Tay Savage on Becoming Muslim, J Hood Saying Only Christians Get Into Heaven

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when did you first start getting arrested when I first started getting a room I was getting arrested him I was a shorty like you know a little stuff though you know what I'm saying like cars or like this stuff the robbery like you know what I'm saying but you know we were shorties though so they really ain't but my first time getting arrested like for real for real was um let me see what I get locked up for my first time ever I think it's for the [ __ ] gun I left it for a pipe about what age was it like I owe you I want to say I was like 19. I think I was 19 when I caught that pipe case and was that just a reality of you coming up was that you you know having a gun on you was just kind of regular you at a certain point yeah for sure you'd be better yeah you better yeah for sure what actually went down in the situation where you got caught with it so man my cousin had called me you feel me like man he got into some [ __ ] or whatever so I'm like I come grab me long story short we go over there we we talk it out because it was some guys from his block so they talk it out or whatever but when we leave now bro forgot to cut the the lights on of the car so the police pulled this over so when they pull us over they so I'm telling them like man take off take off you know but he ain't really want to take off but booms when they pull us over they asked for license all that about the band so they tell us get out so they tell us get out I try to take off you know what I'm saying they grab me slimy all that you know I'm still trying to get away but it was over with they locked us up they locked me up they they looked at my address but I had like a a weird address so everyone need my address they so cause now now I'm waiting and I'm like man what's going on so because you usually it'll be like the next day you will go to the to the county jail so now I'm waiting oh yeah the officer raid in your house I'm reading my house for what and how serious is it to catch like a pipe case in uh in Chicago because I hear a lot of rappers from Chicago say they caught up with a gun with the handle like getting bonded out or something so like you can get up well it depends on what but I mean then they just change the laws but it depends on if it's your first second third fourth you know what I'm saying first thing you might get eye bomb they might get your eyeball second you might get like ma'am I'm like my brother he his first pipe he had a twenty thousand dollar Bond you know what I'm saying but some of the guys catching pipe case they get an eyeball was it was it like just being in the jail for the first time was that kind of eye-opening just seeing like a lot of these people who've been you know getting arrested over and over and over like if you as a young dude was that kind of crazy yeah yeah that's real crazy but while I was locked up that's really who I was talking to like a lot of older guys and then I like to like like the um like like the guys that like the dope fiends like the X doping and stuff because you know they they like synced it then they like they know the game so I chop it up with them they always funny anyway I always got a lot of jokes you know what I'm saying okay so you always like kick in with the dope fiends yeah for sure right but okay do you feel like you always kind of had like an old soul where like these uh the old heads on the Block kind of gravitated towards you like you seemed older than you really were yeah I had to I had to for sure even now I'm seeing you uh in some Vlogs and you're like with all the Muslims like praying on the on the basketball courts and stuff and you're like the youngest guy there yeah [Music] but yeah for sure though like where are we from you kind of got to grow up kind of fast we ain't really get a chance to experience that well you don't feel like you had a childhood like my mom always made sure I had everything but we just had to grow fat uh we can have somebody come gray yeah and can we set up a second microphone too just so maybe some of those other homies could pop their own [ __ ] too I um okay yeah you feel like you didn't really have a childhood or you just feel like it was kind of Tainted I feel like it was kind of like like forced to to go fast you know what I'm saying because you can't really be like where we from you can't really be thinking like as no kid you know you gotta it's like it's like you know something what was crazy when I was locked up I I started reading books different books like The Art of War and all this and a lot of stuff we had already knew but we knew it till I survived you see what I'm saying but it's like it's like people maybe like they learn it for fun or to go to whatever they do but we learned a lot a lot of stuff like man I know this already I noticed I know this you know what I'm saying I hear that from a lot of people that they didn't really understand the value of reading books or trying to go out of your way to gain knowledge until they got locked up and they had way too much time to be able to put into it that's why I feel like a lot of people convert to Islam you know I'm saying because you know growing up everybody Christian my grandma emotionally Christian so yeah go to church but then once you get to read you're like hold on hold on all right you know what I'm saying I feel like a lot of people find themselves in in them type in them type of predicaments so when did you originally convert to Muslim because I seen you outside talking one of the guys that he was Muslims yeah yeah oh any any Muslim I see I always try to greet him you know what I'm saying I just seen he had the beard you know what I'm saying oh yeah you could just tell them yeah yeah because it was it wasn't like someone that was here or with you it was just a construction worker or something on the other side of the gate Okay so well I originally took my child when I was 12. you know my privacy went to jail he came home he converted to Islamic he came home but I didn't really understand you know he just said repeat after me watching them so I repeat that to him but once I went to jail I really started then I I really started you know reading up on it then I took my shot again like I didn't do it again so I take it again and then you know I just been trying to stand on it it's kind of crazy because I interviewed uh oh block j-hood and I and he's all like super into Christianity yeah and I you know I kind of got him like answer got him to answer a question that he didn't want to answer because I was like well you believe that anybody who doesn't find Jesus is gonna go to hell when they die right I'm like he's like yep I'm like so does that go for a little Dirk and all the obloc Muslims he's like like he it was like he didn't want to say it but he basically had to acknowledge that that is what he believes so that's the thing so that's the thing Jesus is in Islam you know I'm saying Jesus is a prophet in Islam though a great prophet he you know I'm saying he up there you know what I'm saying so he got right we believe in Jesus you know what I'm saying but I mean for him I think you have to accept Jesus of your lord and savior no I just I just wasn't working for me work for me I'm saying right if you know anywhere nah nah nah so do not care for like what he's been doing on YouTube and [ __ ] man I just I don't know him I ain't got nothing bad to say about I just don't like a little comment he said like like about that open case with uh melee um like I ain't like that I ain't lied to you I ain't like that because the game is kind of changing now where you have people who maybe were trying to be rappers 10 years ago or maybe they just you know are just regular guys from different neighborhoods but they got a cool personality and now they're getting famous on YouTube from just having opinions about [ __ ] right yeah yeah some [ __ ] you got to keep it yourself like like I listen this man going to trial right jury trials so you can't you a big platform ain't no telling who watching you so he going there and say yeah man like we don't know how that'll go so I don't think I don't think he should have said that though the [ __ ] about Melly yeah that was crazy because he actually said that about somebody else or he said on another platform at one point that he said that Vaughn told him that Mellie was guilty but that does stand out to me I was like obviously if Vaughn told you that he didn't want you to go repeating it on different platforms and [ __ ] and just because he's gone does that mean you get to tell his Secrets or whatever I would have felt better if he said it like after the case you know what I'm saying like once you get found I'm guilty because I'm hoping to get found against him try to speak against I don't even know him but that place ain't for nobody you know what I'm saying so hopefully you get found not guilty whatever but yeah you just don't speak on oh no open cases right what was the transformation like though while you were locked up in terms of you becoming Muslim like was that was there anything that somebody said to you in particular that convinced you no no so what made me nah I just don't know not really you know I I always knew I was Muslim anyway so you know what I'm saying you know once you go to jail you start reading a little more whatever so you you know what I'm saying so I'm just reading a little more and I'm just you know and this is the thing there's a thing about Islam right I be feeling like everybody feel like with Muslim you suppose okay everybody know where the moon's supposed to be doing you know I'm saying if you see me in a pork chops you know what I'm saying even though it's harami bogus but Islam is just like Christianity any other religion everybody got their own journey in the thing you know what I'm saying like I might do something like like they like I might do some things be like man he's rapping about this he's rapping about that which is true which is true they probably ain't wrong but at the same time I'm I'm striving you know I'm saying I'm striving to do better I'm striving but you know take take time is the pork thing ever tough nah you know what I'm I'm I really man I really don't I already be trying not to eat beef pork chicken yeah that's got to be tough yeah so when you come out to LA where you eat at it's like man y'all been I've been cheating with y'all man eating beef in the yeah but pork isn't pork never happens right I ain't touching no pork no definitely hey when I when I had met up with Gates man dude real smart real smart he real smart and I had learned a lot from him about eating fasting you know what I'm saying energy I learned from that little time I was with him I learned a lot from for sure yeah how did you end up linking up with Kevin Gates oh really yeah wow they got you together yeah and and he's got a lot of wisdom for sure yeah he's real smart when you say through the muscles like what you mean like I got like group chat man listen the Muslims is everywhere and every in every state anywhere I go I'm gonna they gonna oh yeah get up with that brother get up with them get up with them like we go in New York you know what I'm saying we're gonna get up with the Muslims then wherever we go we're getting up with the Muslims and then we're gonna we're gonna network from now type of thing but we everywhere and they they they rocking they I seen like recently like the Muslim faith is getting stronger in Chicago like in the world in the world United States for sure why you think so I really don't know I you know of course I want to say man everybody's just seeing the light but I really don't know maybe it's just maybe it's just I don't know maybe maybe it's just seeming more more all right so look I growing up you know with the 911 stuff you know I said like man Terrors terrorists Muslims are terrorists you know what I'm saying so when my pops came home he used to give me gang like man the news man you can't always you know just yeah you gotta you gotta do your own research and do your own you get to looking into that stuff like Gaddafi and just looking into all that you'll be like man hold on whoa you know what I'm saying so maybe people doing they research or homework or whatever I don't know do you ever feel like getting more hardcore with your Muslim faith and like making your girl cover her face when you leave the crib and [ __ ] or is that out no so basically so basically um I'm not really forcing no type of um I'm not really forcing My Religion on them if they want to do it then cool if not then so even your girl you're not worried about her spiritual journey no no I ain't gonna not she if if she want to convert then yeah I'm gonna stand behind it but if she don't then I you know I blew one up a few times but she like interesting because I feel like a Christian like Christian men and women it's always like that like they always kind of need the same Faith to exist together it'd be nice but um because you know everybody still even if you Christian or even if you Muslim you still like you know we still young so we still striving to do better you know everybody ain't heavy heavy like how they supposed to be on their religion but right
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 146,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tay Savage interview, Tay Savage no jumper, Tay Savage podcast, Tay Savage chicago, Tay Savage adam22, Tay Savage chief keef, Tay Savage reaction, Tay Savage out of jail, chief keef interview, chief keef no jumper, chief keef chicago
Id: FV61W6QkRqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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