Clothing in Morrowind - An Overview

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the Elder Girls 3 morind has managed to withstand the test of time and maintain the fans interest over 20 years later as an RPG it was revolutionary and it has earned its reputation as one of the greatest games of all time as a game released in 2002 it did have its limitations however it is clear that the developers really pushed the game to excel beyond that and the smaller worldbuilding aspects of the game were not neglected clothing in video games is commonly overlooked I find that it's not really something that's ever properly discussed or analyzed I however aim to change this today we will be talking about the clothing in the Elder Girls 3 marwin before we get started hi my name is Angelica you like playing the Elder Scrolls games well I like reading the actual Elder Scrolls my eyes hurt thank you guys so much for at the time of recording this 10,000 subscribers huge milestone I'm really excited to be here and I'm really enjoying making this content as well now I will admit I haven't played mowind anywhere near as much as Oblivion or Skyrim I've yet to actually fully finish the game so so that could be something fun to explore later on in this channel if you guys are interested what I do remember from playing is just how alien and unfamiliar the world is in morind it's very difficult to find something to compare it to although it did sort of remind me of zanger marsh in the outlands world Warcraft TBC expansion which clearly the latter was inspired by morind but still because I played TBC way before I played mwind that's kind of the association I had when I was going through the game I noticed that the clothing was one of those things that really kept you grounded as the player here you are in this really strange and bizarre world but the way the NPC's dress is akin to other high fantasy type settings and so it makes the game a lot easier to get into another thing that I remember from playing marwin is that the world is very unforgiving so it's super important to have like a safe haven to go back to and just seeing the NPCs dress in their normal clothing going about their business there was something so soothing about that especially if you've been chased by like 10 Cliff Racers all the way down to balur you know as I have done in my Oblivion clothing clothing video I will clarify that we are just talking about the clothing in the game not the armor we are looking at what the citizens the merchants the Nobles the common folk and everyone else in between where as they go about their normal lives removed from the dangers outside the town or city wall Marin clothing is not as explicitly defined to the player as it is in Oblivion you learn a lot more about it as you go through the world and you meet the different factions go to Noble houses or just wander the streets clothing can be obtained in one of the many clothing stores that you can find throughout the world it can also be found just out in the world when you're exploring and finally there is a third option but I do not wish to explore that today hell say this so today we're going to break it down by the following categories robes shirts skirts pants gloves and miscellaneous we're going to look at some of the highlights and best pieces that in my opinion stand out the most and discuss all of the interesting details and ways in which the clothing Works in mowind first things first I do have some difficult and disappointing news to deliver I do hope you'll consider not shooting the messenger in this case but since we we are on this topic I feel obligated to tell you the truth our beloved covian fur Helm is not considered clothing in the game so you would have guessed that by now covian for Helm and not for hat as so many of us remember it by honestly that's like the weirdest Mandela effect ever this means that it actually doesn't fit the parameters for this video as it offers a base armor value of seven furthermore there are no cosmetic hoods hats or any other kind of headwear available in the game anything that goes on your head is considered armor now I made the rules so I can break them let's dedicate this moment in the video to the covian furm when we think of clothing in mwind I would argue that this stylish and magnificent creation is an absolute staple of the marwin fashion scene and it is also the first thing that comes to mind the vibrant yellow which makes you stand out in a good way the stitching that holds it all together the way your hair completely disappears when you wear it so as to not distract from its Splendor we are serving the 37th lesson of Viet and it is on drip average cloan for Helm enjoyers this moment in the video was dedicated to you I just know that all of your jaw lines are very sharp and now let's bring our attention over to the clothing so before breaking down each category there are a couple of things to note a key element of the clothing in Morin is layering that's right you can be stylish and practical clothing may be layered under and for some pieces over your armor in the context of modern RPGs this level of customization options is almost unheard of and should we ever see something like that reintroduced again I mean depending on the company but I would expect it would be behind some sort of pay wall this makes customization extremely versatile and there are many different clothing SL Armour combinations to explore I've actually added some of my favorites to show you later on in this video another thing to note here is the gender neutrality with clothing so some of the meshes do change however others were clearly designed with a specific gender in mind and so they do look a bit silly when worn by a member of the opposite gender the rest of the pieces are universally fitting and we're not really seeing like the Stark design differences for the clothing as we had in Oblivion let's discuss robes which for me is probably my favorite element of clothing in morind to begin I would just like to Showcase a selection of robes as you're watching this you will see the vibrant colors and how different each robe looks from the next every robe here has some defining detail whether it's the belt ornamentation around the waist the chest or the neck the game is obviously dated but even with the low resolution these robes have a lot of personality and you can even get an idea for the kind of materials that they're made of sort of I love the intricate metal work and the way it's subtle but just enough to make each robe stand out in its own way there is attention to finer detail like the embroidered sleeves the varying color combinations that we see on each one and the fact that a lot of these appear like something completely out of this world like for some of them I wouldn't even really know what to compare it to now what if I told you that all of the robes I've just shown you are under the common robe category so when talking about clothing in mowind it is further broken down into the following quality grades we have common expensive extravagant and exquisite this means that what we've just viewed here is essentially the tip of the iceberg another side note before I show you the higher quality grade robes is that all of the clothing is named in the following way common robes expensive robes extravagant pants common pants Etc they don't have individual names for the base clothing items like they had in Oblivion so to further explain that we can take an enchanted clothing item from Oblivion such as the robe of glib tongs this particular robe had a boost in personality and speechcraft but the base item for this robe was known as the black and burgundy robes going back to morrowwind it does of course have unique Enchanted clothing such as Fell's robe with a restoration bonus or Mara's skirt and Mara's shirt but the base item names for these things are just common shirt common skirt or expensive robe the thing that separates them within their quality grades are their item IDs which made the process of obtaining all of the clothing for this video video somewhat simplified somewhat even though they're all named the same they do appear as different colorful and beautiful icons in your inventory for me they look very satisfying when displayed together like this the expensive robes you will notice even more intricate details and most of them again will have the bright colors I think they appear richer and the materials are starting to look more expensive as well the blue robe here for example is probably my favorite with the gold embroidery and if I had to guess the material I would probably say it's silk or velvet the extravagant robes are more metal work focusing here again on some of the intricate details beautiful and unique color combinations that perfectly fit the world and then whatever this is looks insane the Exquisite quality for each of the categories have just one item and for the robes it is this iconic gold/ orange to red ombre garment this would of course be made from the finest of materials and ingame it is worn by different kinds of NPCs mostly consisting of powerful Mages Sorcerers and then some high ranking members of the great houses of morind for that they are widely recognizable and I would say that the somewhat exaggerated bright colors are a way in which these NPCs boast their wealth however if we're speaking strictly aesthetically I wouldn't put this as my personal favorite robe I think that we've definitely seen some better ones in the lower quality grade sections in general robes in mwind I find are worn by Sorcerers Mages anybody that has anything to do with magic they seem to be like the most dripped out NPCs in the game the robes and morwin are what make for some of the more unique armor slothing combinations and here are some that I found that I think look great here's an example from user fat Tarbosaurus where they combined the royal guard armor from the tribunal expansion with these common robes that we can be seen worn by the Morag Tong Guild user Umar 5213 paired the reder and watchman's Helm I love that Helm with this extravagant robe this combination looks sick let's move on to shirts like an oblivion I appreciate marwin for not just grouping a top and a bottom together and pushing that as an outfit but having separate shirts and pants to again allow for more versatile combination ations once again I will showcase them to you here first I really like the designs of the shirts in the game in general again like the robes I think that they're quite beautiful and unique and the recolors don't feel too repetitive like they did in Skyrim however you will see that with some of these especially when we start getting to the higher quality grade shirts they were clearly made with the male character model in mind uh I found that on the female character model they just looked a bit silly bulky out of place but the ones that do fit nicely I really like and I think they fit the whole High fantasy aesthetic perfectly looking specifically at the Exquisite shirt here which again is the only one of its kind in its particular quality grade we can see it is quite over the top the Elizabethan type puffed sleeves the collar the really bright gold with the black this most definitely isn't one of the prettier shirts in the game but it is one that I would imagine they wear to flaun 12th as we move further down with the clothing you're going to see that this is a common topic with exquisite clothing now let's take a look at the skirts which give you fantastic opportunity for some really unique armor SLO combinations again thanks to layering just as a reminder skirts can be worn over Grieves SL pants you will see as I'm showcasing them here they are of varying lengths so if your particular outfit idea requires the visibility of pants or like the Imperial guards the tops of their boots this is definitely for you while I was showcasing them for example here you can see that I have the pants underneath I thought that the skirts were beautiful they're all quite different and I appreciate that they're of varying lengths and it's not just like the same model retextured I think that that is actually very very nice here's the Exquisite skirt and again super over the top not particularly tasteful kind of reminds me of the designer drip with the logos all over it so again I definitely have a preference for the lower grade skirts myself this is what the outfit looks like when you put like the top and the bottom together it doesn't even look like it fits well together I feel like it's almost clashing but you know how they say that money doesn't buy taste I think this is a perfect example of that we talk about layering a lot in terms of Aesthetics but if you really TR truly don't care what your character looks like then at least consider that the layering gives you so much Freedom as additional slots for enchanted items and from a technical point of view you can be much more flexible with your build in this game looking at pants we have quite a wide selection also within the different quality grades I'll be honest pants isn't something that I look into a lot in marwin I just don't really notice them and I feel that you can appreciate the shirts SL skirts or robes a lot more uh but pants are just pants like they're clearly meant to be up with a top to make them make sense um I do think that they do suffer a little bit because again the resolution the limitations there's not a whole lot you can really do with them uh but I still appreciate that there is some detail there the designs that are there are quite nice but overall I don't think that they're super remarkable I would love to hear from you guys in the comments that have a deeper appreciation uh for the pants and mwind why let's talk about shoes which again not really a whole lot to say about them they're even less noticeable than the pants for me the Exquisite shoes are absolutely rid ridiculous looking like if you put the whole outfit together you are not screaming you know High Society or wealth this to me says Court Jester like straight up looks like something that like fell out of the Shivering aisles and not in a good way I think I also have like a particular gripe with shoes in the game in general because the first time I ever played I couldn't even wear any cuz I was a kajit that's right so fun fact the Beast races namely kajit and argonians cannot wear shoes they're also quite Limited in the kind of helmets they can wear however the covian fur helmet is possible to wear for these races so again just another reason why this thing is goated gloves in mwind are unique in the sense that they don't come in pairs they go left glove and right glove as two individual items uh they even have separate item IDs so if you're getting one you have to kind of go and separately get the other I particularly like the extravagant gloves in the game uh this is actually the highest grade that you can get for some reason there are no Exquisite gloves but yeah I thought it was really weird how they're separated like this because even the shoes are put together like you don't have left shoe right shoe you've both of them together so this is probably the first instance and the only instance that I can think of where gloves specifically are separated like this in an RPG I guess it's cool another additional slot now for the miscellaneous category I have grouped Rings amulets and belts together the reason that I've done this is because none of these items are actually visible on NPCs or your character when they're equipped looking at belts first I was initially surprised by this but then I realized the way that the clothing is designed designed it's not really feasible to put a belt on top of that uh it would be super clunky bulky again really out of place but I'm still glad that they kept the belts in because again additional enchantment slot couldn't hurt speaking of that it's almost criminal that it was taken out of the later games like that should always have been a thing I've already mentioned that mwind is a very very detailed game and this shows a lot here because even though the belts don't appear on your character they still have individual icons for your inventory and the designs that they appear pias when folded on the ground same goes for amulets and rings and I was particularly surprised by the amulets not being visible because in my mind I could always clearly remember the Exquisite amulet design but unless you mod the game it does not show on character models still I do appreciate the unique designs for each of the amulets in their different quality grades and I find it funny how even though you don't see them they are some of the more iconic items like engraved in my brain when I think of mwind and this ladies and gentlemen concludes my clothing in mwind video by now you can tell that this is a topic that I'm quite passionate about and I want to admit that I've already done a deep dive into the clothing in warwind a few years back just in my own time without creating any content because I thought it was so different I thought it was so beautiful and going back into this again like I have to say I'm not disappointed I think morind does a fantastic job with the clothing being someone that really appreciates this particular element like I'm always very excited to see it done well again just consider that this game came out in 20 2 they had a lot of limitations compared to what we have now and the fact that these details are still there and they were worked on they were all individually designed it doesn't feel like it was like sloppy half done they definitely went all the way with this like in the previous videos I really love seeing your discussions in the comments so let me know what your favorite armor slothing combinations are and I might just steal them huge thanks to everybody again who came and supported my channel contributed to its growth I'm having a lot of fun making this content and I'm really excited by this little community that we've formed you're all very welcome here as always if you've enjoyed leave a like And subscribe and I will see you all in the next video I'm through talking to you
Channel: Angelikatosh
Views: 87,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, elder scrolls, oblivion, skyrim, colovian fur hat, colovian fur helm, lore, tribunal, bloodmoon, vivec, skooma cat
Id: 2tEk4kY4bRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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