The great tank-drought of the Burning Crusade

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[Music] [Applause] foreign hi people thanks and before you ask me where i don't know i know that i am one and i know that we have like one more player and our entire guild who mains a tank we also have a dude with an old tank and one guy who hates tanking but has to do it anyway and actually scratch that we have four dudes who hates tanking but are tanking anyway that's not entirely true though i don't hate tanking but i have to say that it must be the most boring role i don't tank because i enjoy attacking much rather i tank because that gives me good control over what's happening meaning i can ensure a smooth and fast run whether i'm raiding or doing heroics or ensure a wipe fiesta who knows what will happen at least i won't have to be stuck with a tank that's even worse than i am oh and also i'm playing feral tank the spec for feral dps and feral tanking is basically identical so i can't do either one unlike warriors who hit like a wet noodles when in tank spec and paladins don't have great damage either but they can do some pretty fun aoe farms at least even though i suspect they want to respec for doing that anyway of the three roles a player can have in a raid or a dungeon group tanking is easily the one with the most impact by a mile it won't matter that your dps is capable of massive displacement meaning that they can pump big if the tank can't hold threats and it does not matter that your healers could save the fish that's already a fish stick if the tank does not wait for mana place mobs in the middle of the raid or even line of sights the healers you can easily get away with having a garbage dps for almost all raid encounters and most dungeons as well it's just going to be slower you can get away with having a bad healer although it's much more punishing than just having a brainless dps player but you can often cc more put on more chunky gear and play it more carefully but if the tank loses threats on all targets after a hunter uses flare or pulls six packs when the healer is oom there is just no getting out of that one tanking probably requires the most knowledge out of all the roles it's the role associated with the most responsibility it's also the world that has the hardest time pushing numbers both healing wise and damage wise i mean you know you're a good dps when you do a high number and you know you're a capable healer when you push a high number what number do tanks get you could say that tanks get threat but that's just a fancy word for dps and mitigation is at least as important i suppose a number that would actually work is some sort of combination of mitigated damage and produced threats it would be fun to have that if anyone from warcraft logs is listening know that at least i would be very interested in seeing something like that anyway it just seems to me like tanking is the role with the least fun overall although i enjoy the raid leading you get to do as a tank i do not enjoy the actual tanking itself very much and it seems to me that the combination of all these things is the reason why the least needed role in terms of pure numbers i mean you don't need many tanks in a raid it's the hardest road to fill you'll never need more tanks than healers yet healers are rarely going to be the difficult ones to find finding tanks was an issue already in classic vanilla but for a number of reasons it was much less pronounced first of all any fury warrior which there were loads of could just slap on some mitigation gear and tank the instance but with the damage numbers from bosses in the burning crusade that simply isn't a viable option the increased survivability from the tanking tree is more or less mandatory for end gain content in the burning crusade at least as of now second of all almost all tanking warriors already had a spec quite focused around the maximizing damage output bosses in vanilla simply did not hit as hard as the bosses in the burning crusade the bigger issue wasn't staying alive but producing enough threats so that your damage dealer could suck zug without dying with the burning crusade mitigation is a much bigger part of tank gameplay a well-geared tank could often beat many of the mediocre damage dealers in classic vanilla sure you were tanking but you still got to pump you needed to pump but there is yet another reason why people are having even bigger issues finding tanks now than in classic and it's simply the new raid sizes not only is the tank roll more limiting and demanding in the burning crusade but you simply need more tanks as well from a group composition perspective karazhan is really weird twenty percent of the entire raid consists of tanks two tanks in a ten man team might not seem very strange at first but that's the same percentage of tanks you needed for the four horsemen encounters in next dramas and that fight is infamous because of the huge number of tanks required what was considered slightly extreme in classic is just normal in the burning crusade we used one main tank and 2 off tanks for most of our 40 man raids in classic meaning tanks made up just 7.5 percent of the entire raid when fighting magtheridon you currently need at least 3 tanks to deal with the mobs in phase 1. despite reducing the raid size to nearly half of what it used to be in vanilla the amount of tanks required has remained the same if you have a 25 man raid team and you want all of them to get loot from karazhan each week you'll likely go for three ten man teams dps wise you're just fine as you likely have 15 or 16 players filling that role and pogging one or two is no issue then just divide your six seven healers evenly and if needed you can just have a elemental shaman or boomkin off heal on the harder fights but most guilds are likely fine with just two healers per townman team now what about the tanks well you can't even fill two karazhan groups with the tanks from a 25 man team with 2 tanks per raid and 3 raids you need to somehow double the number of tanks available technically all paladins warriors and druids could just respect for the cara run if they've gathered decent gear for offspecs but most people are not very interested in spending a hundred gold on unlearning talents every week when looking at the sign ups for last week's wednesday rating we had 3 tanks 8 healers and 29 damage dealers sign we had to bench 13 damage dealers basically enough dps to fill a second 25 man team we would need 4 more healers but that wouldn't be impossible to arrange rather the big challenge would be finding three well geared tanks the tank situation is very unlikely to change the players choosing this role and doing it well are going to be the most sought after players throughout the entire expansion finding groups as a tank is almost instant in raids you'll likely have prio on tier pieces and you'll only have to compete with at most two other players in the entire raid for the loot and in dungeon whenever a tank piece drops you're guaranteed to get it supposing the other players have even the smallest of clues of what they're doing and sometimes when running the dungeon which gives you the loot a reputation you seek you'll even be able to demand payment for it that's just the reality of the game because no one wants to play a tank in the burning crusade but everyone needs one and there is no small simple change blizzard could make to alter this situation although if i were to give one i'd say that dual spec would likely be the least bad solution but i have zero belief in that being implemented in the burning crusade things are the way they are and somehow everyone ranging from the individual players looking for a tank to their dungeon group to the entire guilds filling up raids somehow people will have to find a way to fill that spot and so those are my thoughts on the current tank situation make sure to leave your own thoughts in our comments as well as liking and subscribing should they ever want to be one of the most desired players in the entire game consider playing a tank i'll be back soon with another video and until then see up by the way this could link in the description
Channel: Necerium Cloudes
Views: 101,912
Rating: 4.8392372 out of 5
Keywords: World of warcraft, the burning crusade, Classic, TBC classic, Looking for tank, TAnk, Why are there no tanks, Protection, Paladin, Warrior, WTB tank, WTS tank service, FEral tank, Bear, Feral tank, LF tank, Epic videos, About, the, burning, crusade, Arlaeus, Asmongold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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