Taking chances with a nippy Border Collie

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no no no good girl Heidi this is Heidi and she is a very nervous two-year-old border collie and Golden Retriever mix good girl okay so I can already tell that she is extremely nervous she wouldn't take any treats from me I'm gonna put her in the happy hoodie because I was told that she doesn't like loud noises so I'm hoping I'll be able to get this on her because she really doesn't like I can tell when I go near her the eyes she's given me the eyes I can see those eyes you can let me put this on you good girl girl good girl good girl she's apparently always muzzled for grooming but we're gonna try this first and see what happens which means I might not be able to wash her face but that's okay because we want to keep her happy if she doesn't like loud noises she's most certainly not going to like having her face dried he's just water it's just water good girl good girl good girl good girl I'm gonna attack it it's okay it's okay good girl okay I'm gonna turn it to soap good girl it's okay don't bite it okay don't fight good girl good girl good girl Heidi it's okay it's okay good girl Heidi for girl Heidi good girl yep don't bite okay okay I'm not gonna wash your face because I know you're not gonna like it so we're just gonna do your body today good girl no it's okay it's okay so it was actually the groomer that currently works on her that recommended that she come see me so we're gonna see what we can do with her today it's okay no biting I don't think you like the taste of the soap but she's licking because she's over stimulated not because she likes the taste of it good girl I'm keeping my face away from her just because she even though she hasn't bit anyone she does normally get muzzles at the groomer the whole time she's there so just in case she decides to jump up at me she is a border collie Border Collies are very mouthy so just for safety purposes that's what we're doing today good girl good girl sometimes they lick they lick they lick and then they bite I have experienced that before it's like you're lying to me see I see you giving me the crazy eyes I see the crazy eyes no crazy eyes please now I have a very quiet environment it's just me and the dog there's no other dogs in here there's no barking there's no blow dryers going on in the background there's no water going on in the background so for a dog like this that has very high anxiety this is going to be really helpful for her to calm her down because she doesn't have to listen to all the noises turn good girl good girl girl don't bite no good girl good girl okay now I'm gonna rinse her down good girl no good girl good girl so making sure that the water pressure is close to her skin is going to make less noise and give her some conditioner a big mistake people make when grooming their dogs especially dogs that shed is that they don't condition them it's really important to condition them because that really helps to lift all of that undercoat out in addition to that it helps seal the cuticle making them more shiny making their hair healthier and it also helps to repair their skin and it doesn't dry them out it's a really important step that people tend to skip over they only buy shampoo which is something that they shouldn't do according to the owner Heidi does not like towel dries we shall see girl it's okay it's okay we have to towel dry your tail so she is supposed to be muzzled for the dryer but I'm gonna try just the happy hoodie first see what she does I always give a dog a chance to show me how they're going to react before I just assume their reaction doesn't mean that she won't bite again she is a border collie loud noise blow dryer likely going to nip at the dryer but we will see what happens and spray her down in the stuff for dogs you're okay good girl okay girlfriend let's do this so I'm going to start her off with no nozzle first although the nozzle does give me a little bit of protection from my hand but I just want to see what she does [Music] Heidi [Music] girl [Music] I'm very happy with it please stay this way don't fight don't fight no fighting good girl good girl good girl pretty girl this is so impressive good girl thank you for being good okay okay since there is so far no reaction I am going to use the nozzle on her now because obviously the nozzle will get her dry a lot quicker [Music] foreign [Music] so for a dog that normally needs to be muzzled for the bath and for the blow dry so far she's doing really well I am going to put her in the belly band though so I can dry her back end and this will prevent her from being able to spin so much okay I put this around you up up good girl thank you [Music] [Music] through good girl good girl okay you dry instantly so you really have nothing to complain about do you know how long some of the dogs are under the dryer in here [Applause] oh do you like the brush are you good for the brush good girl good girl good girl yeah you wagging your tail because you're a good girl you did the whole dry without a muzzle woohoo girl I know you want it take it girl good girl see good girl so the other groomer having to muzzle her doesn't necessarily mean that the other groomer is doing something wrong it could just be that being a grooming shop there's a lot of commotion going on she gets a lot of anxiety when she goes doesn't mean that you can't muzzle her if she's muzzle trained and she's worn one before and you want her to wear one for your safety that's totally fine I just like giving a dog a chance until they go for it which could be not great but I just don't like muzzling a dog right off the bat unless they give me a reason to I did notice when I was blow drying her as long as I continued to talk to her she was okay as soon as I stopped talking to her she started crying so apparently she likes being talked to she has some matting that I'm just gonna cut out because this is not a dog that I think will do well with me brushing it out so look at these little hairs what is what are those hairs [Music] can I de-shed you now we'll do your paws at the end because I don't think you're gonna like the pause no no no no I think I got your shedding hair out with the dryer because this isn't really doing anything I could use an undercoat rake on her oh no more is coming out um but the undercoat rake does pull and based off the fact that I can see she doesn't like the pulling I'm not going to bother using it I am going to try to do this back foot nails and paws I've been informed that she really hates having her paws done and sometimes she's not able to get it done so this could be a challenge good girl good girl good girl no no no no no no I think that was me making noise to distract her [Music] good girl Heidi Heidi great girl good girl yeah good girl good girl Heidi wow good girl Heidi no no no just trimming your feet good girl good girl wow good girl good girl good girl okay so she's showing me her teeth we're not taking any risks that close to her face so muzzle it is I know that you know what this is yeah and Groomer's helper no no no good girl Heidi good girl Heidi yes good girl good girl good girl good girl girl good girl can I see that dew claw good girl so that is a happy tail egg it's okay girl nothing hurts I just want to tidy up these really long hairs here because they're a little bit too long for my liking let me see this foot good girl no no no good girl good girl good girl Heidi good girl yeah good good girl good girl good girl okay I'm giving her a spritz in Spring rain today because I really like the smell of it and that's it Heidi is all finished she did really well I only had to use the muzzle for her front paws which I'm really happy about she's a really good dog she just needs to be spoken to you need to go slow and it's best if you are in an environment where it's quiet because she doesn't like a lot of noise okay you all finished I'm gonna go down we'll go for a walk one more treats good girl Heidi thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you again next week foreign
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 559,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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