Tales of Aneria: Session 0 - D&D Actual Play

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okay [Music] how's it going everybody um welcome to our official session zero for our new campaign tales of aneria um so in case you don't know us um some quick introductions my name is colby and i've been running the dnd optimized um youtube channel for uh eight nine almost nine months now um and with me are all of my friends that i play d d with so we've got mr rogers we've got uh corey we've got uh tori we've got preston that way and scott and uh yeah we're super excited to um to announce kind of what we're doing with you guys talk a little bit about um what you typically talk about in a session zero but also um introduce the world of an area who corey that's going to be our dungeon master running the game for us here um in in tales of an area has been creating and working hard on for several weeks now um even monday is my carrier oh yes months months and months so um actually the initial concept of this world spawned out of before we were even recording um sessions when we were playing the caprese of strod uh the idea of it came to be then and then i've i've had a whole year and a half to ruminate on it up until i started actually doing the work okay cool well so yeah that i mean the first thing that i really wanted to do is corey if you would maybe tell us we we know a little bit those of us who will be playing um but us and then also um the viewers a little bit about this world so that when we jump in to you know episode one we'll have a little bit of a feel for this this this world that you've created sure uh so an area is a world of rolling hills manicured forests uh everything is very uh pleasant the winters are extremely mild compared to other worlds there is no there are very few lands that are pretty harsh um there's a couple that are semi-harsh that people don't really live in but for the most part the the conditions are actually very pleasant what's real estate pricing like if i were speculating for like a second home like uh about ten to twelve thousand dollars like i don't know already with these questions that i haven't answered yet yeah like in gold at least at least 20 marks um uh basically the big the big way that an area is make what makes it calm and what makes it a little bit more easy more livable are the three gigantic rivers that run through the entire continent and kind of uh bisect one another become uh one you've got the gaias river which runs from the northern tip of the land all the way down uh to about the central point you've got the aurelius river which picks up after the central uh lake and runs all the way to the south and then you've got the river tramecules which runs uh east to west across the entire continent um the only the only real reason why the irelias and gaias are split up is just because there were three explorers that discovered the land rather than two because technically the gaias river and the aurelius river are one big river yeah like you could easily argue that but uh it's like everybody's come to know them halfway down you see the sign now it's suddenly a different name yeah it's just it's just split off a little bit uh to the east so they just named it a different river yeah and then from there any sort of river that breaks off branches off from those uh is usually given a name that evokes the river that it spawned from so um like the the guy fontaine or the trivalk river these different rivers that uh that kind of feed the land from there okay um as far as as far as the world goes uh common history only puts it at about 1300 years old there isn't there isn't too much of a there there's not a lot of like ancient empire ruins that are scattered around you you'll find a rune occasionally or some uh some long forgotten hovel that has some magic items in it um or monsters or both but as far as real kingdoms go there are very few of those most of them have spawned from a central location and into their own little individual kingdoms and such so do we know and sorry i might just interject questions and yeah that's fine maybe other people feel free to please i mean when these explorers ex discovered the continent was it inhabited already and so the people who live there just don't have like a very good like written history essentially or even oral history for that matter of of kind of their past and where they came from and things like that or like did did the people who populate the continent like sort of migrate here here or migrate or is that something that we'll find out so uh look it's a little bit combination of something you might find out about later um as you play um i would say as far as history is concerned uh a lot of the main populations a lot of the intelligence populations did migrate from um the rivers okay from you know they came down the guy after they came down the tremecules or up the aurelius um actually i want to point that out i said that the irelias run south to north or or north to south but actually runs from the south up to the north so they all converge on the central point basically except for trimecule's which continues east to west uh anyway uh there are there were a couple tribes of other creatures that were already here but weren't exactly intelligent quite yet and um the kind of appearance of people in these areas created um intelligence in those other races and it's all it's all very vague history history of those early days like everybody agrees that there were the three explorers that discovered this world but nobody really knows where they came from nobody because there's there's not really anything to do about like if you go if you go travel down the river and come out the other side you come out on the other side of the river so it's like that it's this weird the thing that nobody really ever talks about and um as as players you guys will start noticing it a little bit more because you're going to be more aware of the world but uh most people just kind of think about how weird that is for a moment and then move on just a generally accepted fact yep yeah yeah the three explorers came in and they found it and then and then towns and people started springing up and creating kingdoms and everything so interesting that's not to say there aren't ruins that uh might have weird things in them but most of most of what you'll find is uh most of those ruins in fact are closely monitored by a group known as the arcanum infinitum and uh they are kind of the big uh force of uh law mages uh you know uh magical police kind of thing that kind of monitor the world for big threats and kind of protect each of the towns most most towns have their own personal guard that has like a a smaller capacity um or no guard at all and they just rely on the arcanum to provide their security so the arcanum which uh head is headquartered out of the middle of the world where all of the rivers come converge at the place known as the beacon is sort of this shining tower of uh everything great about the world and that's where all of the all of the different uh uh forces of the arcanum come from whether it be by boat by land or notably by airship there are plenty of airships in an area as well okay so would you say that um the arcanum in sorry the arcanum infinatum is that what you said are kind of infinite uh you can just call them the arcanum that's the generally accepted term are they involved in in government at all or just more of kind of patrol and keeping peace yeah keeping peace uh they are they are more about peacekeeping than getting involved in any sort of government politics they never participated in any sort of conflict or war um usually their their domain happens to deal with um extra planar threats and extra like the only unacceptable forms of magic like necromancy isn't exactly a shunned form of magic in an area but certain types such as uh planer magic or um void magic time magic chronomancy is widely considered to be within their purview of we do not want this around and their their method their their reasoning for that is a little vague but everybody just again kind of accepts that as well just don't do just don't do time magic and you'll be okay got it yeah so but but magic is fairly prevalent it sounds like airships um you know lots of magic the the the sort of acting peacekeeping force sort of very interested in policing and controlling not just uh i guess banditry but but uh approving and disapproving of certain types of magic correct yeah and the arcanum the arcanum has their own specific laws that if you break them in front of an arcanum officer they will bring you in for it but it's never it's never anything like petty thievery if if they're the town they're working for uh says that petty thievery is bad they'll bring you in and try you with the with the local magistrate but if you start doing something uh something that the arcanum itself disapproves of then you'll be uh you'll end up in the beacon and you'll end up what do they feel about murder hoboism like every good uh every good uh organization they do not like murder hobos oh come on sorry depends on who you're murder hoboing right uh so there are a couple towns that you could probably get away with murder in so long as you stay away from the arcanum uh notably the a town such as falcon crest or a town such as uh pilfer are notable exceptions to this rule because they they refuse our cannon help on the regular uh they they they drive them out if they come in it hasn't gotten to the point where the arcanum has felt they need to push that forward but it's also at the point where the arcanum is like we know we know that there's bad stuff going on there and so we need to send something uh stealthier in in order to handle that so there's sort of the the wild west of of an area yeah a little bit of wild west there's a lot of because there's a lot of um port towns because everybody likes to live alongside the great river uh it's it's kind of like a tortuga kind of like that uh it's kind of like those those are the areas where it's a little bit lawless but it's controlled by it's controlled by people who while they may be lawless at least they're lawless for the right reasons they have a code right lines yeah exactly going back to your point about magic though uh magic items and magic in general is very prevalent uh there's it's not like wizards are uncommon in fact uh anybody can anybody can learn a couple cam trips if they really try uh basically a lot of people who end up being farmers or end up being uh craftsmen may end up to use the game turn pick up the magic initiate feat uh just to kind of help them along by grabbing like a magenta everybody has pressed the digitation and yeah you know something like that exactly yeah which is a perfect is a perfect way for most common people to get away with that oh yeah it's clean it's clean it's clean uh very heavy magic yeah as far as that goes uh there's also a big prevalent magic item distribution throughout the world you can pretty much find most common and some uncommon magic items in any in any sort of major town um or at least town any village might have a little bit of a of a hard time finding certain items but like something like a cap of water breathing is actually pretty readily available and a lot of that comes from a organization called the mel the the wellspring item co sorry uh the wells keeping item co is very much a they they distribute uh magic items throughout the lands as kind of a almost an amazon esque walmart-esque organization where you know that you're gonna get the best deals there but you might get free shipping yeah exactly and free shipping but you might get a more personal touch if you go two minute shipping they could just port it right to your house um however there are groups of people who shun magic and i think they're called uh massive fists if i remember correctly tori was that the name of it yep yeah masophists are groups of people who have who believe that magic is uh destroying the world it is it is literally everything that's wrong in the world so they shun it in all forms and and they try to seclude themselves away sort of like an amish i was going to say they're the amish of an area but instead of technology is magic so which what is technology if not magic that other people don't understand so yeah i mean speaking of technology i'm curious to know how prevalent or maybe sort of what what is the state of technology in the world as far as i mean are we talking is it like steam punky is there a lot of like gadgetry and and artifice artifacts yeah artists thank you um so a lot of there is a lot of artifice in my world if anybody knows me what you all do you know that i love me some good uh steampunky some good like ancient tech kind of thing um so that's why that's why we've got airships uh a lot of it is magically based so you'll get like uh you'll get somebody with a with what's essentially a gun but it's really just a scorching ray gem inside of a inside of a thing to fire it uh it's not it's not prevalent enough that everybody has a scorching ray gun or can get one um but there are plenty of artificers and artifice is pretty prevalent i think in one of the towns in one of the descriptions that i've already written i describe uh kind of this lattice work of gears and cogs above the town square whirly clamps and whatnot that help transport goods back and forth kind of thing but and i wouldn't say it's like this i won't say that there's any sort of like technological boom everybody still uses crossbows um gunpowder there's no there there might be a little bit of gunpowder that somebody like pays a lot of money for but i haven't like there's no real prevalent uh civilization that uses gunpowder and mo and most of this stuff is this all recent stuff or is it stuff that uh all recent um i mean but yeah everything's recently like is it something that that uh they just had technology or was there it was a building up to civilization or is that something we'll find out that's something you'll have to find out a lot of it again a lot of a lot of it when it comes to history aneria is very vague on like how do we get from point a to point b and somebody goes we just did and then we move on you know like kind of thing um i would say that as far as artifice goes there has been a ramping up in recent years probably in the last hundred years or so you've seen a little bit more uh of a of a bump up in airship quality in different sort of artifice there's been a lot more i think around 200 years ago uh the meadstead mead company started deploying their beer golems across the world uh which are just barrels of of alcohol with uh robotic limbs that kind of move and float from place to place to deliver their goods i don't even drink beer but that sounds like the most delicious golem ever right and then about i'd say about i'd say about 150 years ago in last stop one of the towns you had the forming of the free wind scrappers which is a group of mercenaries that specifically have personalized aircraft ornithopters airships you know kind of these magical fighters that help you that can help you uh from your journey from uh one place to another so what other like major organizations are there my my impression is that there's not really countries like we think of them maybe maybe a couple of city-state like places but but yeah tell us tell us about the sort of the other any other major organizations and or like um i guess political sure you know conglomerations going going kind of uh from the eastern side of the map here and uh you may be seeing that or you may have seen it already maybe we'll put it back up oh i'll put it up a couple of times throughout yeah and uh we will have a link down in the description where you can explore an area too um but moving from the eastern side of the map we've got manaport which is a a city that was collected around basically the wellspring item company uh created their company here and people just started living here and eventually it became a city that was that's run by it's run by a council of mages um they they kind of have a a small city-state that kind of floats in the sky um you've got the biggest city of the mall or the biggest i guess kingdom of the mall is what you would call it at this point is uh terrebonne and they're ruled by 11 different house families kind of that came together uh they conquered they conquered both sides of the tremecules and kind of create this gigantic city the biggest city that you'll find in all of an area and then they they control everything uh probably the down south eastern uh the long run or down south the long road uh through bell's watch and uh willow creek hollow i think is the other major town along that road and then once you get to once you get to six hills it's pretty much just individual like town that run themselves based on like um a mayor or a bailion or you know something a burger meister you know something like that um so a lot of like the virgin farmlands six hills saul's port they're all run by individual people um you've got a small underwater city uh called etiquette etiquette i'm gonna get this ereco the nathan is what it's called and that's home to uh one of the custom species called the etiquette that are basically um they're sharp people i guess is the easiest way to describe them uh the the the males look very much like a great white or a bull shark and the females are much like like a nurse shark not or a tiger shark not that there's anything wrong with being a nurse shark uh it's a respectable career and better than a doctor shark so uh moving across the uh aurelius river though you've got the pounce win prairie which doesn't have any sort of formal structure but there are dozens if not hundreds of tribes of wasteland elves centaurs leonine tobaccy uh orcs uh goblins anything that you can imagine um lives in the pounceman prairies and they kind of just all live a nomadic lifestyle and then they all trade at a a small mesa called littleton that is uh near our next location and one thing that i want to stop and note here is just because goblins and orcs and centaurs and all of those live here it does not mean that they don't also live in the civilized areas that's one thing that i wanted an area to be very specific on is uh any race can live anywhere there there never has really been a sort of prejudice against any races i'm sure there's uh there's stereotyping that happens like in everything um but one of the one of the main families in the town of six hills is a goblin clan and they they basically run an entire town on their own so it's it's one of those things where uh just because i say that there's tribes of orcs there could also be a tribe of humans that live in the pounds when prairie and it just isn't it just isn't one of those things where it's because they've been relegated to these monstrous roles tribe of canku who are like the jawas yep exactly a little bit of a triumph of canku i actually just created a a family of canku that uh specifically raise uh bounders which are these giant rabbit creatures um and they live in six hills as well i've done a lot in six hills in case you'll hear me talk about that a lot just because uh that is where we're going to start our campaign spoilers uh and anyways after after uh littleton there's a small forest uh well i would say small but it's not really small it's growing larger every day uh but it's not big enough to yet show on the map um but it is a collection of uh everything fae everything the elves rule there with uh different animal spirits and different uh nymphs pixies everything like that they all kind of form a grand council uh together and then you've got the maligoth mountains which is a which is home to a lot of your mountainous tribes and is a home to malaga city which is the main home of the dwarfs and i think there's also giants that live there and ogres and such uh as well they kind of all have an alliance throughout the mountains so yeah and then kind of moving north we've got uh the shifting dunes which is a kind of your most deserty area a lot of the runes that you would find are going to be here um i'll use a lot of the runes that aren't already claimed by um the arcanum and then you've got big town which is sort of your it's sort of a uh it's a tent city but it is a city in its own right and it's sort of the place that you go if you need something anything and they'll have it there for you uh beyond that you've got the ungolan marshlands which is uh probably where you'll find most of your uh most of your uh inhospitable tribes your hags will end up being there uh there's evil tribes of pretty much every race imaginable that all kind of have this weird hierarchy that nobody understands but they all kind of serve a a singular entity and then the other major city on the map uh besides besides some smaller towns like terrasburg falcon crest um is archduke and archdem is sort of a marvel of engineering that was created by engineers from uh maligot that left to kind of make a make a giant bridge over one of the rivers that was the original goal and they ended up just reinforcing it and building a full city on top of it and created their own society there nice awesome so um how like as far as the the scope of of this continent because i'm looking at the map here like what would you say you know the the length of the tremeculees might be if you had to ballpark it from you know in kilometers uh for our international viewers i would say let's see this is a question that i've been i've been debating on for a while um maybe in days of travel yeah i am going to i'm going to leave that intentionally vague uh to save myself a headache later trying to figure out how long something's going to be travel wise or uh having somebody in the comments say well they should have been able to get there yeah like everything is by plot i would say that an area is not a big world though i i guess the the maybe the main reason why i ask is because when i look at for example terrebonne right it's it's obviously like a big city but i'm guessing it's not it doesn't actually take up like a tenth of the continent or whatever like it is it is definitely not to scale that's to show just how large the city is um i would say that uh someone in terrebonne drew that map and they wanted terrebonne to be like of course it's the biggest best city ever yeah the the individual great rivers themselves probably span a width that would almost qualify them as oceans so you might you might set sail from one side of the river and take a couple days to get to the other side um if you're just going straight across and they're they're deep enough that there are giants that cannot that came across them without a boat um i i think i think in fact every every single giant as it's listed in the monster manual cannot um cannot cross the river and end up on the other side wait let me let me make sure i understood that so you're saying like if i went from one bank of the river tramecules to the other bank it would take a couple of days by boat it could take a couple days not going from like the east end of the river to the west end correct yeah that's much better than i thought that is why they are called the great rivers and they may they may have been just oceans in their own right if not for the fact that like as far as it goes like you could technically and a day into that journey already see the other side of it you know kind of thing so so there are there are there are ways to be uh not lost at sea but there are ways to be kind of out at sea with no land or sure if you want it to be you know international waters and all that right um so i guess i guess that makes archdum a much more impressive feat of uh engineering in my mind it is not it is not a wide city but it is a long city so and they they did build it on one of the smaller parts just uh because but it is one of those cities that uh they definitely built it as a how far can we go you know kind of thing and that is if you're looking for a tinkertown you're going to find it in arsenal that is that is where a good congregation of uh tinkers live so my question is then with all these different like city-states and kingdoms and villages obviously there's got to be some sort of tensions between some of these right like there's any are there any wars interestingly enough the people get along a little a little well um there have been conflicts notably uh terrebonne itself has a lot of internal conflict between the great houses uh that sometimes spills over into the streets uh they also had the the biggest war between any uh any sort of major faction was between archdem and their uh the the city on the other bank that lasted for uh i mean terrebonne yeah terrebonne uh the terrebonne hero deal war lasted for about four years um as far as conflicts go you'll get a little bit of pushback uh specifically falconcrest and terrasburg each hate each other uh that's more of like a football rivalry than anything else there they both just think the other is uh complete ridiculousness and terrebonne notably has a specific uh view of what they what they see as uncivilized cultures uh in such as the palestinian prairie and everything that there's a lot of tension there um beyond that most of the most the conflict that you will see in an area at least at the at the start here uh is going to be between something like the emerald wilds which is a huge jungle that cert nearly surrounds terrebonne and terrebonne itself and they'll be you'll see that they're pretty much at the center of a lot of the different conflicts they like to poke and prod the beach doesn't work yeah so um anything else you want to tell us about the world before we jump into kind of figuring out where we are when the when the scene opens and who we are for that matter sure um i would say that an area is a land of mystery obviously i've had to be a little bit vague here and if you've been listening you've been noticing um there's a lot beneath the surface that may not click properly with uh with your uh own cognitive abilities um there may be some different things that are going on uh notably one other oh i guess another conflict that we can actually discuss is the appearance of void rifts in the past 500 years and void rifts are very much a they're very much a terror in reality that spills something through um and notably not only has it been things like an undead spilling out or some sort of uh beast from an aberration plane or something like that a beholder coming through or something um the hordes of the monstrous which everybody may recognize uh has also been using these void rifts to kind of uh sneak into an area and enact uh different various plots so not like a full-scale invasion from augma or anything yep interestingly enough no you would think that augma would have already launched an invasion but it it seems like either the arcanum's quick response to these void rifts that open up because they do respond to any uh tears in reality that they can sense um or some other factor is going into the fact that uh an area hasn't seen a proper invasion from uh foreign forests and and for those who don't know sorry augma and and the this horde was introduced in our 10k gauntlet right cory hold up your finger right there right right there um and uh for everybody who thought that was just a joke i never joke about my about my characters that i create aqua is all powerful and all-knowing and you may see him again um and then the other major event that has happened uh is probably happened i think it was three years ago if my history if my own timeline in my head is correct um that suddenly in the western sky of an area uh purple cracks began to appear and it happened there was this low uh rumble the sound that everybody heard throughout an area and then the skyline was uh cracked essentially with tendrils of purple magic that seemed to be riding up almost as if they were trying to grab the sun uh but at the same time they stopped and it's just created a spur of what is this going on right now the arcanum has put a has put a definite uh team on it and most other magical societies are uh turning their attention towards that crack they're cracking you said that it was three years ago yeah okay specifically what would be equivalent to about september or october of uh our our timeline okay but it's not growing and nothing bad seems to be coming out of it as far as the common people can tell yep nobody knows really what happened but uh it hasn't sort of like nothing's been spilling out of malagath or anything like that there's just been sort of this uh sort of this crack in the sky and nobody knows what it is well cool exciting super interesting and super exciting yeah yeah i'm i'm hoping that and again if there's if there's questions that you have that i haven't been able to answer uh such as the the scale thing it's just because i've been thinking about it and it's easier for me to leave it vague until the last possible moment um because like because like me saying something like oh yeah it takes a day or two to get from one bank to the other and then you'd be like oh yeah archdem it is pretty long then it made me go i guess archduke would have to be really long and these are things that i am not a i am not a uh a planetologist i don't know uh length nearly as well so you may see some inconsistencies but that's just because i'm not a professional get off my back red cons will be numerous yeah exactly cool well um okay well why don't you why don't you lead us through our our our session zero sure what else do we need to talk about so i think the next thing that we probably want to talk about is you guys i i describe my character which is the entire world but i want to hear about each of your individual characters and i want i want everybody to get formally introduced to them uh colby since it's your channel i think it's only right that uh you start us off with uh who you're playing and uh i wouldn't say you have to give uh too big of a description a physical description like kind of go into a few details if you if you have something cool you want to talk about um same with backstory uh there may be some things that you want to keep a secret uh or that we reveal later but uh you can kind of give a vague idea of your backstory as well if you want as much or as little as you want to do i'll keep it a little high level for now um so i am playing a a half elf half dwarf or a dwelt as well as they are commonly called uh how is that possible let's go because it's a custom lineage oh let's go into our first house rule here um just to just declare up i have allowed custom lineage to basically adopt up to two uh ancestries to pull from uh for for the for the uh for females purposes yeah initial feats yep so uh you may see a couple custom lineage characters here in fact raise your hand if you're a custom lineage uh-huh yep uh you may see a couple of them here and uh they they may be taking feats uh that may seem like they shouldn't but uh i'm allowing it because it's my game yeah so yeah so um my my dad was a dwarf and my mom was uh was an elf and basically i i come from malagoth city um i won't talk too much about my history or heritage but essentially um i am a warlock i'm going to be a hex blade and before you give me any crap about this i've actually never played a hex plating game until our temperature um true and so i'm curious to to actually explore one in in a in a in a campaign setting um i i will be multi-classing of course and the intent right now for the character is to is to to base it fairly closely on one of my builds of course from the dnd optimized playlist which is the lock-it in board yeah so so trying to to maybe focus a little bit on burst or nova damage which again i've actually never done in a character in a campaign before so um yeah it should be a lot of fun i'm looking forward to it um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait your your paladin and christmas rod was not a burst nova character no oh no oh no i gotta go i gotta go adjust some plans here having just having smite doesn't uh necessarily make you a burst character although it provides you some opportunity to to do so um but this will be much much worse sorry is there anything that you want to talk about physical description wise for your character yeah so um you know i guess i would say that she's got auburn hair uh kind of shaved on one side after the fashion of the vanguard of um the the city watch from maligoth city um and she is i mean basically you know what you would expect from someone who's half elf half dwarf right shorter than most elves stockier than most elves but thinner and more agile than most dwarves and a little taller so but facial features are more elven so it should almost look like a slightly shorter slightly stockier elf probably in a nutshell um with green eyes and olive skin and um yeah a spear and a shield what type of armor are you wearing to begin with at the beginning i'm proficient in medium armor as a hexploid so it's um scale scale male is that right scale i believe um and then is there anything about your backstory that you do want to discuss um only that i so i was sort of at the time that sarah don was born um a war was raging between the elves and the dwarves and she was sort of part of what instigated a brokered piece i guess um and that's probably it the her patron and kind of the story around why and how she's a warlock and things i think i'll allow that to come out in game perfect yeah all right cool thank you colby i appreciate that um i think next we're gonna talk with uh everybody's uh friendly neighborhood mr rogers uh mr andrews why don't you talk about your character for us all right so i'm playing ezra and he is a custom lineage character he is a half orc half wood elf so he's a quarter of something else i'm not sure breaking down barriers so he based he basically looks like an else minus he's got tusks and he's kind of got the orcish skin color but for the most part he kind of looks just like a really beefy elf notably orcs are green in an area by the way he's he's greenish he's got uh he's got that green skin that kind of gives him away he's a bell um he is a wizard uh he's kind of from a broken home um because orcs and elves that's kind of a hard thing to have so even despite like the a lack of racism on an area they are there's definitely a lot of conflict between certain races and elves in particular see themselves as a little bit hottier than most so there they may be a little bit more purification line type what no way um he's pretty tall he's like six two maybe he's got that you know that work in him um as far as backstory i think i wanna kind of let most of this just come out in game um he's he's a little bit socially awkward um as most wizards are or people who are just very studious so um he might not be very handy in a fight and might not be really good at uh talking his way out of anything so as a wizard he's probably had a little bit of formal training is that correct yeah so i guess i'll reveal he um he studied at the talazam academy which is like one of the universities that kind of feeds into the arcanum and he was kind of on a fast track program to become a law mage but um we'll see why he's not yeah and uh do you want to do you want to discuss anything about uh who he lived with when he was growing up or do you want to leave all that for uh private times um yeah so he lived with his dad for for most most of his life um and i guess we'll just kind of leave it there um for right now yeah yeah that's completely like a smile that's gonna support that uh and notably like this is interesting as far as session zero goes because you guys are all starting out at level one um a lot of your paths will be revealed soon but not quite yet um specifically uh the ezra's path and uh i think uh well colby's path is pretty clear but like a few of you have have sort of like vague ideas and ideas of what you where you want to go but we're not quite there yet so but thank you thank you mr rogers um tori our lovely dungeon mistress are you ready to talk about your character sure so my character her name is evoja but she goes by and she is a half elf i'm we're going paladin and she is i don't want to give up away too much powder yeah i don't know so uh give me give me a little bit of a physical description uh then like everybody's so secretive in this game [Laughter] so she she's quite young first of all um about 20 years old i would say and she has beautiful long dark brown hair with like crystal blue eyes and i'm [Music] she is going to be really fun to play cool um and as far as like a characterization goes forward you want to talk about anything about personality wise that you might be uh or do you want to leave that for uh for session as well um yeah i would say that she people are definitely drawn to her um she she does command attention um but in a very um humble way okay not like she's seeking out the attention more like it's just the fact that i guess sort of uh snow white sort of disney princess asked not to like belittle that or anything but sort of one of those things where the character themselves is the draw rather than them trying to be entertaining or trying to be uh political or anything like that she doesn't walk around being like i'm so humble look at me look at how humble i am yeah it's more about like she'll walk into a square and immediately three people will be like i want to go talk to that person they look yes yes and i think some of it has to do with her beauty i think people are naturally drawn to her because of that um but also she just has sort of this innate confidence that people are drawn to that they're like that that's a person that i want to know okay and then just for everybody else at home going back to mr rogers how old is ezra abouts i'd say he's probably early 20s early 20s there and then um how old is uh ceredon she's 54 so still young by elf and even dwarf years so with uh and sorry i maybe i should have mentioned her personality wise i'm i'm probably going for someone a little um pretty light-hearted pretty um curious pretty whimsical um maybe a little prankster-ish okay that's that's my starting point at least we'll see if i if i continue on that now if you had if you had to give um your character a human equivalent just because people need to compare things to humans all the time what what what age about yeah teenager no i'd say like you know maybe similar to tori like 1920 21 okay thereabouts okay as far as maturity level yeah and then miss rogers um for ezra uh are there any personality traits that you want to kind of embody or are you are you waiting until um mostly he's just kind of like socially awkward like i said it just he's so so just worried about studying and becoming the best wizard so that's kind of he maybe is a little standoffish maybe even a little bit like condescending but not because he's meaning to he just doesn't understand like social cues and like social norms like he he just doesn't quite pick up on that kind of stuff perfect all right um let's go ahead and let's go ahead and talk to my brother hey scott how's it going hi uh good i am playing a war forged an artificer is my class and my character's name is bolt and bolt has been uh wandering around an area for a good long while uh decades at this point um 75 80 yeah yeah they've gathered a whole bunch of information about the world they're very inquisitive they love information facts data that kind of thing so every time they go to a new town they love to be like where's the library you know i want to see i want to see the history of this town i want to see you know talk to some people that have been around a long time and uh because they're so well traveled they've uh made a lot of friends over the years um you know it's one of those like i know a guy type of people you know and especially in towns that they've already been um bolt is about seven foot six seven four seven six pretty tall pretty big uh obviously made metal cause warforged and um uh like 400 pounds so big beefy boy right um and yeah yeah just kind of uh mostly quiet most of the time doesn't doesn't talk a lot but isn't isn't shy or anything you know just more observant just i'm just going to observe what's going on here you know unless there's something fairly important to say or something they want to know for sure what what color of metal like what what what what's the halloween yeah so his uh i keep saying his sorry warforger just he's basically genderless so not a he not a she the gender is metal give us forgive us in advance for slipping up if we probably yeah that's fine that's fine i'll do it too all the time um but uh their skin tone their skin tone or what it would be the equivalent or skin tone is is kind of like a like a dull copper right not you know copper is really shiny uh and then when it gets kind of patinaed it gets that that it's not the green not the green uh it hasn't gone green yet but yeah it hasn't it hasn't uh eroded or anything like that corroded uh but it gets like a patina where it's really dull and it's almost kind of splotchy that makes sense i can i can show you guys pictures later but uh copper looks really cool after it's been patented for a while so which kind of shows shows their age you know they've been around the block a little bit so uh carries a shield um i think when we're starting the adventure you have a club too is that correct uh shield and uh trusty mace actually yeah perfect um and then uh that brings us to uh one more good point um but we'll get into that after we get to our last person uh is there anything else that you want to reveal about uh bolt at this time is there is there a specific reason why he likes history or anything like that um bolt's always been drawn to it just kind of always wanted to know [Music] you know what's happened uh in in the areas or in the towns um essentially i guess i can tell a slight bit of the back story uh bolt basically woke up in a scrap pile doesn't know does not don't know how they got there they don't know how you know who put them there or if they were just randomly assembled at a magic type of thing you know so that's kind of one of the driving forces somebody dumped a bucket of magic waste on that child and like hey you look at warforged exactly [Laughter] yeah um so that's one of the driving forces is kind of like kind of find out like uh what happened to them how did they come to be like what's going on that kind of deal so cool yeah alrighty uh and then uh last but saved saved for a specific reason so not least uh preston why don't you go ahead and talk about uh your character victor is his name he is a um his mother and father his mother was an air genoci his father was a fire genoci um so it was a custom lineage um he no no no you're like i'm just basically all gennasie all gennasie yeah just like a steamy voice so um from a physical perspec from a physical perspective for anyone who's played destiny if you know who aldrin saab is he has a very similar kind of pale blue complexion kind of golden amber eyes that that um are very kind of stark i guess against that he has kind of a darker or not darker but like kind of a whitish grayish not from age but just the simple like kind of um colors of the arijanasi through his hair um he is um i think i haven't written down his six feet let me look real quick he is he is a male uh so he identifies as he him uh he's six feet he's got he's about 22 10 pounds he's 22 years old um yeah yeah so except for pulp like you guys are all like just so i was going to have bailed but the but um but basically um he is he is a member of a one of the fourth ring he is not of the first i think he's of the uh the first gui of the eight rings uh which is essentially an organization that is a nomadic tribes yeah it's like a bunch of nomadic tribes around the world a bunch of different people they they do have a a kind of like a not really a seat of power but like a place that they tend to congregate in a large kind of amphitheater in the malaga mountains uh that you may or may not learn about um and um he's basically his whole ideal is that he is he is very um his parents were very dogmatic they were very they he was grown up in what's called the creed um and this creed essentially you can think of it as kind of like mandalorians a little bit where it's it's just very very um what do you want to call that uh there's a high bar of entry and if it's it's a very zealous people yeah they they adhere to tradition really hard yeah they do everything it's very it's very bushy yeah yeah it's very samurai for sure and so each of these each of those um but um his it he yeah essentially so without getting too deep into stuff i want to again let that kind of flesh out um he's he's he starts out kind of a little bit he has this this eagerness to perform it to be you know like to do well um and that sometimes gets his his blind ambition kind of gets him a little fur kind of stops him um he is actually wearing a a cursed mask so to speak that um he is blind and so he is not able to see um and through whatever else you'll find out um but he is a yeah i think i think actually we need to do a little bit more discussion about what that means uh because you are playing you are playing a rogue and you are playing a uh specifically a uh rogue that does ranged attacks so um instead of what we have is we have a um and and uh president and i have talked about this extensively so we've kind of worked out the system here but uh the blindfold actually gives you was it blindside or was it tremor sense it was blind saying because it's based on air and it is the air janasi um but it's with with 10 feet it's very good so he's got 10 feet of blind site instead of his normal thing so he will be taking disadvantage on certain attacks uh he has certain other ways in order to kind of extend that range uh including a little bit of like echolocation that we've discussed uh specifically for his character and uh specifically if you're okay with me getting into it right now unless you had a little bit more that you wanted to talk about no i mean he he has daggers with him um he's all about the blade and like making sure that he's he's very um he's constantly like sharpening the blade constantly polishing it constantly checking on the gear um not in like a neurotic way but in just a very ceremonious like every day this is the it needs to happen um and his his goal and his aim is he wants to to learn the ways of fighting from other places he's very he's very inquisitive that way um but he's also after have you know issues um that kind of led up to this blinding incident um has left him a little bit kind of preserved unsure of himself yeah and i think and uh so specifically what i wanted to discuss is that uh we have created a custom subclass for you once you get to i think rogues get it at level three uh based on one of the professions of an area uh called the knife dancer and these are these are basically people who have psionic connections with their blades and are able to uh wield them with thoughts and with magic um so we'll get into a little bit more about what that does when we get to that point maybe we'll even do like a shorts episode or something where we talk about the knife dancer because uh special thanks to preston and colby for helping me work on this class and try and balance it but keep in mind that like like everything else i i have the ability and i will rent on and tweak it as needed uh there will be patches to an area if needed it's it's it's pretty cool i uh reading it i was kind of like i want to play a knife dancer this community is probably going to be the best place to break that so oh yeah i i have i haven't done that you guys will think it's too overpowered um as far as that goes it's my game i can make an overpowered home through and if there's anybody that i would put that in the hands of it would be preston yeah no well no definitely not okay president you're gonna have this sunsword all right what are you gonna do with it well instead of hitting him with that i'm gonna swing it around and make it play music on it all right cool um preston was there anything else that you wanted to talk about um my guys uh since he's kind of been kicked out he's trying to make his way as a urban bounty hunter so he so he has been kicked out of the eight reigns we did we did want to mention that as well yeah he well he yeah he's basically been until you you meet a certain criteria don't bother coming back yeah and um yes a quest a specific quest and that actually brings us uh to the next point that we can talk about which is uh where you guys are at where you're gonna start and everything that kind of leads up to that first session so uh as far as an area goes there are certain there are certain events that people always want to attend um you always want to go whenever a new whenever new king is crowned in malaga city which doesn't happen that often people from far and wide want to go there uh big town always has something going on everybody should take a trip out to the ruby oasis at least once in their lives but uh it's pretty pricey so good luck that's more of a rich person thing i suppose than anything else uh you should always visit manaport like everybody should at least go to metaport once it's like new york right um but i think one of the area bucket list yeah the an area bucket list and i think one of the biggest things is uh everybody loves the festival of six hills uh which is uh where you guys are all going to be starting in about i believe it's called fall the month is full fol um and it is a time of harvests it's a time of festivals and most importantly to six hills it is the it is the anniversary for their uh their binding together of the different townships uh six six hills which is essentially five different hills and a valley the valley is the sixth hill it's just upside down they each uh founded small settlements on these individual hills and kind of kind of started a classic uh rivalry that turned into more that turned into a full out battle and it was it was uh it was about 60 years ago the battle lasted for about two hours and it ended with um a goblin named bailin who had just lost his wife uh to this riot essentially um calming people down and bringing people together in a truce and binding these five towns into one single uh city-state you know uh federation conglomerate uh united states if you will of um individual places called six hills and they created the sixth town at that point which is known as baylen's birth and now all trade basically goes which was the main point was uh trade disputes they all go into baylen's birth and then baylen's birth is the export import town basically and uh on their first year anniversary they created the festival at six hills in order to honor those uh lost in the battle and to honor their their people finally getting over their uh individual issues and coming together and for the next 60 years this has been going on each year and each year it's been bigger than the last uh people come from all over an area uh usually usually the the bulk of the people come from uh the southern or the south eastern portion uh everything everywhere from terrebonne to salesport uh notably this year spoiler alert adequate thinnathan has some people coming from it uh some special guests and everything some shark people yep um so be on the lookout um when when we get to it and there's a couple different events that go on each individual town either contributes to or creates their own individual contest of might or wit or just general speed most notably the uh the festival bounder bash no the brew bash but the bounder race that like there's this huge race season that culminates in this final sort of crown where these boundaries again gigantic rabbits that can hold medium-sized creatures or smaller uh usually usually the people who ride them the bastard small creatures uh but they they have their finale here where one person takes home what's called the diamond cup and everybody everybody comes to see it it is yeah it's almost like uh the the kentucky derby the you know one of those yeah one of those wonderful things so when they do they ride them with like saddles or do they sit inside their pouches uh they have pouches like a kangaroo so they're they're rabbits so no they're not marsupials uh but they some some do saddle uh there are a couple that uh that ride on more of a wild bounder um one guy that hangs underneath on the stomach that's it faster yeah he's definitely not in the final that's for sure but everybody loves him just the same um the brew bash competition gathers together the greatest uh distilleries in all of six hills and uh arguably the world uh everybody everybody kind of agrees that if you want quantity you go with meadstead mead if you want quality you go to me or you go to uh the individual distilleries in pale been one of the six towns of sixth hills uh and they will they will provide you with some of the best most delectable delights and they compete every year and give out free samples so that everybody can enjoy and kind of compete in this uh fun spirited car are there beer golems uh there are a couple uh notably every year there are a couple mead said mead uh beer golems that are these giant kegs that wait around for people to uh offer to uh come by uh mostly they go home nearly full as far as six six hills go they are notorious uh the people are notorious for thinking that meatstead is pretty much yes um you also have a good strength competition uh that kind of comes from one of the i'm trying to remember the town name i know all the towns except for that one uh gordon vale uh basically they create these giant uh boulders they create i should say the earth elemental that lives beneath gordonville and provides them with the bulk of their uh import export of minerals uh creates these boulders for people to break open and try and win uh in a strength competition and then you've got uh you've got uh baylen's birth kind of runs the whole thing the town of border grad which is a town of uh that's kind of militaristic they put on a reenactment of the battle of six hills and its conclusion uh because they're they have the they're kind of the college town uh the milibrax college of arts and martial arts uh kind of is in that area so they they kind of put on that performance every year and then the town of littlegale which handles a lot of the uh plant growth and flowers and everything uh they put on a kind of a relay race in which you drink different potions uh to try and uh be the best and get through obstacles and that's more of a so there's a lot of there's a lot going on and it goes on within two day or with just two days so it's kind of this whirlwind of activity and uh each of you for individual reasons has never been and wants to be there specifically specifically i think um we are having sarah dane and eve will be arriving together um as a sort of pseudo-representative of the arcanum and we'll get into that a little bit more uh when we get this game i know that uh bolt and uh ezra were also planning on traveling together is that correct uh so i kind of wanted to talk to you scott about that and i don't know if you want to do it right now or you want to do that that's what session 0 is before okay cool um so basically for reasons um i'll i'll probably chat you privately after but for reasons i feel ezra feels like he needs protection okay and you look like the type of person who can offer protection yeah and you uh you find out that bolt's actually a pretty good guide as well yeah exactly very much uh they very much as you're traveling and if you look off to your right you'll see this i got that boulder 22 years ago it was it was much bigger so so i would have hired you with what little gold i have at level one to kind of get me to the place where i can blend in the best which would be a large crowd of lots of people oh yeah and from six hills once once you've gone once the festival is over that there is going to be caravans going every which way that you can probably uh meet up with and join and so we yeah we probably have like the like contract that says like you'll get me to six hills and then from there we'll kind of go our separate ways but obviously you know something's going to keep us together at some point it's just happy for a traveling companion at this point so he was like yeah hell yeah awesome and and i could mention uh cory you know as far as as my character goes saradon um she as a sort of elite i guess i would say um member of you know the vanguard of the city watch of malagoth um she was sort of given this assignment once the cracking happened right the the king himself um sort of gave her this quest essentially to head east and to find out what she could about you know what what what this cracking is because it's like right over the mountain so they're very sort of extra concerned maybe more than most would be and her patron as well actually has has told her to head east to seek wisdom her you know what she needs will be found there and so her initial thought of course was to head towards the um towards the the arcanum um and to their seat the beacon the beacon it is it is uh three three towers three pearl spire you know that not pearl marble spires that rise up from the middle of uh what is essentially a giant lake where all of the rivers converge and then on top it is a a golden orb that always seems to be shining with light uh but doesn't seem to block out any sort of like night in the sky or anything like that so so over the course of many months maybe even years she made her way uh there and and upon arriving is actually where she met eve um and we don't need to get into kind of the story of how they met and everything that happened there but essentially um by the end of their stay there they were basically given this assignment to represent the arkhanum at the brewfest brewbash sorry libra bash um and so they that's that's why they are arriving together and then as far as uh victor uh goes i think that is it is it random chance that has you there during the festival or did you specifically pick this time i picked this time because i wanted to i thought that um on occasion there are some of the rings that will perform or trying to to enter in contests or what have you basically to show not to like dominate and show prowess or anything but um it shows good faith for them outside of you know it is a way to get people to say oh look wow that's cool i want to be a part of that uh like and so i'm thinking maybe like missionary work or whatever right yeah like basically or bringing someone into like the the you have the the military that you know like they're trying to recruit and that kind of stuff um and so my hope is that i might be able to find them or someone who you know might have something that i can learn um because i'm on this just you know trying to find something to better myself so that i can undo my screw-ups perfect sorry corey i'm just wondering tori did you want to add anything to like what you were doing there or how we met or anything like that or is it all top secret no i i was there under the direction of my employer when we met so that that's why i was um at the beacon that's all i'll say i'm so glad that you've been like i'm so glad that you that you shared your backstory with me i'm like well nobody else gets to know all these things yeah i do well that's true because you know everything yeah i have to if i if i'm gonna plan a good session i have to know everything um as far as that goes is there anything else anybody wants to discuss about um their character's goals or their characters ideals that they want to bring up before we begin kind of going through a few little other things such as home rules and just checking on other stuff i just i think i need to make it clear that i am a rogue that does not have a tragic backstory okay i mean you're blind yeah there's tragedy i've got both my parents alive well okay that is unique [Laughter] hopefully nobody can hear that that's actually that's actually more than i can say for myself i only have one parent alive okay so then let's go ahead and talk uh really quick i just want to make sure are there any specific uh triggers or anything that we want to avoid as far as story beats go um obviously i'm not going to go i'm not going to go too heavy-handed into x-rated stuff rated stuff that sort of thing um anything anything romantic will probably be a uh you guys start kissing your hands it pans to the window or something like that uh just just for your sanity and for mine yeah i guess i would just i would just say you know maybe we try to keep it pg-13 or whatever the equivalent of that is you know what i mean it's good um just for the sake of audience and youtube more than anything maybe um you know i i i don't think we need to shy away from from mature topics um you know there's plenty of great story content and things there but just uh yeah just tactical okay i would say one thing um is as far as my storytelling goes if there's anything that comes up that uh you that you personally find offensive um either a player or an audience member um obviously know that i don't i don't do any of this stuff to come from any sort of malicious place um sometimes sometimes ignorance can be malicious but um i'm always trying to better myself there's already been a couple things that i've run by scott and he goes maybe we should change this to this uh just for pcc and then it just goes oh that's something that i never realized before might be considered uh a slur or might be considered uh stereotyping in a negative uh context i'll try and keep things light know that this is a fantasy world and fantasy races oftentimes have defining traits to them uh that that might uh develop their character i will try and make everybody as well-rounded as possible but sometimes works are barbaric you know sometimes uh elves are uh racist sometimes dwarves are a little greedy and they love gold kind of thing and that's nothing that's that's not any sort of that's not sort of any connotation towards any uh race out there uh in the physical world it's not any sort of comparison that i'm ever going to make saying like oh yeah these people are really these people in real life and i don't like those people or anything uh i'm i'm 100 on board with any sort of community um any sort of uh like social justice stuff i'm completely uh i'm completely okay with i myself am a member of the lgbt uh community but i may screw something up and if that's the case i if you if you mention it to me i will do my best to correct that behavior one more thing that i do want to ask does anybody have any sort of phobias or aversion to anything um like like uh like body horror or like uh any sort of like phobia for specific creatures that they want me to shy away from ceiling fans that are turned up all the way okay not a problem there's no ceiling fans in my world okay we're good that was part of my backstory not here when they start doing this at any moment man i'll cut your head right off yeah game over um you guys already know my weird aversion to fingernails and toenails yeah i'm trying to refrain from like any sort of like 20 made out of them no dwarven toe is that i mean mr rogers is that ever to the point where uh it will it will make you uh uncomfortable like extremely uncomfortable to not want to play anymore or is it one of those things make me like gaggy feel like i might throw up okay all right just keep a bunch corey since you sit next to him if he starts getting too into it just like wow okay i will try i mean i i don't usually do a lot of body horror stuff but sometimes i can get a little bit weird with characters and and uh the way that like they uh look in like the way that demons and devils act uh so if there's anything that happens um just kind of give me a little nudge and say hey i'm starting to i'm starting to feel a little queasy when she starts going yeah uh and then i'll go ahead and call back on that just to make sure okay it's it's the clippings that grossed me out so i don't think i don't think that's gonna come up and the devil trims your nails or anything like that today's episode today's episode of things you didn't know about your your dungeon mistress yeah yeah well i think like uh one of the things that might be a trigger would be something like eye torture um or like like i know we talked about beholders uh in our 10k getting stabbed right through the eye is that was that too much or was that okay it's a little yuck but um i mean i didn't barf or anything so all righty i just want to make sure i want i want to know where the line is that i don't cross it thanks for accommodating my strange aversions well that's cool that's what we're about that's fine for the longest time i couldn't do like anything broken broken bones illumination stuff because yeah because i i've had experienced all that so every time it would happen i would get queasy and be like oh no i avoid describing those in detail for that i think colby down to myself for insensitive to that because uh torrey's game had plenty of that see but see it doesn't bother me anymore it was years years ago and it was shortly after you know some accidents and stuff so yeah yeah that makes sense yeah cool all right so perfect house rules everybody good to move on to house rules yes to end this um okay so uh house rules uh the first house rule that i have is uh the first three levels are going to be milestone based rather than experience based just because i don't want to i don't want to make you guys struggle too much i have specific story beats in mind to get you up to level three and then from there we'll keep it to a more xp based uh so if i kill everyone in the five hills how much x or six hills that's how much xp per civilian level stone that's that is a boulder the arcanum definitely would respond to something like that somebody trying to murder a whole town that might invite a our kind of response for sure um as far as other house rules go natural 20 is natural ones a natural one is considered a failure an automatic failure on ability checks and attack roles so abilities regardless of your plus regardless of plus yep uh i'm i reserved the right to do additional uh negatives based on a natural one i'm not going to say that every natural one is going to have you stabbing your friends or losing your weapon but you may occasionally have something happen that on a case-by-case basis i i might see as cinematically appropriate uh 20 on a damage roll or on an attack roll will equal maximum damage plus an additional die roll for the attack maximum damage of the original dice yes and that includes spells that includes if you throw a smite on their advance might uh you get max damage and then you get to roll it again yeah sneak attack is another one uh you definitely will be able to do some gluco damage i want to reward net 20s and i think it makes for a better uh system that includes for enemies though against us yes that does include enemies enemies will also be maxing that out and enemies will also have consequences for natural ones at times i'm notorious for that though so that's not anything new for you guys yeah and then a nat 20 on a skill check is a nat 20. a lot of people don't like uh doing that 20s on skill checks i love it i think it's a great way to be like oh yeah the thing that you're absolutely trying to do you you let happen so no matter how difficult attack i'm i'm gonna regret saying this no matter how difficult a task is if you're rolling everyone in the table you don't have to you don't have to allow the roll yeah i mean you could set a dc of like 45 for something you know no not 20 oh i'm not serious yeah even yeah even with that high yeah so you know this is just tempered by what you're saying so like i can't say okay i want to know the history before history net 20. yeah exactly yeah you can't you can't you can't just be like i want to i want to learn just from the ether about what happened before you know yeah through space time kind of thing uh there may be situations where something like that can happen but those have to be cropped up uh naturally in the story you can't just can't just make from epic moments we've had some pretty cool things happen in the past there have been there weren't game breaking that i didn't expect to happen and the players managed to pull off and it made for memorable moments so i'm completely allowing that um as far as other ones uh we can talk about healing potions is the other big house rule that i have here uh there are two actions that you can take with the healing potion if you take a full action to drink a healing potion as is the norm you regain the maximum number of hit points for that healing potion it's not a it's not a 2d4 roll it's uh eight plus two so ten you regain ten hit points from a regular you drink every drop yep exactly uh but you can also uh use a bonus action to just try and chug as much as you can in a quick second and that is a uh you roll for healing potion as normal and that is pulling out the potion and drinking it by the way there's no bonus action to pull out the potion bonus action to drink it on your next round it's the bonus section is you just have one at your belt that you just pull out or one when you're pouch readily available your adventurers if you don't have health potions readily available you're not being an adventurer properly right and then i'm also going to reserve the right to hand out uh what i call uh this was originally going to be the lock system but we had to modify it just because we felt it was a little too uh easy but i i reserve the right to hand out i have them here one of these lovely numbers uh a d6 if i feel like you've done something to impress me to make me laugh so much or i just done something uh super cool that i feel like um deserves a little bonus beyond inspiration because i know that uh people like to save their inspiration a lot so being able to hand out like a d6 on your next role um will you take them away if a pun is so terrible that it hurts oh you don't know corey very well uh his puns and are the most painful of all it's true it's true uh the the punishment for that is punishment from me so no i won't i won't take these away from you but i may i may uh also award them to uh villains as sort of an extra thing that a particular big bad can do just just be able to um add a little bit more danger to the game what could what can we use those luck dice for and and can we hoard them infinitely or is there a cap um i would say i would say that they are uh per session so if you are using if you're using a luck die or if you're not using elective at the end of that night session you'll wipe back down to zero because they are just like because there's specific bonuses for something cool that i thought of that night or some funny joke you made i'm not gonna i'm not gonna let you track them and keep them um i would say within a session there is really no limit to how many that you can have and as far as rolling you can use them for anything if you want to if you want to tell me that you want to get an extra a d6 of movement speed i will let you roll that d6 and get extra movement speed if you want to tell me that you want to increase your armor class by that amount i will let you roll the d6 to increase your armor class these these specific guys are how lucky you are yeah just for that like specific instance hey at the very beginning i want to have a 37 ac yeah if you want if you want to use them to like give yourself a second wind and regain health you can and you can use them specifically as like any sort of i would say i would say i would limit them one per roll but you can use them in any situation that you want they'll be just a little fun thing like oh yeah you know i really want to be able to cast this spell but i don't know if i have enough spell slots for it and it's like well let's see if you can meet the level of that spell with this dice you know kind of thing um or give you a different bonus based on that cool yeah i think that's it does anybody else have any questions about um home rules or any sort of home brew stuff that you want to talk about besides obviously we'll talk more about preston's home brew later uh once we get to that no i don't think so he's not here anyway yeah me too yep uh we got we've got about two days uh till our first session it'll be about a week until you guys get to see that first session um in the meantime i think if you want to catch me uh streaming i stream on saturdays if you have any questions about an area that you want to bring up uh one thing else i will note uh is you'll be able to see in the description below there will be a link to the site that we are using uh worldanville.com thank you uh for allowing us to basically build a wiki for this not a sponsor not a sponsor no but uh yeah personal things yeah yeah um and if you want to see anything about an area you can go there there's the same map that you've been seeing kind of flash up as we've been talking about the world there is a cool uh interactive version of it so that you can pick a specific town city uh kind of learn a little bit more about that uh one thing to note is there may be stuff that's intentionally vague in there uh that may be fleshed out later just because i tend to i tend to create the uh the wide concepts of the world and then drill down into them when you guys get to those areas so for example terrebonne doesn't really have a specific motif that i've assigned to it yet for like the buildings and everything i'm leaning towards sort of a cool um japanese style funeral japan style for it um but i wanted to kind of leave that nebulous until we get there so you may see things that just talk about oh malygos city is uh a dwarven city and that's it and then once you get to malaga city then we can dive into a little bit deeper and find out the specifics of it cool and then we'll be ever expanding with the game as well new new articles will be released new characters uh new npcs new monsters uh the adventures uh and their recaps will be also on the world anvil page so be sure to check back regularly if you want to follow along okay awesome well thanks thanks corey thanks everybody um really really excited to jump into this world we've been anticipating this for a long time so um yeah two days two more days for us it's gonna be awesome but anyway thanks for watching uh do make sure you like and subscribe and comment um and uh follow us uh i hope you guys enjoyed this and uh can't wait to share the adventure with you all in a week so stay tuned okay bye see you later hey guys thank you
Channel: d4: D&D Deep Dive
Views: 35,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, dnd, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D Optimized, Tales of Aneria, Live Play, D&D Live Play, Session 0, ttrpg, hexblade, armorer, warforged, elf, custom lineage, homebrew, chronurgy, paladin, lets play, let's play, Actual Play
Id: 91N1Dw6MZA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 9sec (5109 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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