Talking about Habits in English - Basic English Grammar

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rolling i think okay cool all right looks good hi everybody and welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is alicia and in this week's lesson we are going to look at how to explain your habits i'm going to focus on three grammar points you can use to talk about your habits and just the regular things you do every week or every year the regular parts of your schedule we're going to look at how to talk about these topics in the present so things you do now and we're going to look at how to express these things in the past so our focused grammar points will be simple present tense used to and would we have three things to talk about today so i hope you send lots and lots of your example sentences and your questions in the chat okay it looks like everything is up and rolling now that looks good to me all right so as you joined please please please make sure to like and share this video so that other people can find today's lesson and check it out of course while we wait two announcements as always while we wait while we wait first thing first is about this banner at the bottom of the screen this free pdf cheat sheet banner if you have been wondering how to get these things i show these to you pretty much every week almost every week vocabulary related pdfs you can choose your favorite topics or something you want to practice if you are wondering how to get these this is the link if you click the link in the description below or above the video this is the page you get so how do you get these that's what people ask so i will show you now if you click that link and then on this page scroll down uh you can choose of course the ones you want here to get these to pick all of them if you want to pick all of them scroll down whoa way down i think there's new things there you could scroll down to this one two three four section to find instructions for how to download everything so please check this page go to the bottom for some help uh for how to get these so check that out if you want to get those super cool you can print them out and study with them so check it out that is announcement number one and announcement number two is as always if you have questions for me if you have questions for me after this lesson or anytime really uh please send them to me for this series the ask alicia series is a question and answer series from you to me so you can send me your question i will definitely read it at some point but i will maybe i'll maybe answer it i might answer it so this is a screenshot an old screenshot from this series but please send me your questions at ask hyphen alicia the link is in the youtube description also if you want to find me on social media this is my account you can find this in the youtube description also so please check it out and follow me on instagram or twitter okie dokie that's all for announcements fantastic i think everyone is here let me see hi youtube youtube is here welcome everybody on youtube i see our regular uh members whoa kanwaji slow down with the chat okay let's be polite to everybody uh sister from india hello osushi says maybe hello everybody on youtube uh facebook are you here i'm coming for you facebook if you're just joining for the first time in a while i am broadcasting from home yes facebook you are here fantastic hi facebook hi bob adelson hello oh my gosh facebook has so many notifications okay kim hello uh welcome everybody carlos hello uh someone's name i can't read hi alexandra uh david fatima hello everybody okay we are here let's go to today's lesson topic if you missed it where's my mouse if you missed it today's lesson is about how to explain your habits how to explain your habits so what does that mean so uh before we start i want to cover again what does habit mean habit we often talk about bad habits the negative things we do like maybe biting our nails or i don't know eating too much junk food those kinds of things today's lesson is going to be about your regular activities how do we talk about the regular things like the every week or the everyday activities that we do how do we do that in past tense and in present tense so that's our topic for today let's take a look at today's lesson boards if you want to take a picture of today's lesson boards you can do so now or later so here are our three topics for today we're going to begin with simple present tense uh then actually oh sorry we're gonna talk about used to in part two actually sorry my bad and then we're gonna do wood in the last part of the section sorry i had to put them out of order when i took this picture but this is the topic for today let's get started okay let's begin with simple present tense also don't forget if you haven't already make sure to hit the like button because it helps other people find the lesson so let's begin uh i will check you facebook it's very warm right here sometimes my phone gets too hot in the sun okay let's start with simple present tense simple present tense so we can use of course simple present tense to talk about our schedules and the everyday things we do and it's one of the grammar points for today because we use simple present tense statements with expressions of frequency what does that mean i'll explain in a moment with expressions of frequency to express habits or regular actions so we use this grammar point to talk about something we do every day every week every year and so on we use this grammar plus an expression of frequency so here are some examples for example every day every week every month every hour you kind of get the idea yeah every year every summer and so on every season whatever some other examples are things like these all the time all the time is a casual way to say very often i do that all the time is saying i do that very often in a more casual way or sometimes of course never as well we can do something zero percent of the time so we express our current actions with this when we want to talk about something that is true now we can do that with this grammar point let's look at some examples here i have in blue the blue underline is the verb the red underline is the expression of frequency so while i look at uh these examples your your your your homework for the your livestream homework if you're watching live or later is to describe a regular action in your life so try to use this grammar to send a comment in the live chat yeah i'll try to check live okay let's look at some examples so for example i go to the gym every day i go to the gym every day so here's my verb in simple present tense because my subject is i so not i went to the gym every day that's past tense i go to the gym every day this sentence is also correct i go to the gym it's we don't know how often but i go to the gym every day so every day is my frequency expression okay all right next one he visits his family every christmas he visits his family every christmas one point lots of people forget this s right here not he visit he visit is incorrect he visits his family every christmas here's my frequency expression yeah okay good um some examples are coming in uh the good ones i never give up i go to school every weekday good i usually go to my uncle's house every summer nice examples everybody cesar cesar says i visit my best friend every year good uh nuen says i change i change not changes we use that s for he she in its subjects i change uh diapers for my baby every ad every hour every hour okay great good examples then another one we go hiking all the time so here's that all the time frequency expression we go hiking all the time instead of saying very often this is more natural at least in american english if i say we go hiking very often it sounds a little too polite for everyday conversation so typically we use all the time all the time okay here's a negative you never eat junk food you never eat junk food you're so healthy you never eat junk food okay and one more she sometimes cooks at home she sometimes cooks at home all right so this is the most basic way to talk about a regular action something that we do now uh with some kind of frequency every week every day every hour yeah many good examples are coming in i watch your videos every day say many people fantastic that's great i'm happy to hear that uh shireen says i play with my daughter every night very nice nice example sentence um javier i go to the park at morning i go to the park in the morning in the morning we use at for night yeah i go to the park in the morning okay um i dive into youtube all the time nice nice good nice examples okay jonathan what means hiking uh oh when you ask this question what does hiking mean what does hiking mean uh hiking means going for a walk in the mountains like a challenging walk in the mountains okay all right nice good examples so that is part one how to express your regular activities with simple present tense so let's take one short break to think about that and then we'll go to part two we're going to go to the past for part two so if you missed it if you want to pick up some vocabulary practice sheets you could take a look at these there are many different topics pets and so on and on the back here let's look at this one the supermarket one there are vocabulary words you can use here yes but on the back you'll find some expressions depending on the one you choose and some discussion points too so things you can say uh throughout these activities and there are some new pdfs you can download that have conversational phrases and like whole conversations to practice so you can download all of these from the link below the video or above the video check that out okay so let's go to part two also if you haven't please make sure to like this video yeah so other people can find the lesson actually i'm going to share the video now here we go share okay i didn't do that yet but um done okay so let's go to part two let's talk about how to use used to we're going to use this to express our past habits so i'm going to many of you probably are going to say what's the difference between used to and would we're going to talk about would in part three for today's lesson so let's look at used to use to use do so we use used to to express actions or conditions that were true in the past but that are not true now this is a key point true in the past but that are not true now so you we wouldn't use we don't use used to to talk about an activity that we did in the past and we do now we don't use it in this way the change is a key point at this grammar okay so how do we make an expression how do we make a phrase with used to we use subject plus used to plus our base verb so it's like the infinitive form this two plus your base word yeah you do used to and in speech it sounds like used to like this d sound sounds very short i used to i used to we connect this d and t together you stu used to okay but uh when you're writing typically we use this d so how do we use used to again we need to express a change for example i used to see my friends every day at school i used to see my friends every day at school okay so the feeling with this sentence is i used to see my friends every day at school but now i do not see my friends every day at school this used to communicates all of that we don't have to include but now i don't so if it's helpful you can imagine all of these sentences end with but now i don't like this so imagine all of these sentences finish with but now i don't but because we use used to we don't need to include this part here just i used to see my friends every day at school okay claude rivage on facebook has a good example i used to be in good shape but not nowadays yeah many people can relate to that i think for sure great example okay send me your examples so this is your homework question here describe something in your life that was true in the past but that is not true now okay let's go to some more examples we used sorry i we we used to visit my grandparents house every holiday we used to visit my grandparents house every holiday but now we don't so this is showing the change now we do not do that we used to visit we used to visit okay good uh sergio you say i used to watch your on facebook sergio hernandez you said i used to watch your videos so again that means you do not watch my videos anymore if you use this grammar point and you say i used to watch your videos it means you do not watch my videos now but you are watching my video now so how is that true okay so we use this to talk about something that is not true now okay maybe you could say i used to watch your videos every day now i watch uh my favorite video every week maybe that's good for you okay uh russia one of our members on youtube hello i used to go to the cinema yeah before the pandemic i used to go to the cinema nice example okay good good good uh cynthia ruiz says i used to play video games games with my brother good good good sal says i used to hug my boyfriend yeah xiang says i used to study english every day good examples everyone okay uh oh good question mr dawn on youtube says do we use didn't for the negative yes we can use didn't it's not so common to make a negative sentence with this grammar point for example i didn't used to see my friends every day at school you can use that typically we talk we want to compare something we actually did in the past but yes if you want to express something you did not do in the past but that you now do it it's not so common but yes you can use didn't here you can use didn't here okay let's go to another example my brother used to hate bananas my brother used to hate bananas so this pattern is really useful to talk about changes in your food and drink preferences something you hated to eat when you were a little kid like this is a great grammar point to describe that okay you can use this to talk about your habits your bad habits and your good habits as well like some people many people i used to work out every day i used to work out all the time oh david says uh david weiland says i used to drink alcohol but now i don't yeah so this is a great example of how we can use these alicia do you speak spanish i i used to speak spanish that's true i took spanish lessons i took spanish classes in high school so i used to speak a little spanish but now not so much okay one more example my roommate and i used to be good friends oh so this sentence because we use used to there's some drama here right my roommate and i used to be good friends oh so what happened remember it's like saying but now we're not so you can use used to to show some change in your condition or in this case your relationship my roommate and i used to be good friends but now we're not oh what happened that we use used to to show changes and to talk about our past habits okay uh kirito says they're used to lazy if you want to use an adjective uh i used to be lazy don't forget b you still you need a verb in that sentence i used to be lazy or i used to be sad whatever i used to be adjective okay uh deca says how do i use supposed to it's a different grammar point from today i think i have a video about it on the channel were you supposed to to talk about uh the responsibilities we have someone else's responsibilities of us it's a bit different from today's grammar point okay all right nice example sentences everybody uh i'll go on let's go on to the last grammar point so great job with used to used to so the key is there's some change in your uh in your behavior some change in your condition you want to talk about so let's take one more quick break and then we'll go to the last point we're going to talk about wood if you are just joining live or in case you want to see the lesson title again today's topic is your habits we're explaining habits with simple present part one used to and would okay so let's take one more quick break i will remind you if you're just joining uh there's free stuff you can download from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube above the video if you're watching on facebook i showed you a couple of these earlier ah here's a good one maybe hotels we're not looking so much at spending time in hotels but if you want to practice some conversations you can find key questions and answers on the back of this so pick a topic that is interesting for you shoppers perhaps if you need some new clothes for the season this will help you but you can choose whatever you like and download them so check out the link below the video or above the video youtube below the video facebook above the video to get those all right um let's go to the last part if you want to take a screenshot take it now a picture take a picture of today's lesson boards here so part one was simple present tense part two sorry i was used to now we're going to talk about part three would how do we use would what is the difference between used to and wood let's find out okay so wood let's take a look uh okay so we use wood in this grammar wood has other uses i'm not going to talk about all the uses of wood today in this lesson i want to focus on this use of wood to talk about past habits yeah so we use wood to describe repeated past actions repeated past actions usually from a very long time ago so we use wood to talk about something we did when we were like a little kid or maybe in school or in university something like that we don't really use wood to talk about something from last month or like last week we want to kind of make the feeling of uh like a long or maybe like a distant memory that's the feeling with wood we use this to describe those kind of memory uh like important memories okay then we also use this with a time period so we need to express some point in time some time period that this memory happened okay so let's look at some examples of this and for those of you in the chat you can your homework is to describe a repeated action from your past with wood so how do we do this a basic pattern is we begin with the past time period so when i was a little kid or when i was in university or when i was in school whatever we have a past time period our subject would and our verb so what does this look like okay for example when i was a little kid i would play with my friends every day when i was a little kid i would play with my friends every day so here's my past time period when i was a little kid when i was a little kid so this gives we understand the like the memory time period of the memory here okay then i would play with my friends every day so using wood here shows it was a habit a repeated action of some kind you might think why not just say when i was a little kid i played with my friends every day can i say that yes you can 100 when i was a little kid i played with my friends every day that sentence sounds like a simple fact yeah that sentence is like basic information this was an activity i did however if you use wood when i was a little kid i would play with my friends every day this sounds like a memory of a repeated activity it sounds more like something you want to remember like a special memory about your past okay uh good good good yes many people are saying wood can be used for this wood can be used for that yes you are all correct you can use wood for many other things today's focus is one use of wood okay all right uh oh diana i just saw diane on facebook when i was a child i would spend time in video games every day to make it more natural when i was a child i would spend time playing video games every day yeah good job good job okay cynthia says when i was very young i would go to the beach with my aunt every summer very nice very nice so this has the feeling of a memory like a happy memory yeah a la rattum says when i was a kid i would fight with my brother yeah it's a good one yeah very common memory from a long time ago so you get the feeling it's from it's like a childhood memory or a school time memory something like that okay um karim says when i was a little kid i would build castles made of sand yeah you can say sand castle as well sand castle to make it shorter nice okay guillermo says when i was younger i used to be when i was younger i was in good shape because i would work out every day okay so maybe you don't need used to in that sentence when i was younger i was in good shape because i would work out every day okay you don't have to say used to for that past situation yeah okay um good let's look at another example when we were in college we would go to parties every weekend so this is something a memory you share with someone else when we so maybe a partner or a good friend of yours or your roommate when we were in college we would go to parties every weekend yeah so a college or a school memory all right uh and then one more when he lived far away from his parents he would call to say hello weekly when he lived far away from his parents he would call to say hello weekly so you can use this to talk about those nice memories or sometimes like fighting with your brother you can use it to talk about those kinds of memories too oh wow lots of questions and examples are coming in on facebook hey um let's see gul nora says when i was a child i would cook with mom every day very nice very nice example uh how many days you teach every week this live stream is once a week always at this time but of course we have many videos on youtube and on facebook so check them out the english class 101 youtube channel is very easy to search we have many videos there grammar lots of lessons that i've done and some others too so please have a look anna lucia says when i was 15 i would work in a fishing factory every day great okay um when i was a teenager i would swim with friends every sunday great example oh you have such nice memories these these are really nice memories i liked it okay um let's see minelle says i would eat oily foods when i was young okay maybe it's hard to eat those things now nice examples great examples okay nice one so some people just really quickly there are many comments some people are using will here you can't use will in this grammar you have to use would to talk about your memories so we don't we cannot change will and would or swap the two in this grammar okay um let's see uh there's some questions i'm not sure it would possible is this phrase used for i'm not sure what it would possible means can you give me an example example sentence all right so oh there's a good negative nice example of a negative catherine uh zulueta i hope i said your name right on facebook says when i was in university i wouldn't go out with my friends good example so you can use this to talk about something you regularly did not do as a kind of memory i wouldn't go out with them like i wasn't comfortable or i didn't like to go to parties or whatever okay great examples everyone all right yeah someone is sending lots of emojis on facebook can you stop that please be polite to your fellow classmates all right so um daniel says can i use will to talk about habits in the present no you cannot we use will to talk about our future tense to talk about our future plans that we decide during the conversation if you missed part one how to talk about your habits in present please use simple present tense we talked about this in part one of today's lesson so you can watch this lesson it is being recorded uh so when i finish you can watch it back uh okay i have to say goodbye oh my gosh i'm late so i have to say goodbye there uh for today but fantastic example sentences and great questions everybody that was fantastic i have to finish there but if you want to take a picture of today's lesson boards here you go boom we talked about simple present tense talking about your current habits your regular actions now we talked about used to things that were true in the past but that are not true now and would talking about past memories and past habits uh pretty good so now you can talk all about your habits and the things you did now or things you do now and things you did when you were younger all right but i have to go so next week's lesson here's next week's lesson information next week i'll be back of course uh the date wednesday march 17th or march 18th depending on your time zone 10 pm eastern standard time that is new york city time you can google your time or you can set a notification on youtube or on facebook if you follow me on instagram i always share a link to the live stream and a reminder about the topic so you can follow me there to make sure you always get the information check my stories each week next week's topic will be how to share your schedule with simple present tense so if you had questions about grammar point number one today we're going to talk about this and more and some very common errors that i see in learners with this grammar point so please join me again next week to practice using simple present tense to talk about your schedule explaining your schedule this is really good uh in business professional study situations super super good uh to practice okay all right so i will say goodbye there thank you all very much for joining today's lesson thanks for your awesome questions and your awesome example sentences and i will see you again next week have a great day uh thanks oh thanks also very much for liking and sharing the video we had many people joining us that's super cool so i'll say goodbye there enjoy the rest of your week and i will see you again next time
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 73,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, english, learning english, englishclass101, english grammar, english lessons, free english, english vocabulary, english phrases, how to learn english, speaking english, free lessons, english prepositions, by, for, to
Id: BSwdhXWS2Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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