Incredible Pug beats the odds

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thank you okay guys this is Bud the Pug he's been coming to me since I opened my business you got something going on with your eyes and I don't know what that is at the show your owner so the first thing I'm going to do is bathe him in a deep cleaning shampoo because he is dirty and then I'm going to give him a medicated shampoo because he has some very dry and itchy skin because of course he's a pug okay I know you stink I want to go boy bud he has always been exceptionally well behaved for grooming which is very odd for a pug even for his nails I noticed that one eye is smaller than the other and I think that that is some type of medical situation going on so I will inform the owners that pick up that he needs to see the vet okay he's honestly so old I'm gonna say he's around 12 or 13 and for a pug that is very old I noticed that he's lost some weight which is a good thing because he was overweight but I don't know if it was intentional for him to lose weight or not so again that's something I'm going to mention to the owner at pickup I'm gonna wash his face at the very end so just first shampoo and a deep cleaning and then rinse good boy bud okay and then I'm going to put some of this shampoo in the bath and he's going to soak in here a little bit this is just an antibacterial shampoo it seems like he has some yeast on his paws it's also an anti-fungal shampoo so that should help soothe his paws a little bit I know but so Bud definitely has some labored breathing you can tell I'm a little bit concerned about him today I know you're old but that eye is not doing too hot okay let's put you into the bathtub buddy there you go there you go so anybody who ever wants a pug should know that they have a ridiculous amount of health problems obviously one of them being that they have trouble breathing they do have tons of other health conditions that you can Google they're known to have issues with their skin to have issues with their ears their wrinkles have to be cleaned out so although they are super cute and they have great personalities you have to have the financial ability to treat them medically if you're interested in getting a pug and you should always go to a very highly reputable breeder because if you're going to a backyard breeder for a pug you are bound to have some serious problems doesn't mean that you won't have problems going to any breeder because pugs in general are not the greatest breed of dog to be breeding but a reputable breeder definitely will be doing their best to ensure that their puppies are healthy and they aren't breeding sick dogs right buddy if you lay down I think you'd be more comfortable okay let's rinse you down okay let's do your face bud now I'm not going to go in his wrinkles with the shampoo instead I'm going to use a wipe to get in his wrinkles and the reason for that is because if I get the shampoo inside his wrinkles I will have a very difficult time rinsing it because he won't be able to breathe properly and he's not going to appreciate it so instead of putting the soap in there I just use a wipe I know I know that's why I don't know if you can see but there's the yeast on his paw there I will get that off with the flea comb foreign using facial wipes I'm going to wipe out the wrinkles and no pug enjoys having this done they all hate it I know look at that that's nasty you're a really good dog even meatball is not that good for this okay and I'm also going to clean out his ears while he's in the tub normally I put the cleaner on a makeup pad and then I wipe it out but I'm actually going to put this right in his ears because his ears are actually very bad so I'll let this drain out a little bit it's gonna shake probably ideally I should have done this before the bath oh that year is actually very good oh well that's good they do give him medication for his ears but chronic ear infections especially in pugs can be really difficult to get under control this one's bad it's actually a lot better than usual so they've obviously been doing their best to treat it which is good okay but time to get a blow dry come here his Mobility I'm putting him in the belly band to help keep him standing I am not putting a happy hoodie on him I am concerned about his breathing so I don't want to restrict his Airway by putting that happy hoodie on him it might be too tight he's very used to being groomed I also think he might be a bit deaf because I was calling his name earlier and there was no absolutely no indication that he knew what I was talking about or that he knew where the sound was coming from so he's probably okay with the blow dryer anyways okay are you ready bud let's do it [Music] now I'm going to clip Bud's Nails I might have to put him back into the belly band to keep him standing but I oh buddy but I will try he really doesn't like the belly band you can see that his nails are very long but I really can't take much off without hitting the quick he's not fighting me on the nails he's just having a really hard time standing good boy brush him with the equi groomer I think I got most of your hair out with the dryer because it all went into my eyeballs okay and now with the flee comb he has a little bit of yeast here so I'm just going to take that off see all that is the yeast nasty that needs to be washed now okay bud you're all done hmm good boy today I am giving him spring rain and Bud is all finished I'm going to take him outside with Gigi so they can have some fun in the grass this poor old man he did really well today though I can't believe he's still going 12 13 years old that's crazy for a pug thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you again next week
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 439,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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