Trying the Affordable Izakaya Restaurant Torikizoku in Tokyo

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toi kizoku is an iseka chain restaurant that specializes in Yaki toori they were first established in 1985 and quickly grew in popularity due to their great quality and uniform pricing [Music] system Yas today I am here in Tori kizoku which is a popular isaka here in Japan they primarily use chicken and I cannot wait to try some of the food they have on AFA here anyway if you like videos like this don't forget to like And subscribe and let's get into it so we're now inside the restaurant and it's very spacious there seems to be a lot of seating as well they also have really nice wooden decor and interestingly the walls are painted black but it doesn't feel too dark in here and I think that's because they have really nice lighting I also have a fantastic view of the trains behind me so this is a really nice area to sit this restaurant has a rather large menu and you can see there is a massive sign on it saying all of the ingredients are from Japan so that's really good to know they're famous for their yakit Tori which is why they have such a large selection but also they have plenty of other choices as well so if you're feeling in the mood for something else you can go ahead and get that as well as having a traditional paper menu there is also a tablet you can order from both of which are available in English it's so crazy to see three trains pass each other at the exact same time oh my goodness okay I ordered a lemon sour and this is huge and that's because it's a mega lemon sour so they do Mega beer Mega lemon sour and mega high ball I don't know if I can drink all this it's crazy it's so big but it looks so refreshing so I am going to have some it's really heavy I don't know how much longer I can hold this up so campai that's so refreshing wow and so heavy so this only costs 360 Yen and that's because absolutely everything on the menu here is 360 Yen now as somebody who has come from London that just seems impossible to me so I was genuinely shocked when I realized that everything on the menu is 360 Yen that seems like a dream it just seems so unfathomable I have tacoa which is B basically octopus and wasabi two of my favorite things and this is a nice little starter I think so I can't wait to eat this there is so much Wasabi on here I'm Ready the wasabii but if you get too much Wasabi it is quite spicy but it's delicious this is actually part of the speed menu so you can order things on the speed menu and you know they're going to come quickly and it's perfect whilst you're waiting for your Yaki Toni to [Music] arrive I'm very happy right now I've actually already nearly finished the takasa because it is so delicious so this is actually made using misu tacle from Hokkaido and it is so good I'm almost embarrassed at how quickly I've eaten this but I definitely recommend it so I have yam imaki here and it smells so good as soon as it was put down on the table I was hit with the smell of it I've never actually had this before which I feel like it's getting more and more rare the more time I spend in Japan it's hard for me to find things I haven't tried yet but this is one of them so I can't wait to try this and see if I like it I probably will but let's see this looks so hot I'm scared here we go wow wow okay it hasn't got a strong flavor at all it's very gentle almost I can really taste the naughty I think that's the saltiness that's there is from the nauy it's really delicious and I love how warm it is and it's freezing out today so I think this is a really nice thing to [Music] eat I love how many different variations of Pancakes there are in Japan there's the classic pancake the famous sule pancake and then you have okonomiyaki and then you have this as well so if you like pancakes there are a lot of options to choose from this has easily got the most delicate flavor and I really like it it's just what I needed something warm something simple perfect for a cold day like today the mayonnaise on this is a really nice touch as well because it makes it that bit more creamier if you come to Tori kizoku you have to try the Yakitori they have a large variety and you get two servings with each order I have the most famous Yakitori here which is Koko Yaki and you can get shio tare or spicy flavor I have got tare as you can see and this looks fantastic it's such a large portion and again I have to remind you this is only 360 Yen absolutely unbelievable and I need to eat this right now because it looks so mouthwatering delicious M the juiciness of the chicken paired with the juiciness of the Nei and then the t is so sweet as well this is ridiculous honestly this is so good and it's only 360 Yen for two it's mindblowing it really is that is delicious Yaki Tori lemon sour such a good combination look at the size of this piece of Nei it's huge m m it's still quite crunchy it's delicious I have gu Kaki here which is beef so not only can you have chicken here but you can have many different types of meat and this is beef and apparently it's been spiced slightly so I'm really interested to see how it tastes that is so lovely and tender and it's got quite a strong garlic flavor and I love garlic so honestly this is so delicious so the chicken here is perfect and so is the beef so you are spoiled for Choice truly so we have moi moi cheese Yaki here and I feel like a lot of people outside of Japan don't know that you can actually eat MTI Savory as well as sweet and you definitely can and this is one of the ways that you can do that and I love mty so I'm going to enjoy this oh M that is incredible so I'm going to try and explain the flavor as best I can but just know that whatever I say is not going to do this Justice the mty chewy perfect ction the cheese adds saltiness to it along with the Nori and then the T on there is kind of sweet so you have this contrast of sweet and savory and salty with the chewy texture of the mchi and the creaminess of the cheese it's mindblowing what a mixture of flavors it's absolutely phenomenal and I think this might be very difficult to beat Kama Mesi is also available to order it's a tra traditional Japanese dish of rice and meat cooked in an iron pot called Kama by cooking the rice this way you get a delicious crispy layer at the bottom this looks amazing there are so many different colors in here because I think there's quite a few ingredients so you have the rice the chicken there's also carrot and it looks like cab bacle as well so I'm so excited to try all of these things together wow I see why the is popular definitely it's so rich with flavor you can tell that it's cooked with chicken broth you can taste the chicken it's fantastic I like the contrast of textures as well with the crunchy carrot and the soft fish cake this is delicious M I cannot believe this is 360 y this is incredible this could be a meal by itself it's unbelievable to think that you can eat something this delicious for such a cheap price so if you prefer your chicken fried instead of grilled you have options here for that too in front of me I do have KAG and it looks amazing the pieces are huge and it just looks ready to eat so I'm going to do it this is so big and this is the smallest piece by the way just so you know this was the smallest piece and it is massive M that has to be one of the most balanced Fried Chickens I've ever had it's not too crunchy it's not too salty there's not too much butter it literally has the perfect balance of everything it's perfectly juicy the portion size is fantastic the individual size of the pieces of chicken is perfect honestly that is really really delicious lemon sour lemon sour really goes with everything can I fit you into my mouth yes I think so this is cooked using konu from l in Hokkaido which I thought was very interesting also I've just found out this is from chicken breast which is incredible because chicken breast tends to be quite dry this is not at all I'm thoroughly impressed and I definitely recommend you guys try it that's it for today's video you guys thank you so much for watching I am about to enter a food coma because all of that food was so delicious and I am so full although we're sat in a booth here today you can also sit at the counter and you can watch the food being prepared in front of you which I love thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Squishy Talk
Views: 101,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squishy Talk, スクイシートーク, Japan life, Japan trip, Japan, tokyo, 外国人の反応, 外国人美女, 日本, 居酒屋, 鳥貴族, izakaya, Japanese bar, Japan travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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