Tattoo PREPARATION: The Week & Night BEFORE your appointment

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what's good guys welcome back to another video my name is Justin and you're here with just inked it new to the channel welcome and this channel pretty much talked about things that are tied to related my experiences opinions certain topics but most importantly my journey towards getting tattooed and working towards my bodysuit now I've got some great news for you guys I got a tattoo plan in the near future you really don't want to miss that or any other future content so go and hit that little red button that says subscribe join the community but let's get to today's video so I just did a recent video not too long ago on the essential items you need to bring to a tattoo appointment then I got me thinking what do I do in leading up to the attach to appointment so in this video I'm going to be talking about what I do in terms of leading up and getting ready a week prior the night before and then the date of the tattoo so you guys know what to do and expect as well so you are absolutely ready for that appointment so like always let's get to it let's go [Music] so I'm gonna start off with the week before so during the week what I like to do is one I like to make sure that I am drinking tons of water you want to have your skin looking healthy you want to have it rejuvenated and you want to be the best that can possibly be it helps the artists out and then also it just helps you out in the long run the next one I got for you guys is make sure you are moisturizing that area just because again you want that skin to be in the best possible shape it can be for that tattoo if you have dry skin or flakey skin and especially in areas that are prone to getting more dry like the calf area your leg area your knees your elbows make sure you're moisturizing those areas so when you go into that tattoo it is the best it possibly can be and then the next tip I got for you guys I've always said it the Sun is your number one worst enemy I know it sucks and it really sucks for me because I had to do a job outside in the Sun and the heat and I had to wear long pants over my lace because I didn't want to get them burnt and it sucks because I want to wear shorts so bad but I knew that that Sun was out and even I put sunscreen on it was still gonna burn and I just I always go above and beyond and I just want to make sure that it was literally shaded so it Lilly has not gotten any Sun so that is what I usually do about a week before the night before tattoo is when you really gotta make sure everything is in order so I make sure that my bag is ready I did a video on that it about all the essential items I'll list that right here for you guys if you want to go check that out but I made sure everything that I need is in that bag and ready for the next day when I can get up and go I usually get long titles that are but in the span of eight to nine hour sessions so I really prepare myself ahead of time and know that I have everything with me that night we are gonna hop into the washroom and then I'm gonna show you guys what I do next what I like to do is make sure that I have all my products in terms of aftercare ready just so I know once my tattoo is done I can come home and be ready to pack the aftercare routine and not have to worry about going to a store or anything because sometimes the day of the tattoo you end super late maybe like 9 10 11 o'clock p.m. and everything's closed now I went and I checked and I got my antibacterial soap you can use a bar I also recommend using a foam the foam works easier in terms of just getting the lathering done I like to make sure I have my aqua for my healing ointment this is perfect and essential for the first one to three days after the tattoo and then what I also like to do is make sure I have my moisturizer from day four on and also I like to make sure I got my paper towels plenty of them because they're gonna be a big help to but then next what I like to do the night before is I like to shave the area now I don't use a bladed razor just because it can lead to razor rash razor burn however you like to call it you can get those little bumps from shaving so what I like to use instead is an electric razor just because this gives you a little it still leaves a little bit of hair over the surface and you won't get those kind of burns that you would with to save the blade I definitely say leave the shaving to the artist they use a one to two bladed razor and it's not the best so it takes a long time to clip long carry people like me so I like to help them out and just go in and trim all the long hairs I have off and you know maybe leave like a millimeter or two of hair left and then it's easy for them to go in with that little razor they have and easily just shave it off so I just like to help them Mel but now we're gonna go shave my leg because like I said we got that coming soon so I got the towel laid down I'm gonna tell you guys right now I am not exactly sure but for the most part I think the tattoos are gonna happen on the outer part of the lake ideas do change and maybe we change it and put it on the inside so what I like to do is I'm just gonna shave the whole area from probably the knee down to help my artist out and then also just get it to you know a good length we're gonna start now now I'm a hairy dude so this is gonna come look at that and there we go so one is fully shaved with the electric razor one is not you can see the difference oh my god I'm white one more thing I want to mention you guys I forgot to mention with before is also make sure you guys are exfoliating that area you know it just helps get rid of any dead unwanted skin on that area just makes it easier and better for your artist I have my artists message me st. to do that so I am forwarding the message to you guys but now lastly we're gonna talk about the night before and then the day of the tattoo so what I really want to stress to you guys and take it from me personally I've had both experiences is get a good sleep before the tattoo especially when you have tattoos that range from six hours and on those are long titles and you really need to be well rested for that tattoo I've had tattoos where I go in with two up to three hours of sleep I compared them to the tattoos that I've had like eight hours of sleep and they are just night and date sleep really does make a difference and then another one that makes a big difference is eating a big meal add more carbs into that so you're more energized you gotta make sure your body is well nutrients to tackle that long day ahead of it especially because your body's not used to this kind of damage to its needle puncturing it for hours on end so it does drain your body a lot and having that big meal in you to start the day off really does go a long way one more thing I gotta mention on the date of the tattoo is make sure you shower beforehand apply your deodorant bring that essential bag that has all your items that you're gonna be bringing and go enjoy the tattoo experience I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys took some key points from it and use it on towards your next appointment because I guarantee you it will make your appointment a lot easier on you your artist and the whole experience in general let me know if I missed anything let me know what you guys do in terms of preparing for that tattoo and getting yourself ready I always love hearing other people's opinions other people's tricks I can use them for myself you guys can use somebody else's opinions I love it go on let me know in the comments give me a big thumbs up if you liked the video if you learned something new this video means something's coming very soon right so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that or any other future content so I just want to say thank you guys so much for watching this video until next time Justin out
Channel: JustINKD
Views: 215,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tattoo, tattoo sleeve, black and grey, black and grey realism, realistic tattoo, black and grey sleeve tattoo, realism tattoo, justinkd, my tattoo journey, tattoo sleeves for men, tattoo essentials, tattoo appointment, what to bring to a tattoo, how to prep skin for a tattoo, preparing for a tattoo session, preparing for a long tattoo session, prep for tattoo, what to do the night before a tattoo, week before a tattoo, tattoo preparation, tattoo prep, tattoo preparation tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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