Prot Paladin Guide - Tank UI & Addons Setup. Zero to Hero Ep1.

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hey guys and welcome to the first video in my zero to hero tank guide so today we're going to be doing our ui and i'm going to show you how to set up your ui using my fresh paladin so before we get into this there's one thing i want to touch on quickly and that is today a lot of the things we're going to be talking about are just general concepts i'm going to give you my list of add-ons that i use of course you can do this with lvui and feel free to substitute any add-ons that you prefer but if you're completely new to this then these add-ons are great they're what i use on my main paladin and i'm going to be showing you how to set them up so to begin with this is the list of add-ons that we're going to be working with today i choose to use wow up as my add-on manager it's really great and it does your updates automatically i've actually got two updates pending there so i'll get them done now so get the add-ons on the list installed they're also in the description if you need the full list of them again and let's start setting things up so the first item we're going to take a look at today's bartender bartender is a replacement for the default blizzard bars and two things i like about bartender number one is you can move it wherever you want number two you can get a lot more buttons on the screen for keybinds so to open the menu for bartender it's forward slash bt enter and the first thing you're going to want to do is come up here to the lock and unlock the button unlock the bars so i like to take bar one i personally enjoy a bar that i can take buttons i can replace buttons for you know if i'm using on use items or consumables and stuff having a bar that directly takes items and and keybinds is really good to me so we're going to take this i like to split it into two rows and have this central in my screen and anything that is a core rotational uh ability for me will go on this bar i like to bring the padding down a little bit so maybe two i've split it into two rows we don't want the blizzard ui so if you go down to the blizzard art bar i like to disable this the experience bar so if you've installed titan panel this is a little cool trick you can do with the xb bar is you overlay it on titan panel and for some reason it likes to sit between the text and the the background so i increased the scale and this is the best place i found to put my xb bar and i'm going to hold down shift here um might need to be just slightly smaller we want to have it the width of our screen holding down shift removes the clipping yep cool so at 1.9 for me that's the width of my screen and i just overlay it onto this bar here and turn on click through so now when we when we do lock that i've got my xb bar as part of titan panel okay so now we've got lots of other bars we've got pet bar stance bar for me personally i put stance bar just above my um my party frame and we're gonna put our party for our character frame sorry in this window here and we're gonna have our target here and a lot of the things you want to do with your tank ui is you need to be a lot more aware of your health so we'll go here our target will go here and we'll have things like target to target but we'll look at that in a minute uh for now i'm just going to whack bali power out of the way so we can configure as many bars as we want now so for me personally micro menu and bag bar i do not use these i know the hotkeys to open them reputation bar we're going to turn off because we'll have that on our on our character frame if we need it and now it just becomes a point of looking at how many bars that you're going to want so if we take a look at devs ui here to see how this is set up so i've got bar 7 by 6 bar 2 and bar 5. so i actually use four different bars here to make this brick and this is completely up to you how you want to manage this personally i like having everything there i can glance down and check what's going on so let's set up four bars down here in in the bottom just to use as well as the two sidebars so i'm going to show you how to set that up so the first thing we want to do is we want to take the bars we want to enable them so we're going to use six we're gonna use seven five appears to be free and what else is in use by eight we can enable that so that gives us um four bars to work with let's put these in a somewhat logical order so five six seven eight so if we go to five we wanna set the padding to be the same so these line up properly so we can do five we can do six setting the padding to two seven and eight are already set up that way and we can stack a brick down the bottom and they snap together really cleanly actually like that so now we've got this this big brick of add-on of buttons down here that we can use i don't think it's centered properly where's my character no it's this one that's not centered there we go it snapped into the middle beautiful and we've got two on the side as well and that in essence is how i set up my bartender we'll go through we'll keybind all these and we'll put all our abilities down later but now we've got plenty of plenty of buttons to use we can keybind these exactly how we like and that is bartender okay so moving on to the next add-on that we're going to look at today shadowed unit frames now what shadow unit frames is is a pretty customizable replacement for party and health frames i don't use all aspects of it generally i'm using blizzard raid frames as my party frames now one of the main issues i see with brand new tanks is you guys will leave your health in the top left corner here you just to me you're almost blind as to where your health is so let's fix that so forward slash suf shadowed unit frames to open the menu here and we're going to go through to enabled units first and we're going to turn off boss frames and arena frames and i'm going to disable party because we are not using party frames and we're going to come through to general and we're gonna untick lock frames bringing this down so here we have the big player frame from shattered unit frames and we want to place the player roughly where we want it coming across to the target unit configuration and the frame and we're going to add an offset here so it's currently 50 so this will depend on your screen resolution but let's crank that up to 400 and see where it puts our target a little bit too far let's wind that back to 300 okay now it's starting to look not too bad i'm going to bring the scale up a little bit to maybe 120 and i'm going to do the same for player so coming to unit configuration player frame bring the scale up to 120 which is looking a little better so now let's just see how that looks when it's locked cool so that gives you a much better view of your health as you're checking where your cooldowns are at we've also got our auras here and i'm much much happier with that so the next thing i want you to do is come into the interface and we're gonna include blizzard raid frames hang on let's invite dev to a group so we can see our road frames beautiful these are the settings that i use to get the frames nice and clean so i keep groups together horizontal or vertical groups completely up to you power bars turned on i think it's really important to see how your group's mana is doing i really like class colors it's a really nice way so like if you know like the druid isn't in trouble you can just see the druid already being orange not a fan of the border on this i think the border is really ugly so i like to turn that off um and then showing debuff should always be on and it's up to you if you want to have just dispellable debuffs on feel free to look through the the settings here and you can do a lot of customizable stuff to these these bars i might even like adjust the height a little bit maybe bring that up to like 60 play around with the size make it slightly larger kind of get it just just how i want it i don't want to use my pet bar here actually so i'm going to disable that i might even bring the target back a little bit so that to move the target it was uh frame and the offset maybe just bring that back to like 250 now we've made it slightly larger okay so that is shadow unit frames and now we're starting to get a ui that looks a little bit more usable lots of nice information about our health in front of us okay so the next add-on we're gonna do is poly power now this is a really quick one so i position mine on the left-hand side of the the frame so clicking on the little green or red dot um locks are in a locks it unlocks poly power so green to move i'll position it at the top of my frames here so it grows down shift right click to open options i don't like the seal button and i don't like the righteous fury the big one that you need to go through and change is salvin combat if you don't have salve in combat and somebody goes down and gets rezzed and you can't resolve them it's a pain also big thing when you have feral druids often a feral druid will tank something and once they're done tanking they'll be in cat form they'll call for salve if you can't resolve them because of pally power it's this setting here make sure this is turned on other than that that's basically pally power set up we can talk about assigning blessings i guess uh which is something that's really good to know so when you're in a raid environment so if dev's on 30-minute kings and i want to get a sanctuary say on angel and from dev so you go to the person that you're signing the blessing to so who wants to get buffed with the blessing and then we go to the paladin you want to buff it and apparently i'm too low level to get sanctuary so let's do a wisdom instead um if we go across to dev's pali power here you'll see he's on big kings on paladins but has been given wisdom on angeline so that's how you do 10 minute blessings if you're the pally responsible for setting up pally power before we go one last little tip with pally power i've seen people trying to assign kings buffs by rolling the mouse wheel across every slot or clicking on every slot to get it to kings hold down shift and roll your mouse wheel it'll do the entire line super quick and a good little tip to know for pally power and the last add-on that we're going to go over today is details damage meter which is also our threat meter so i use three windows of details i use a damage meter a healing meter and also the threat meter so once details is installed install to open a new one it's forward slash details space space new will give us a second window and right clicking on the the header here switching to healing we can drop this in and hopefully line these up make them the same size snap them together cool and drop that in the corner once that's done we can lock them both down and one is slightly larger than the other but you can spend time making it perfectly fit now if you want to have a look at the entire damage list of who's who's doing what once it's locked onto the bottom of the screen grabbing the header and dragging it up will give you a full spread of everybody in the braid nice little tip there the last thing we're going to do as well is um another detail is new and this is going to be our threat meter so right click and tiny threat which is just hanging off the side for some reason now i have seen some absolutely atrocious placements of threat meters and this is one thing that i think is extremely important to think about your ui is your own and you can put it wherever you want but i've seen dps before that i've pulled threat you know hundreds of times during a raid night and when i look at the the uis i see a screenshot and they've got the threat meter and it's like this down in the bottom corner and it's so out of the the range of view were in the corner their eyes are up here scanning the room threat meter down here they're not checking it i'm slightly strange i like to have my threat meter about here because my eyes when i'm tanking i'm mostly working in this section of the screen i'm scanning i'm looking you know out there i'm seeing where people are standing in my peripheral vision i can see my tiny threat so let's just talk about some little more options you can do you can do here so if we go into the the settings the options panel and don't get overwhelmed i know it's a lot we're just going to change one little thing here we're going to come down to plugins and we're going to go to the tiny threat options so plugins on the left you see tiny threat we're going to click options here update speed we're going to drag that to as small as possible this is uh how fast it pulls updates and at 0.2 seconds is as fast as they come in i really like to have player colon enabled now this is going to allow us to see is it a hunter that's at the top and you can call hunter spain if you're if you're raiding um is it a warlock that you can call for a shatter or is it something like a warrior that doesn't really have a way to to drop his threat i use a custom clasp color too so i set myself to hot pink and this is really good if you play dps as well mostly because if you see a hot pink bar climbing up you know you're near the top and you might need to check your threat meter more of a dps thing but something that's really good um if you're tanking are you in the top three you know are you even on on the threat super good to know where you're at top one is player color bottom one is class colors i turn them both on and that is the basis of my super quick to set up and ready to go tank ui i hope that helps guys feel free to follow along and use the same concepts in lvui if you enjoyed this video i've got plenty more coming in my tank series this is uh the first of many videos we're going to be looking at keybinds and macros in their next videos so if you like the sound of that make sure you're subscribed and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DevTanks
Views: 23,405
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Id: btWaU_f4lP4
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Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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