How To Be Successful As A Dive Professional

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so let me ask you a question as a dive instructor are you a pocketknife or you a multi-tool let's find out together [Music] [Music] what's up guys this front again from lake Hicker scuba marina and if you are new to our channel do me a huge favor make sure you click this little subscribe button over here and ding that little bell as well that way you guys will be notified every time will you upload new content now when you do your ITC program or your instructor training course one of the things that you'll learn is to be profitable as an instructor you're gonna have to play multiple roles there's more to it than just standing behind a podium and teaching or going into water and blowing bubbles so one of the things that I like to teach students is is as a dive professional do you want to be a pocket knife or do you want to be a multi-tool the multi-tool obviously is going to have a lot better options for you to solve that problem and as a dive instructor that's what you're gonna have to do as well you're gonna have to play dual roles as that dive instructor even just as a dive master to be the most profitable that you can be so with that being said let's jump into this video and let's see several different ways you can become more profitable as a top professional when we talk about Boyle's law and Henry's law these are just some of the physics that you're going to learn in future classes such as these sines of dominant of course as well and it's very important that we understand what happens to our body and why it happens when we're underwater as well so guys when you teach scuba this is just one of the ways that you can actually become or be successful as an instructor and earn revenue but it's not the only way this is what a lot of people want to do but to be truly successful you got to be able to go down different avenues and find different revenue sources as well if this is what you want to do for a living so think about back plate and wings they're a little bit more sturdy they're well built system they're gonna be more versatile based off what type of diamond that you're going to be doing and to be honest with you once you have it adjusted for you is truly gonna fit like a glove so guys gear sales is one of those things that's really going to increase your revenue as a top professional especially as an instructor not only are you going to be fluent in all different types of gear and you're gonna be know to help your students find the right type of gear for them but also you're going to be earning revenue through Commission sales or if you're the shop owner you're going to be earning revenue as that shop owner as well so what do we think you're gonna go with the back plate wing now another source of income for you of course is becoming a repair technician one of the cool things about this is you're gonna be a lot more desirable to your future employers because not only can you teach scuba and teach students about certain types of gear and how to keep it working but you yourself can actually repair it you can repair other customers or you can repair your students equipment and of course there is a fee to this you're gonna make money not only teaching that student but you're gonna make money repair there's their equipment as well so another great option for you as a dye professional is obviously become a boat captain there's a lot of Dodge Chargers out there that one day you may be the dive master one day you may be the instructor on board or the third day you may actually be a boat captain now this is going to be costly it does cost money and it takes a lot of extra training but to do it safely there are a lot of waters out there that are considered navigable waters and to be able to run a charter safely and legally then you have to be a licensed boat captain now like I said this can be a great revenue source for you but it's also gonna make you a little bit more desirable to employers when they're looking at to hire a dot professional so another way that you can be more profitable as a dye professional is having good marketing skills and one of the best ways to do that obviously is through social media whether it's Facebook Instagram or even here on YouTube being able to not only market yourself to your future employers being able to market yourself to your future customers is going to help you increase your revenue as a guide professional so guys as you can see just like the pocket knife or the multi-tool you really have to make a decision do you just want to teach scuba and be in the industry that way you're not probably going to not be as profitable as what you are as if you're some type of multi-tool that's going to allow you to do different things because I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did you got any questions do me two favors hit that like button for me definitely share and if you do got a question drop me a comment down below and I'll try to help you out the best I can Gaza as always make sure you follow us on Instagram and Twitter like us on Facebook pin us on Pinterest subscribe to us here on YouTube and as always guys we appreciate your business
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 1,188
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: How To Be Successful As A Dive Professional, How Does A Scuba Instructor Make Money, How Much Money Do Scuba Instructors Make, Lake Hickory Scuba Center And Marina, Instructor Trainer Bryan Stafford
Id: CgoUvT5PjoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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