Tamriel Rebuilt's 5 Terrifying Mini Bosses | Morrowind Lore

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[Music] hello everyone today we are going to continue our talk on morn's Mini bosses but with a small twist previous video morn's five mini bosses was really well received and one commenter suggested doing the same but for Tamriel rebuil and I'm going to do exactly that we are going to cover five terrifying Tamriel rebuilds mini bosses and I use terrifying mostly because it sounds cool maybe some of you won't find them actually scary it's honestly such a great idea and I had tons of fun working on it Tamil rebuil is like a vast unexplored Frontier with so much to offer now before we begin yes over the years I spent hundreds of hours exploring the mainland and no I'm not even close to uncovering everything it has to offer because well it's so large and full of things to do and explore but even so on my Journeys so far I encountered and fought many interesting enemies colorful villains with back ground stories offering unique experiences that I'd love to talk about there's someone watching me I can tell and because there are so many of them I decided to make it more fun and limit each entry to a single type of monster or NPC meaning there can be only one vampire one Lich and so on so let's begin hope you enjoy the video as always my name is Alec and thank you for [Music] watching at number one AKA warok as we all know vampires make some of the best villains they are mysterious ancient dangerous even little bit Charming which is why I had so much trouble choosing only one for today but I've made my choice and we're going to start today's list with the legendary master vampire akoro and yes that's a cool name if you guys remember we also started our previous video with the Vampire the Imperial monk marara who was tired of unlife and really wanted to find someone worthy enough to end her suffering well imagine a vampire of similar power level but on totally opposite side a cavor is someone who not only openly Embraces the gift of vampirism but is also a devout worshipper of Malak Bal father of all vampires now the way we may encounter a cavor is either through the Fighters Guild quest line in Nakamura or simply by exploring on our own to me it feels more rewarding doing it through the quest line as we get to hear about the legend of aaok and his ancient ruin City from the quest Giver laalo irano there something I can do for you Outlander and from the very beginning we are told it's going to be very challenging and it feels like one of those tasks where fellow Guild members really don't expect our return so what's the deal well there's this Legend among the locals of the vampire akoro dwelling in the Epic ruins of Dan aael west of akam Mor so the local Inderal Nobles gathered around and paid the Fighters Guild good money to investigate and slay the monster if he even exists and since we are here yeah he's real so that is our introduction to the story aario seems to be at the very least a threat to a whole region and the City of akamura finding the ruins of Don aael isn't that challenging even for the mountainous foggy region of mefan Wales navigating through this rough terrain can be tricky however these are some of the truly largest ruins in mwind comprised of many zones it's almost impossible actually not to stumble upon them Dan aael looks like it used to be a full Inderal town all together with large Aqueduct Gardens temples different districts now totally abandoned and overtaken by the wildlife I haven't found any lore behind Don aael so for now we are left with the mystery of its demise and maybe that's for the better there there's a dark mystical Aura attached to this place a sense of a natural danger looming behind every corner as for the name AKA stands for a dragon in Dan Mary so Dan aael would mean something like dark Dragon Land something like that in any case I could easily dedicate an entire episode on this ruins alone danger aside Don aael is really fun to explore especially if you are into ancient ruins and with its long turbulent history it hides many secrets speaking of danger ground level is haunted by nasty plague bear ghosts they aren't that strong but spread annoying diseases that damage your character's abilities and almost every interior is infested with vampires which brings us back to our main topic AKA warok finding his layer can be somewhat difficult and also it's very easy getting sidetracked hunting down random vampires and harvesting their valuable vampire dust quite a few vampires are also unique and before I finally start talking about aaor I really want to mention another unique vampire found here this is Valenta Meritt and she can be found in deserted Armory what's worth mentioning about Valenta is that together with akav warok she is the highest level character in Dan aael with both being exactly same level level 27 and as such far stronger than any other random resident Valenta Merit in fact has more health and Magicka than akarok himself and although she's found alone in the large Armory there are two beds next to her which made me suspect that she could be perhaps aav Wario's lover if vampires are even capable of such things valenta's home deserted Armory is filled with fun details and developers obviously took Special Care on her character combat-wise she's more than a formidable fo and in many ways will provide even bigger challenge than akavar you see while akavar is a monk and fights barehanded valinta is a warrior and in possession of some pretty extraordinary items she wears an amulet of precision with a constant effect of fortifying attack seven points a ring of Shadow form allowing her shortterm chameleon up to 15% belt of orc strength which obviously fortifies strength for a whole 20 points and last but not least least she carries a unique two-handed spear called halir of torid vends this lovely piece of weapon comes with a following enchantments restore Health nine points absorb fatigue Five Points fire damage 12 points and blind 5% all on strike weapon is worthy 29,500 Dres it's rather impressive with everything said I found valint Merit really fascinating both as a wory enemy and a character with a fair amount amount of let's say personality told through ambient storytelling and she's also in possession of a large amount of Soul Gems including Grand Soul Gems and seems to be into enchanting and many many piles of skulls both recent and ancient looking stacked under the large statue behind her speak of her violent predatory nature she even has freshly cut human flesh on the table I guess what I'm trying to say is if you come to Dan aael make sure to visit deserted Armory for some really fun encounter but enough about that it's time to finally pay a visit to a true master of Don aael whose centuries old Legend Echoes through me Fallen whales like a frostbitten wind aoro he can be found in a Manor District which is explained by him being of noble origin my guess is that akoro was one of the Nobles if not the ruler of Don aael during its brighter days in any case deep within the basement of The Forsaken Manor we will find couple of akav warok and thralled cattle a kajit and a dunmer upon and counter akarok will immediately summon both of them to help him during the fight now both of them are actually pretty worthless combat wise and they'll mostly stand in our way throwing punches as we try to fight a cavor and this is probably their main objective unless of course player decides to kill them too which will make things much easier but if you role play a lawful good character remember that they are mind controlled by aavak and are nothing but broken willed innocent victims aavak himself as already mentioned is level 27 and fights barehanded as expected from a monk he's all about moving fast closing the distance and throwing punches he wears eony Greaves and some native gauntlets and that's pretty much it overall combat-wise I have to admit I found a koruk somewhat underwhelming the main reason I decide to talk about him is is because of the setting as I find Don aquael so amazing as well as all the buildup leading to the final confrontation I honestly expected bigger challenge but with that said my character is pretty much maxed up for the purpose of this video I'm sure that lower level characters or inexperienced players could find him more challenging however this Quest is among the last ones in nakamura's Fighters Guild storyline and at this point players will most likely reach a high enough level and gather enough experience to turn this Mission into a let's say relaxing walk in the park as long as a player has enough cure disease and restore potions or spells there really shouldn't be any problem so in conclusion when it comes to a korok we have to consider a whole picture a full package real challenge orun comes with a buildup Journey exploration search for the main enemy looting and fighting a City full of vampires and a cavor himself is more like a cherry on top number two Gros the skull keeper next mini boss is someone I encountered many years ago in one of my first Tam rebuilt playthroughs and it's an encounter I'll never forget because it's not so often that NPCs mop the floor with me within seconds leaving me with a mild PTSD meet Gros the skull keeper a crazy bloodthirsty orc Barbarian located in the gloomy Hills of Deon URL I fought her several times since and more than once it was my character that ended up dead on the ground so to honor our violent Mutual history while compiling the list I knew I had to include her besides I always appreciated simple straight and honest duels no magic involved no tricks just plain Clash of Steel Gros is more of a wild raw force of nature incarnate in a body of an or simmer wearing full orcish armor and wielding eony long sword there is no back story story no dialogues no questions asked as soon as we approached her Camp nested between the Hills near the DC ruins of on musili and the dber Tower of rat arzak she will charge toward us without warning and there's something exciting Primal and frightening in the image of a bloodthirsty orc rushing towards you every time I'm about to face an Orc in any Elder Scrolls game especially aorn in that scary look orcish armor I know I'm up for a serious challenge Gros is obviously inspired by Umbra famous equally deranged Orc in vanilla game and the only hint of her background is perhaps the aforementioned nearby deic ruin of anim musili which is dedicated to malikat and inhabited by a large group of Orcs Gros is almost certainly a worshipper of malikat constantly looking for a challenge she has a large collection of skulls carefully stored in several crates thus the Charming nickname skull keeper as for her stats Gros is level 38 and has 285 Health points for comparison Umbra is only level 20 but has 400 Health points main difference between them is that Umbra will politely ask for a dual while Gros attacks on site our fight was as usual long lasting and dramatic with both of our Shields ending up broken towards the end it felt very clean and Atmospheric if not cinematic fighting to death in those remote Rocky Hills under the constant rain and thunder you grow weak just imagine fighting this orc for your very life out there in the wilderness all alone knowing it could be very easily your own skull decorating her impressive collection and also I'd suggest killing off first all these creatures and roaming D found on both sides of her Camp as you don't want to end up fighting all of them at once and that's pretty much all there is to be said about Gros the skull keeper a memorable mini boss that rightfully earn her place on my list now you die hold still coward at number three charotte abala next mini boss is known as the blood mage of Mount saabi pretty epic and evil sounding name if you ask me and this Blood Mage whose real name is shalot abala seems to have done something really terrible because both the Imperial cult and the mag's guild are actively seeking shot's death I did it through the Imperial cult and it's a final task given by tarum had PRI at the chapel of akatosh in firewatch so it's really a big deal and similarly to aav Wario's Mission we are warned again to take Extra Care in dealing with this powerful Necromancer who apparently raised a whole Legion of the undead beneath the mountain of Sarabi near firewatch according to tarum blood Mage is terrorizing firewatch since the simulacrum which ended in year 399 of third era in other words about 28 years ago and that's a long time to terrorize a city of such importance such as firewatch at least from a human perspective and to make it even worse shalot raised hundreds of dead Imperial legionnaires Fallen at the Battle of the Inner Sea we are never told why is she doing any of this necromancers usually prefer secrecy hiding away in isolated darkest tombs and caves not shalot abala though my impression is that she's well either mad which is a fair judgment or has some some kind of a Personal Agenda maybe she lost someone during those Wars or has some other reason for hatred against firewatch and Imperial troops but whatever it is you don't often meet necromancers raising entire armies of dead soldiers right outside the gates of a major city anyhow Mount serabi is a volcano dotted with wandering fire atrx which I found really cute for some reason entrance to the underground cave isn't difficult to find and is very close to the city now there's a surprisingly extensive underground Network filled with the undead soldiers most of them still wear Imperial uniform and are named legionaire skeleton walking at level 12 and with 170 Health points which makes them much stronger than your average random skeleton so expect a good deal of combat before reaching shalot upala Necromancer can be found in a large Central chamber surrounded with Undead bodyguards she's is level 28 with a rather small Health pool of only 145 points and a large reservoir of Maga standing at exactly 400 points in reality this means that with a high enough damage notorious villain blood Mage can be disposed in a couple of hits which actually happened on my first encounter when I used the unique X unending making our grand confrontation brief and rather disappointing but one thing I like about her is that after summoning a bone Walker there's a good chance of of her running away leaving us to fight her minions at first I thought it's a bug but it happened almost every time she will simply summon a bone Walker and then tactically Retreat back into the cave very smart besides that she will cast toxic cloud spell dealing poison damage and that can be rather annoying especially combined with the bone Walker's grave curses of draining players endurance and strength again similarly to a cavor strongest points are in the setting and the buildup leading to the confrontation with a blood Mage West volcanic underground Network feels a bit empty at times but I kind of prefer morn's minimalism instead of over cluttering Interiors for no reason I mean cave is inhabited by Undead skeletons they don't require furniture and speaking of them I enjoyed fighting hordes of Undead Imperial soldiers it reminded me of that quest in Skyrim with an Necromancer in Meridia's Temple Raising Dead Imperial soldiers as well if there is anything i' change maybe I would increas shallot stats to make her more menacing as she is portrayed in the dialogue maybe even adding a unique skeleton sub boss as her Captain bodyguard but with that said it's also a nice twist realizing that a notorious Necromancer who terrorized firewatch for decades is in reality a coward hiding behind her mindless Army of the dead at number four Sabine volen all right moving on to the next one things are about to get even freakier we are now heading for one of my favorite locations in Tamil rebuilt and I know I have a lot of favorite locations but this is one of the most atmospheric gloomy places I've seen so far right there with the D aael on a small island straight south of nekrum Lies an old flooded Fort V breaker keep it was built after an unsuccessful Invasion from akavir to defend the Eastern shores of Tamriel from any future attack only to soon be become forgotten and left on its own now keep may be in Ruins but it's far from being abandoned for it's a home to dare I say one of the most bizarre characters in mwind Meet rard Valen a friendly Breton Necromancer and his lovely wife Sabine valan who is by the way a lich one of the end goals of all necromancers is achieving physical immortality and both rainard and Sabine seem to be doing quite well in that regard but before we talk about them let's just take a quick look around their home entire keep is naturally populated by skeletons and has some of the creepiest Halloween styled decorations there are many remains of Fallen Soldiers signs of combat struggle and even torture there is even this four armed three-headed skeletal Abomination found in a room dedicated to studying necromantic Arts too bad we don't get to fight it what what's maybe even creepier is that reard and Sabine aren't initially aggressive even acting all friendly and happy to have another visitor however if we pay a visit to the keep's prison we will find two jailed ordinators with one of them being already dead it turns out they are brother and sister ream and the laesa in thean sent here to deal with the necromancers ream will beg us to set him free after telling us about the horrors they've been through and which forced poor Dessa to take her own life we can only imagine what kind of torture would break an ordinator will or maybe it's better not to but what we can do is taking the lesta katana and bring it to Ram so he can help us fighting the necromancers and this is when we are faced with a really nice surprise and there I say a genuine marwin jump scare as soon as we interact with dead Dessa to take the katana she will be reanimated and forced to attack us naturally this will leave realm absolutely broken but after a few words of encouragement he'll be ready to join us and face the Abominations upstairs now since he already fought rard and Sabine reum will provide us with a very helpful insight you see through the works of darkest Arts of necromancy they achieved some pretty amazing resistant abilities first of all Sabine is totally immune to Magic and is 50% resistant to all normal attacks while AR armed with a very dangerous adamantium saber and casting powerful destruction spells of D shock ball dealing up to 50 points damage on Target and Dread curse which does 12 points of damage heeld on touch in short she's very dangerous and impossible to slay in conventional way because of her ability to automatically heal as soon as she gets injured and at level 35 Sabine has 400 health and 500 magical points in other words Sabine is a true Lich completely Immortal unless we find a way around her protective dark magic on the other hand rainard is also level 35 and immune to all physical damage while also being 50% resistant to Magic he has significantly smaller health and Magi with the both being locked at 200 so this is why I said that rainard and Sabine are getting pretty close to achieving that ultimate necromancer's end goal of absolute immortality the only way to slay both of them is by killing rard first since well he's the only one left with a piece of mortality and then destroyed the locket containing sabine's Soul found on his body I found this fight very difficult because my character doesn't know any offensive spell except for a couple of average Scrolls so I was forced to use deer Crescent obtained in the previous video and even then it took me a very long time to finish rainard because of his stats he simply refused to get hit and remember there's also a good chance of reum already being killed by Sabine at this point since he's only a level 17 ordinator unless we decide to tank both of their attacks once rainard is dealt with we must take the sabin's locket from him which not only provides additional constant effect of 25 points of sanctuary but more importantly contains sabine's Soul breaking it will remove sabine's ability to constantly recover health and we are finally able to end her Unholy existence once and for all my frustration with this battle comes from a simple fact that I was unprepared like I said my character doesn't know any offensive spell and I had to rely on enchanted weapons to deal with rainard while making sure reum survives his deal with Sabine it was tough but also fun and this truly felt like a boss battle it wasn't enough just swinging your strongest weapon and hoping your enemy drops first with that said there was a strange sense of comfort upon seeing both rainard and Sabine laying next to each other on that cold floor their love and unhealthy urge for shared physical immortality LED them to some very dark places and I felt like they finally found what they were looking for the Eternal rest and at number five USU diu all right so far we had a secluded master vampire a necromancer raising her own Undead Legion benit the volcano mad skull collecting orc and a lich seeking eternal love who or what else could we add to this bizarre gallery of many bosses how about the cursed ashlander mommy meet ushu dimu he isn't exactly dead nor alive but stuck somewhere between life and death in a state of Eternal Slumber and he is today's Final mini boss USU diu is for ever bound to his tomb deep beneath the usur mines in the vast armun ashlands region in the ancient days he was an Ashan of the local isanan tribe and a great warlord but he was also envious and fearful of death so he seek ways to not only extend his own life but reach immortality as things usually go he turned to dark magic stealing the lives of his tribesman to prolong his own he became a male MOS a soul thief and because because he couldn't be killed his tribes men trick him by bounding his soul deep into the cavern which became his prison burial he was bound by the powerful cursed crown and as long as the crown rests on his head ushu diu drifts in the Eternal silent void in game ushu diu is encountered at the end of a really fun and quite long quest line related to the usuk iron Minds given to us by a halalu noble tler andas you see extremely wealthy taller andas basically has entire Fighters Guild chapter in his pocket and has a peculiar interest in obtaining the legendary cursed Crown the very same one that keeps usuu asleep and Toler is ready to reward us and the guild with many shiny septums in order to get a crown for him even when playing for the first time it's obvious that we are doing something wrong some things should just remain buried for example ancient cursed mummies yet there's this curiosity I need to see what happens [Applause] next we are not told why taller andas requires the cursed crown and it's obvious he doesn't want it just for fun or to play with it he is ready to sacrifice a lot of people and ton of gold for it so it must be something special right again it's a really well written story line and one of my favorite quest lines in Tamil rebuil entire time it felt like like being in one of those Adventure mystery movies and eventually we will find usuu deep beneath the mines seated and a deep Slumber with a face of Agony and pain removing the crown will cause entire Cavern to tremble but we will safely return to undran and give the crown to taller andas our last objective will be to return to the mine and close it except that upon return we will find usuu surrounded with all the miners laying on the ground unconscious we are then faced with an option to either return the crown thus peacefully ending this problem or simply kill usuu and today we are obviously choosing the second option but before we do that there's this very interesting line of dialogue by usuu which sort of explains his confused tortured state of being this life it is noise it is brightness it is constant hunger it is thirst first many things happening all at once the world is screaming all around me it hurts my eyes my ears my skin and outside there's more the hor in my Slumber I was at peace you stole my crown why did you have to wake me that's a pretty chilling line of dialogue usuu is obviously a strong opponent but nothing extraordinary he moves really fast and is very similar to joggers found in solheim I actually think that his model is based on a jogger usuu is level 28 has 400 Health points immunity to Fire and has additional 50% immunity to normal weapons also his health and Magic are regenerate and being a mommy he obviously knows some magic he casts ghost snake spell which not only does damage to strength fatigue and endurance but also paralyzes for 3 seconds all in all I like usuo his design tragic character background and is like I said a part of a super fun storyline which I barely touched upon today even taller andus coldhearted clal Noble has a secret tragic story which is why he wanted the cursed Crown but I won't spoil it here best if you can find on your own and with with that we concluded our first overview of tamel rebuilds five mini bosses I liked all of them for one reason or another they're not just generic villains but genuine characters they come with personal tragedies and flaws like attempting to cheat death and live forever some of them turn out not even that strong on their own like the blood Mage famous Necromancer who won't shy away from Simply running away from the player and we never found out how a cavario became a vampire but as we already know it's often a result of a tragedy or an incident and it could mirror the fall of Don aael obviously once a very beautiful proud IND the real City rainard and Sabine reached for the deepest and darkest corners of necromantic Black Arts just in order to live forever together it was a truly bizarre I guess love story again all these characters are obviously evil and dark yet aren't one-sided and boring which is why I decided to talk about them today I will of course make a follow-up video as well since there are so many other great memorable villains out there waiting to be explored both in vanilla and Tamil rebuilt and with that said I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know if you have any suggestion or comment I appreciate all the support and the feedback thanks again for watching and I'll see you very soon you will die give up it's you can I help you
Channel: Borean Knight
Views: 8,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morrowind, Tamriel Rebuilt, Mods, Modding, Game, Video, Gaming, RPG, Showcase, Villains, Fantasy, Lich, Vampire, Undead, Classic, Story, New, Episode, Essay, Analysis, Funny, Amazing, Scary, Creepy, Epic, Elves, Magic, Retro, Trending, Youtube, Show, Viral, Recommended, Top, List, Tier, Guide, How to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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