Sleeping on a Fresh Tattoo? | All About Nighttime Tattoo Aftercare (with Pets, Too!) | INKADEMIC

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so you've got your great tub appointment you've got your antibacterial soap you've got your fresh new goopy tattoo what but now it's time to go to bed so let's talk about that hey everybody I'm your host the professor and on this episode of Inca demmick we're talking about sleeping with a new tattoo how to treat it what to avoid and why you might just be overthinking the entire thing so what's the first thing people tell you about sleeping with a new tattoo dark sheets and extra point mint is usually what they say or they say sleep on your stomach or sleep on your back or sleep on this side or sleep on that side as if you have any control over that once you fall asleep without restraints oh there's a lot of advice out there about sleeping on a new tab - especially for first comers it can be confusing or maybe even a little frightening and rightfully so you hear it from everyone you must wash multiple times per day make sure you've always got a thin layer of wipe it on so it doesn't dry out or my favorite keep it exposed as much as you can the air really helps it heal and you know aside from the whole wounds need an air to heal thing which is a myth the advice isn't bad but let's explore the topic a little bit more before we start prescribing aftercare options hmm first let's talk about what happens to your skin at night regardless of newness of body modifications basically at night your skin goes into kind of repair mode more or less so you read around midnight your cells are dividing and renewing and helping to heal your skin and truth be told it happens around midnight whether you're asleep or not it's more to do with the circadian rhythm that said it stands to reason that you would need to fuel your body in order for this to happen that's why hydration before bed is so important especially when you're healing a new tattoo likewise your skin produces less oil at night so it's gonna be a little less moisturized regardless there's also a phenomenon called trans epidermal water loss which is a lot like sweating but is also a completely different bottle see sweat is moisture that comes directly from sweat glands and it evaporates from the skin in order to cool you down trans epidermal water loss on the other hand also comes off of your skin evaporates but it doesn't come from sweat glands actually the majority of it comes from the palms of your hands the soles of your feet and you lose about 300 to 400 milliliters a day through this process things like lotion pointment these can actually help stop that from happening although is perfectly normal don't worry about one nice thing about nighttime when it comes to healing tattoos so when you're asleep your skin warms up and the pH lowers which means it becomes a little bit more acidic and one 2015 meta study has shown that slightly acidic environments actually promote skin wound healing and links to all the research and stuff in the description point being sleeping with a new tattoo is a good thing oh and speaking of timing did you know the wounds that you sustained during daylight hours actually heal faster than wounds that you sustained at night so if you can maybe schedule your session for like early afternoon couldn't hurt ok you say I've got the ointment not what put some sheets on your bed that you really don't care about if they get ink or bodily fluids on at night because and this may come as a shock they will and that ink it does not come out that's a feature not about of course all this is still assuming that you're doing the traditional cover and pointment kind of aftercare and this is default I think still and you know what I'm talking about fresh tattoo plastic wrap on it go home wait a couple hours take it off wash pointment repeat so unless you are a very calm sleeper or you can guarantee that you're not going to move around you're gonna get that slathered tattoo up against the sheets at some point it's gonna get stuff on it and that's ok that's the point of the ointment in part it's a protective barrier if stuffs getting on the appointment it's not getting in the tattoo so it's it's job and what if you wipe off all the ointment at night you roll over it's all coming you sleep with a dry tattoo all night you're probably gonna be fine if you scratch it you're probably gonna be fine it's a new tattoo it's not a Faberge egg so all of this assumes that all you have to worry about is yourself from maybe other humans that kind of thing maybe getting this appointment on your sheets but what if you have pets more specifically what if you have pets that like to jump up in bed with you obviously the biggest concern with any new body modification is infection so what can you do well that depends on your situation see with pets unlike with just humans you have to deal with a lot more than just kind of dirt the issue is not the dust the issue is not the dander the issue is bacteria and no we're not talking about MRSA although technically you can get mersa from a pet but it would have to get it from another person first and that just seems unlikely and it's not their fault anyway luckily there is still about 30 different kinds of bacteria that you can directly get from your pets the last thing you want is your very loving very affectionate very cuddly dog licking your fresh tattoo and rolling all over it after they've been rolling in god knows what in the backyard and sure you can get stuff like ringworm not actually a worm hookworm is actually a worm scabies human version of mange or the exotic Lea name that Rocky Mountain spotted fever which sounds a lot more interesting than it really is you can still get all these things from your pet but when you're dealing with a new tattoo you're dealing with a fresh open wound bacteria is your main concern so if you have pets like I do and if they like to jump up on the bed whether they're told to or not keep this in mind go ahead and wrap it at night a little bit of plastic wrap some medical tape take it off in the morning wash anointment as usual that's gonna be a hundred times better than having Fido looking at your tattoo all night okay so no pets fine use fresh sheets they just need to be clean they don't have to be steamed sanitized or bleached or anything like that they just need to be clean you'll probably be just fine oh and did you know that flavanol and pro cyanogen stuff inside cocoa and wine respectively are actually really good for your skin health not in the acne prevention kind of way we know that but they help improve skin hydration they help prevent that trans epidermal water loss that we talked about they increase the blood flow to the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue and they decrease UV light sensitivity which if you know anything about tattoos that's a huge bonus so I mean I'm not saying that you have to go out and eat chocolate and drink wine after getting a new tattoo fact is it's gonna suck it's gonna be uncomfortable that's the nature of the beast you're gonna ruin maybe a piece of clothing maybe a pillowcase and you're just gonna have to deal with it if you're someone using techid or santa or something like that you know I have to worry about any of this it is still possible to overthink the whole thing so once you've washed those pointment D hands come back and hit that subscribe button click on that little bell and get notified every time a video like this is published coming up in the future we have videos on cosmetic tattooing historical tattoos mind-controlled bionic limbs and if you want to watch something right now about that Tegaderm that I just mentioned I did a video all about that it's a little gooey a little gory and is in 4k yeah it's gonna be that kind of channel [Music]
Channel: Inkademic
Views: 369,461
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Keywords: healing tattoos, tattoo aftercare, sleeping on a new tattoo, tattoo advice, aquaphor, tattoo care, saniderm tattoo, tegaderm tattoo, tattoo healing, body modification, pets, pet bacteria, sleeping on a fresh tattoo, how to sleep with a new tattoo, how to sleep with a fresh tattoo, fresh tattoo, new tattoo, first tattoo, healing your first tattoo, tattoo, how to heal a tattoo, tattoos, can i sleep with a new tattoo, can i sleep with a fresh tattoo, sleep tattoo
Id: Sjs8FHkdjBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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