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my thoughts are so ill-defined a massive light but on the air everything that seems more clear that castle its Poland's me [Music] you're just [Music] come on stop I've almost got a year [Music] [Music] come on big guy right where I want you and three two one there finally ah who's this you there you stole my kill that was rightfully mine it seems like it's my kill to me I've been tracking that Yeti for days and yet I'm the one who stands above his corpse tell you what I'll challenge you for the prize well I've already won but I never backed down from a challenge great I must warn you though I'm the fiercest warrior in my tribe that makes two of us indeed and then show me your skills [Music] yeah you're pretty good in you're not so bad yourself try this on for size I could do this all day ah ah you fought bravely and look it seems like it's nighttime you weren't kidding after all oh I could hardly notice with all the steel flying tell you what it seems we're evenly matched what do you say we split that yetee oh you mean you're forfeiting I would never forfeit but it's getting late and awfully cold how would you like to come back to my camp I suppose I could do something like that I'm fira by the way the names Jaeger well Farah let's get headed to my camp then follow me it's not far from here [Music] it's just up ahead Oh fancy banner I [Music] it's a symbol of my tribe ah place is beautiful it's not much but it's all I need I see you're an experienced hunter I that buck gave me some trouble but not as much as that Yeti might have those are some nice moves you pulled back there oh you're too kind but I'm sure it wouldn't pose too much of a challenge to someone as strong as yourself I may be strong but I've never met someone as strong as you or as beautiful you don't look so bad yourself ah it's awfully cold tonight aye it is if only I could get off this ice cube we call an island off the island then what do you mean well I've always wanted since I was a little girl to travel and see the rest of the world I've heard it's absolutely beautiful with lost jungles and waterfalls and canyons actually back in my tribe I've heard rumors of a strange man in red that uses magic to make birds made out of rock that can soar through the sky that's odd my people tell the same story well I just never put much thought into it I never dreamt of leaving this island I thought it would be my home for life what if the tales are true wouldn't it be amazing to go and see the rest of the world well it's settled then tomorrow morning we'll begin our search [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you summoned me master things are proceeding as planned soon the age of the elemental Kings will be upon us the island will be ours I assured if I may say so finding suitable hosts worthy of these great powers is something of an odd form they each need particular qualities to match their element perfection takes time as is your right I would not dare question you as you say master I will leave you to it hey what do you want daddies feel like talking I've got a view to this life of a debt your servitude then let me give you some advice shut up yo did my tape Steve it by the way I don't need to know your name or care to remember it we should not be talking it's a little rude but I forgive you ah leave me alone Steve right it's well it's Steven Steve's my son's damn okay Steven leave me be we have work to do oh yeah yeah sure so anyway so I was thinking we should be friends we're about this together after all yeah listen to me if you don't be quiet now we all it's going on over here nothing huh look Steven you need to get back to mining right now they don't appreciate you doing anything else I'm so tired of mining that's it what's the issue over here boys no issue yeah Mia what's your name again I'll learn it later anyway we were just talking oh just talking well that's okay then isn't it yeah sure there's nothing wrong with having a bit of a chair here that boys there's not a problem at all oh great so now that we're all friends can we talk about this nice weather we're having today well I guess it is a little hot but it sure beats the cold am i right no talking allowed let this be a lesson to you Oh what are you gonna do tough guy that's what I thought remember beat back to work some friend yeah yeah how could I just stand there and watch him die sure he was annoying but but I know fighter I keep my head down and bear the pain as always no shortage of prisoners in this world tomorrow they will no doubt introduce me to a new friend wait who goes there oh sorry if I interrupted something I do enjoy a good bobeat session so don't stop on by ignored who are you and what are you doing here I am Krampus not I'm here to help you out of your little situation help me what could a freak like you possibly offer me well I could offer you power but not if you're acting like that look Krampus right I'm not one for fancy words or niceties I do my work and I do it well the only thing I know in this life is pain not power you are submissive to a fault no wonder you've been here for years while your captors Ference turbines for the hundreds and what would you have me do about it stranger I'm not trained I'm not a fighter I was born into this life and I know nothing else there there's a spark in there I can sense it and with that the fire inside you will be lit you're talking in circles old man get to the point you may be a lowboy but do as I command that I will make you a king huh King and just how would you do that you'll have to agree to something first say it if I grant you the power of a king you will work for be from now on trading one master for another some King I'd be who would have your freedom and anything your heart desires but I would expect your aid from time to time that is all I ask of you do we have a deal if what you promised comes to pass then I accept excellent to the north of here there is a mouth go there light the fire and Wow you will become who you were meant to be and with that I must be off you're mad hardly what what sorcery is this well if he's capable of that he may be telling the truth after all it must be up there the fires here the goatman wasn't lying flame Remy strike this this is amazing the power it's coursing through me where did this weapon come from it doesn't matter with this I can do whatever I want I am a kid where did the prisoner go he should be in there well of course he should be in there you two looking for me ah there you are whoa what what happened to you is that a rash is it contagious I haven't lost my inner potential and have become who I was born to be right Wow don't let us keep you you're not going anywhere you're going to die what let me be more clear I'm going to kill you prisoner thinks he can take us on just because he's suffering from a skin condition come on let's give him a piece of our mind oh that's what you get feel it feel the pain of my flavor well done well done truly remarkable shell Krampus I'm sorry for doubting you earlier this power it's incredible the element of fires truly great you have proven yourself worthy I hereby dub you the fire game the fire king yes I am the fire king I'm glad you are so accepting of your new title why wouldn't I be I've never felt this good in my entire life well the subbhu need convincing enjoy your freedom but now I must the mob I'm working on the Arctic Island to the south it may take some time but I will return and what I do I will have work for you to do freedom at long last Vera up ahead is is that it the stone bird yes Vera we finally found it oh yeah I'm so happy come on let's check it out [Music] you so how does this thing move I don't know the self thing is so strange to me do you feed it let me hop on and take a look and I'll do the same have you found anything I don't understand it it's so peculiar riding this beast won't be easy it is indeed strange like no manner of Beast I've ever encountered doesn't even seem to be breathing I'm sure we can learn to tame it in time maybe oh ho hold on a minute what are you guys doing here the man in red you're real of course I am nothing's more real than Santa Claus the man in red after all this time and you said your name was Santa Claus you know what you can just call me sergeant winter got it sergeant winter my name is Farah this is my husband Jager Sergeant winter pleasure to meet you so Jager Fira you've seemed to have taken an interest in to my plane plane I thought it was some sort of bird no it's actually an x4 storm wing I designed it myself you've created this based it's not really a beast more like a tool oh wow a tool so you use it like your water a hammer not exactly that's a little more complicated than that but I sense you know its function sergeant winter would you allow us to use your storm wing to travel beyond this island it's been ferry's dreams since she was a little girl for once I want to see lad not covered with ice and snow then you came to the right place this bad boy will take you anywhere you want to go and it's easy to fly the storm weighing x4 comes with a trajectory target system it uses quantum tracking data to control air velocity and propulsion Oh old man you're speaking in tongues you just have to have a basic understanding of wind I know x-wind dynamics velocity trajectories all these words have no meaning to us Fira I'm starting to have second thoughts of this plan Jaeger we spent the last year of our lives looking for exactly this a fairer something seems wrong then I can't explain it but it's too dangerous too dangerous we are mighty warriors I don't fear the unknown this is what this is all about isn't it going off to experience the new Vera please we'll find another way think of our son think of snowfoot everything will be fine you have my promise to be fair Santa Claus I don't know you that well I can't put my faith in you like my wife has our son will be fine he's coming with us we'll find another way there is no other way and you know this ah Vera you have the heart of a true warrior I suppose I can't be stopping yet alright then I'm ready [Music] not exactly you need to get in the cockpit that's where the seat is oh right it was a good try Farah now all you need to do is step on those pedals by your feet right okay I can do that once you get high enough the autopilot will take over for you and then it's smooth sailing be careful Farah Jaeger I've got this here I go [Music] [Music] it's incredible sergeant winter you weren't lying she seems like a natural [Music] finally after a whole year it's my time to strike wait a minute something's wrong with the controls Vera it looks like she's in trouble sergeant winter don't worry Jaeger these planes have an autopilot No something's wrong you have to stop this when to do something Farah bear out your right Vera Vera stay with me Jager let me in there I have medical experience I can help her you've done enough for us old man your machines they did this to Farah oh I'm sorry Jager I can make this right no I will find another way to save Firoz life I let it happen if I see you again I'll kill you Vera hang in there I'm going to get you help I love you No there you just have to hold on a little bit longer I can get you medicine we can still heal you there's no medicine that can heal harder who goes there it is I Krampus Krampus why the man in red you should have been looking for all this time huh we were wrong but that means you could help us I can help you in lots of ways not like that old fool winter you must be a powerful sorcerer I can sense it plays my wife Vera she needs your help oh I can definitely help her but you know there is a price to pay a price please I'll do anything to save Fury's life very well just remember you asked for this oh are you awake yet [Music] you should feel powerful yeah she's alive just like you wanted well there's only so much my magic can do this you lied to me I did exactly what I said she's alive now and you have the power to restore her to full health I have bestowed upon you the elemental mantle of the Ice King was he yes and Fira is your ice queen unfortunately for her she needs very frigid temperatures to survive and Maddie that this silence cold enough yeah I was able to share my screen boost the volume to lose the mask on the Shia are about to find a way to bring you back to normal even at least spending you will scarlet Shabalala well if that's the way you want to do it let me introduce you to your brothers brothers I don't have any brothers not by blood no but well you'll see [Music] bhaiyyaji it's been too long Krampus it's good to see you again greetings stranger it's the Fargate [Music] now yes may I stay you might have beaten me in our spas before but this time I'm ready for you brother then show me your skills [Music] that's data you're progressing nicely come on get up very good soon you will be able to wield your elemental powers with precision our powers I've been meaning to ask you about that given how strong we have become why exactly should we be serving you what I gave you these pounds you will respect me brother relax Krampus has done much for us both is it not the duty of students to overcome their masters I've outgrown you crevasse and I will serve you no more I made you one thing when I found you you are but a slave I set you on the path of the plane and this is how you repay me you have granted me many gifts Krampus pray that that was not a mistake brother please don't do this nah don't be a fool Jager you're just his pawn but I won't be any longer besides I've had enough of this snow it's time I made my own Kingdom Oh dare you turn your back on me after all I've done for you I'll see you back in Chains [Music] I must focus my energy I need complete concentration finally I'm away from all that snow well well well what do we have here wait who's that do you mind I'm trying to meditate oh how rude of me I'm sorry to disturb your precious meditation I can tell from your tone you're being insincere no no meditation concentration it's all very important it'll serve you well in the mines the mines what are you talking about car well you got an able body my employer is looking for folks like you to come work for him whether you like it or not I said no one but myself good joke I thought the same but then the boss came along and Here I am everyone serves someone I'm going to give you to the count of three this guy won't leave her alone I might have to intervene oh so you're gonna give me a chance huh oh I'm shaking in my boobs here the little elf girl's gonna give me the business come on - one - oh so impressive you can count that's it I've had enough of this Wow very impressive Thanks but the same will happen to you if you don't back off that sounds like a challenge hmm you're different from the others you've been touched by the flame team I have it grants me strength I can tell the power is emanating off of you like a beacon you're right I am quite the specimen you just but it's true I've never seen anyone like you before I could say the same about you your control over the flame it was masterful you flattered me sir I didn't catch your name by the way well my title is the fire king a king yes I can tell my name is Ember well it's a pleasure to meet you I'm wearing it just so happens I'm a king without a kingdom and I'm about to start a new one I feel like your talents would come in handy how would you like a place by my side perhaps some company would be nice then follow me I have something remarkable to show you lead the way my king here we are stand back ember cycle are you planning to do you'll see there it is a volcano yes our new home it's remarkable you're remarkable let me show you the inside I can hardly wait [Music] [Music] [Music] that good-for-nothing snake how dare you oppose me proceed the fire team has been here since will he's more powerful than I ever thought possible he's only powerful because of me this is an outrage we must put a stop to his little insurrection before his strength grows too immensely allow me to talk with him I will try and reason with him he is a servant of the flame Ice King you do know that if he gets his way the whole world will be covered in flame how will we revive yeren the worlds in that state they got that while you have your little talk [Music] well what is all that sounds like trouble I better go check it out yeah what's going on step back son I will handle this looks like you could use the help let me put that training to good use together that good move son Thanks I learned from the best we can save the heartfelt moment for later we need to make sure that everyone else is okay yeah dad what is all this I think they have come from the volcano Outsiders trying to burn down the whole place we must stop them don't worry I'll fight by your side no let me handle them you must go and make sure everyone else is okay but Dad go son they need you you got it they don't wave from me demon huh is anyone there stay away from her oh thank god you're here key don't worry I've got this man you fired demons really live up to your reputation thankfully I brought this looks like your extinguished hee-hee what is going on here I don't know son bird I woke up and the whole city was under attack well then come on we shall get out of here I can't I promised dad I'd make sure that everyone's safe while you're doing a really good job you're my hero key don't mention it now get out of here before more of those guys show up you got a key I'll spread my wings and fly out of here was she safe I need to check on everyone else wait a minute dad you people need to learn respect I am your new king we have no king yet we lived for each other your defiance will not go unpunished any last words no key get out of here it's not safe one more to add to the fire get away from him he he is too strong you will not survive dad I can take him listen to your father boy the flame grants me strength you are no match for me I'll show you hey no get out of here find your dad no and you will share the same fate as here ma ronke run for you dad running from a battle you truly are weak this village is mine you are all my subjects [Music] how has your assault on sunny steps my dominance over the locals is complete they know their king is now congratulations they couldn't ask for a better ruler Thank You amber now go your efforts very well I have made contact Pirate King who calls himself black heart I believe that we can utilize him to control the shoreline while we make our move Pirate King there is no king but me how could we forget you what are you doing here come to beg me to reconsider to put my collar back on and be gravis as a lap dog once again I got the try for fear of sake we've been allies for a long time if my ascension brings you pain that gives me no pleasure I assure you but I will not sacrifice my power for a woman that may never wake again I dare you what is this on my face a dog don't even try to take it off or the judgment and only I remove it you I'll kill you for this I'm going to kill him for this him and gravis both they will feel the fury of the flame allow me to go with you I will fight by your side remember I can handle this myself besides I don't want you getting hurt really you mean we will talk when I return I will be here waiting for you hmm [Music] so I'm going to make you pay for what you've done to me you know I can't allow the world to envision to come to pass you think you can stop me then you will die [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I guess our partnering region you haven't won yet oh I beg to differ Krampus then that solves that problem you've done well Ice King I'm sorry it had to be this way [Music] looks like another prisoner trapped in ice well the ice king doesn't deserve anymore captives and we will need allies if we are to defeat him malkor of ordered I am awakened [Music] we come to this and Here I am now of an empire of death hmm my cape what happened here the castle is and brilliance and him we are no longer Galba brothers the prisoner was here he is makes our inside of her to defeat me and why are you still standing isn't it obvious he wants me to ward this ascension for my ice-skate stop feeling sorry for yourself this is merely a setback rubbish I have nothing left listen to you you know practically cried you weren't that defeated even when that precious wife of yours died or did you forget that little fact that the Fire King killed fear ah yes now set your minded order you know the fear and what what do you mean I've the man in red I see everything variety of goulds midsize machinery is stable laughter wonder why Alvin the hubris of an old man's that's too much time tinkering with his forest bike ah expenses this world but theater I was not my kid it's just it's your magic is this way of justice well it was because of her three entries Ice King oh yes then let's put this all behind us a focus on the fire lady the way anyways so I was thinking we could use the Dragons to assault the fire king's castle [Music] goodbye my pawns you both played your roles magnificently dressed leeks long live the king you are no king weren't possible please King you came back [Music] what's so funny you think you've won it's just getting started [Music] [Music] you've arrived at last I'll kidnap I have to say that was quite the rampage Lilly's fair of spirits and I might just not add you to the pyro one big words but that blade of yours can't stop me shall we find out the truth is Jaeger I don't even have to fight you what do you mean them I'll weigh her explain [Music] made it it's do you I am myself my true self what they are they once more she does fira has joined me brother I've seen the error of my ways and I don't want to fight you why don't you put that sword down there our fight is influence you could break free of you maybe maybe you're right me again I love you we're all wall did well and everything proceeded according to plan but there is one last soul to bring back Jager rise [Music] fire king of yours to command [Music] [Music] the fire king's revenge he's done it he imprisoned me not in a physical cellar but a mental one but I have not broken free from his control and he will not survive in this world for much longer Fira I will fear suppose from this place I promise this better be worth it John I've invested a lot of money in your little project we both have and I lost four houses to Viking assaults while I was working on it so you know it's the real deal well you're nothing if not dedicated I'll give you that now let's see the fruits of your labor here it is [Music] [Music] whoa what is all this that's what we're still trying to find out I thought we were investigating lava deposits what's with this what would you even call it chamber we were looking into the lava eruptions at dusty and the spread of the volcanic vents during our research we were led here the old loot Lake okay but why here does any of your fancy tech tell you that who knows many strange events seem to lead here one way or the other so it's really not all that surprising but either way the doors on it won't budge hmm have you tried busting them open of course what the whole thing is rock solid actually it's even more solid than that it's metal solid not even our finest drilling lasers can penetrate it where there must be some way inside I'm all ears for suggestions Lux speaking of ears do you hear that what the heck it's opening all all who or what is that bad news you
Channel: NewScapePro - Fortnite Shorts, Films and Skits
Views: 2,249,337
Rating: 4.8772964 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite battle royale, fortnite short, TALE OF TWO KINGS: RISE OF RUIN (A Fortnite Movie), ruin, ruin skin, new ruin skin, discovery skin, the ice king, prisoner, ice king captured, hybrid, ruin story, ruin origin story, ruin backstory, ice king vs. prisoner, season 8, fortnite season 8, fortnite movie, season 8 skins, dragon eggs, fortnite short film, fortnite new skin, fortnite shorts, short film
Id: Xv4QWCcFk2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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