How to express fear and uncertainty in English

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live stream my name is alicia and in this week's lesson we are going to talk about how to express fear and uncertainty this will indirectly be our halloween episode because this weekend of course is halloween so in this week's lesson i'm going to talk about some vocabulary words that are uh used to talk about fear of course and we're also going to talk about some expressions some sentences you can use to express when you feel afraid or unsure or uncertain of something okay so as you join please don't forget to hit the like button and of course share this video so that other people can find today's lesson that would be super super cool while we wait for people to join us live a couple of quick announcements as always as always the first one is about this banner at the bottom of the screen uh the team has made this 35 off sale so if you want to study with our lessons you can do that uh and get this sale price so if you want to find the information about this click the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook you will find this page right here so for all of the details to get the different details about the different plans you can scroll down on this page to find all of this right here so check this out if you want to study with us there is a 35 off sale for this live stream so check that out to enjoy that's announcement number one announcement number two is as always if you have questions for me please send them to me if you have questions for me uh that are about something different from today's lesson if you just think of something randomly while you're studying you can send it to me for this our q and a series if you haven't seen it in a while we'll have some new ones coming up very very soon but this is a screenshot from it a very old one but you can send me your questions about grammar about vocabulary about culture about prepositions about articles whatever send it to me at ask hyphen alicia i will definitely i will 100 read your question so please send it to me i will maybe choose yours i might choose yours we'll see uh and also if you have a question a good thing to do is to search the channel before you send it to maybe i have already answered it okay so if you want to do that please send it to me there is a link in the youtube description for that so check it out okay i think everything is rolling also if you want to find me on instagram and twitter this is the username you will also find this in the description everything looks good hi youtube hi garduno and hamza and jesus and santiago abdul stewardo karina hi everybody from ooh from wakatobi indonesia says triano hello facebook is over here good uh aryan hello monkeys hello jorge oh my gosh look at all these people that are here welcome everybody ali and leek from cambodia very cool okay cool it looks like everyone is here so i am going to share the lesson and get started so if you haven't please please please make sure to hit the like button and share this video so other people can find today's lesson i'm going to do that and then i'm going to start share okay cool let's get into it let's talk about today's lesson flow here's what we're going to talk about today today uh we're going to look at this so first we are going to start with vocabulary some very basic vocabulary words and the differences between them second we are going to talk about some basic patterns you can use to express fear and lastly we are going to talk about uh some uncertainty expressions and for fun some escape expressions so maybe you've heard a lot of these expressions in scary movies and in like media already um so i hope we can talk about them and answer your questions of course send your questions live in the chat okay let's get started let's begin with basic vocabulary for this lesson let's talk about basic vocabulary i want to start this lesson uh with a key vocabulary uh or grammar review that is the difference between scary and scared the difference between scary and scared let's start with the word scary scary something that is scary is something that causes a person to feel fear fear so this is a noun it means that feeling of oh no something bad is going to happen okay something that is scary causes a person to feel fear for example that movie was scary or her boss is scary okay so a person can be scary right that movie was scary her boss is scary that caused me to feel fear okay let's compare this to scared with an ed at the end scared so scared is the feeling that refers to the feeling of being afraid right so scared is an emotion scary is something outside us yeah a movie another person a situation scared is an emotion we feel okay the feeling of being afraid okay for example i'm scared turn on the lights i'm scared turn on the lights or she's scared of snakes right so in other words snakes make her feel afraid okay so we cannot just change scary and scared we can't do that for example her boss is scared doesn't mean her boss causes fear right that means her boss has the emotion of fear this changes the meaning of the sentence okay so scary is the cause right the cause of the fear scared is the emotion we feel okay so please please please try to keep this in mind scared and scary are different okay some examples are coming in my homework is scary it could be maybe your homework causes you to feel fear okay your homework is scary okay some other examples are coming in commonwealth says i was scared of public speaking nice daphne says snakes are scary so i am scared of snakes yeah scared of don't forget this preposition we're going to practice this pattern later how do you express the things you are scared of okay facebook i don't see example sentences from you yet but please feel free to send some if you like okay uh apado says you scared me yes you can use you scared me i'm going to talk about that in part two also uh tommy says my mother is scary oh okay nice one good example sentences miguel says after the class i'm going to watch a scary movie okay cool cool uh labcond on facebook says i'm scared of the dark i'm scared of the dark we use the dark that's an interesting expression we're going to talk about that in part two nice examples okay let's go to the next two words i wanted to include these because of the season it's halloween this week so i wanted to talk about these uh two words that are like uh that are related to this topic so first is creepy creepy this is an adjective creepy so creepy refers to someone or something that causes a feeling of unease unease what is unease ease maybe you can hear ease right here sounds like easy right so ease means you feel kind of easy you feel relaxed right on means not yeah so not easy or not relaxed so creepy means someone or something that makes you feel not relaxed like you feel something's a little strange or something's a little off and a little scary usually here so for example that guy is creepy that guy is creepy i don't feel relaxed around him or old houses are creepy yeah so you don't feel relaxed with these things yeah so we use creepy to describe that feeling scary it's like i'm afraid i want to run away but creepy is just like doesn't seem right yeah so we use creepy to explain this feeling okay creepy finally finally the word haunted i wanted to include haunted because we use this a lot in media for sure haunted this is another adjective haunted means a place where ghosts are right so like a house or uh like a scary place in the forest i don't know i don't i don't really like horror movies they're i'm really not very good at watching scary things but haunted haunted means a place where ghosts or spirits or something lives like strange things happen in that place we usually use haunted to talk about a location so a location is haunted that means a location has ghosts okay for example let's go to the haunted house let's go to the haunted house so you maybe you've seen this a haunted house around this time of year in the usa is not a real haunted house like it's a it's kind of like an amusement park just for fun so usually like people in the community create this scary house just for fun to go into as families so a haunted house is a popular attraction at this time of year another one is your apartment haunted is your apartment haunted that means does your apartment have ghosts in it so haunted is a very common word at this time of year for talking about places with ghosts and spirits okay all right some other examples are coming in lots of you are using creepy that man with the mustache looks creepy says zach okay great or that room is creepy says miguel good um a laratam says haunted cemetery yeah a cemetery that is a very very common place for hauntings and things like that okay um oh be careful i saw somebody i missed it on facebook wrote hunted not not hunted but haunted don't forget this a here haunted house yeah a haunted house okay good aditi says i'm scared of haunted places nice combination of the two okay looks good yeah some people are riding hunted not hunted it's not hunted haunted h-a-u haunted house haunted house someone wrote my teacher is creepy tabi muhammad on facebook does that mean me am i creepy maybe okay so haunted haunted okay great so these are some key vocabulary words we're going to practice these two a lot in today's lesson so let's go to a quick break and then we'll go to part two expressing fear okay if you missed it earlier please check out the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video on facebook the team has created a 35 off sale so if you want all of the details about the different parts of the plans you can check the link below or above the video you will get this page right here so check this out for all the details if you want to study with our courses so if you're interested take a look okay uh if you're just joining today's lesson is about how to express fear and uncertainty so don't forget if you haven't yet to hit the like button and share the video so that other people can find today's lesson okay let's go to part two now part two so in part two we're going to practice some sentence patterns okay so uh in this part we're going to focus on fear so in part three we're going to talk about uncertainty in this part let's talk about expressing fear fear so two patterns some of you in the chat already uh use these but to express your fear to express something you feel afraid of this is the basic sentence pattern i'm afraid of noun phrase or i'm scared of noun phrase we use both of these words here you can choose i'm afraid of or i'm scared of in if you want to like talk about really like a like something scary like a scary movie or something like that we use scared more if you want to talk about like general life things that maybe make you worried use afraid okay so let's look at some examples i'm afraid of the dark i'm afraid of the dark this uh right here someone mentioned earlier this expression we always use the dark the dark it's a set expression it means just dark situations like night time we always use i'm afraid of the dark so it always takes uh the definite article there i'm afraid of the dark another one i'm afraid of heights heights so maybe you can see height in this word yeah heights always we always use it in the plural form in this expression heights means tall places i'm afraid of tall places so like a really big skyscraper if you go inside and look out it feels that's that scary feeling we express that with i'm afraid of heights heights always plural i'm afraid of heights okay next i'm afraid of small spaces small spaces small spaces so like in a very small elevator maybe or some place you don't have body space right small spaces for advanced learners this is called claustrophobia claustrophobia so i'm afraid of small spaces okay next one uh i am scared of snakes i used this before i'm scared of snakes or i'm scared of spiders those things that make you jump right you see them like outside you're like you could say i'm scared of snakes or i'm scared of spiders juan carlos says i'm afraid of scorpions good cloth says i'm afraid of growing older alone yeah that's a common one too people said i'm afraid of the virus sure okay good okay some people oh lots of lots of good examples are coming in alaradam says i'm afraid of getting rejected totally yeah common one um i'm afraid of failure says rudy great good examples um jay bond says i'm scared of cockroaches me too i hate cockroaches they're so gross i don't like them okay lots of people are writing scorpions as well afraid of scorpions good examples everybody alright nice okay lots of good examples so now let's go to the second pattern we can flip this this pattern here to talk about that thing that causes fear in a different way so you can choose the pattern the second pattern you can use is noun phrase is or are depending on this is or are really scary or just scary that's that's okay too for example the movie is really scary right we practiced this earlier the movie is really scary so scary means it causes me to feel fear the movie is really scary or big spiders are really scary right plural big spiders are really scary or my neighbor is really scary so you can use this pattern to talk about other things in your life that you think oh that's kind of scary so use this basic pattern one of these two basic patterns to express your fear okay good lots of examples are coming in i'm afraid of heights i'm afraid of rats i'm scared of rats sorry good the movie is really scary good good good good okay finally let's finish part two with a few expressions a couple expressions and one verb pattern too someone else in the chat earlier said you scared me you scared me yeah this right here uh this scared this is used as a verb okay so earlier we talked about adjective use of scared we also use this as a verb you scared me means you caused me to feel fear so we use this after someone surprises us like they jump out from behind something i don't know what they do someone surprises us we often respond like we scream or something and say oh you scared me you scared me so not scare but you scared past tense you scared me okay next one you might also hear this one after or you might use this after someone surprises you it's don't scare me like that or just don't scare me so don't scare me like that so like for example after you watch a scary movie maybe your friends or someone they i don't know they tease you or they jump out at you you could say don't scare me or don't scare me like that so these two are used in response to something scary when you're like you want to express that to like your friend or your family member or someone yeah you scared me okay last point uh the last point for part two is a verb pattern i want to talk about this verb pattern so we talked up here about adjectives using um these adjectives plus a noun phrase how do you talk about a verb like an action you're afraid of right here i'm afraid to infinitive verb phrase infinitive again the dictionary form yeah so no change to the verb here for example i'm afraid to go inside i'm afraid to go inside the house yeah like a haunted house situation i'm afraid to go inside so here's my infinitive yeah to go or i'm afraid to walk in the dark i'm afraid to walk in the dark or i'm afraid to leave my house i'm afraid to leave my house so this part infinitive is here go walk and leave so not leaves or relieved or leaving nope to go to walk to leave i'm afraid to leave my house okay so use this for a verb some action you're afraid of doing okay um someone wacko on youtube right don't scary me with snakes please don't scare scare verb yeah scary is the adjective so scare is a verb also we need to use it as a verb here okay cool great um nando says is startle the same as scare startle is i would say they're different yes but when in the moment when we react we might feel they're the same thing startle is like a quick jump like something surprised you quickly i was startled or that startled me scare is kind of like deeper like we thought something bad was going to happen to us maybe some there was something dangerous startle is like lighter in my mind yeah good question okay are you live yes i am live hello okay let's go to our next break and then we'll go to the last part about uncertainty and escape expressions okay uh if you missed it earlier there is a sale that you can find from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube check out this banner the 35 off banner if you want to study with us you can find the link below the video on youtube or above the video on facebook you will find this page so scroll down here to find the details about the different plans that we have if you want to study with us you can choose based on this info here so check it out if you want to study english with our lessons that would be awesome okay uh let's go to the final part then okay the last part is about expressing uncertainty uh and talking about escape expressions and if you haven't please please please make sure to hit the like button yeah and share this video so other people can find it all right let's talk about uncertainty let's break this downward first it's in the title of today's lesson uncertainty so inside uncertainty we talked about un earlier certain is in here yeah certain so certain means sure right when we feel 100 about something i am certain i am sure uncertain means not sure right so expressing uncertainty refers to expressing that feeling of not being sure about something when you're not sure of something how do you express that okay so we have this first one i'm not sure right i'm not sure i have here this ellipsis i'm not sure about this or i'm not sure about that this is a common expression in like movies and tv before something bad happens yeah i'm not sure i'm not sure about this i'm not sure about that you can use this to express uncertainty usually about a plan someone's idea something like that i'm not sure or you can use this to mean i don't know also like hey do you know where this station is i'm not sure so you are not certain right uncertain okay next one is i don't think that's a good idea i don't think that's a good idea okay so someone shares their idea and you want to say no so i don't think that's a good idea i don't think that's a good idea okay so you're not certain again you're not 100 sure okay next one is this question phrase it as a question make a question are you sure are you sure so this kind of dot dot dot you'll see we use this in speech also to show we have a low level of certainty are you sure are you sure about that so use it as a question to express that uncertainty okay uh this next one is like a negotiation question right so you think um you're not sure can we talk about it can we talk about it or can we talk about this i'm not sure can we talk about this so this means you want to have a discussion about it yeah so this is maybe in like a like a planning situation not in like a fear situation i don't know but can we talk about it i'm not sure and one more i don't have a good feeling about this i don't have a good feeling about this so i don't have a good feeling means when you think about this situation or you think about the plan you feel not great like you feel afraid or you feel something bad is going to happen you can say i don't have a good feeling about this this is common in like movies and tv yeah in like action films and horror films okay all right so i don't have a good feeling about this okay cool so those are some uncertainty expressions um [Music] others oh uh kareem writes let's think twice about that i'm not sure let's think good point so we sometimes use the expression like to think twice you might hear something like that to think twice means like to think again right to think about something more than one time uh so you might hear something like that uh it's i feel like it's not used a lot but you may see it from time to time okay so i don't have a good feeling about this all right so uh time oh my gosh time went quick as always let's go to the last part escape expressions escape expressions what does escape mean to escape means to run out of a place we are stuck in so like from jail or from prison or a haunted house or something you need to get out of a dangerous place you escape to escape okay so let's talk about some escape expressions of course run run you see this in action movies all the time right run so meaning escape we don't say escape we usually use escape after it has happened we say it like as a report like uh we we escaped the haunted house or something when we're in the moment we usually say run or let's get out of here let's get out of here so this part get out means leave yeah let's get out of here a native speed in like horror movies you probably hear this sentence really fast so they don't say let's get out of here they say let's get out of here let's get out of here so this means escape yes like i want to leave but we also use this when we leave like parties too like are you ready to go let's get out of here this can sometimes be used in like a casual friendly way so just pay attention to the situation okay last one we have to leave now we have to leave now again an action movie an action movie line we have to leave now so have to is in this yeah so like there's some responsibility it's important to leave now so we have to leave now or we have to get out of here now so you'll hear kind of a mix of these when people escape from dangerous situations okay so of course there are lots of them some of you are you're sending them uh in the chat a few of them like run let's get out of this place oh run for your life yeah good examples everybody escape all right so you can use these to talk about running away from danger ah and you can use it to just leave uh an everyday situation sometimes too yeah captain t we gotta go that's another one so lots and lots of fun expressions you can use here okay but i have to end i have gone over time as usual so we'll end there for today those are some expressions that you can use to talk about fear and uncertainty and escaping from dangerous situations so if you want to take a picture of today's lesson boards here you go we talked about vocabulary scary and scared that's the big point for today scary scared and scared and we also talked about basic sentence patterns for expressing fear and we talked about uncertainty and escape expressions too so i hope that you found something that you can use especially this week because it is halloween um but i hope you can use these and pick up on these uh in as you're experiencing media too okie dokie so i have to finish for today but i'll be back as always next week here is next week's lesson information next week i'll be back on wednesday november 3rd at 10 pm eastern standard time that is new york city time if you don't know your local time please use your google skills to find it or set a notification on youtube or on facebook or if you follow me on instagram i always share a link in my stories with a topic reminder as an update so check that out too next week i'm going to talk about how to use yet already and still so some more present perfect review there yet already and still so don't be live again next week to practice this grammar okay so i will say goodbye for this week thank you as always for all of your awesome questions and for liking and sharing the video too that was really really fun that was a super fun topic so i'll say goodbye for now don't forget if you want to check out the 35 off sale check the link below or above the video and you can also find my social media accounts there if you want to follow me on instagram and twitter so i'll say goodbye for this week enjoy the rest of your day enjoy your weekend and i will see you again
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 28,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, englishclass101, english, english language, american english, toeic, v_live_10282021
Id: f7FZfQLajV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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