave me $2 in life and nurse him and bathe them and I just said I went to my church a number of times at Lourdes why would you put this on the other man why would you put this over me I don't want this but finally I did find a place he's mean as he could be stubborn I found him a place and he got in a fight there and hit a man in the head and I had to bring him back in my house that I found another place but anyway finally going forth and my wife my wife kept on saying you all are just so much alike this way there's your stubbornness there's your determination you know and I actually not only forgave him I actually learned to love him and I preached his funeral oh how did that happen just through just being with it and seeing yourself you know one of the things that I plan to do when I preach this Promise Keepers we need to start saying hello to each other just we need to just start saying hello how are you good morning my name is Edward Hill it's amazing what comes out of talking yes because that I mean just just just learning one another you know as a white lay out there this white when I we moved out here we moved in an era where we were the only people of color in the community and there was a white lady who who obviously just despised it you know and we come outside she people out of whether she run back I try to track us a padua and so finally one day I told my wife cooks some green and cook some cornbread and I would over knocked on the door and I called a name and I said neighbor what is it I said I have some fun and I said here's some good old southern greens and cornbread yeah thank you and the next day she can preacher and law now there's one thing about a wife once your children and grandchildren they all call Billy their body they call me every now and then yeah now so we need to start talking so that's what happened I started talking to my dad I let him I let him tell his story that's another thing a lot of people were going through a whole lot but sometimes it would be a good therapy to let you to sit down shut up and listen to somebody else's story I didn't think he had a story I didn't care if he had a story he just left music man he left me he made my mother suffer I got him in a hickey on my head I went without he ain't supposed to have no story I knew his story but then I let him tell his story and I began to said okay let's be let's be a little bit merciful to each other so the Lord brought me through that two things and I'll shut up the Lord brought me through I shut up all that the Lord did two things to me in my lifetime and maybe three and I wouldn't want to think on the third one I don't I don't think I could stand that one but two things happened to me in my life I lost my high school girlfriend crush I mean I lost the girl that I've lord have mercy I love that girl so so anybody in my church it has had a crush a divorce have a seat you're talking to the right person second my dad is relationship so anybody out there talking about your father's forsaken year and molested you know come and no don't come to my I'm sorry but I'm saying if you did have a seat I'd talk with you now the third one when you took baby if you've if you've been in that situation have a seat that was your first one yeah my first wife baby and so if your heart is broken and you don't know why write me something and you know naturally I can't talk to you as I would like to I remember doctor Hale you preached a sermon right after she had passed away and you had preached her funeral because you were all you were her husband but you were also her pastor so you preached and it was you requested her pastor isn't that incredible but you we were we were in Houston no wait a minute we were in Dallas at Larry Lee's Church in Wroclaw and you were preaching that night and after the sermon you got through it the best you could and you went back in the office and you didn't know we were hearing you but you got down on your knees and you were talking to the Lord about maybe engine it was it it was it was really something for all of us and we didn't mention it to you but we heard you we heard your broken heart and you were crying out to God well even through that he he made me conscious of heavenly help oh yes we we've got we've got heavenly help yeah because in my hour of great agony Spirit of the Lord came into my bedroom and not in an audible way but he just said he'll I won't talk to you and he didn't have to do that and he asked me a question he said what is it that I have not done that I promised to do a lot of things you've asked me to do I didn't promise but what I promised to do I said not take your time thing and I said nothing spirit everything you have promised me he you've done it he's okay I want to ask you another question then why are you doubting me about your wife I promised to come for her to take care of and I promised to heal up and I said but now that's why I'm at a loss she said she's healed no more sickness no more pain I said but I I thought you meant oh he said nod and say that and then I said well spirit I just want to ask you one question and if you'll answer this then I'm all right are you telling me baby is all right and dispersed said yes and I've been going uphill ever since because being an old chauvinist that that's that's that's what a chauvinist mainly wants to know his woman is all right Anna and Spurgeon yes and I've been going uphill ever since and I the Lord was kind he didn't have to do that he didn't have to give me that audience but he did in the form of the Spirit the comforter oh we have heavenly resource even those in Oklahoma whose hearts are broken and you you you last question if heavens on us out why did all of this come upon us well we live in a world where it's raining on the just and the unjust but in the midst of the in justices to the just you'll have heavenly comfort God's gonna give you strength that you you never thought you had and call on him call on it be afraid call on me talk to him yeah you he loves you did you know Jose from Wilmington California has received Jesus Maryland David from Columbus Ohio and 38 years old have all received Jesus tonight we love you and welcome to the family we'll send you a new birth certificate a Bible and give your name to a local church if you'd like one and just call the number on your screen the 7 1 4 7 3 1 1000 number is our california number right here this is the partner sitting right here but the second number on your screen which those of us in California don't have but the other station has that's your local number and there are local counselors there and they will be glad to give you the name of a local church once you receive Jesus you must be baptized in water right by the batteries must be baptized in water and just we'll send you a little book on what's happened in your life now and what you should do now that you've received Jesus as your Savior mostly just tell somebody and love Jesus and work for him and get in a good local church and love and support a pastor and a good local church in your area we want to sing another special song right now Verne Jackson I think it's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard I love it I remember a time in my life and I was going through something very hard we heard Nancy Harmon singing this song and when Vern was going to ricordati Rambo songs he said burn you've got to record this one listen to it some of you need to hear the words of this tonight remind me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the phase that I love and hold dear to my heart are just borrow they're not mine [Music] Jesus only let me use them to brighten my so remind me remind [Music] DLO Roback the curtain of man me now and [Music] show me where you brought me from and we could have been remember I'm human humans Forgan sorry my remind me helo nothing have I to deserve God's own son I'm not worthy of the scars in his hand [Music] yet he chose the road to Calgary to die in my stead why he loved me I can't understand [Music] so roll back the curtain of man every now and then and show me where you brought me from and where [Music] remember I'm humans for gear so remind me remind me dear so remind me remind [Music] [Music] let us pray our gracious and Heavenly Father for the privilege of preaching we give thee thanks and we pray that thou would please let us preach to the end that someone who is listening to us now will come to Jesus we ask it in Jesus name Amen of course all of us have just experienced again the celebration of the resurrection the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ not someone who was in a coma and came to but the bodily resurrection of one who was dead and I like to take time to emphasize that because there there is false teaching going out that Jesus in fact was not really dead but was in a coma and that he came to himself now let's dispel that and get rid of that right here on television once and fall the scripture carefully States and every word in the Bible look at it again the cow from he said he was buried traditionally therefore here's the body of the Lord and here is linen and here is mirth that they covered him with and murph when it's heart is harder than cement so here's a complete layer of mirth and linen over Jesus then they put another layer of linen and another layer of mirth and wrapped him again and they did it a third time they did it the fourth time fifth time and sick now here the body is under six layers of cement in a coma let's get rid of that once and for all he was they and it's so important that we emphasize that because if in fact he did not die we're still in our sins and this doctrine that spewing out across country that he was just in a coma a coma couldn't save us he had to die and we want to emphasize that and so he did he went he died and he went into a bar a tomb he borrowed it for three days his first person and the last person you ever heard of barring a tomb most people who put in tomb they didn't bar it its vast forever but Jesus of course wasn't going to use it but three days and so he borrowed the tomb and he's risen now but there are a number of post after situations that happen after the resurrection that I think we ought to take a look at and the one that I want you to take a look at now is in that twenty fourth chapter that twenty fourth chapter and and put on my glasses of the Book of Luke it is there now two disciples and they are walking from Jerusalem back to Emmaus there are two walking from Jerusalem this is one of the post events and they are to sadden disciples they're brokenhearted because the only word they have had of the Lord was that he was crucified and he was buried they were not in around Sunday morning to hear the message that he is risen and so here they are walking the seven miles seven eight miles back to Emmaus they had left Emmaus to go follow Jesus and so they they're walking now and as they walk they talk and that talk is talk of disappointment they're sad and so as they walk Jesus joins them Jesus sees too despondent believers walking discussing how awful the death of the Lord had been and he joins them he joins them now when he joins them he and I will paraphrase this chapter for I want to deal with the whole one he says in other words what why are you so sad and what's wrong and so they look sad let him and said where have you been where have you been why don't you know there's been a great crucifixion of one our own Calvary one called Jesus of Nazareth and the reason we're sad is that we left emails to follow him and the book says that they said to Jesus not recognizing Jesus they just thought it was the traveler just coming along rolled they said we had hope we had hope after following Jesus after the many miracles that he did after raising the dead giving sight to the blind multiplying the fish walking on the waters speak into the waters and the winds causing them to be still we had hope we had every reason to hope that he in fact was the Messiah and he said and then he promised that after the third day he would rise and here it is the third day and we haven't heard him walking along right with him we haven't heard from him and so that's why we're the way we are and they continue to walk until they got to the road and it mares where it turned off to go into their house and they beg this stranger to come in and abide with them so join with him eat with them and the Lord did still not really recognizing him still sad around this point we had hoped that he would be the one we put our faith in Him many left all to follow him many left their families and their kin rich to follow him but here he has been nailed to the tree and crucified and buried and so whatever hope we had went into the grave with him we had hope and then as they went in and as they began to feast the Lord blessed the food and then the Lord disappeared out of their presence and then it was only then and many writers have conjectured that they saw the nail prints in his hands and all of that and then they their eyes were open to see that here in fact is the Christ the Son of the Living God after he left they left rushing back to find the eleven to find the eleven to testify to this eleven this you talk about doubting Thomas in a real sense that was a doubting 11 because when the women told the man he is risen they said that's ridiculous so there's not only one doubt and Thomas had several doubting Thomases but they began to walk back and here's what they said did not our hearts burn within us as he spake unto us and so tonight I just want to drop a word to those of you who are in the head hope crowd the head hope crowd for there are many of you who even join church and became baptized you had hope you you you thought that walking down the aisle and giving the preacher your hand would settle life's questions and would give you a life of tiptoeing through the tulips you had hope you married a man that tickled your heart and you had hope you've had children and you brought them up and you thought that they would be the great leaders of the future only to see them turn to drugs and turn to alcohol and so I'm speaking to somebody who may even now be in the head hope spirit ah some few days back something has happened that you had hope many of you went into business you had hope I even speak to those that I know in Oklahoma who lost babies who lost wives and husbands and the relatives are now saying we had hoped we've even been to prayer meeting we've even sacrificed we've given our times we've given our offering we've lived according to the law we've lived upright and now look our baby's legs cannot be found another woman's leg had to be amputated in order to get out from under the rubbish and and and and no one could say that that building was filled with sinners that building was filled with people who deserved that that building was filled with people just like you and I believers and trusters of the Lord God and you may be walking home tonight or you may be at home saying we had hope we had hope it that what happened in Oklahoma may have wrecked a marriage you may have already become engaged and your partner went down yesterday and so you and that head hope crowd and the whole world is full of folk who could join the people on their mayor's role and say we had hope there's so many sad people in our town so many sad people in the community where I live in South Central Los Angeles we had oh we had hope to be this we had hope to be that we had hope to come up and become educated and to be trained but something went wrong something went sour and so here we are now going back not to Jerusalem to praise but going back to Emmaus to moon going back to the mayor's to to to cry in our beer and to go back to the mayor's hand to remember how we had hoped that things would be better but they're not better well they want two things I want to talk I won't say to the head hope crowd tonight number one don't give up on God don't give up on God I want to say to those in Oklahoma City and everywhere that has had tragedies after tragedies don't give up on God the hard maybe hate and burden may be heavy but don't give up on God because God has a way of moving in strange ways in order to get done God has a way in and one thing about it and dr. Oral Roberts blessed our hearts early one thing about it God keeps records and God keeps an account of what happens to us and God has a way and Paul said he's laid up for me something God does not take that he doesn't replace God does not God does not take away without providing a comfort for you in the Hauer and so the first thing that I want to say to you in your living room wherever you are if things are not going the way they ought to go not only in the tragedies of Oklahoma and Waco and other places if things are not going if if you got your slipway you don't have your job don't give up on God don't give up on God don't no don't don't go to your room like that girl said I went to church for six straight weeks and nothing didn't happen don't give up on God don't give up on God they're those who've been hanging around 10-15 years and they haven't given up on God and there are those who testify that the light at the end of the tunnel didn't come for a long time for he who terrorists will come and don't give up on God God God God has a plan God has something working out he's a mysterious God I said to somebody here the day he may hate but helps on the way helps on the way don't give up on God the second thing not only don't give up on God but these people said we had hope keep your hope keep your hope because if your hope is a legitimate hope G we'll provide an opportunity to join you at a time when they had no hope that hope had gone they spoke of it in past tense we had hope and while they were sad and had hoping Jesus joined them Jesus John de that one walk along talk with you and don't look for Jesus to look like you think Jesus looks he caught me looking in Spain's way but he come sometime he comes here yesterday I should never forget I went to several little cafes to pick up a little sandwich and and and and and one was clubbed my favorite one was closed and the other one the parking lot was jammed and the other one I didn't want to stop at but I said I stopped in yet miss sandwich and I went in and I said at the bar and I I said I want a sandwich and I want one of the it was one of these nutritional places these health food places I said give me one of those power drinks and I was I was gonna and a little man set beside me little man yeah he kind of reminds me of you say hi yo daddy looked little man little ball up here and he and he said I'm beside man he said have I died and going to help I said no I don't think so I said I'm here and I plan to go in the rapture cup so he said you easy healed he's white gentleman he said you Eva Hill I said yes I am said I watch you every Sunday and I love you and that I love Paul and I love a Jan and we began to talk and as we began talk he said you know one thing I haven't paid my tights in some time and I just like for you to take this chick and and and and and and put it in and I said well I didn't come in he said I know you didn't but the Lord arranged for you and he didn't know what because my first one was close my second when I couldn't pause and the first way I didn't want to go and I just set that he come up and gave me up a great big check and said I want you to put this in the offering and I said thank you Lord and and that's what I want to say you never know when Jesus is gonna join you you never know when he's gonna send an angel one of our members one of our members had a serious operation and he had to have morphine every four hours and he took a trip back to a Baltimore and early that Sunday morning he got up and went to church and he took his morphine he said I'll take it and in four hours I'll come back this was on Sunday and he sat down and a young man was sitting next to him and said do you have a on a car pain and my member said yes now here he is in Baltimore and he lives in Los Angeles but he's in this church in Baltimore and this young man said right out on on this piece of paper what's what what's your greatest need and he said not to take a shot of morphine because I just had an operation and he said and the preacher was up preaching and he said go take it up there and put it on the altar and he said wild appreciation gone gone gone take it on up back and he took it up there and this was Sunday and Tuesday night he was at a meeting and he said I won't thank everybody for praying for me because I'm really sick I have to take morphine every foe every foe every foe everything when have I taken a shot he said I am doing shots on Sunday morning and this is this is Tuesday night and I'm supposed to take one every four hours and he's a women I haven't taken one since I took that prayer request to the altar and he said I haven't taken one and that's been almost a year ago and he hadn't taken one since don't give up on God don't don't don't you give up on God God will join you in an hour when you think not God will come to your rescue and he'll walk alongside here and don't have all these fixations of that he has to have a role born in a cross oh he might just send one of his little angels with no beauty to behold but don't give up on God and so Jesus went in and thank God even when our heart is broken and even when we are frustrated and disappointed Jesus won't give up on us some of y'all listening to me right now Jesus let's come home with you tonight he's come home with you now you mad and frustrated and how much you don't want to live Jesus has come home with you tonight his spirit is right where you are right now his spirit is in that place right now all you have to do is practice the presence of Jesus that's what you got to do you got to practice the presence of Jesus he said I'll never leave you nor forsake you practice that practice that and he comes in and then thank God that we have somebody as we walk on our various Emmaus rooms we've got somebody that'll pray for us for this text says he let him in prayer and then this text said he moved on and then this text says that their heart started burning and that's the presence of the Holy Spirit then you just hear dr. Oral Roberts said that before the knife touched him the Spirit of the Lord burned all over him thank God for Jesus today thank God for those of us who have walked the Emmaus Road of loneliness who have walked the road of disappointment who've walked the road of heartaches and heartbreaks whedon testified now let me just give you a illustration I'm through one of my habits is I run out of gas and it goes back to my log cabin back there Negros couldn't buy but a dollar two dollars worth of gas at a time we didn't have no money you couldn't we can drive up nines and fill up but when I was born it rose were limited to two dollars at a time so even though now I can fill up it's still hard for me to buy more than two and three dollars worth of gas because I'm in the habit of it and that Lincoln won't cooperate and so I was driving to Bakersville and we went down the hill and up the hill and it was my Lema o'clock at night and I let my o'clock at night and all of a sudden that caused a boom and my wife said no I said oh no it what you didn't you didn't you didn't you didn't you didn't you didn't I said yes and he was black dog and we pulled off the side and I said now I've got to go get some gas he said no don't leave me don't leave me somebody will come along and rape me somebody come along captain please don't leave me please don't leave I said I've got to and I got out and I started thumbing I started giving Masonic signs and I'm not even a much I'm not even a Mason I'm not even amazing but I just started doing something and finally one of these low riding hippy like cars pull up behind and the guy with long hair got out and said daddy what's wrong and I said I just ran out of gas I just ran out of gas he said jump in will help you and my wife said please don't please don't go don't go they're gonna kill you and then come back and kill me I said no just roll up your window everything will be all right and they took me back ten miles and got 5 gallons of gas and they came back and they put it in the carburetor and they started up my car and I said all right now how much I owe you he said nothing nothing I said what do you mean nothing you've taken me back and you paid for the gas he said you don't owe me nothing I said we'll explain it he said well my friend and I just gets our kicks out of riding up and down the grapevine looking for cooks like you who don't know that cars can't run without gas and so not just going down the road ten miles and fill up and going about your business and they wouldn't take no money from me they wouldn't know that they said we just get our kicks out a ride and up and down and long as I close tonight there is one who just gets pleasure I'll ride up and down life's Emmaus Road picking up coots like us and picking up strangers back up taking us a little and we'll charge us a thing he just blesses us and blesses us who walked the Amero and that's somebody tonight walking the Metro with your head down tow about I had hope I had hope I had hope lift up your head Jesus of nostrils is walking that wrong and he'll bless you and he'll turn your night in today now there's somebody out there that ought to say yes Lord Jesus you may not be there now but one day you will be without gas and without directions you will need somebody to drive up behind you may have long hair and you're gonna need somebody to help you and that's the matters Jesus that's all he does he and his angels just goes to and fro hunting for folk you drug addict you up add it up you sophisticated person that has no joy he's looking for you and why don't you get down right now where you are and say Lord Jesus come into my heart and be my Savior so that as I walk away from Emmaus my heart will burn within me Lord saved tonight blessed tonight lifts up the bow down here and give deliverance in Jesus name Amen [Applause] [Music] my as behind me too many trials two men and it is helped me to remember there's two to gain to lose to many sunsets lie behind the mountain [Music] a feed have walked through two men any treasures are waiting over yonder there's too much to gain too [Music] I trust the heartburn desert [Music] struggling the right road to chew somewhere up ahead there's cool clear water and a fee is one don't you [Music] [Applause] too many sunsets lie behind the mountain to me rivers Murphy have Walter to man treasures are waiting over yonder there's too much to gain too too many treasures are waiting over yonder and there's too much to gain [Music] [Applause] Thank You Vern that was beautiful and I enjoyed the backup singer on that and we want to remind everybody that Vern will be in Bloomington Illinois at Christian Life Center at 6:00 p.m. this Sunday evening April the 23rd so those of you in the bloomington illinois area going hear Vern and Sandra in concert and it is a beautiful experience I've been there with him a couple of times and it's great how can you go without your backup singer go out and buy his album that's what I'm gonna say I can't believe it slipped from two to three burn that's terrible did your mom go buy one but do symphony of praise is an extraordinary album it is really beautiful and please go out and buy one and we want to welcome to the family John from North what is that canola canola Arizona eighteen years old just receive Jesus in his heart tonight for the very first time here's Ann from Huntington Park California 27 she and her husband Harvey and Ann both received Jesus tonight and they would like a Bible and it is our joy to send you one we'll send it out tomorrow thank you very much and it's with our love to you we love you dick I can't find your card you're good oh let's see are you evil no are you all right [Laughter] here's pastor dick and Karla Bernal and it's such a joy to have him he is founder and president senior pastor of Jubilee Christian Center in San Jose California and all this stuff how are you great and how's your church wonderful we just had a great Easter and for the first time we had over 10,000 in attendance for the Easter six services of Easter and and the great thing about it was three hundred three hundred first time convicts first times we had the people for the first time Jesus and one day in one church yeah you know we preachers love crowds but God loves the the converts that come that see it what I wasn't just preaching or did you oh yeah we had come to rongkhun all the courses ron's art music Oh ambassador out of our church and been on staff for ten years and every year we do a we do a little play low drama and it's fun and it's blessed of God but this year people just came from all over the place we turn people away Friday night and then I preached three times Sunday morning so it was uh it was very exciting can I tell you about a dream I had you know this this thing with and I really was I was glad that brother oral orals my golf coach by the way he fact he whispered a lot way out he goes come down in a couple of weeks he takes me out and he's trying to show me how to play this game he's my coach one of my pastors and mentors but him being from Oklahoma of course is very special and I think it's divine providence that he was here tonight tended to have dr. hill who just reeks of compassion he's incredible I had a dream Tuesday night Jan I was up in Fresno at a camp meeting with a Dwight and Larry Lee Casey we're on and a bunch of us were preaching for the team ins up there 2:00 in the morning 2:00 2:30 in the morning Tuesday night finally went to sleep and Industry God speaks to me in dreams extremely prophetic ever since I actually since I was like kid I didn't know what it was but after I was born again it became evident that this is a major way that God speaks to me in dreams and visions and I had this vexing dream Tuesday night Carl and I were standing outside this big building big office building and a man looked like a man an angel perhaps came and motioned for us to follow him when we want to produce Collider and went inside this building and inside this building it was there was it was looked like was burned out or it was destroyed and this individual took me over at a table that looked something like this taller a table and emotion and I looked there was two big jars full of look like water or something and inside the jars there were like heads looked like shrunken heads at first and as I looked closer I could see that it was children and I remember I turned and I got startled and somewhat sick and I glanced at it again and took Carla and the three of us Carl and I on this individual walked outside the building and turned and I looked back at the building I woke up I woke up its 8:00 8:30 in the morning got my clothes on went to the little coffee shop of the hotel and as soon as I sat down and got my coffee I heard these people talking about what it just took place and I said what are you talking about come here and they told me what had happened I didn't put two and two together until I started reading about children being decapitated now this is what I believe and and I wrote this down as I was listening to dr. Roberts and Evie I just started scribbling that one of the gifts that God has given me we have a program right here on Trinity about merits spiritually mapping America looking for looking behind the obvious and what is the obvious gen we see destruction we see hurting people we see the pain of parents and loved ones frantically trying to find out if their child or their parent or if their brother or sister is still alive we believe or tonight of course I haven't seen the news but that this is an attack from an extremist wing or sect of the islamic jihad jihad meaning holy war possibly possibly possibly now if it is if this truly is something that has come to America and this is an attack from the Prince of Persia the Prince of Persia is the strong man of the prince over that area and and this is where all problems started from Eden was in what we would call Persia of that area and and Satan was there and Satan started problems right away thousands of years ago I remember one night we were doing the four corners here and Carlton was I believe Ike in Florida and and Carlton began to talk about we've got to be careful that the socialistic spirits that had such a stronghold in Russia now that they've lost their power that they're headed for America because we're right for it I remember that I remember him saying this and let me read up on it or they like well I believe that the Prince of Persia is trying to get a stronghold of fear and intimidation because that's the way he operates always has operated from Nimrod to Nebuchadnezzar to this present day fear intimidation I read the USA Today where these these zealots said that there that the great enemy is America all Jews all Christians and they have it in their head that they have got to annihilate us now it's interesting because as I was over there I went to Isaiah 13 Isaiah 14 Jeremiah 50 Jeremiah 51 where God spoke to the prophets to take up a lamentation or prophesy against Babylon now today we don't wrestle with flesh and blood people about our problem that's nothing that's not the problem the problem is there are spirits that move on people weak people dysfunctional people hyper religious people that these these these spirits can cause them to do horrible things so in the Bible in the Old Testament when we look at Isaiah he was he was talking to literal people the Babylonians but today we're not going after people were going after the principalities and the power and I believe that that the intercessors of America need to realize that this just isn't a group of fanatical that are wanting to blow up buildings to to further their cause that behind the scenes Jan this is do you remember that thing you saw in China when we were on the great wall you're a new car every and you should let out a scream and you said I see him oh it was a it was the most horrible Chinese old evil person just oh the long unkempt nails just going for Nora and we we just held it back and it China will it'll it'll fall it they can't stay behind okay these spirits want to bring buses we've not been given the spirit of fear yeah there's this there's this horrible fear that's permeate in America today we don't want to go into a building we were afraid you know what my god what if they start bomb and everything everything else and and this is their tactics this is not the tactic of man this is the tactic of a prince one of the most evil of principalities it has always been the Prince of Persia look at all the problems that have come since Garden of Eden which was in that area from the Garden of Eden to this time look at all the heartache all the pain all the killing that has come from that area and we got to be careful that all of a sudden we don't start labeling all Muslims or what are we gotta be real careful because 99.9% of our decent people in fact I've even talked to some recently and they're all like paranoid like you know hey we're okay and what-have-you this is a but this is a small group of people if if this is but we already know what happened in New York yes and they've already made a vow that we're going to do this so if not Oklahoma somewhere no no I think Oklahoma is the buckle of the Bible Belt I mean you know Tulsa and Dallas we look at as to to great Christian stronghold and right in the middle is OC you know in a way Satan has blown his own cover though by attacking Oklahoma City because that makes everybody so angry you know maybe if it's been an outlining or you know but it's like no not Oklahoma City say no children yeah you know the Bible says that the princes of this world would have known they never would have crucified the Lord of glory you know by hit by the enemy attacking Oklahoma City the heart the belt of the very belt of the Bible though I mean this is going to cause God's people to rise up and raise up the standard and pray I so that's what we need man we got I believe this is a this is like sounding the alarm now think of the children that that seems to infuriate it's more than anything else this the nursery the daycare that just not that not that we can say the rest is okay the rest isn't okay but there's something about the innocence but think of what Pharoah did yes during the days of Moses think of what Herod did again Satan moving upon these these monarchs to wipe out the innocence and I believe we are reliving this again in America we never thought this would happen in good ol US of A but all of a sudden here now it's crossed over the borders and this spirit is trying to get a stronghold but if you if you really study Isaiah 13 Isaiah 14 Jeremiah 50 Jeremiah 51 God raised up a people and he said point your arrows towards Babylon now arrows our prayers point your prayers I believe that if we can rally the intercessors the prayer warriors the men and women of God of this country we can stop this thing bind the strongman let's do it right now this is they'll be fine this is a holy enemy would be fine I want to read that scripture is very familiar but here in second chronicles 7 verse 14 if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and heal their land we need to do that to lose it we have to have a prayer here's the good news you know we don't we're not trying to bring paranoia paranoia to people yeah but but but we got to get it we got it we got to get a handle and what this really is you know we got to look at Christian people need to discern you know we need to predict not react the world reacts but God always tells his people what's going to happen I believe God's already warned you your dream was I absolutely believe that's if that's what my dream was not that I freaked when you heard that children oh it I told Carl I said I said I said I never told you bout this dream I thought it was a nightmare I thought it was just a bad dream we're in front of an office building that looked very similar to the one I saw in the paper and Angus did you think the Lord was saying through giving you foreknowledge to pray like we are to just exactly what we're doing tonight I said I would start thanking because it was easy dreams come true ways message dreams simple symbolic complex symbolic that's the way dreams come spiritual dreams a simple dream is Joseph take Jesus and married to Egypt and a dream a symbolic dream simple is Joseph the son of Jacob the sheaves symbols but he understood that interpretation a difficult dream is what Pharaoh and and Nebuchadnezzar got symbols but they couldn't they didn't a man of God had to come Daniel had to tell the epic in hazard and Joseph had chills it was it was there was some symbolism in it the heads the belly the decapitated children the burn out building and me staring at this office saying what does this mean looking at Carla saying let's get out of here and the third person never saying a word which was probably an angel showing me something but here's the good news it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth then it says there's chaos the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep but out of chaos and this chaos I believe is when Lucifer was cast to the earth and messed up God's creation but out of chaos God speaks his spirit starts moving and light springs forth on the scene this is this is chaos Oklahoma City is chaos and the ripple effect is going across the land fear confusion anger we don't quite know what to do we don't even know how to pray but God has always had a group of people that knew what to pray and they knew who the real enemy was and they knew how to tap into heaven's power Isaiah knew it he said Jeremiah pick up a lamentation Isaiah pick up a proverb and prophesy against Babylon Babylon is fallen and and point your arrows your prayers and then God says I will judge her for what she has done to you and your cities and as I was reading this I was I was like this is this is just too much I mean it sits here and I believe God is still breathing upon his prophets and his pastors and his leaders and across this land I think we need to join forces and we need to come against this the Prince of Persia and we need to do it we need to start it right let's do it right now and we're gonna ask everybody in the studio to join us and and all of you that are watching you just you just join with us and the strong man this this this Prince who thinks that he can come into America and half his way like he said in Lebanon and had in Iraq and Iran and destroyed millions and millions of lives we need to pick up a lamentation tonight God give us a word by your spirit tonight that no weapon formed against us will prosper every tongue that rises up against us and we shall judge because our heritage is of the Lord and we serve notice upon the Prince of Persia upon the king of Babylon upon the wicked spirits of religion that believe that they could come and destroy this nation and destroy all Jews and destroy all Christians and destroy the American government we serve you knows tonight by the Holy Ghost that you shall not have your way that the people of God are rising up and praising our God and worshiping our God and the battle is not ours anyway the battle is the Lord's and he will avenge us God will strike you down for Babylon has fallen Babylon has fallen and she is destroyed and she is laid waste and the people shall gaze upon her and wonder and be perplexed and asked the Lord how great she was but look at her now for God has risen up because of the prayers of his people and has destroyed the works of the Prince of the power of the air the Prince of Persia and the king of Babylon is taken and God is glorified in Jesus name Amen they pray for these they acquire a father we also Lord we lay hands on every prayer request tonight hunt hundreds of them thousands of people calling and Lord the good thing about problems as we turn our face back towards God it's a weakness of human nature that sometimes we have to go through hell to look at heaven but so be it if that's the way it is and America is great and these people that have called in know that America is great because of her God in god we trust' it's even on our money and Lord we trust you tonight with the lives of these people that have called for the healing of their bodies for all their prayer requests but most important for the salvation of their souls and their families in Jesus name Amen and amen Jesus name oh do you feel released in your spirit about this you know as I was talking to brother Roberts tonight and we're just talking it's like I'm here for a reason not just to say hi to old friends and how you doing and all that that's like I felt something coming up and I heard Kim Clemente who was one of my dearest friends he's taught me dick he said you know you have a prophetic slant to your ministry learn how to say what God tells you quickly and I got this today it's now begun I got that 20 times it came to me it's now begun it's now begun it's now begun yeah I got it the airplane I don't know I'm not sure it's now begun what did what did brother Robert say or what was it Evi Hill the beginning of Sorrows or is it it's now begun the turning of the tide I'm not sure but I got it's now begun from the Spirit of God well sister Robert said to me before we went on the air we were just talking on here and she said I truly believe this is the beginning of the end coming soon it came to me it's in the airplane it's now begun I got off the airplane it's now begun but I know one thing we've begun tonight is a massive prayer meeting to where we can address not the puppets but the puppeteer the one who's controlling these people these people these people are just misguided PR and nobody deserves to go to hell there's no human being that deserves to go to hell the spirit behind the people we need to pray for them - the Bible says pray for our enemies tribe bless those who curse a curse that's that's why we're different than everybody else we hate what they've done we hate the sin that they've done but we can't curse man but we can come against the devil you can come against the spirit that's against the spirit lives you know I mean if they just just don't take human life if you've got a grievance go to the person there's there's got to be some way that whatever this grievance is you know that whatever it is there is somebody that well even Jane even even if we can't convince them see the problem with us three here's we're rational people and we want we want people to be like us what everybody's not like us there's some very twisted demented but it isn't even them it is the Syrian us that makes us we would be that way without the power of course Jesus cars I believe we have the power to beseech the Lord to stay the hand yes of these murders not this is not going to take root see they think this is going to take root in America city to city building to building synagogue to synagogue Church to church they think they're gonna bring and we say no you're not we bind that yes in Jesus days we're gonna send it back to where it came the Bible says a curse causeless shall not land let's not give the curse a cause which means we've got to repent as Karla said and that's a great scripture as Karla said we as the church first got to repent whatever we need to repent up and then we got to humbly come before the Lord and intercede for the rest of America who doesn't know God the way we know God and so that God can heal our land but we also can't just you know we can't just confine this to the borders of America we've got to get extremely aggressive in our warfare and intercession for these other lands the strong prints that even Daniel had to come again someone to free its pushers from mountain yes exactly do you remember during the Carter Administration when we sent the helicopters in to try the yes why do you think those helicopters it's a Persian blew up didn't Prince of Persia was knowing no way and he's probably the strongest of all the Prince of power don't you ever pull them down are they always there I mean so we pray tonight against the Prince of Persia we pulled him down now when does he go back up because he said he seems like he's been there for well when it comes to loose for himself no man will bind him revelation I believe it's 20 says that the angel of the Lord will eventually buying Satan himself and throw him into the pit can we pray against a particular thing putting it in line we can cut we can we can come against his see this Webley the only person that ever really confronted Satan was Jesus Paul never confronting in fact Paul said that a spirit sent from Satan so it's like equals equals in their own Kingdom Satan versus Jesus a principality versus Paul and right on down the scale even when even when Satan wanted Peter he came to Jesus Jesus had to go to Peter Satan desires to sift you I believe that every Church has apostolic every city has apostolic churches where there's great leaders and they're the ones that really going to pick up this mantle because they're the ones that the stronger forces are against because they have the loudest voice of righteousness in the land but we all have enemies of darkness and we need to learn how to defeat see Jesus already defeat them they're already defeated yes but they're rebels they're outlaws they break the law we've got to remind them daily who we are who we serve who they are they sir when I when I had dream when I come to city in a dress under the under the leadership of the local pastor who I'm submitted to and he gives me the he allows me to do this in his pulpit or wherever I always remind the Prince over that area my Lord and Savior defeated your Lord you have to obey me and they do but you know but you made a good point how do we keep this thing going well the problem with human nature is we have a tendency to rest on our prosperity when things are going good we our armor isn't and we're not we forget where's this but like I said chaos usually wakes up God's people I wished it I wish there was another way of doing a jam but it usually takes something like this to wake us up Pearl Harbor what did the Japanese say I think we've liked the sleeping giant and they have and what is the greatest sleeping giant in the world the body of Christ and I think you know I feel like people have heard another little word right here and I think we should just pray one more time just just as a body maybe Carlat maybe you have a word you know we can't the Lord the Lord gave me a dream as well that God is our refuge God is our refuge and we don't have to be afraid you know for the terror by night the Bible yes you know we don't have to be afraid because he is our reference refuge and God just says you know God always brings the scripture to mind God has not given us a spirit of fear but that of power that of love and that of a sound mind in this house this dream I had GN I had a dream recently as well and in the dream I remember I was following my husband home from from church one day and I was on highway 101 and all of a sudden these big boulders came from the sky I don't know if it was an explosion or what it was but these big huge rocks were coming down right there on the freeway I got out of the car and right then I heard the voice Lord say go over to the side of the road and you'll find a rock there and I went to the rock and there was a cleft over the rock there was a big cleft and i got under the cleft and I remember everybody it seemed like bullets were hitting everyone around me and the Lord just there was that scripture came to mind you know in Psalms 91 and I felt like a little baby chick under there and I felt like the mama chick just had her wings around and secure just so secure in the wings it I just want to read that scripture about such compassion and love I woke up with such a love and such a compassion and I just felt like the Lord just hovering over me Psalm 91 he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say to the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god and he I will trust surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the perilous pestilence he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge his truth his word shall be our shield and our buckler you shall not be afraid of the terror by night terror the terrors nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in darkness nor other destruction destruction that lays waste at noonday a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you amen only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked we will see the reward of the brick we need to pray thank you there is a peace Lord that passes all understanding and we don't understand exactly what's going on we don't have to understand everything we know you and we know that you're the Prince of Peace thank you and that you can still stand and the bow of our boat and still the troubled waters of our souls peace be still you said to the wind under the storm and it'll bait you by the Holy Ghost tonight we say to the millions of people that are watching peace be still let your soul not be troubled nor babies before the Lord is still reigning on high Jesus is still Lord he's still in control thank you and the secret things belong to God be at peace tonight beloved for the Lord is with us Jesus hey man that was birds gonna sing a song right now for us a beautiful song and we may have a second to come back if not it's been a wonderful night and we love you all thank you for being a part of this TV and family what would we do without each other what would we do without each other what would we do without you and what would you do without TV it and think about it we love you in Jesus loves you fern jack [Music] Jesus I started out here long long time ago he's old thief they've all taught of rough and rocky road this world has made it softens silver and gold but Jesus you mean more to me than all this world [Music] it was my sins that hood those scars in your two precious head it was for me on Calvary your blood so freely read amazed and grace from battle tree save the same soul and Jesus you mean more to me than all this world when it comes to treasures Lord oh I've been more than blessed but life consists so much more than things that are the poses your love's made me the richest man and I just want you to know that Jesus you [Music] me than all this world it was my sins that work those scars in your two precious hair it was for me on Calvary your blood soon really red amaze and grace from battle to read say the same in a soul and Jesus you mean more to me than all this world [Applause] [Music] and Jesus you mean more to me than all this one thank you very beautiful beautiful song and be sure and go to your local Christian bookstore and ask for Vern Jackson's albums he's got about four out now and we have had salvations David from Columbus Maryland Jose Davis Barbara Kenya Karen J and John Barbara Robin Sid Korbel Gilberts Ella Shannon Chalisa Anthony tonette Mary Wayne and Kathy welcome to the family we love you welcome to the family and you'll receive a Bible of the new Pacific your wonderful Jesus loves you Thank You Carla we're so glad you've been the puzzle praise the Lord t kyun has a worldwide we need your love gets larger small to help keep the gospel of Jesus Christ going around the world so right today praise the Lord vo box a santa ana california 92711 or in canada right TVN pedo box two four two one five APO Richmond British Columbia v7b 1y2 if you have an ask Christ into your life call a prayer partner now and pray to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord now until next time remember to praise the Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] this program has been brought to you through the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout North America and the world
Channel: Alex Clarke
Views: 3,445
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: TBN 1995, Jan Crouch, Pastor Dick Bernal, Pastor E.V. Hill, Dr. Oral Roberts, Evelyn Roberts, Vern Jackson
Id: tLw8dBSSJ_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 46sec (10726 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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