Taurus TX22 Review

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[Music] uh hi we're not on the range today we're at our newly acquired training facility and as i've said before that means you won't have to bear with gunfire in the background and you won't have to bear with me saying please bear with gunfire in the background and because i now have unlimited and exclusive access to this area this is where we will be doing the great majority of our work for the foreseeable future so what we're talking about today is recently i did a presentation reviewing the glock model 44 and i got rather poor results however let me remind everyone that good science is verifiable falsifiable and repeatable so let's not hang our hats on the results that i got with this particular handgun but take those in conjunction with the results that everybody else got and look at them as a whole but in the commentary of that presentation i was inundated with requests to review the taurus model tx22 so i was able to purchase this one because d b supply in pendleton oregon had one left and because of donations to the patreon account thank you everybody now the tx22 is made by taurus and it's a striker action auto loading pistol with a four inch barrel and a 16 shot magazine in caliber 22 long rifle so we'll shoot this pistol shoot it alongside the glock 44 and just to have a more complete comparison we'll also shoot the smith and wesson m p22 and the beretta m922 i've got a target set up at about 15 yards and we'll start with the discussion of accuracy and i'm going to start with the glock 44 which i have loaded with remington golden bullet 22 long rifle 36 grain hollow point [Applause] let's take a look at the target well at 15 yards here's a mediocre group there's one low one normally at this point i'd say that's a flyer that's just me in this case no it was an underpowered round i could feel it as soon as i fired it but my aiming point was at the center of the target i'm hitting high one of the downsides of a lot of 22 auto loading pistols is that they do not have adjustable sights the sights on the glock 44 are fully adjustable but the downside of this particular gun is that even when the sights are adjusted as low as they can go these are the results i get so i'll put up a new target and i'll try this drill again with our taurus tx22 and let's see what kind of results i get and now the taurus tx 22 which is also loaded with the remington golden bullet 36 grain hollow point [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now let's take a look at the target and here we have a mediocre group with one flyer and that one was just me but the big difference between the glock 44 and the tx22 is that with the tx22 the group is fairly well centered the tx 22 has fully adjustable sights that are capable of being adjusted enough to get your group centered now i'll try the smith wesson m p which is loaded with the same ammunition [Applause] [Applause] now let's take a look at the target now this target shows us two things first we see that the group is just a little bit high the smith wesson m p 22 does have fully adjustable sights but with this particular ammunition that's as close as i'm going to get secondly we see that this group is significantly better than what i got with the other two pistols now the glock and the taurus and the smith and wesson all have four inch barrels but the smith wesson fits my hand better and it has a better trigger pull and it has at least for me better sights and now the beretta m922 [Applause] and a mediocre group now let's see how these pistols compare for reliability on the topic of reliability there's a few things to discuss first we're going to switch from remington golden bullet ammunition to remington thunderbolt ammo that's 22 long rifle with a 40 grain round nose lead projectile also we know that sometimes when you go to fire around you get a good firing pin strike but the round just doesn't go off it's a dud and we know that that occurs far more often with rimfire ammunition than it does with center fire ammunition and for the lengthy explanation of that you can watch our presentation on the reliability of 22 long rifle ammunition but in my experience in terms of duds when compared to other 22 long rifle ammunition the remington thunderbolt is pretty good ammo however i've found that it's loaded inconsistently as i fire it i can feel and you may be able to hear the rounds going off at different power levels it's loaded in consistently so if a 22 auto loading pistol can reliably cycle this ammunition it says some good things about your 22 pistol and while we're testing reliability we're also going to multitask let me show you what i mean some people will complain that our accuracy comparison was invalid because i wasn't using a rest or some kind of vice however in my opinion a very important part of the evaluation is the level of accuracy that can be achieved when the pistol is in the hands of the average shooter so i shoot off hand but i was doing deliberate slow fire how will our accuracy compare when i'm trying to shoot faster i've got two targets set up and i'll shoot left right left right as fast as i think i can hit and we'll compare our rapid fire accuracy while at the same time testing our reliability i've got the target set up at 15 yards i'll start with the tx 22 which has a 16 shot magazine and remember everyone this is an earplug case i wear earplugs with every shot i take [Applause] and for instructional purposes only now that was my last shot but you noticed that the magazine or excuse me the slide didn't block back [Applause] and for instructional purposes only [Applause] and the slide still didn't lock back now let's take a look at the targets and here's our groups which are okay now i've got two new targets set up and i'll repeat that drill with the glock 44 which has a 10 shot magazine and for instructional purposes only and we see that with the glock the slide does lock back after the last shot and a malfunction [Applause] and for instructional purposes only and the slide still locks back now let's take a look at the targets and in terms of accuracy it looks like our right target is pretty good but our left target has some very poor accuracy and now with the smith wesson m p which also has a 10 shot magazine for instructional purposes only and we see that the slide locks back [Applause] and for instructional purposes only and the slide still locks back now let's take a look at those targets and in rapid fire just as we had with slow fire i'm getting better groups with the smith wesson than i did with the taurus or the glock and now the beretta m922 which has a 15 shot magazine and for instructional purposes only and we see that the slide locks back and for instructional purposes only [Applause] now let's take a look at those targets and with the beretta we see mediocre groups and remember the taurus has a 16 shot magazine [Applause] and [Applause] and we see that our slide is consistently not locking back and i'm going to have to go with that's because it's not designed to [Applause] and again [Applause] even though i don't like to run the pistol completely empty i would prefer a pistol that on the last shot the slide locks back and now back to the glock and a malfunction and we've got a double feed and a couple of other things [Applause] and and now let's try the taurus again now when the glock malfunctioned you saw that i looked at the pistol normally you'd want to do immediate action without looking at your pistol but in this case i wanted to see what the malfunction was so i looked at it so anyway let's try the taurus and this time we see that the slide locks back and and we see that the slide locks back again while previously it wasn't that's interesting now let's switch ammunition i've got the glock loaded with this federal american eagle 22 long rifle 38 grain copper plated hollow point let's see how we do with this [Applause] now there's a malfunction we'll wait a minute to appease the what if brigade and we see that that round fired just a failure to eject wait a minute in that case it just didn't chamber around [Applause] that sounded very underpowered and again fired but didn't eject the empty casing [Applause] now that wasn't a malfunction i mean it was but not in that the pistol malfunctioned as much as was it just didn't eject that [Applause] round now that may be a malfunction but let's take a look again just didn't have enough oomph in that shell to cycle the action that was rather unimpressive let's see how we do with our second magazine [Applause] again just didn't cycle the empty casing that's a good firing pin strike just a [Applause] dud didn't inject the empty casing [Applause] that time it didn't even chamber the new round and we're out wow let's see if the taurus does any better with this ammo and now the taurus failure to feed the slide didn't actually go into battery the round wouldn't come out of the chamber looks like our taurus is having just as many problems with this federal ammunition just different kinds of problems and this time again the slide locks back after the last shot it's interesting how we're seeing this now when we weren't seeing it before [Applause] so yes it chambered around even though that was a rather underpowered shot [Applause] and our slide locks back let's try something else now i've got the beretta loaded with this disappointing federal ammunition let's see if it does any better [Applause] same problem [Applause] ejected the empty just didn't chamber a new round [Applause] that was very underpowered and again didn't eject the empty casing now if you're concerned that there might be a projectile stuck in the barrel i can see the impacts out there so i know it isn't [Applause] i'm not even gonna finish the magazine so to reiterate this ammunition is disappointing and i'm going to say something that if i remember correctly this is not the first time i've said it shame on you federal so let's try something else now i've got my taurus magazines loaded with cci stingers that's 22 long rifle with a 32 grain copper plated hollow point i've only got five shots loaded in each magazine but that'll be enough to make the point and we see the slide locks back earlier we were seeing that the slide was not locking back after the last shot and and now it is locking back when i first looked at this pistol i put in an empty magazine pulled the slide back and it locked to the rear everything i see here tells me that it's designed for the slide lock back after the last shot but earlier we were seeing that it wasn't locking back making me say that it appears that it isn't designed to which didn't make any sense to me but that was the result i'm getting well now that i've got a few hundred rounds through this pistol we're seeing that it has a break-in period and now the slide is locking back after the last shot which in my opinion is a good feature now there's a couple of interesting features about this taurus that i want to show you let's take a close-up look the beretta m922 is a double to single action autoloader with a trigger deactivator push down and the trigger is deactivated push back up and your first shot is double action hammer is cocked so subsequent shots are single act the deactivator is pushed down again it will drop the hammer without setting off the pistols pushed back up and it's ready to be put in your holster and of course this feature is ambidextrous so the beretta m922 works in the exact same fashion as the m9 and caliber 9x19 the smith wesson m p22 has a manual safety up is safe down is fire this feature is also ambidextrous and it's a feature that you do not typically see on smith and wesson m ps in larger calibers the glock model 44 caliber 22 long rifle does not have a manual safety it has this button on the trigger the trigger cannot be pulled unless the button is so the glock model 44 functions in a manner that's identical to virtually all glocks the taurus tx 22 has a manual safety up is safe and down as far there's little dimension to this safety which can be a good feature so it won't get caught on things but it brings up the concern that it will be difficult to operate i've had no trouble manipulating this safety with either hand another feature of these pistols that requires a close-up look are the magazine releases the beretta's is a button right here that's very easy to reach similarly the smith wesson has a button right here that's very easy to reach the glock model 44 has a button right here that's very similar to the magazine release on other glocks the magazine released on the taurus tx 22 is special there's a ridge right here under the mag release button that keeps the button from being pressed that could be a good feature to keep your magazine button from being accidentally hit while the pistol is in a pocket or in a holster but it means when i am intending to take the magazine out of the pistol i have to make sure i hit that button in exactly the right manner to get the magazine to come out this could work against you if you're trying to make your magazine change in a hurry another series of close-ups i want to show you are the magazines for these pistols here's the magazine for the beretta it has a button on the side that when i pull it down causes the follower to go down so the rounds will go down in the magazine it's a 15 shot magazine that has 11 rounds in it so i'll put the last four in and as you pull this button down you don't want to pull it down too far just enough to let the next round or two in so when you have 15 rounds in you put the magazine in the pistol chamber around hit the decock lever put the pistol in your holster and off you go here's the magazine for the smith wesson m p 22. it's a 10 shot magazine with a similar button on the side i have seven rounds in it right now so put the last three in again don't drop the follower too much at once just enough to let the next round in once you get 10 rounds in put the magazine in the pistol put around in the chamber ensure your manual safety is engaged put the pistol in holster and off you go and here's our glock magazine now like the others it has a button on the side but in this case it's ambidextrous it's a 10 shot magazine i have seven rounds in it so again pull our button down not too much just enough to let the next round or two in our last three rounds in put the pistol in the magazine and put a round in the chamber there is no manual safety to engage so just put the glock in your holster and off you go here's our taurus magazine which has a button on the side and like the glock it's ambidextrous this is a 16 shot magazine i've already got 12 rounds in it so again we pull our button down just enough to let the next round or two in our last four in there put the magazine in the pistol put around in the chamber ensure our safety is engaged put the pistol in your holster off you go so we see with our magazines they're all basically the same but slightly different but the major operational difference is with the beretta and the smith and wesson magazines when i load the magazine full the top round is in the correct position it feeds into the pistol no problem with both the taurus and the glock magazines i've had several occasions where when the magazine is full that top round when i go to chamber it will jam into the front of the magazine causing a malfunction although we didn't see any problems in the demonstration i just did in firing both of these pistols i've had several malfunctions trying to chamber the first round of the two the glock being the greater offender now there's one more thing to add i'm not going to do a disassembly reassembly demonstration of this pistol i find such demonstrations tedious and the disassembly reassembly of this pistol is straightforward and pretty easy so that having been said let's get to the takeaways from today's presentation and said takeaways come with four caveats first fair warning this is the boring part of the presentation where i talk second please don't take offense to anything i'm about to say it is not my intent to offend anyone or anyone's firearms choices third we don't want to hang our hats on the results that i got here today with these particular handguns we want to look at my results in conjunction with other people's results that they've gotten from their comparisons and reviews and look at all of the data as a whole and four there's no secret that i don't like glocks i don't like the way they're shaped i don't like the way they fit my hand i don't particularly like their sights however glock has a reputation which is in my opinion a well-deserved reputation for manufacturing high quality accurate reliable handguns while by contrast taurus traditionally has a reputation for manufacturing low-cost mediocre quality handguns occasionally people will ask me what i think of taurus handguns and my reply is usually something along the lines of over the years i've fired a lot of taurus handguns however at present altogether the crew owns over a hundred handguns of which there's only one taurus the judge i purchased for the sole purpose of demonstration in this format no other taurus has been retained in the crew's inventory this taurus will be retained in the crew's inventory it is in fact a red letter day when i can say that in my comparison this taurus outperformed this glock in every category even in disassembly reassembly i found the taurus easier than the glock now that does not mean that the taurus tx22 is going to replace the smith wesson m p 22 or the beretta m922 as my primary 22 long rifle autoloading pistol but this pistol will be retained in the crew's inventory it will be used by the crew it will be used in the field and it will be used under conditions where we really have to rely on this pistol and that's saying a lot the real bottom line is the taurus tx 22 the right 22 pistol for you you be the judge is it the right 22 pistol for my crew yes and as always don't try this at home on which call a professional and thanks for watching the taurus tx 22 review video [Music] you
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 125,564
Rating: 4.9765387 out of 5
Keywords: paul harrell, paul harrell taurus tx22, taurus tx22, taurus 22, 22 lr, 22 handgun, 22 pistol
Id: fnOXQn_s6Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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