Taurus TX22

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when you're a little kid did you ever think that you would uh have milk cartons full of 20 22 ammunition not the coolest thing all right we're going to be talking about the taurus tx 22 really cool little setup here let's have some fun talk a little bit as we go all right running a suppressor on this little pistol 16 rounds of 22 in our hand let's have some fun [Laughter] ridiculously cool guys welcome back eric here with irebettern8888 all right um you know we love our suppressor hosts here on the channel 22 pistols are so much fun to play with and there's so many options out there right so we're going to be checking out this little tourist tx22 tim from military arms channel turned me onto this particular gun seemed to speak some relatively high praise of it so we're going to put it through its paces today have a little fun this particular unit i procured from our good friends at gun zone deals sent this one out for us to check out and do a little bit of a shooting here evaluation with it is relatively large pistol uh compared to something like the smith and wesson m p compact these things come in at a relatively good price point i think they're around like 240 230 bucks so definitely a lot cheaper than something like the m p compact but a little bit more expensive than the kel-tec p17 now we've done a video on that particular pistol and i think it's got a lot going for it i love that design it's very accurate it suppresses well this particular pistol we fired a few mags just to kind of break it in check it out running quite well we're running a aac element two suppressor this one's well used and well worn you know a really nice setup it has a nice feel to it in the hand it is a rather large pistol compared to the other options when we compare it to the p17 and to the m p compact 22 it is a rather large gun relatively tiny ejection port doesn't seem to really matter or you know make a big difference there ambidextrous safety uh relatively chunky grip there on the back almost reminds me of the walther ppx i don't know if you guys have ever seen that pistol maybe not the ppq so much but it's got that kind of hump on the back like the ppx which is not a big deal but it is a rather beefy gun in terms of the size you do have a rail system up front here which is nice it uses a thread adapter very similar to the walther p22 so it comes with like a little threat protector you remove it and it comes with the thread adapter and you can get this uh you know guy with a half by 28 adapter and put your suppressor on there okay 16 round magazines so with one in the chamber you do get 17 shots so it is a full capacity gun um size-wise i mean it is comparable to the glock 44 you know that i've had mixed opinions about that particular gun i have shot a few of them and i'm not a big fan of the the really low magazine capacity you know 10 shot mag is kind of a bummer right i mean i think in this modern age that we're in with 22 handguns there's no reason to not have at least a 15 shot mag now with that being said the m p compact only holds 10 rounds um but those guns have become you know quite a staple just because they're so many of them out there and they're so reliable and they're really accurate for what they are and they're just a nice lightweight small option for a rimfire suppressor host okay and one of the reasons i like the m p compact over something like the glock 44 is because the glock 44 threaded barrel is an extra accessory you have to buy and sometimes they can cost upwards of like 170 bucks just to get the barrel that you want so you got to pay more for the gun and then buy the threaded barrel if you want to use the glock 44 as a suppressor host um you guys know that over the course of our channel we've had kind of mixed opinions about taurus pistols in general okay i've never had a ton of luck with their handguns some of the revolvers are really fun to play with and a lot of their little rifles and combo guns are really fun to mess around with so they do have some interesting things that they're doing but taurus as a brand it's like kind of hit or miss right and i know there for a while they went through like a really big issue with quality control and everything like that and having you know basically just issues putting out consistent good guns right from what i understand though uh they're under new management and their plants are under new management and apparently they're you know putting out some really cool stuff so when i saw this particular gun i'm like man i really want to check this out let's shoot it a little bit earlier chad and i were grouping this thing just you know kind of informally here and we were exhibiting some really strange flyers so we'll see if we can get that to resurface here three dot sights real simple arrangement man what a great trigger that was one of my initial observations on this gun was the trigger is just really fantastic the bow has kind of got a really weird shape to it in a strange angle and you would think it really wouldn't be that comfortable but the way that it stages up it's very comfortable to shoot you know especially for a gun in this price range not bad your front sight appears to be fixed here you do have adjustable windage and elevation on the rear sight which is cool all right the magazines they load real easy so basically they give you a magazine loader uh with the pistol but i noticed too that if you just basically just place the mag on the table like this you can pull the little tabs down it's really easy to load and we'll just go ahead and load one of the mags here just to kind of give you an idea of um of how easy they are to load and guys rimfire you know has still been relatively available just because there's so much rimfire ammo out there in terms of the stuff that they're actually producing um you know rimfires have just become well they've always been a very desirable thing for people for training and just to keep the costs for shooting down and everything but with all of this crazy stuff going on with ammo availability 22 is relatively available it's out there okay all right so there's 16 shots in the magazine and i think i got one more in there and we are going to try some different ammunition this was the cci clean 22 suppressor ammo it's 45 grain ammo moving around a thousand feet per second and it comes in that little little milk carton how cool is that all right so we're getting low on that we're going to test out a couple of different loads we've got some different manufacturers brands here and i'll shut up and we'll just kind of go through here all right here's more of the cci suppressor ammo okay um we'll see if we can exhibit those uh string stringing that we were getting here a little bit and i think i've got a bit of an idea of what could be causing it all right let's have some fun well color me uh impressed okay that's uh some very nice accuracy there i've got a couple of rounds left here i'll just stuff these in the mag here and shoot a few more i noticed with the suppressor attached and well with the can off of it too but especially with the can on it when the slide is closed i can move the barrel around a little bit and i don't know if that barrel is flexing under recoil forces or or maybe um it's a harmonic difference from the suppressor being attached to the end of the barrel but we were getting some odd flyers and we'll see if that uh rears its head or not but i love the trigger on this gun and this is a great full-size gun for people that maybe you don't want a really tiny 22 rimfire host you want something a little bit fuller size this could definitely scratch that itch talk about accuracy all right this ammo here is our 38 grain 22 long rifle federal uh bolt pack okay this is going to be a little louder i think these are definitely not subsonic all right so this is uh this is going to have a little bit of noise here we'll see how it shoots a little bit hotter ammo [Music] yeah strange look at those flyers going way down low there uh towards the bottom of the target i know that's not me it's a very very strange thing and i'll just mention here like when the slide on this gun is closed if we uh take the well that can backed off a little bit that could be part of it but we can take that barrel and just push it around look listen i don't know if you can hear that but i don't know let's shoot a little bit more but definitely reliable we haven't had a malfunction so far all right this is a federal auto match this is one of our go-to loads we love this ammo quite a bit auto match is running at fast as that stuff so this is about 1200 feet per second at the muzzle and that is a 40 grain projectile on the auto match i believe all right let's give this a try this stuff generally sounds okay out of a can it's not super quiet like the other ammo was but we're gonna try out some suppressor specific ammo here in a moment all right let's see if we get flyers out of this stuff yeah see for a plinker that's what i would expect in terms of accuracy you know what i mean that's not too terrible but man that 38 grain stuff maybe it was just a little hotter it just was not liking that particular ammo and maybe this gun just likes heavier projectiles all right cci mini mags 40 grains moving at 12 35 all right so this is a great go-to round from cci uh one of my favorite plinkin loads this is kind of my 10 22 load that's what i keep a lot of this stuff laying around for works really well in a variety of different 10 22 rifles okay all righty all right i got another target over here let's have a look well i don't know these are a little hotter let's uh let's shoot some mini mags at our sodas here in a minute and let's play with mr gopher here a little bit oh yeah [Applause] what in the world oh it's hitting really low that's strange that can is trying to back off a little bit on me there each time a little hot okay sniper subsonics so this is a 60 grain aguila round now these have been known to be a little spotty in certain guns so it's always cool to test these now they're generally very quiet uh the cartridge that ejects when or the case that ejects is like a little 22 short case let's see how it likes the sniper subsonics this will be interesting to see if these actually uh shoot okay in this gun all right sniper stepsonics uh [Music] yes sir those are accurate right on okay that's a win for the sniper subsonics um i'm gonna shoot one more mag we got some american eagle suppressor ammo this is 45 grain subs moving at 970. so definitely these should sound really nice i use this particular low because it's a plated round that's really good for suppressors you don't have to worry quite so much about leading and everything like that i'm going to shoot this mag and then we're going to grab a strap wrench and we're going to torque this can down make sure this can's not walking off cause that will definitely cause flyers too uh we want to make sure this can isn't trying to walk off on us all right one more mag here good stuff yeah the cans trying to walk off a little bit all right let's give it a try [Music] wow really likes those subs good heavy bullet moving slow i think that's the ticket and really that's a ticket on a lot of rimfire pistols and rifles anyway they seem to like the heavier projectiles i am going to check this can make sure that we're good and tight here and we'll repaint the steel shoot a little bit more let's do that real quick all right guys we grabbed a strap wrench and we double checked our can it was trying to walk off a little bit so maybe that was why we were getting a few of those anomalies look guys thing is when you're messing around with this kind of stuff you have to remember anytime you add an additional variable you've always got to keep that variable in mind right so if you're going to run a can you know check it make sure it's tight if the gun starts acting weird or malfunctioning or throwing some weird flyers chances are the variable that you added is probably what it was i'm going to say that that can walking off a little bit was probably why we're getting a few of those weird anomalies in terms of the flyers but also um you know that barrel now this cooled down a bit i can touch it that barrel does move around a little bit that's just something to consider but for a gun in this price range though i am very impressed with it the build quality seems to be pretty pretty respectable and uh the trigger's excellent the sights are great they pick up just fine um i dig this gun i think tourists did a great job with this pistol really cool stuff okay more of the american eagle 45 grain subs and we're going to shoot more of those sniper subsonics because i mean those things just ran so great okey dokey try a few more here oh yeah all right well we got got our suppressor nice and tight maybe that's all it was guys but that's why we check right we don't ever assume never assume 60 grain sniper subsonics this is the round that impresses me the most because generally these things don't really work that great and they honestly i've never known them to stabilize that grade out of a handgun either so really cool all right we'll try some long range shots with the sniper subsonics just for fun i spoke too soon okay double feed that's okay these rounds are an outlier because this is something that's sort of special and different give those a try man accurate [Applause] wow man that little round is pretty nice like that a lot it's a shame that the sniper subsonics are kind of hard to get especially right now and all of this uh that's going on all right i'm gonna shoot this one uh maybe this mag and one more and let you guys get back to your day i dig this little pistol i think that 22 suppressor hosts are really important especially in a handgun because you can get a lot of great training time with a gun like this without having to you know spend a lot of money on ammunition you know 9 millimeter 45 380 you know other center fire pistol cartridges are really hard to get right now so having a 22 is a great way to get some good training in and not have to break the bank okay sniper subsonics all right triple tap there a triple threat [Applause] oh yeah one little one little stove pipe there that's okay this uh this ammo is kind of an outlier but man so much fun to shoot yeah not quite 100 reliable with the subs subsonic all right good old mag auto match to finish this out here nice discernible slide stop okay uh-oh i hope to have that mag out of there all right one more mag good stuff guys all right make a little noise here have some fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so all right guys have a great day thanks for watching i definitely want to take a moment to thank all of our patreon supporters you guys are awesome thank you for supporting us those of you who purchase man cans we've got a great knife pre-sale going on right now well maybe at the time this video's dropping probably not but we've got our microtech knives that we're doing pre-sales on all the time so thank you guys who purchased knives from us uh that's so awesome of you all thank you for supporting us have a great day many more videos on the way we'll see you next time
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 65,448
Rating: 4.9503522 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, 22lr, 22, taurus tx22, taurus tx22 suppressor adapter, taurus tx22 shooting, taurus tx22 vs m&p 22 compact, tx22, aac element 2, aac, federal, cci, automatch
Id: eqYnRft72Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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