What happened on my trip to China to test Zeekrs NEW EV's last week...

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[Music] n [Music] [Applause] you don't like this shining thing right no not the chrme uh no but you know we do have another version yeah the black Pi yeah the black is better yeah yeah this chinye is actually uh 1100 option in China is it yeah ah this one is 1100 how many people are buying the option a lot a lot really yeah because uh on the new car we when we launching the car it's for free in a in a very and then you charge option yeah yeah then it became the option okay good photo hey guys just got back a few days ago from China and honestly the trip to China was was pretty amazing but it was an eye just an absolute eye opener I honestly did not expect to see some of the things that I saw what did I see well first of all hello my friends welcome to the channel my name's Sam Evans you're watching the electric Viking it's great to see I've just gone to China and I've got to disclose be honest here guys I didn't pay for this trip and you know with everything at home now you know shanana has stage 4 cancer and unfortunately uh the most recent scans show that it's moved to a few other places which was pretty devastating to here uh unfortunately considering that situation I wouldn't have been able to do this but fortunately uh her parents were able to help so I was able to go and then I did have to cut the trip short though I cut it short by a day because well during the week she got the results of those scans and yeah like I said it's actually progressed it's gone to the um some other places in her body which was pretty tough to hear and actually she got a a bad flu right at the end so anyway I flew back home Kudos though thank you to zika now zika paid for this trip which is obviously jile is the parent company of zika the electric car brand zika now Andrew from zika Australia he actually was able to it would have cost them money to do this but I told him what had happened and he actually uh cut the trip short so not not not by much by a day he was going to actually take me to some of the car factories from other brands uh from other EV Brands which is pretty cool but anyway he he stayed a day later by himself because I left went went home a day earlier and he actually organized for me to go home a day earlier and it was kind of lucky that I did because when I got back um I was I was needed at home anyway now you know the full details but what about the actual trip well I test drove the zika X hey guys ziker X here Australia we are getting this car in a few months time from now so really if you're going to buy an EV this might be worth waiting for potentially we about to find out about to drive it and see how it actually does handle there's been a few reports can be maybe too much power let's see if that's true uh either either way guys as you can see it's raining and yeah I'm excited so how how do I put this into drive ah like laes and I press the brake and then yeah Touch The Brak then it's in Drive yes I like that it means you have all this space yeah space here keep the bag yeah that's pretty cool actually yeah okay all right here we go go it's pretty nice this is the it's like a premium version of the Volvo ex30 M you I like it and when you're driving time you can fit in much more better the steering wheel feels feels nice actually yeah and the two col yeah yeah okay guys it's raining a bit let's try not to crash here oh of course try not to crash ijust the be safety first then we can as push a little bit maybe so which version is this of the car the single motor or the dual motor dual motor dual motor okay dual motor because front side have the power back side also front side I think is 150 kilow 150 of the front yeah 150 ground back side is 200 Kow so what is the combined figure uh 350 or combined the 350 350 okay it's quite a lot of power yeah wow wa it's quick woo wow yesak yeah and include this brake is very good what are the brakes the front side I think the four four St four caliper four caliper I think a four caliper I needed to see because uh this is a big four caliper I think so it's a tricky Corner that one yeah big four caliper okay yeah yeah so that brakes are standard on the dual motor the bigger brakes uh-huh yeah okay wow it's quick yeah it's powerful do 150 almost just pressing the steering whe for a second yeah wow that's 140 yeah hard break hard break for that okay here be slow because hard very high shter here see the car will be jumped wow kicks s kicks yeah okay slow go turn very nce car okay here need hard break because we going up St it's good it's good the 0 one a little bit more feel on the front tire yeah yeah this is a bit more power though the the rear motor 001 so okay going to P going to p okay yeah okay got the zika X here this is like the premium version of the Volvo eg30 slightly bigger you kind of see it looks a little bit bigger right very nice looking kind of blacked out blacked out lights this is the dual motor version 360 KW rear wheel drive and front wheeel drive so the the rear motor has 200 KW front motor has 160 KW it's quick I just drove around the track and it's SC it's scary fast in the wet here as you can see guys it's ring here we're in China there's drones flying around anyway this car is coming to Australia and it's going to be here I guys I've got to tell you the truth I actually want to buy one of these cars so that might be happening maybe we'll see but um anyway it's going to be here really soon I think there's already a pre-production model in Australia but it can't be it's like testing and that kind of thing so I've just driven this around the track real fast and I think the the guy who was the racing driver on the other side he was a little bit scared with my driving was probably slightly out of control on a few of the corners over Brak on a few but the braking is really really good so let's have a look at some uh details for this car all right guys it's got a digital door here so you don't actually have to you don't have to press anything you don't have to pull out a your little handle and push it around so you just press that button and as you can see the back as well you just press that button that's pretty cool I think pretty cool feature that's all you do press that and now it's open you see that so that's actually a camera that will do facial recognition so like you face you know how you have but in Australia I don't think they'll allow you to do it because of consumer rights here is a sport mode normal mode and comfort this is the power keep back the power is slow normal harder and this is a steering wheel steering wheel for the softer normal and Sport y we can see here what are those what are those ones ESC off yeah es off and this one is uh the the the highway go down when I when I drove it was ESC on yes on yeah when the off we can slide in it's different because weed sometimes we well off but this car also can slide in yeah it's powerful can yeah yeah I can feel the power yeah yeah it's a lot of power yeah it's quite a lot Power okay and what about the um uh like the general other stuff with the car is any other features here that we can see show uh you can see here the this is the car with the when we driving the highway the backside all the he will speaking maybe the move and the have the noisy or close let's just turnam wi off how do we do that uh we can see stop this one right cool okay that's is and you know when the this one is uh more early to to ask you to stop and this is keep keep the backside okay I ask you to stop to to charge or uh no he we charge he will first have the noisey ding ding ding ding ding then he will charge the stop also this is the you know what is this page for the page for the ad yeah so what is this all about this here all the system of the de could have the some safety safety okay so are you so you're setting the safety if you want to be close to the car um soorry what were we on how do we go back to that page that we yeah so you're setting if the distance between um what's this for uh this one is uh speed is so high if so high he will ask you to oh that's what you're saying because when you high highway already have the 130 or 120 km if you want to go above it or below it uh you can you can ask the for the below the 5 K and this one above so you don't get a speeding fun it it'll if you put at five you probably won't get a speeding F you probably should no no no put if you have to the put the bot is that the other side here is going to high just to put in the bord in the ACC set like that but this bord is just ask you when you pass the ACC speed maybe the I I make the speed is 120 uh I make the 125 the Mark here have the plus five he can't allow but more than the five he already had bing bing bing yeah yeah that's what I thought yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right and have you here what's happening here this is uh one have the car past the beside you also can see here this screen when we driving time sometimes the left one the right side auto pilot auto pilot like uh like but uh not not sim can you turn autopilot on where uh this one cannot because when we drive in the highway time we can see that but if the for the Track Place cannot see but we can see the just some Bon okay in the before the track so what features do we have can we can we change can we adjust the features what you see on this screen can we change what you see on that screen uh I think sound this is and this this one microphone this one is uh see this way the small screen to show the GPS something oh yeah also have to show so this what's this going to show here this show to your car when when you have to uh the stop time you can see GPS not GPS not GPS you have the people pass same like that okay okay in s like the scream about 330 R when you touch the button the 330 can touch the back 3° 360° you can see the back side around the same like like the screen yeah okay okay see front back around front side around 3D 3D is much more easy touch the and you move the auto parking sorry does it have a auto parking Auto parking yeah yeah the here okay you just touched that and then it auto parking you need to find the place then parking but and the zika 001 we saw a few of these in the streets today we saw a few last night on the drivein the zika 001 these are on sale in Europe now and unfortunately no Rand dve production planned at this point in time everyone's asking for them though it's like heaps of people that are asking zek saying bring them to Australia bring make them the right hand drive and I you know what I think this as you guys know this is actually my favorite car I said this two years ago when they first want this car this is my favorite car and here I am I'm going to drive one home so here is here's the back of so this there's an all allhe Drive version version of this vehicle which is apparrently 0 to 62 mph 0 to 100 in 2 seconds same about the same Pace as a Tesla Model has PL it has 1,200 horsepower the F version this I don't think this is the F version it's not but hopefully we get to race one tomorrow that's that's what I'm hoping Kimmy R has been racing him around the tra here apparently so yeah this is the this is the T T us to say Tesla zika zero 01 and is an all wheeel Drive version which cost around $40,000 it does have cadles new uh I believe new tyrian battery so that's pretty impressive I mean jie and zika are the first manufacturers to work with C with their brand new batteries I don't know why but they're getting them in their cars much faster than everyone else and the zika 009 I test drove those three cars but I actually test drove four different cars because I also test drove the zika 001 fi 1, more than 1,200 horsepower a legit 0 to 100 0 to 62 mph 2.2 seconds and carbon cering brakes and I'm going to drive one insane hey absolutely insane it's actually my favorite car because it's sort of a station wagon sort of a shooting brake you might call it super nice car I mean massive amount of interior space and this thing is insane it it comes standard with carbon ceramic brakes 1,300 horsepower three motors amazing just an amazing car to drive in honestly I thought I'd be really scared in this car for one I was so so nauseous because on my first drive out on the tracks um the actual one of the race car drivers there jely owned this track and he took me out he was one of the company race drivers took me out and he just drifted this EV around the whole track the zika 001 just drifted the whole way it was [Applause] crazy um his handling is incredible he actually holds the Guinness word records for I think Drifting On Ice anyway Ray hey Ray shout out to you mate Ray drifted around the track incredible skills but after that I just wanted to vomit I mean I and I couldn't get rid of it the feeling was just stuck with me and then the problem was I in that same car the zika 001 and I drove it really hard it was raining guys it was actually literally the entire track was wet but it wasn't raining hard it was kind of that that really slippery surface where it's not raining really hard and it's not dry you know what I'm talking about right so anyway I drove the Z zika 001 and I thought I was going to be I was going to be a bit scared but Ray was like come on man push it push it push it and I drove through this first corner and I was thinking he's he's like no no keep your foot down keep your foot down keep your foot down I'm thinking no I've got to slow he keep your foot down so I did anyway and I thought after that I went well Ray he's he's making me go I don't to embarrass myself here I've got to drive hard so I was driving this thing fast and then um yeah by the end of that lap it was amazing the zika 001 rear wheel drive what a car that was next I drove the uh zika 009 which is their electric MPV on the racetrack and you know you're thinking this is a van how fast can you drive it on a racetrack honestly that was the hand handling was so flat I mean it actually felt like I wouldn't say a race car but it felt like it almost was suitable for a track I mean who would say that about a van but this van has insane power right it can do 0 to 100 in 4.5 seconds hey guys I'm about to go for a drive with the VP of zika worldwide yeah and we're going to go for cruising the 009 a few other people have just driven it they've said it's just amazing there there's no other MPV or that I don't think he call this a van I mean look at it there's nothing else that drives at this kind of speed and I've got to say it was true I was in the back of this before when someone else was driving it it was so quick I was thinking holy how's it how's it driving this fast so let's go man let's go already already Everything feels real soft you can feel like every single surface is kind of like feels premium you know all right it's very wide there's a lot of space here you can put your hand here I'm not I'm not a small person I'm about about 6t and it feels big it feels like a big a big car and I got to say that I wouldn't mind owning one of these cars for sure man the president of by in a certain country told me that the reason they haven't done an electric pickup truck fully electric is because they don't they can't get enough range how is it that this car which is the size of a pickup truck has 700 km of range if they can't get enough range well yeah you can get enough range you just need to have the right battery and that's the point here with this car it has 700 km of range because it uses the new chilling battery have be right chilling battery yeah the new chilling battery from K first I think it's the first car in the is it the first car in the world one of the first cars anyway one of the first cars in the world to use the new chilling batter from C or catl guys You' you've heard me talk about the new Chillin battery and how advanced it is but it's equally as advanced as zika J's own battery the agis or the agis battery which is called the Golden battery I've got no idea how just close did I touch something anyway I touched something anyhow The Battery Technology in these vehicles is part of the reason why they're getting more range so if you if you're going to get a color like this not only does it have I think 500 Kow charges in speed that kind of ridiculous kind of charging speed where it's only going to take you 12 minutes to charge it 13 minutes to charge it to 80% it's also got massive range because of this new battery technology so there there's very there's almost no in fact I don't think there's any other vehicle in the world that has that combination of a new this new battery there charging speed that kind of range and not only that it's it feels like a kind of a super super luxury car I I highly doubt there was a Mercedes-Benz vehicle that would fill this luxury and look at the VP he's in the back here there's two wide seats there guys and honestly those seats there are even more premium than I think the front it's it's like amazing anyway this seat feels very comfy will it hold us around the corner when I drive fast I don't know let's find out okay guys here we go seat's moving back into position so when you open the door the seat actually moves back so it's easy for you to get it you have more space in here to get in another car then close the door the seat moves back into position where you set it I'm just going to move the seat a little bit back to about here and yeah let's go for it let's go we in park we're in park let's stick this into drive and off we go that mirror is all right guys one of one of the things I notic the steering wheel is actually quite quite a nice size it's um quite a nice feeling steering wheel as well feels feels like a premium steering wheel Yamaha stereo and you can see what speed up right now I'm doing 41 let's see how long it takes to get up to 100 I when I when I was growing up as a kid we had a toy Toyota trer for about 10 years and uh that thing feels like it was from the 18 Century in comparon in comparison to this it's incredibly flat on the corners here wow all right let's hug that corner hug that corner Grand Turismo W I'm doing [Music] 130 get on the brakes unbelievably fast it has the best Battery Technology Pro probably the best battery technology in terms of energy density in the world has the new catl or cadal their Chillin battery which provides it gives this big vehicle over 700 km of range which you know massive massive range over 400 mil of range so when do these manufacturers say oh we can't make a pickup truck because electric cars don't have enough range you know we need to make them hybrids that's just complete the ziga 009 it's a massive vehicle it's more than 5.3 M long it's 7even seater you drive it around this track and it's so flat could not believe how fast I could go in that vehicle without without losing traction it was almost difficult to get it to lose Traction in the wet and I was going really really fast kind of scary fast next car I drive was the zik 001 thef the model had some stability control turned on which meant that I I'm still alive I didn't crash it otherwise if it hadn't have I probably would have killed myself because that thing is just it's as fast as a Tesla Model has pled 0 to 100 about 2 about 2.3 seconds 0 to 62 mph that's with no roll out so just 0 to 100 big car right big car this is 5.1 M long so so fast but like I said before carbon ceramic carbon ceramic brake pads and honestly the thing was so nice that so easy to drive so easy this a technical racetrack that they have it's actually got an uphill it's got a few Corner sections that are very you can't see the exit Point really technical racetrack but I found it really easy to drive the car he guys I'm in the zigga 001 FR this does an insane insane speed it's 1,300 horsepower one of fastest EVS in the world but as you can see it's like a spacious station wagon shooting brake whatever you want to call it anyway this one of my favorite cars in the world but I'm already feeling nauseous from driving some of these cars really fast around the track today so I'm just going to see how quick this thing goes in a straight line although I know it's more made for Corners it has carbon ceramic brakes and it can do 0 to 62 mph or 0 100 km hour in 2.36 seconds U with a 1 foot roll out it is 2.02 which is insane it would be interesting to see how this goes against a Tesla Model as plaid because both of them would be very similar in terms of performance but this a bit more practical because it you know it has a big spacious area anyway let's get it get a move on let's go all right guys we've got a heads up display it's pretty cool heads up display actually you can see cars around you almost like a GPS heads up display I wonder if it is a GPS maybe it actually is just driving out the pit straight here and this is J's racetrack that they actually own this RAC trck and apparently they have five tracks that they own getting a noise here what's the noise do you know what's the noise race driver yes is that the simulated engine noise yes yes oh right yes okay okay it's kind of interesting noise whoa the noise let you know how much power okay the noise is going to let me know how much power I'm putting down the the side bolstering is actually um pushing into my side it changes I think it has an airbag in the side ball string which actually changes um changes how much pressure there is in it louses Jesus 160 now apparently we're very low on charge so this is probably going to I break way too late then okay just just going to take it a little bit easy so I don't throw up on the camera oh the handling is very very nice feels like it's not too hard but it's it just takes the corners really really easily just think on that Apex there all right guys my stomach just goes wow you can hear those brakes squeaking all right let's get around this corner Point see how quick we can get on this little straight all right we're doing 10 60 I could have gone quicker [Music] then see we go through this little tight Apex here oh it's very incredibly track traction control is like unbelievable it's not even squeaking a tire for a single second almost oh this corner is a bit of a sketchy one it's hard to see it and it's a very very very tight Corner let's get on the power takes a second to get on the power takes a second before you get full power now let's break hard into this to here my racing car Kilmer is probably going what is this guy doing man this is so easy to drive fast amazingly easy all [Music] right all right guys I think I'm done my stomach is just like whoa finally and probably my most surprising experience in China now I did go to some other um car places I went and saw Neo cars I went and had to look at some different Chinese car brands Huawei ATO I looked at xong a few different manufacturers we saw their vehicles the shiai su7 yes I saw lots of Chinese vehicles there and that was all good you know good experiences I got to meet some new people got to see the insane number of cars went to a battery Factory J battery Factory uh which makes Jilly by the way make the golden battery it's called the agis battery that goes will apparently I believe going to future zika cars saw how they make those batteries and that was insane guys as you can imagine I was drilling them with questions what about this what about that how do you do this how do you do that you know trying to get as much information as I could I'm going to share with you some a little bit of sort of slightly secret information that I got in a separate video from these guys which I was a bit surprised that they actually told me this stuff but you know what all of that was was great but my best experience personally was driving the ziker X now this is a car coming to Australia it's essentially the Volvo ex30 I saw the production line that's made on the Volvo ex30 and the zika X they're made on the same production line but the zika 009 the zika I believe and the zika 001 a few different cars poar Volvo cars they're made on the same production line it's a huge production line they use Giga casting they've got an 8,000 ton Giga press machine and considered to be the safest cars in China by a lot of the public and that's why they sell so well but all those experiences aside guys driving the zika X it's coming to Australia and I honestly was just shocked by how good the car is like I said it's made on the same production line as a Volvo ex30 but some journalists that they said oh you know the Volvo it's very luxurious I don't think the zika x is going to be any better I'm not going to say who told me that but it's someone fairly famous in the joural journalist World G mate you know who I'm talking about he's Journal lot of supercars he's tested the Volvo ex30 and he's like telling me no no no the the ZX is not going to be that much it's going to be it's not going to be more luxurious than the Vol ex30 and I said to him I disagree with you I think it is from what I've seen now he gets into the ZX and he says to me it's 30% more premium than the Vol ex30 now guys here's the thing the Vol ex30 is so popular it's sold out in Australia this year but the zika X which is a bigger car it's 4.4 M long versus 4.2 M long ex30 30% more premium he said he said it's 30% more premium and the price will be the same possibly about the same price for the same car here in Australia anyway so honestly I'm just kind of excited thinking to myself this car is insane I drove it around a racetrack it was so fast it scared the pants off me 3.8 seconds 0 to 100 or 3.7 no matter no matter what the case is it felt like a rocket ship and honestly it went around corners insanely well this is a small electric SUV or I guess it's more like the size of a b 03 the Interior Space was insane guys I mean I'm thinking to myself the interior of this car feels big it feels like the size of a BMW X5 interior that's one of the advantages it has over the Volvo ex30 interior space significantly bigger but it's also just honestly so nice to sit in it's kind of the kind of car where I thought to myself I could just sit in this all day I'd be happy to do that it sounds crazy but yeah and at the same time guys as you know I love fast cars and it was insanely fast around the racetrack I honestly thought it was going to scare me in terms of its handling ability because there been some YouTube videos saying criticizing its handling saying it's got too much power I drove that thing I'm not a racetrack driver I'm not a race car driver I don't have those kind of skills but I drove that thing pretty flat out on a wet Racetrack and I'm talking dual motors you know this is a super super powerful car and I was yeah I was scared about its straight line performance because it was so fast in a straight line but honestly around the corners breaking handling I think I drove it pretty well and it was a lot of fun so here's the thing these cars they're not cheap but they're relatively affordable and I can't wait to see them here here's the other thing a lot of cars a lot of these cars that I saw from even other brands I mean xun I saw their G6 that's coming to Australia there is going to be this onslaught of Chinese car brands and I'm convinced guys I'm 100% convinced that they are going to just destroy the market share of these Japanese in particular the Japanese Automotive companies also Europeans but more so the Japanese because they're the ones who have a lot of Market sh here in Australia there's so many good cars when you're in China and you're looking around the streets you're thinking to yourself look at that EV look at that EV what's that what's that what's that they're just everywhere and I'm talking even affordable EVS you see them you think that looks great that looks great and it's a lot of fun guys it's going to be a lot of fun to see this disruption because honestly when someone makes a good product we shouldn't care what country it's from I don't think we should I mean the majority of these car companies they're not owned by the Chinese government they're just businesses doing their best right and if they make the best product if they're not lazy if they work hard and then they bring that best product to Market we shouldn't care about whether it's from one country or another and to be honest guys Japan doesn't exactly have that great of a history I mean there's this trend to criticize China but if we look back to things like the Nan King Massacre World War II previous to World War II some of the things the Japanese did uh I don't think there's any real reason to unmoral grounds pick a Japanese car over a Chinese one if you actually look at it from a a you know a real honest basis if anything it should be the other way around now overall guys I'm looking forward to going back to China I will be again this year I believe with another car company to check out well possibly byd if you're looking at buying a new EV I say wait because over the next 6 months there's going to be a horde of new EVS coming from zika coming from byd in particular those are probably the two brands in my opinion that are worth potentially waiting for I mean put it this way ziko bringing four new EVS over the next 12 months and then by they also have a new electric car which is a direct competitor with the Tesla Model y That's confirmed to be coming this year as well overall this was a pretty fun experience it was kind of crazy uh we went to all these different cities we actually saw a ghost City where there was like no one living no one living there there was just hundreds and hundreds of apartment blocks no one there the streets were just deserted that was an eye opener so the whole thing I've got to say Kudos thank you to zika and it was an amazing experience thanks guys for watching let me know what you think of the comments and if you got any questions feel free to send me an email feel free to can contact on social media thanks for watching bye-bye
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 68,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: K7C0MVy6U84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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