Taking out a tree stump in my new side storage area.

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so in this new site storage area that I developed here on the side the house I think this tree stuff here I need to cut out so I think with that we're circular saw and they're suffocating so I can least cut down the ground level there and cut the top of it with a circular saw and cut the size it would be yeah we're soaking stuff so let's see how this goes helps puts it laid in the right direction and I could knock that out ya know artists my thing is a lot of there it'll lower below the grounds what I want to do knock those guys out now I got that tree stump cut down a little bit about an inch below the ground let's talk about a half hour I got done
Channel: thebalboaproject
Views: 39,025
Rating: 3.9729729 out of 5
Keywords: house remodeling
Id: tKu11pBTEdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 14sec (134 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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