Building a Successful Blog in 1 Year (When and How to Pivot Your Blog)

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have you ever made a plan and then a little  ways in you thought I think I need to change   my plan pretty common feeling and as bloggers  it's extremely common I think mostly because   the results of the work that we do don't come  immediately well I started a new project at   the beginning of the year three months ago  to achieve a full-time income from a brand   new blog project in just one year it's actually  a pretty audacious goal and I picked about the   worst time to do it when everybody's saying  that they think blogging is dying there have   been Google algorithm updates like crazy their  AI is now just like running rampant and people   are putting hundreds of Articles a month on  their new websites and that's not how I'm   planning to go about this or how I'm doing  it so right now I'm in a position where I'm   a little bit fearful so I can empathize with  those feelings that sometimes maybe you just   need a change of plan that's what we're going  to talk about today in this video how to know   when it's actually time to Pivot your strategy  a little bit and then how to go about doing that if you're not familiar at all with project double  time I have a video I'll link to it right up here   you can go watch that and it'll walk you through  the entire plan that I set out for how I was going   to achieve a full-time income from a brand new  blog within just one year I'm three months in   and at this point I planned to have 170 blog posts  published or at least being written on the website   and I planned to basically do nothing else in  these first three months well here's where I'm   at today when it comes to content on the site I  have 30 published blog posts I have 15 more that   are written and pretty much ready to publish  they just need some final touches I have 31   more that are either being written right now or  ready to write which means I have 76 currently   in progress that's not quite the 170 I had planned  so I want to talk briefly about some of the things   that are holding me back now if you're working on  a blog or thinking about working on a Blog these   are things that you might be able to relate to the  first one is one of the most common among bloggers   and that's perfectionism perfect is the enemy of  good probably the enemy of a lot of things and   that's because when we're seeking perfect we're  actually setting a goal for ourselves that's like   impossible to attain the vision I have for every  single article on this website is for it to be   an amazing resource in a recent Mastermind that I  had with members of project 24 one of the members   brought up the question and he asked is it better  to write and create the best resource for every   article or what if in the same amount of time I  could write five articles that are about eighty   percent of the way there and it only took me about  a second to give him the the answer that I know is   the best one go write the Articles there's a  couple reasons for that the first one is that   the more content that we have on the website the  better we're going to be able to build out the   topic clusters and build real topical Authority  on the website the other reason is that the more   content we have out there the better data that  we're going to get back pretty soon from Google   search console and from Google analytics we're  going to know better what things what topics work   really well for us and where we're going to be  able to to get the most traffic going forward you   just need more content we don't need bad content  and the way he positioned this was articles that   are 80 of the way there the 80 20 rule is the  Pareto Principle basically 80 percent of the   work is done by 20 of people that's where the  rule comes from but eighty percent of the work   is usually done and also about 20 percent of the  time it's the last 20 percent that often takes   the most work when it comes to blogging I often  find that I can get my articles ninety percent of   the way there sometimes in more like 10 percent  of the time it's going to take to get it 100 of   the way and that's because perfectionism is an  impossible goal to achieve and yet I'm finding   myself spending way too long on a lot of these  blog posts the second thing that's holding me   back a little bit is another one that a lot of you  are probably facing and that is industry concerns   Google algorithm updates AI all that stuff right  but those aren't things that have me afraid that   it's gonna fail those are things that have me  rethinking my plan man is this plan exactly what   needs to happen and in the right order to be able  to achieve this goal in such a short time period   And I think that there were some adjustments  I needed to make based on those concerns I've   made some decisions to do things in a little bit  different order one of the things I've been doing   is building out a lot of those eeat factors on  the website from the very beginning so I already   have a lot of those things that Kyle roof talked  about I'm doing organization schema I'm building   it out to make it look like a legitimate business  because frankly it is even from the very beginning   another thing that I'm doing is something that  I know works so incredibly well that I'm willing   to give it a little bit more of an emphasis even  from the very beginning and even if it slows me   down and that is I'm doing a lot of real testing  I've picked up a lot of products many of which   are very very inexpensive by the way so that I can  actually test them these are products that I see   peddled and talked about in the industry all the  time and everyone sort of just has their opinion   about which one to get but it's not backed by  a basically any testing not even user testing   and so I wanted to change that another thing that  I'm doing is I am putting a focus on video content   much earlier on with the product testing yes I  can talk about those things in a blog post but   at the same time that I'm doing the testing for  the blog post I can just film it and then I can   put together a video after the fact do some voice  over and stuff and make a really good compelling   video showing the testing and talking about the  results in a really cool captivating way that's   going to attract actual traffic from the video  side as well as send people over to the blog   where they can get some additional content and  additional information about those products it's   a beautiful system that we know Works incredibly  well we've done it multiple times here but in   doing all of that there's still that sort of  it has to be perfect feeling that I have I'm   not normally quite this much of a perfectionist  but just because it's so public because of you   guys I feel like this all just has to be right  and frankly any article that it's written in my   name I feel like it has to be something that's  of equality that I am comfortable with which   is why I feel like such a perfectionist so I have  done some things to help me with my perfectionism   I've set some rules for myself there are things  that I know I want to work on on the site videos   I want to make products I want to test and I just  set a rule I don't get to do that until I publish   X number of blog posts this week and because  of that I can time block time set it aside   to work on these blog posts and actually get them  published on the website like I said I saw 15 blog   posts that are written that I haven't published  yet because they still need what some finishing   touches they really do but I have to force myself  to time block some time and actually do them so   what all this means for this project is that I'm  not where I wanted to be on content I'm ahead of   where I wanted to be on basically everything else  and I need to just slightly change adjust my plan   going forward so now we need to talk just  a little bit about pivoting a pivot is just   an adjustment in direction right a change from  where we are right now moving forward forget about   what we've done so far that impacts how we pivot  but it's not something that we dwell on there are   a few important guidelines I want you to keep in  mind if you're considering a pivot the first one   is if you're not completely sure you need to  Pivot don't yet you have to give whatever plan   you're following a chance to succeed before you  pivot unless the results you're achieving at this   point fall well outside sort of the expected range  for the plan that you're following it's probably   still time to just stay the course and give that  plan enough of a chance to actually work for you   changing direction far too often actually slows  you down it's very easy to see this if you're   actually walking and you walk a little ways and  then pivot and walk that direction and pivot and   walk that direction you're gonna you're gonna  add a whole lot of extra walking to get to the   same result versus if you were to walk there  in a straight line the only issue is that we   can't always walk into perfectly straight line  because we don't always know exactly the path to   get where we're going so we need to minimize  the number of pivots that leads to the next   principle of pivoting and that is to not pivot  too harshly unless you know you're going in the   complete wrong direction you're better off making  small adjustments to the plan notice that in my   current plan all I've done is slightly rearrange  the tasks I know what things need to be done to be   able to achieve a full-time income from blogging  we've done it so many times here and we've helped   literally thousands of other people do the same  thing following the same plan the only difference   here is that I created a plan to do it in half  the time where I condensed a ton of things and   I've just noticed early on that there were just  some things that were a little bit out of order   and so I've just adjusted by switching the order  on some of those things I've also fallen behind   even that pivoted plan and so where I am today my  plan from here needs to be a plan for how to move   4 forward not a plan where I keep getting on my  own case for not accomplishing enough in the first   three months you need to do the same thing don't  harp on yourself for what you haven't accomplished   yet make whatever little pivots you need to make  and then move forward one of the biggest mistakes   I see bloggers make all the time is they start  they actually do a bunch of work they put a lot   of effort in before they've ever even written a  blog post and then maybe they write their first   few blog posts and then they stop and they say I  don't think this is the right Niche you've just   spent like three months getting everything ready  you've set up a website you bought a domain name   you did a bunch of search analysis you wrote a few  blog posts and now you're saying I don't know if   this is the right Niche I want to use this example  briefly to go through these same principles how do   you know if you need to make such a big pivot like  completely changing your Niche well if the current   Niche that you're in is absolutely not going  to take you in the direction where you want to   go meaning there's no way it's going to make any  money or it's going to actually harm your personal   life versus helping it then okay yeah makes sense  but if that's not the case I want you to stop and   think really hard why do you think you need to  change your Niche is it just because you realized   oh this isn't going to be that easy because that's  going to be true no matter what Niche you end up   with is it because you're a little bit concerned  because there might be a little bit of seasonality   or huh some of these topics are a little more  competitive than I thought they were going to be   if it's those kinds of things just take a breather  because chances are the further you get into this   process of writing content the more opportunities  you're going to find for writing articles where   there is basically no competition I find it in  every single Niche I get into the further in   that I go the more content that I write the more  I find that there's just opportunity Galore on   the internet still even now I still have a lot of  confidence in this project I'm excited to to keep   you up to date on what's going on with project  double time I'm confident because I'm confident   in the plan I've made the adjustments that I need  to make and I'm making adjustments going forward   to ensure that I get enough content written and  published on this website with enough time to be   able to achieve the results that I need to achieve  my first results-based Milestone is still three   months out and I'm hopeful that I'll still be able  to achieve that we'll see I'll keep you up to date   in our future videos here on income school if  you haven't subscribed yet to this channel but   you're interested in building a Content business  absolutely subscribe because that's what we're all   about here we teach you how to create amazing  content and be able to use that to generate an   amazing income for yourself and for your family  we hope to see you in the next video thank you
Channel: Income School
Views: 15,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators, internet marketing strategies, what is internet marketing, is blogging dead, is blogging dying, blogging dying, blogging dead 2023, niche sites, niche site outlook, niche sites 2023, Chatgpt websites, Chatgpt blogging, keep blogging, should I keep blogging, is blogging worth it, new niche, change niches, change blog niche, FUD
Id: vV_oTvDqXy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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