The TRUE Story of the BACKROOMS... (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] get it off me we need to do something no we need to see this we need to document it yes [Music] let's see what you're capable of don't be afraid little one i have so many secrets to show you let me introduce you to eternity [Music] give me that let him go so you idiots [Music] no the portal great i'm being chased by armed soldiers and horrifying monsters i have no idea where i'm going and i lost my camera can anything just be easy for once slides well that's easy i guess nice exit works for me but then again nothing here is ever that simple well here goes nothing eenie meenie miney mo oh please god show me where to go what we need to choose carefully don't trust her player she's a liar oh and i should trust you you betrayed me i saved you she wanted you dead to start she doesn't know what she's talking about she's nothing but a lowly grunt i'll show you a grunt stop we all have reasons not to trust each other but if we're going to get out of here we need to work together it doesn't matter portals broken we're trapped i know one way out you do so all these lead to the exit no i said i know one way out one of these slides leads to safety the others lead to certain death are you sure i've been studying the back rooms longer than you've been alive i'm your best chance how do we know we can trust you my camera okay tell us what you know years ago i discovered the back rooms with my old research partner we were the most brilliant minds in our field we had offers to go anywhere do anything but we only had one desire to look for other planes of existence we had a theory that we could communicate with other worlds connected to our own our theory was crazy it was dangerous but it was also correct my god did you hear that we spent years trying to find the source of that voice to discover what it could show us we opened a portal to the voices plane but my partner got cold feet he tried to stop the experiment and so i stopped him you killed him i had to you don't understand that voice i could feel it contained such knowledge knowledge that could change life on our planet forever you certainly changed your partner's life forever i spent years searching for the source of the voice but i never found it i did however learn about these slides and i learned that one leads to safety great which one i don't know the slides change destinations at will one day the ride is safety one day it's a left and so on so how do we figure out which is the good one today easy we'll use trial and no i knew we shouldn't have trusted her don't you dare i apologize you two but my experiments are too important to risk don't worry though your assistance will be greatly appreciated assistance i'm walking out of this place alive so each of you will go down a different slide if one of you survives i'll know it's the right one and if both of you perish i'll know it's the third option that's safe now move it nice knowing you you too kid [Music] oh what is that okay if her slide was the wrong one then i have a decent chance of being in the right one maybe i'll have some good luck for once oh there's the end ah bad luck bad luck i take it back that was finally good luck hello are either of you alive i am perfect so your slide was the right one no both the words were wrong please you you need to help me i'm sorry sounds like i have all the information i need wait you don't want to do this think back to when you shot your scientist don't you feel guilt doesn't it haunt you i bet you see his face every night don't you don't you hello no great she left me now i'm really doomed i'm here here cats perfect uh where was that can you turn on the lights one minute wait oh well better start climbing it can't be the boys i finally found it i'm coming i'm coming hello it's you i've been looking for you for years is exhausting i'm almost at the top i'm not gonna make it well this is all i have i guess i'm gonna lose all the evidence i shot and my friend's movie but honestly that's probably for the best huh i guess i made it this is the last slide it has to be the right one here goes nothing [Music] i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it i see a light
Channel: GameToons
Views: 3,945,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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