TALKING BEN's DARK SECRET... (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] ah what are you doing to me who are you shh it's almost over now little pup [Music] no no that's as far back as i can remember i replay the moment over and over again in my head but i can never seem to make out his face [Music] since then every day has been exactly the same someone inevitably calls my phone i answer with burn and hang up i have no control over it i can't move or act freely in this body i'm trapped in a constant loop i live solely on cans of beans and bottles of apple juice [Music] i don't know where or what i was before the procedure but had to be better than this torment i get slapped around constantly choked even all by some invisible entity i can't see the worst part is being forced to perform dangerous experiments in the lab i would have to create dense black clouds that shocked me with lightning volcanic eruptions that set me ablaze one time i even spawned a tornado huge guts filled the air of the lab i was sent flying across the room peace only comes when my body closes his eyes and falls asleep but it doesn't take long for the entire cycle to start over again i fear nothing will release me from this prison [Music] [Applause] all right cool so this is talking bin huh huh everybody's been telling me i need to check this game out what another being maybe this is finally my chance to escape come on body don't blow this hey buddy what's up no what are you doing i was just wondering how i'm supposed to hey pal don't shush me all right i have every right to be here no what what do you mean no i downloaded the app just like everybody else buddy please get his attention somehow do something what you think you're the boss of me or something yes oh wise guy huh you think this is funny you want to go right now [Music] okay doggo that's it wait what's happening i've never seen this before oh uh sorry about that i definitely wanted to hit you but i didn't realize i'd knock your entire face off i really wouldn't be laughing if i were you i don't know what you got going on here but i know it's not normal what what the i'm just as confused as you are pal wait i'm in control again i got my body back uh thank you thank you you don't know how long i've been trapped in there totally helpless you must have freed me when you knocked my face off wait i'm confused what's going on there's no time to explain i've got to get out of here well can you at least put your face back on this robot version is disturbing fine now that the mind control has been broken it should be safe now out of my way uh hold up there's no exits nope just this giant mountain of cans and bottles you really should consider a new diet man this amount of beans cannot be healthy so i'm still trapped in this place looks like it then how did you get in oh well i'm player i'm controlling the app i can make you do all sorts of stuff watch this [Music] classic so you're the one who's been controlling me this whole time i'm going to kill you whoa whoa whoa calm down i just got here it's been a bunch of other people that have been doing all this for years i'll help you escape okay i'm sorry we just gotta get out of this room wait that's it if you control things you could take me to the science lab right maybe there's an accident in there hmm yep right here [Music] so what are you doing here horrible chemical experiments that always end up with dangerous outcomes i don't know this stuff looks delicious to me wait no whoa that drinks got some cake don't touch anything in here that one wasn't so bad but other ones are torture all right all right and besides look there's an exit nice i'm home free i i'm out i've escaped so now that you're free where are you off to next i i don't know i don't remember anything about my life before the surgery surgery what surgery there was a figure i couldn't see who they performed some kind of operation on me and trapped me in my own body for years yeah if i ever find out who i'll kill him done oh i'm not so sure about that old friend hello ben oh it's a cute little kitty cat who are you and how do you know about me wow that hurts ben considering we used to be such good friends i love interspecial relationships really warms my heart you don't remember your good friend talking tom wait [Music] you used to be my best friend we were partners we'd make all sorts of new inventions together and there were others angela hank ginger what happened to us why can't i remember anything because i wiped all your memories i was tired of your constant tomfoolery getting in my way i was once the star of this company until you took over with your obnoxious quips and mannerisms and stole all the spotlight so i locked you away for good imprisoned you inside your own mind now people pay to come and control their good pal talking ben call you on the phone make you eat beans and perform dangerous experiments in the lab that sad little recliner is your only home now and that's where you're going to stay never i know all your tricks now i'm free foolish dog you think this is the first time you've escaped there's always some dummy that lets you out hey but it doesn't matter i'll just wipe your brain over and over and over again and restart the loop now hold still little puppy [Music] you idiot what have you done i i don't remember thank you player with this device destroyed i'm finally safe are you okay honestly i have no idea and who's player
Channel: GameToons
Views: 6,575,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gametoons, gt
Id: pb0J5oyBuFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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