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- [Announcer] Dogumentary TV, producing the best breed documentaries on YouTube. (gentle music) - Hi, welcome to On The Lamb Ranch. We are 60 acres nestled in beautiful mountains here in Camarillo. I'm only about a mile an a half off the freeway. We're nestled here right at the base of Conejo mountains. Farmland, graze land, everything around us. And the weather out here is awesome. Just to the east of us, we have Channel Islands, beaches maybe 20 minutes away. And it's a perfect place, rural, but yet right here a mile and a half off the freeways. So easy to get to. We raise sheep. We raise sheep for meat, for pets. For weed clearance. We do weed abatement for other facilities. And we train dogs to herd the sheep so we can put sheep where we want 'em to go. What makes a border collie a special dog as opposed to any other breed of dog, all dogs are great. But border collies are just a little bit more special. We've never gone about trying to breed them to match. We breed them more for their ability and their instinct, temperament. We don't breed them for looks. So that's what keeps them special. They're the smartest breed left. Because we've never got them together and said let's breed them for a certain color pattern. Like this dog is a curly coated border collie. He's a tri coated curly coat. Curly coats are very very rare. But something you wouldn't see in the show ring. We'll talk about that a little bit later. There's a difference between working herding lines. And show bred border collies. But for the most part, border collies are bred to be your independent thinking, problem solving partner that's willing to take your directions. So if I have sheep at the top of that mountain and I don't wanna go up there myself, I send this dog. He's gonna go take care of that job for me. But we've kept his breeding in such a way he's able to solve the problem himself and talk to those sheep by himself and bring them down in a nice calm, gentle manner. He uses his eyes to control and intimidate them. But just enough to get them to move. Where other breeds use a motion or a bark. That's a little bit rougher on the stock. It's a little scarier. They don't like it as much. So it makes this the superior breed for herding. Is a border collie. Border collies can herd anything. They herd any livestock you want herded. If you do sheep, goats, geese, ducks, hogs, cattle, emu, ostrich. Anything you want herded, a border collie will do it. I grew up a 4H kid in southern California. So I showed goats and pigs and cattle always at the Delmar fair, Lakeside fair. And one year they had a sheepdog competition in the horse arena down at Delmar fair. I went down and watched it. I thought, well, that's great. I want one of those kind of dogs. Look, he just does everything you ask it to do. I had no idea you had to train them. In the competition, it was all men. Well, I grew up a very competitive child. My parents had me competing since third grade. So I liked that challenge. I wanna work with one of those dogs. And I bet I can beat those men. And then later after I got married, I went ahead and got a border collie in 1989. Would've been my first border collie. And after I got my first border collie, I was hooked. So I've been working with this breed in a herding aspect for about 28 years now. Border collies have been around a long long time. I can tell you that the first time competitions started was in the 1800s. And at that time what they did was it's kind of like rodeos. Hey my dog's better than yours. But I can train a dog better than you. So they got together to have herding competitions. 1900s they brought 'em into the US. And off it's been after that. What makes border collies exceptional for say, sheep herding, goat herding, cattle herding, whatever it is, but they were bred primarily for herding sheep. Is that they're built with a larger heart. They have a larger heart than any other breed, it makes them more athletic. And they have that drive and that will to go hunt them out in a pasture and gather them all up and bring them back to you quietly. So that's what separates them from other breeds. We have to have a dog that can run up and down mountains and run sideways and run backwards and keep running for a half an hour if need be. And other breeds don't have that kind of stamina or heart to be able to do that. So border collies are born with all this natural ability and instinct to herd livestock. But they're not born knowing how to use those tools. So then that's where a trainer steps in and teaches your dog how to actually use those tools. He knows he wants to intimidate and move livestock. He just doesn't quiet know how to get there. So a trainer steps in and helps train that dog, hey, go around them really wide. So you don't frighten and scare them. Border collies will take that kind of pressure and training to say, hey, be a little bit wider. Be a little bit wider. Where as maybe an Australian shepherd would say, what do you mean go wider? You want me to go way over there? Then you don't want me to work. I think that's too far away. Where a border collie will do whatever you ask, how far it is away from you. They're not bred to protect you. So that's why I can send them half a mile out to gather stock. They're not worried about leaving me so much. Whereas say a corgi or an Australian shepherd, not picking on those two breeds, any upright breeds, typically don't have that stamina or desire to leave you to go half a mile, a mile out to go gather livestock. Border collies are just really suited for distance work over any other breed. So border collies move livestock a different way than most breeds. They're called a strong eyed breed. They use their eye to intimidate stock. So if I have sheep that are here, and I want them over there, I can use my dog to move him here. He'll put his stare and his intimidation on the stock. The stock says oh, oh, there's a dog back here. I think I'm going to walk over there. So it's kind of like playing pool and chess combined. A dog, cue ball, sheep, colored balls. Dog has to find the exact spot of pressure to apply to the stock. Stock having what we call a flight or fight zone. Meaning there's a bubble around them. Kind of like personal space. So when your dog approaches them, we wanna do it in just a way to intimidate them with their eyes, hey, you need to move over there. And it's kind of like if you watch the movie Babe. The moral's in there, it's just buried very very deep. The dog that asks nicely as opposed to one like a wolf, the sheep will be more willing to do what you want. So border collies, we can just position them in a different spot, if I want them sheep here, we put him here. Dog applies pressure, sheep move. Other breeds, we call them upright breeds, Belgian sheepdogs, corgis, Australian shepherds, cattle dogs, they don't use their eye to stare at the sheep. They'll come around, we call it a waring pattern. They'll use a motion to intimidate the stock. They'll use a bark to intimidate the stock. They don't stare at them to intimidate them and make them move. So where border collies use their eye and it's very quiet. And it's very subtle. Other breeds use more of a bark and a motion. Which makes them better suited for like pen work and small arena work. Not wild sheep in the hills. If you come running at it too close and barking at them, they're going to run away. And prey animals have longer legs for a reason than your dog. Cause your dog has to be smart to figure out how to hunt them and kill them back before we domesticated them, obviously. So they use their eye to intimidate as opposed to any other breed. There's only one other breed that will use strong eye like that and it's called a kelpie. They're just typically not as strong and not as able minded as a border collie. They're born with the tools to use their eye to move the livestock. But we have to teach them how to use their super powers in a kind gentle way. Not a scary way. Soon as they see stock, they want to run at them, it's very exciting. That's gonna scare your sheep. They're gonna run away and that's not very nice to sheep. So we wanna teach our dog, hey, approach them slowly and gently. And when you notice that they've noticed you, take your pressure off. All right, now apply your pressure back on gently. Whenever we move sheep, say, to come out to graze. I need the dogs to move them quietly and carefully. With bigger groups of livestock, you move, when you get into moving a 100 head or 300 head, if the dog doesn't move them slowly and carefully, the sheep that are actually in the middle of that pack can get suffocated from the other sheep. And even if you're moving a small group of sheep, say I'm taking 50 sheep out to go graze. Or load in a trailer to take somewhere. We wanna do it in a calm gentle manner. If you scare them, one's gonna run here. And one's gonna run there. And the other one's gonna run the other way. So we wanna move sheep in a very calm gentle manner. One, so they don't run off any kind of weight. We wanna keep their weight on them. And you don't wanna stress them out and scare them. That's not the point of the sport. Or even a ranch like situation. I don't wanna scare the animals. We just wanna move 'em from point A to point B. If you're talking say singles, not any babies, just single sheep. One dog can handle 300 head pretty easily. Once you get over 300 heads, you wanna have a couple of dogs. Here at this ranch, say when I'm moving lambs around, say 100 mom, we call 'em pairs. 100 moms and babies, sometimes there's twins. But singles as well. Then we use two dogs. Because the lambs don't, they're not broke to the dog yet and they wanna run over here and eat this bush. And run over here and eat this bush. So it's super handy over 100 head to have two dogs talking to those sheep to get them to go where you want them to go. And teach those babies, hey, move along with the flock. You don't get to run here and run here. Dog's gonna tell you, I need you to go in this pasture right now. So we're talking about using our border collies in teams, pairs of dogs. Technically you would call it brace. And you would put each dog on separate commands. So if I told this dog to lie down, this dog would keep moving. If I told this dog to go to the right, this dog wouldn't go to the right. But then you have to make them live separately to have separate commands. So I have to say that's a tedious thing even for me to do. But it is done, we have brace competitions. Where you use two dogs completely separate commands to move livestock around. I use two dogs on this ranch. They work great. And they play off of each other. Where one sees, hey you're kind of stuck. Bunch of babies over here, let me come over here and help you. And we'll get those going. Once those are going, that other dog will come back to his side. And they get to know, they get to be partners just like any team of humans in life as well. Hey, let me help you out here. Okay, I got this side covered, do you have that side covered? And they really key off of each other very very well. Not every pair of dogs works great together. You have to find, again, just like any relationship, that teams that's gonna work well together. All right, so now once we've started, we've trained our border collie up. We've trained them in such a way that we can move the dog to apply pressure to the stock. By using our verbal commands. So traditional verbal commands, if you want the dog to go counterclockwise, you would say away to me. We don't say all that, though. I have to tell ya. I say way or away. We just shorten it. What it's saying is you're going away from the clock is where it originated from. And when you want the dog to go clockwise, you say come by. So you come with the clock or you're away from the clock. That helps position that dog to the left or to the right. We use those words so you don't get confused. Cause sometimes you have the sheep coming at you. And you'll tell your dog away. So you can put the sheep over there. Or come by, put the sheep over there. But sometimes I want them to drive the sheep away from me, not fetch them to me. Humans can get confused on their right and left. Is it my right, is it the dog's right? So we just use a standard clockwise and counterclockwise. So commands on these dogs are pretty minimal. We have away. Go to the right. Come by, go to the left. Lie down means stop. Every trainer's different on this. In my opinion, I teach my young dogs, lie down, lie on your belly just like a traditional lie down. As you understand what you're doing and what your job is, then you're allowed to stand on your feet as long as you stop when I say lie down. If you wanna sit, you wanna lie down, you wanna stand, that's your choice. And I do that because I do send dogs out that go out a half a mile. And they are gonna be picking up wild sheep that are rank, that wanna beat your dog up. And if I automatically tell him lie down. And there's 10 ewes back there saying I'm gonna kick your tail, what do you mean lying down around me, you big scaredy cat. And they're gonna beat your dog up. So I wanna leave that dog that option at a distance where I can't see what's going on. So he can defend himself and act accordingly. So we have right, left, stop, go. Walk up means apply pressure whether it's fetching sheep or driving sheep away from you. I use little hey hey if they're not thinking very clearly and going too fast. Or maybe coming in too tight on the sheep and scaring them. That'll do means come back to me. Stop your work and come back to me. Look back means turn around and hey, there's something behind you I need to go get. Look here means come by me and look around here, I've something, some livestock here I want you to get. Slow down, hurry up. That's about it. We don't, get back, get back would mean hey you're too close to things. Get your pressure off the sheep, you're scaring them. Get back a little further away from them. You're in their zone and they don't like it. So after you have your dog already established on verbal commands, so he understands how to go right, left, stop, and go for you, then as the distances increases, right, if my dog's quarter of a mile out, I'm gonna have to be screaming at him. Away, come by. Dog's not gonna hear that very clearly. And they're not gonna like you screaming at them. So we have shepherd's whistles and this way we can talk to them at a distance. These whistles will go a mile in good conditions. Half a mile in bad conditions. I'll give you a couple tones on it. See, he said, oh, I need to go to the right. So I'm gonna hang onto him cause that's his language, right? Means go to the left. Stop. Apply pressure, walk up, either bringing them or driving whatever I've asked of you. Come back to me. Come back to me, that'll do, come back to me. Means look behind you, there's something you forgot. Or you missed. Snuck up on you, go get it. For me means slow down, you're going too fast. And that's about it. It's very minimal commands. Cause again, we want the dog to do all the work. I'm gonna guide where the ride goes. Where I want the stock to go. But it's up to the dog to decide oh, I'm putting on too much pressure. Let me back off and walk a little slower. Oh these sheep are very heavy and they're wanting to eat. I need them to get home and go back to the house and get penned up for the night. So hurry up. So I don't wanna put everything that I want the dog to do on him. We wanna create them to be a problem solving independent thinking dog. So he can decide for himself. This is too close, this isn't close enough. Hurry up, slow down. So we just teach 'em basic commands. And then the rest is up to them. That's the beauty of this breed. Other breeds, you have to really let them know what it is you want them to do. They have a little more, well lot more natural ability to do it on their own. So in border collies, we have quite a divide in our breeding programs. There is the herding side. The working dog side, that's been there all alone. And then AKC comes along and adopted the border collies into their program. Us working people with working and herding lines, don't like that so much because we don't want to put a standard that it has to be this tall and it has to be this long. And it has to have this look. And it has to have a certain coat. Cause now you're gonna breed away all of our brains and our ability and our instinct. Our athleticism. It's gonna ruin everything. Now you have AKC that stepped in and they have great herding programs. I'm not saying it's all bad. But if you breed just for looks and structure alone, then we're gonna lose all that natural talent. On the flip side, the people that only breed for oh, this is a great working dog, and don't look at, well this dog, his back is really long. So after I put five years of training into him, by year eight, his pasterns are broken down because his back doesn't support the length of his leg. So there are structural things you wanna look at when you're breeding. But the herding people, we don't have a standard per se of again, coat, length, color, this, this, this. We breed on this is a very strong dog. Maybe this one's a little bit weak, let's improve that line. Where confirmation dogs, you get them to start matching and then we breed away all that natural talent. Now I'm not saying that all show dogs are bad and can't herd. But when you start breeding them with very short legs, they can't run up and down mountains all day long even if they wanted to. They just don't have that athleticism into them. If you breed them with big huge furry coats, just a little more uncomfortable for them to be working especially in desert land like I'm in little bit here. Stickers and brambles and things. So both sides are, the extremists are wrong, in my opinion. There's a happy medium. Structure is important. But color and coat and size and weight is not important. So lots of research is always being done on every breed that's out there. And there's always health testing going on in border collies. In the working side of herding border collies, there are not a lot of health issues. I can tell you, I've bred for about 25 of my 28 years of being in the breed. And I've never produced a dog with hip dysplasia or an eye problem. But I'm also careful how I breed. I go and do testing. We test the hips. We test the eyes. And if the dogs have any kind of gene that's bad, we're not going to breed that dog. We're gonna find another good working dog. So we don't have a lot of epilepsy or eye problems or hip dysplasia or elbow problems. Pretty much no health problems in border collies from all working lines. When you get into the show border collies, again, it's when you start breeding to look alike. And match and have a certain coat and a certain height. Then you get into dogs that have one, bad temperaments, a lot of the show bred dogs, they come from a certain gene pool. And those dogs, their foundation dogs, were not nice dogs. They don't have sweet temperaments. And you can't let them get by other dogs. And you can't let them get by people. And that's just not what a border collie is. They're supposed to be ambassadors of good will. So the show bred lines, you'll see a lot more epilepsy. You'll see a lot more eye problems, hip problems. Elbow problems. And also just genetic problems where they're more predisposed to cancers and things like that. All right, I get asked a lot on my border collies. Is it the breeding or the training? Is it just a really dog or did you train it really well? What makes that dog super special and good? They are like a diamond in the rough and you're lucky in your lifetime if you get one that is mega talented that complements you as a handler. You might have a very very well bred smart, intelligent, able bodied dog. But you might not be competent enough to work with that dog. So you really have to work hard to find a dog that suits you. As far as is it breeding or is it training? You can't train what isn't bred well. If it doesn't have that ability to think and problem solve and reason, and make decisions on their own, no amount of training you're gonna put on that dog is gonna make it good. So I get asked, are border collies a good pet? Border collies make a great pet. For the right owner. If you're an owner that is very very active and wanna get your border collie out using its brain, exercising it is not enough. So it has to be doing a mental challenge. It isn't even just like doing tricks here and there. It's the mental challenge that they crave. And it's what makes them a happier soul filled dog. So herding, obviously, would be the number one thing that they would prefer to do. It's the sports, the one sport you do, you don't have to treat them to get them to go. They want to go do that job. If you do agility with them, if you do fly ball or tracking or search and rescue, any job you give them, they wanna do it very very well. And they crave that puzzle, they just crave that intricacy of trying to figure something out. And solve the problem. As opposed to just, oh, let's go for a run. Which they love to do with you. So for the right owner, as long as you're willing to get them out there and do something mentally challenging, then they're a great pet. So when you're looking to go get a border collie, there's lots of things you wanna look at. One, go to a herding breeder, that's what's gonna breed your true border collie. But the temperament of a border collie is supposed to be pretty much an ambassador of good will. They're supposed to be very sweet, very social. Very friendly dogs. Not shy, oh my gosh, I don't wanna be touched. Not barking, I'm gonna attack you. They were not bred to protect us. They were just bred to move livestock. So they're supposed to be very happy. Friendly, well temperamented dogs. Get along with every dog, babies, children. And also be rather bomb proof. Where noises don't startle them. They're just pretty solid calm dogs. Not aggressive, not shy. If you get a border collie for a pet, and you don't get them out and have them active mentally, then they're gonna come up with behaviors that end up not being fun to live with. They're gonna dig up your backyards. They're gonna wanna tear up things in your house. They'll just come up with bad behaviors. Barking, chasing the mailman. Running up and down the fence. Trying to use something to use their brain. So it comes up with annoying habits that you're not gonna wanna live with unless you get them out there doing something. They want to use their brain. Some lines are better suited for being a pet than other lines. Like this batman dog, he's a great dog to go ahead and breed for people that wanna be active pet owners. My other dog Ace is very very busy. And he would not do well living in an apartment and getting out once a day to do something mental. He has to be stimulated all the time. So we would just be careful as to what line you're bred, bought from. So when you come to On The Lamb Ranch, there's lots of activities going on. One, we give lessons for you to, to learn to train your dog to herd stock no matter what breed it is. It doesn't have to be a border collie. You can bring, there's about 60 or 70 different herding breeds. There's Australian shepherds, Australian cattle dogs, Belgian sheepdogs, Belgian tervurens, corgis, shelties. Standard poodles, rottweilers, tons of breeds that herd. That you would not ever expect would herd sheep. So people bring their dogs out to one, get tested. To see do they have that instinct and desire to want to herd sheep. They do. Then next we go to lessons. So I or my assistant teaches you how to train your dog to herd sheep. And as you get going in your lessons, then you can come in between your lessons, rent sheep and do your homework that we leave for you to do. Come back, take your lessons. So lessons we're doing and why we train your dogs to herd sheep is one, we do competitions all over the world. Two, it's really fun for a person even if you don't ever wanna compete. It gets your dog doing what it was bred to do. And it's really fun to watch their brain work. But again, you don't have to treat to do. And I also train dogs for actual ranchers that need dogs to go and work cattle for them or large flocks or sheep. So if you're looking for something fun to do with your dog that you've never done before, come out and try some herding. It is the most difficult sport on the planet. You're going to move a prey animal with its predator all hands off. We don't use leashes, everything is the dog free on its own. So if you're looking for something that's mentally challenging for you and your dog, come try herding. It gets you out of the city. My office does not suck. So it's not a bad job to have at all. I didn't plan in life to turn out to be a herding trainer. But I've gotten pretty good at it and I found my little niche at it. And just because you're a good handler or a good breeder or good trainer, doesn't make you a good teacher. I think I'm a pretty exceptional teacher, my students all do very very well. And we end up with very happy dogs. Winning lots of different competitions. And I have dogs that never wanna, well, their owners never wanna compete, the dogs wanna compete. But they never wanna compete, and they just have a really good time getting out of the city. Coming to the country, getting some nice fresh air. Hearing a tractor in the background. And just having some peace. So come on out to On The Lamb Ranch.
Channel: Dogumentary TV
Views: 802,932
Rating: 4.8455114 out of 5
Keywords: Border Collie, border collies, Collie, smartest dog in the world, dogumentary, herding dog, dogumentarytv, Dogumentary TV, Border, dog, dogs, smart, aglity, tricks, intelligent, dog tricks, sheep dog, German Shepherd, stunts, fly ball, Belgium Shepherd, working animals, sheep, trick dog, animal planet, working dogs, animal video, dog training, obedience, pets, pet, puppies, puppy, training, breed, amazing dog tricks, agility, shepherd, lambs
Id: bzpvPMN7uCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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