TASBot plays Mario Kart Wii presented by dwangoAC in 16:53 SGDQ2019

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I legit shouted when I saw that sword was cosplaying funky kong

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SmashBro777 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
all right so we're ready for take number two but before we throw over tango I do have a donation from tass pot tas bot donated three hundred and fourteen dollars and fifteen cents think about it for a second tas boss says test bot here do I go AC would like to thank maleo for leading efforts on Mario Kart Wii and uni for leading efforts on Celeste come join us at discord TAS BOTS to help me pick what to play at agdq 2020 so thank you very much everybody help donate and with that we're gonna test it back over to test spot with Mario Kart Wii come on give us some cheering [Applause] oh right we are ready to go this is going to be a lot of fun I've got to tell you while I've been watching how things have developed over time it's been really fun seeing the improvements we submitted this at submissions we had everything ready at submissions but man since that time we have seen some really amazing improvements I'm gonna take it over to maleo if I pronounced that correctly for once yeah yeah maleo is going to introduce the rest of the crew but before he does I want to come I want to talk about the console we're using this is a completely unmodified console it's a completely unmodified copy of the disk the only thing we've done is made some cosmetic changes because normally in this game you wouldn't have any sound while watching a ghost we've also added another cosmetic change to add in a speedometer I think that's the majority of the changes yeah there's also some things that we did to help us quickly get to the next file you'll notice there's a rather peculiar looking me you'll be seeing him a couple of times I'm gonna turn it over to Molly oh and I got to tell you you guys are in for one heck of a treat I am not worthy to provide commentary for this because it's just too crazy so he'll be leading that up and has done a fantastic job of organizing the team thank you so much I'm gonna hand it over to him all right sounds good thank you for the introduction to Ango so my name is Molly oh I'm joined by hi I'm Luke I'm Derek art as plasma together ourselves in our community of twenty authors put together a showcase of 11 tracks that we'll be showing off today so I think with that does everybody ready to get started all right three two one go all right so this first track is luigi's circuit right off the bat you'll notice that we're using funky Kong in the sphere so out of all characters funky Kong has the fastest speed stat and Spears the fastest vehicle in the track I am yeah this track was made by uh this task was made by myself monster rocky and Thomas I believe this was made in February so we'll take these first two turns real quick leading up to this ramp you're gonna see that we're gonna use a series of rapid-fire hops to reduce our air time on this ramp and if you rapid-fire hop leading into this curve right here we can actually get ourselves stuck in the floor and we can lose traction and build up speed as we make our way down the floor it's it's the same speed as if you were using a mushroom constantly and we can stop hopping get it checked it out of the floor and do a couple of frame perfect jumps to conserve some of that momentum yeah so the reason this actually works is that very briefly after our hops there's a but a two frame window in which the tilt of your bike is locked into place so if you hop again during those two frames you can keep doing hops over and over and over again you kind of lose traction with the ground and you start sliding and we can use that just build up an insane amount of speed over time and you'll notice we don't do that's what we call this super grind there we don't do that on lab three because the only reason it saves time in the first place is because we can bring that increased speed into the following laps but since this is the last lap it's not worth it to go out of our way to set it up [Applause] so it's also worth pointing out um if it's that you lose there for some reason Nintendo when they program this game if you tie a ghost that's what we're doing we're racing that ghost technically when you tie a ghost it just says you lose I don't know what so so coming up next we have Bowser's Castle by sack and you might have heard mal you say the Lord a low jump which what that's referring to is anytime you leave a trickable service with the aim to get the least amount of airtime possible so you're gonna see one right here on this first ramp we're gonna clip this side of this wall and put and propel ourselves forward as well on this wavy and eye area here we're gonna optimize it around getting the least amount of time possible as well as companies stairs you're gonna see we're gonna try and stick to them and the reason this is because air time in this game is is Flo anytime you're in the air your vehicle is constantly decelerating so in order to go fast we want to get this little air time as possible as well as right there you might have noticed the Nintendo Nintendo has a nasty habit of forgetting to add collision to some walls so we can just kind of use the side as a halfpipe there to get up to the higher level which saves about three seconds so one of those guys is right there you kind of see we don't necessarily go for the most amount of tricks possible you're gonna see again this wavy road instead we kind of we evenly spread out the boosts that we kind of met we maximize the amount of boost time we have instead of going for like a million tricks possible yeah so even though we said sphere was the fastest vehicle in the game we're using flame runner on this course because spear has some pretty poor drifting skills whereas the flame runner takes turns very tightly and those turns you saw up before are pretty tight though so one thing you've probably noticed by this point is that anytime we're moving in a straight line we always want to try being at a wheelie that's the fastest method of moving any time we try to turn we use the manual transmission and we charge up a mini turbo so many turbos in themselves aren't that great they do give you a temporary speed up but ultimately they're really beneficial because they allow you to return to your maximum wheelie speed pretty much instantly after you release the mini turbo yeah wheelies they're a little bit broken in this game any time you're in a wheelie or your maximum speed is increased by about 12% so that's actually one of the reasons that we're not gonna use any karts we only use bikes than these runs just because of that reason and also just on an emotional level I kind of hate cards they're kind of a garbage vehicle you might have noticed that we have three streams left and his lap three so we mentioned that we mentioned a fire Hoffa jek Chinon a Ouija circuit is the exact same principle if you release your app at fire hub right at the end of that ramp it's gonna kind of boost you out of the ground you get insane airtime and you use that to skip the turn okay so this upcoming track is totes factory it was made by blaze maleo Luke and myself it features a newly found glitch that was found by blaze and recently revised by Benny at the start we're gonna do some wheelies and move forward we're actually sliding forward before the race even starts which saves time and then up here there's a conveyor which speeds you up if we hop on the conveyor it actually maintains some of that speed right so up here is the new the new glitch we're gonna clip off this box [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll see Speer is taking some of these turns pretty awkwardly but it's do it it's just poor drift drift mechanic however we were able to catch that really fast box cycle on lap one so we think spear is the fastest vehicle on this level yes so this again we mentioned this is a very new glitch those found very recently and the reason we yeah that's kind of the reason we want to show off this course is because it is new a lot of these courses that you're gonna see are the result of years of optimization and strategy discussion and trying to figure out different things so we thought it was important to show that you know a lot of these threats you don't find first try it takes a long time to develop these methods so this is what may be an early revision of what an optimized course would look like and this course has some interesting challenges because the Box clip is cycle based it's the first cycle based course into our game that requires a certain cycle to progress so on there's some interesting challenges that come with optimizing this course in particular and one thing to point out too is after we land here we noticed on lap one we had a stick on the inside and that was ultimately because we had to just barely catch the first cycle so our angle after we land isn't as far to the right as we'd like but luckily on lap three the conveyor belt switches directions so we can just take the inside line and here we can use rapid-fire hops to reduce our air time and there's toast factory [Applause] all right so the next segment of this we're gonna move on to is a ultra short cut segment and there's a continuing theme of ultra short cuts in this game this test was made by Akari RS snoop jello puffs Luke myself and Thomas so right off the bat here we can draw some parallels to totes factory we can use a series of wall clips here to get this ultra short cut [Applause] so essentially what we did by doing that that first wall clip we kept the last checkpoint of the map loaded at all times so at any given time there's the checkpoint that you're in the checkpoint in front of you and the checkpoint behind you is always loaded so effectively what we did is that we avoided going into the second checkpoint that means that the last checkpoint of the lap is still there meaning that we can just get behind the finish line trigger the last checkpoint and the lab will count one thing to note though you'll see in maple treeway we don't necessarily need to get behind the finish line we just need to avoid getting into the second checkpoint and just reach the last checkpoint of the map the next I'll just okay we're gonna show off is DK jungle Parkway by maleo blaze and Thomas and it's gonna use a wall clip as well in order to achieve an ultra shortcut it's also gonna use an interesting glitch called the horizontal wall glitch and you might ask what a horizontal wall is most walls in the game are placed vertically hence the name wall and however Nintendo placed the wall collision in some areas horizontally so the top of this finish line is actually a horizontal wall and for whatever reason when you touch a horizontal wall at a specific point it allows you to pass through walls very briefly so we're gonna use that to get past behind where the last checkpoint is still loaded and it's gonna count the lap yeah so one of the reasons why we wanted to show this course is there's a very similar glitch in Mario Kart 64 which is actually shown at a previous gdq so shadows from Mario Kart 64 and jungle Parkway [Music] but one thing to point out is why we use Daisy and the mock bike on that course I mean on Luigi circuit I just got done saying that a funky Hong had the fastest speed stat but Daisy on the math quite actually able to take even tighter turns than funky on the flame runner and that's really what's the most important for a DK Jungle Parkway for the last turn so we're gonna use Daisy here again and we're gonna continue with the theme of horizontal walls and driving through solid walls so after this first set of the escalators we can drive DZ squeezer in between these two walls here barely hit a horizontal wall and fly through the normally solid escalator wall we can reach the parking lot out of bounds and we're gonna continuously drive to the last checkpoint of the map hop over this wall to get a lap count and go back around these cars also don't have solid collision because Nintendo never thought you would be able to get out here but lo and behold hunters found out how to do this [Applause] the next I'll just refer you office on mushroom Gorge this test is biased alloy and jello puffs and can use an interesting physics mechanic in the game using the giant mushrooms that are present on the course so normally when you bounce off of one of these mushrooms Nintendo is intending for you to lack that land back on the floor or the road however if you bounce on a mushroom and land on a wall you're gonna see an interesting effect here [Music] [Applause] yes though for whatever reason the wall kind of maintains the effect of the the bounce effect of the mushroom and you can use some very precise inputs in the air to navigate around and hit the last checkpoint account a lot so this Taz is grumble volcano it was made by Thomas swear and Doofenshmirtz it's gonna be on the oldest glitch in the game was found two months within the game's release we're using toad and quacker here for their very high acceleration stats most of the Taz is just driving around this rock and counting laps so we want to be able to slow down very quickly and then use our mushrooms and tactical spots like here and at the end [Applause] so the next track we're gonna move on to is a maple treeway this was the first task that we made at the beginning of 2019 and I think it's a really great example of the benefits of collaborative taxes because there were six authors that worked on this Thomas rocky swear myself Luke and rs so this track has an ultra shortcut I mentioned that very briefly earlier so the first thing we're gonna try to do is get out of bounds to the side of this but finish line pass the finish line to get inside the first checkpoint and we're gonna try to land back on the track without passing into the second checkpoint and we can clip up here and reach the cannon so effectively what we've just done is we've kept the last checkpoint of the map loaded which means we can completely cut off the tree section and just take a direct path to the very end of the track and it'll actually count our laps one of the reasons I love this course is it shows off a lot of the how useful wall clips can be and kind of their variability ball clips you saw maybe on some of their other courses we use the wall clips to gain a lot of height however depending on how you hit them in the position you are when you hit them they can kind of change their effect so sometimes we can use them to rappel over longer distances of gaining height as well as you're gonna see coming up here if you do a what's called a spin drift it's gonna get us some horizontal momentum and that wall couple maintain that as well it's something on this tree it's gonna help us just gain more airtime so on this cannon you're gonna see we also well clip right before entering it which means we're gonna have way less pipe coming out of it so we can realign for this skip more more quickly like I said there were six authors that worked on this and this was the first really great example of a new higher standard for mario kart wii tasking being able to send the time trial goes back and forth between different people through a more efficiently complete track alright so the next track that we're gonna be showing off we've actually been keeping the secret from the community up until now DK stone that has a glitch and it also means that the flour cup is the first track to have a glitch on every single track so this was made by zack jello puffs Luke myself RS Luigi m CF Akari Thomas Marth and rocky so 11 people I first like to reiterate the properties of rapid fire hopping if you rapid-fire hop off of a ramp you'll get reduced air time if you rapid-fire hop in the ground you can filled up speed if you rapid-fire hop up to zippers this can happen you can fly straight through the wall after you land from a zipper trick you can actually pass through the snow pad you have some invulnerability frames there you can take this double cut and for the zipper we want to try to be in a wheelie as long as possible not necessarily try to gain as much height off of it yeah so one of the reasons why there are 11 authors for this course is there's certain borderline pixel-perfect tricks in this game that are very hard to optimize by ourselves we we often have to intentionally lose milliseconds because you can end up skipping over the pixel that you need to be in so these tricks are very hard which is why there's lots of collaborators and also these borderline pixel perfect tricks are the reason why we can't just copy our inputs every lap and save ourselves a bunch of time yeah you effectively have to treat each lap as like a unique race and that's one great thing because having you know 11 authors for this track this track has a lot of scenarios where we have to have pixel perfect tricks and being able to have a bunch of different people you know try out tossing out their own ideas to try to get these pixel perfect scenarios that happen it allows you to get through these tracks much more efficiently and yeah we can pull back on the analog stick here to realign for the double cut after we laying off that ramped [Applause] and that's DK summit there you go [Music] it makes me so happy to finally have that tract glitch yeah I know it's very satisfying so the last track suitably so for you guys as Rainbow Road this was made by RS myself and Luke so yeah right away you're gonna see an interesting strategy it's comparable to super grinding in that you want to lose traction with the grounds so we're gonna hop off kind of on the edge right here and write it so that we don't have is any traction with the ground build up some momentum so when you're when we reach the edge of the ramp you've completely skipped that turn as well as on this figure eight section coming up but some interesting walls as well that you don't actually bonk into but instead you it pushes you back so we can abuse that by just hitting in a certain way that'll push us forward instead so as you can tell we're in a boost for most of this course so there's not a great place to use your mushroom except right here because cannons drop you off at a very low speed so we want to accelerate as fast as possible there and then right here we skip this chasm and then do some rapid fire hop low trick around the fence as to during the second lap I like to name every author that's helped to work on this myself Luke TAS plasma monster rocky Thomas swear jell-o puffs RS Michi esta LOI Delta Luigi M Zack C F Akari plays new Doofenshmirtz and Mars a lot of people but it really shows you know how great our community is how many people we have in our community that have been able to contribute it's been a pleasure to work with all of you all over the years [Applause] in addition I'd really like to thank I'd like to thank star an ad list for creating via the cosmetic codes that we've used here I'd really like to thank dwango for allowing us to show this often that games done quick for having us thank you very much and we will leave you with this this is the Rainbow Road ultra shortcut we can fly with this wall bounce over the fence to turn around use the are two remaining shrooms to just barely land on the last ramp of the track and time comes up in three two one time [Applause] everyone is standing behind me this is awesome [Applause] that's all the more of Mario Kart Wii we have for you today before we close this out I do want to say a couple of quick things maleo took the lead on organizing everything the reason I was able to for once sit back and relax is because he took on all of the work of organizing everyone he took on the effort of getting all of the commentary put together huge credit goes to him I would like to yes indeed yeah let's clap for him one more time one last thing to say about the community is it is amazing I have to say working with these guys has been really Pleasant and something funny Mario Kart we outsold Mario Kart 8 by a five to one ratio last year this community is active it's amazing feel free to get involved in where can they do that so you can check out tool assisted speedruns for Mario car we at mkw task.com and for RTA oh where could they go for time travel eatables I believe there's also some forums as well places that they can go there's a thriving YouTube community as well for the game a lot of the world records are posted to a YouTube channel so all you have to do is go into youtube search it up and there'll be ways to get into the community it is huge it is booming and it's been 11 years and it's still going strong definitely worth getting involved absolutely and with that I'm gonna close this out we're about to start what you've been waiting for and what you paid on what to see celeste all red berries coming up next [Applause] all right this is rail and I'm here to give you an important message coming up after Celeste we are gonna have Dark Souls and a lot of you are still hype and tossing in a lot of donations and there's a really great Dark Souls glitch exhibition donation incentive that needs $48,000 to go so now that you have met Celeste and a lot of you are still sending in a lot of wonderful donations why don't you spend those donations in towards that Dark Souls glitch exhibition with what's that message we are gonna take a quick twitch ad break and we'll be back shortly for more test pot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right everyone welcome back I see a couple of the Mario Kart Wii guys are still in the room so I want to read this one before they leave our homes donated $100 said hey from the Mario 64 test and console playback community so excited to see our TAS bought overlords play around with Tetris and blaze through Mario Kart Wii but we've got to get that celeste all berries around in there let's see those donations come into hype and you guys met that donation insentive great job out there but we need to push more for that Dark Souls glitch exhibition we have a couple quick sponsor message to go through and we'll be right back how many years have I waited the warrior of light [Music] of darkness rated T for teen [Music] one of our other great sponsors for this event is best 5s by carries exclusive physical limited run games including the up comes to last and toejam and Earl best buys the destination for all ps4 Xbox one Nintendo's twitch and PC gaming needs if you pre-order pokemon sword and pokemon shield at Best Buy you can get $10 in rewards pre-order blood-stained rituals at night at Best Buy and get an exclusive metal case you can pre-order cyberpunk 2077 FS by one of three exclusive steelbooks [Applause] I have $100 from let fire rain down and they say amazing tasks run looks like Celeste is funded and right you are sir thank you very much for that donations coming in right after we met Celeste I've got a donation from the Yeti are you guys ready to hear about how much it is we have thirty thousand dollars from the Eddie [Applause] this came in right after we met this the last donation instead of so we didn't even need the yetis donation to meet that great job everybody who pushed for that and they say hey all Yeti here because if you're because of your support we're happy to announce we've raised $100,000 for Doctors Without Borders Congrats on unlocking that tas bot celestron you are all amazing let's go thank you so much and thank you everyone who has pushed that mark that high dark tech donated $25 says save the frames kill the strawberries here's the task pot surrounded Celeste we've got some good donations for coming in for that Dark Souls go check submission but we do have a little bit more to go we've broken the $13,000 marks we need $47,000 to go and I have 111 dollars and 11 cents from like the verb when they say it's always darkest before the soul [Applause] I have $50 from medicinal carrot and they say task bot is how I got introduced to GQ so it's only fitting I make my first donation during task block thanks for the great event and hard work everyone and thank you so much for your donation medicinal carrot I have five dollars from steepy downs who says greetings from Austria I've been watching gdq since five years and can't get enough what an awesome tas segment especially with Celeste thanks for such an awesome event thank you so much for your donation is a good time to reinforce that it does not matter how much you have to donate even those five dollar donations to help we get them in huge clumps at times and it really does help push our total forward so thank you everyone who's donated and if you can't afford to make a donation right now just push out some links tell people that on social media give us the give people links to the stream tell them what's going on because this the last tas run is going to be hype link chef's donated $30 says I don't even play Dark Souls but since I got mice less run the Dark Souls fans deserve a glitch run let's go [Applause] [Music] I have $35 from this username is pronounced n and they tricked me because their donation says so if you read the full user name you mispronounced it congratulations and they say congratulations to us for getting this celestron incentive so let's wrap up those Dark Souls glitches but mostly congratulations to ms f4 for present providing a critical service to people around the world in need and that's a good time to remind you all that you are watching Summer Games done click 2019 live from Bloomington Minneapolis in Minnesota and we are benefiting doctors without borders doctors without borders also known as MSF is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict epidemics malnutrition natural disasters an exclusion from health care in over 70 countries in 2018 on any given day thousands of individuals representing dozens of nationalities can be found providing assistance to people caught in crises around the world their doctors nurses logistics experts administrators epidemiologists laboratory technicians mental health professionals and others who work together in accordance with MSF's guiding principles of humanitarian action and medical ethics the organization received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 so thank you everybody who's donated for this fantastic cause so far and to everyone who is going to donate for the rest of the event all right I have $25 from mr. Vox it says greetings from Norway sitting up at 8 2 a.m. just to catch the task block and let's get that Dark Souls glitch exhibition and last of all hiyee [Music] those Dark Souls donations are pouring and at this point I've got $10 from Astra bodies it says let the Dark Souls glitch fest begin I love the amount of Dark Souls there isn't this GDQ hello from the Big Apple [Music] alright guys I heard you like puns [Applause] I have $50 from Jay Kyle Pitman who says if we all pitch in to reach the Dark Souls glitched exhibition is that jolly co-op donation your hatred fuels me [Music] a multi-hit donated $50 says it was difficult but I managed to pull my way eyes away from the Mario Cart asked to donate awesome part of the marathon thank you very much for that $50 I have a $25 donation from an anonymous donor who fears to be talking to someone in particular they say Tyler I'm doing my part to get the donor Dark Souls incentives now it's your turn you too audience [Applause] I have $50 from leak link eg says I seat a spot I give money to TAS spot all hair all glorious robot overlord [Applause] I have $125 from Lancashire McGee who says every year the task block gives me life thank you so much you did not disappoint this year it's not over yet stay tuned we have this last run that you all donated for and you're gonna love it to everyone who's bill donating for task block please put those donations in for upcoming donation incentives we are making pretty good progress on darksouls glitch exhibition but if that is not your cup of tea we have plenty of other things for you to donate towards we have some bid wars especially for Dark Souls the ending choice the player name there's the majora's mask filename pokemon let's go starters name the star means name the rapidash is name the rival name there's tons of things that you can donate for if you go into the donation page you'll see all of the things that you can put your donations towards so and everybody is doing right now why don't you throw it towards something on that list as a reminder right now we have several great prizes that you can donate towards we've got the Alienware Aurora our AAPC which is a cumulative 150 dollar donation a lot of you guys were tossing in good donations here are gonna be eligible for that but if you're holding back maybe that's a nice incentive for you to donate now we've got the svq 2019 banner photo zomes we've got the Celeste portrait cross stitch and plenty of other prizes for you to win at the moment as well as the master sword and Highland shield grand prize that's a $200 cumulative donation for that last one and there's a lot of things that you can enter cells to win for
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 1,218,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: 7sHmiMxoYjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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