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[Music] something was said you saw it in a dream that the devil wants to oppress you you saw it in a dream that an attack was coming to you and your children you just got up and wrote it down usually that's what we do i had a dream 3 22 am in that dream i saw knife i saw all of that and you didn't do anything about it until six months after that time watch this it will not come as a physical robber your prayer life goes down your finances goes down all helpers leave you what was walking stops walking that was the dream prophecy seeking expression in your life like hezekiah there's something you would have done about it yes everybody in this house turned every plate upside down i have seen something that is an evil and we can stay the power away and then you get up and pray there are many things i see that the devil wants to bring upon people upon the ministry upon my life there are people who send me text messages sometimes apostles this is what i've seen pray about the ministry i don't sit down and cross my legs while you are sleeping and snoring i'm awake with god crying and praying lord worshipped him lord prayer department lord this there must be increase people are coming you are opening up those prophecy and you see i saw it too i saw that by this time coinonia would have increased yes you saw it but it was engaged is someone getting the teaching this night because we are going to pray you will never see the outstretched arm of god with the assumption that prophecy will work itself out no you have a dream and you see people dying in your family that means there is a world that is bringing death what do you do about it you don't wait till somebody dies ah and you know the other day i told you a witness what kind of witness is that you can get up and fast fasting is powerful yes listen to me our our adjective generation fasting is important for a man's destiny you will never be able to do business with god if you cannot turn your plate upside down there are times you need to sit like elijah you write the list of all the nonsense you saw that must change one by one you are praying what is this i saw about my wife what is this i saw about my husband what is this i saw about my business i saw an attack i'm sleeping and all of a sudden i have a dream and in that dream i see chains everywhere in that dream i see people crying you don't need an interpretation the character of scripture shows you that mourning is not associated with glory so already let the bible interpret that for you that is trouble you can call somebody i pray that you have a good friend that when you need to change prophecy he will be available with you are you hearing what i'm saying that you have a good friend i say please can you stay awake for three hours with me today i'm sensing the spirit of death over my family i don't know but i've been sensing it and the person says you know coincidentally i had a dream of death it shouldn't put here your consolation is that the martial word of prophecy has an ability to super impose everything planned and you can get up in the night and agree and both of you are praying how do you pray you engage the truth of scripture you don't pray and say god why now where are you is it are you still there that that's not prayer that's just lamentation you begin to pray when you engage the truth of god's word i choose life i'm the head of this home my children may be too small to choose life but i stand as a covering i choose life sakos when they are in school i choose life are you getting what i'm saying now i've taught you this thing listen if you are married in this place young or old you are a man if you don't go around praying and laying hands on your children you are not a very good ambassador of this ministry the children should be sleeping no not a father because they serve you play time you are sitting now you get up and carry that regardless of priesthood you are changing negative prophecies your child comes back with a result from second position to twelve the other one from fourth to eighteen you don't just flock them no psalm 112 blessed is the man that feared the lord this is prophecy now that delighted greatly in his commands his seed shall be mighty this is not might lord you have said my seed shall be mighty mandapraka toast while you are speaking that word there are powers let me tell you that reside in the heavenlies you speak and command your money he told you has now commanded that morning you are you sleep and wake up with a dream someone injects you with hiv and tells you this is hiv you get up and say and you know i'm feeling the spot you get up and see marks on your body physical marks from a dream and you sit down and just laugh laugh no matter how mad a man is he does not enter fire by mistake as mad as he is he comes near fire he will move i'm not that mad we want to see you like a mighty russian wind we want to dwell under the shadow of your wings [Music] we want to see you like a mighty rushing wing we want to dwell under the shadow of your wings over every challenge in my life [Music] he told me [Music] listen everything you see in your dream is prophecy seeking manifestation good or bad everything you see in your dream in your vision is a prophecy seeking manifestation you can allow it you can change it you can stop it inaction is a disaster to a believer is what you don't want that you will see happen can you open your mouth in one minute and just blast in the spirit [Music] m hallelujah listen listen please look at me one of the demands of priesthood get my message on priesthood is that men become men of prayer not just prayer in terms of petition but legislators of spiritual reality anything you sit and watch will happen did you hear what i said listen there was no record of job praying for himself there was no record of any man praying for job the devil came to him and through his covering to afflict his family he prayed for his children it's true that he shared god it's true that he ensured evil but that's not the seed for deliverance you must know how to pray and engage listen let me tell you let the devil get used to you not keeping quiet when negative things come don't say i'm not a member of prayer ban i'm not a member of this and that the times that we live in let me tell you it requires man with the spirit of issachar is a man who had an understanding of the times otherwise you can confess i shall not die and that will sweep you like a chicken you must have the eyes at sea lift your voice and begin to pray i change everything that is not consistent with the counsel of god concerning my life my family my finances please pray pray [Music] i change everything in the name of jesus christ every prophecy that is not of god seeking manifestation through my life i reject you by the power of the holy ghost i reject you i speak the word the most strong word of prophecy i shall not die but leave the head not the tail above [Music] m [Music] play [Music] red [Music] listen i'd like you to find someone to agree with you everything god said or you have seen in the spirit that is consistent with god's will and has been hunted by any power of divination within the second heavens lift your voice and cry i command that it must come to pass and break that they can't take a day i want a good warfare in the realm of the spirit i declare i declare the joy the peace the prosperity the blessing the anointing upon my ministry [Music] i declare the powers of the heavens holding everything that belongs to me i command the release by the power of the word of god pray few minutes and we're done you are enforcing prophecy [Applause] [Music] play play [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] matthew 18 18 please oh one more time [Applause] fairly i say unto you whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth is that shall be bound in heaven whatsoever doubt shall lose finding and losing thoughts of allowing and disallowing are we together now please listen to me please listen listen that everything that belongs to me and has been helped by any power it must be released now not tomorrow now lift [Music] [Music] [Applause] they i command the relief in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] last prayer and we're done tonight [Music] [Music] psalm 91 psalm 91 he that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide or not the shadow of the almighty verse too i will say of the lord he is my refuge my fortress my god him i will trust continue please surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence four he shall cover me with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler five thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night nor for the arrow that wasted or fly it by day listen very carefully look at what the bible is writing here next verse six not for the pestilence that walketh in darkness not for the destruction that wasted at noonday seven a thousand shall fall by thy side and ten thousand by thy right side it shall not come 98 only with thy eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked listen that means every time you hear of negative things someone is dying they are kidnapping someone this is happening in as much as you sympathize with people you don't do them at the detriment of your own conviction are you hearing what i'm saying now if joshua salman dies today does not mean that the truth of scripture giving life is a lie so in as much as you symbolize with people do it lovingly but not at the detriment of the immutability of god's counsel let god be true and let every man be a liar [Music] until you rise up to possess your possession you will never never possess your possession jesus was in the wilderness praying and fasting for 40 days satan came to tempt him when he defeated him he returned in the power of the spirit and his fame went abroad let me tell you something my brothers and sisters i hate to be the bearer of bad news but there are controlling powers that continue to see that negative prophecies continue to be enforced in our lives and until the saints understand how to legislate by the spirit we will continue to be victims of the speakings of men last prayer father every prophetic word that came through your word or through your servant upon my life this year i stand in partnership i call it maranatha let that prophecy manifest in my life lift your voice and pray the conditions who make it happen i obtained grace to understand i obtained grace to work in keeping with it [Music] pray every prophetic word about my spiritual life about my finances about my marriage about fruitfulness i received by the spirit i obtain grace i obtain understanding i obtain grace i obtain understanding to know what to do to know how to partner with prophecy [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah just one testimony i will round up tonight a gentleman sent me a text and he said he was tired of what was happening to him and his family you know what people call failure at the edge of breakthrough that you see good things but just when your hand is about to obtain a trouble must ferment itself from wherever and come and destroy you he said he was tired and one night he took out time that it is to die here he would die and he will pray listen to me true story he was praying he said he had come here with an oil that i prayed for and then you know he went back and applied that oil and he was praying and praying and praying and then it looked like he fell into a trance and according to him he said i walked to him and i told him to lift two of his hands and when he lifted his hands i started removing what looked like my gods out from his hands like that removed or maybe a number of them when the gentleman said that happened by the next day he got a job next day he got a job [Applause] see i've told you time does not change anything you must engage with prophecy you must engage with prophecy don't wait until miracle service when you write your prayer request and bring it here go and write it now and trust god for grace one hour in the night will not stop your sleep we spend three hours worrying [Music] wake up in the night every man in koinonia is an intercessor let me tell you if you're a married man in this place and you're anoint an intercessor you are not a good ambassador learn it wake up and pray put that request on the ground place your hand on it pray it will look like nothing is happening don't mind what you are seeing you just pray forever oh lord thy word is settled let me tell you what will happen when you pray satan will use the sense realm to send images that negate what you are trying to do because he knows that to be carnally minded is bad but to be spiritually minded is life and peace you can even finish that prayer and go back to bed and have a dream that is another negative connotation and you stand up and say but i just wasted my time so these three days prayer and fasting is nothing if it was not bringing an effect in hell the devil would not send you that kind of prayer the key is to remain let me tell you this there are certain prayers that you don't pray for one day let me be sincere with you and i don't mean to insult anybody but that understanding that when you pray once is done well i may not have enough experience to challenge that but i can tell you the one i know that when you stay on an issue and you pray and cry jesus prayed he came out saw the disciples went back and prayed the same words the same way three times jesus prayed bible says looking up to jesus not up to any prophet or any man of god don't pray once and see that how long do i pray until you see the feast manifest in the adrenaline you pray on when you see the the cloud manifest in the abraham it gives you a sign that you know that those realities have reached otherwise please pray if it takes 21 days pray the grace for the the spirit of glory that will not allow you to fast and pray i curse it now in the name of jesus it's a different thing if you have a health issue that may not allow you to pray there are many of us the last time you fasted was during um fasting and prayer that's not healthy for your spiritual life please don't say it does not matter everybody know we know where we are coming from by god's grace our children will not go through this but in between where you are coming from and where you are going you must stand as a bridge and flock this thing out once and for all reject spiritual laziness stay with the world please listen to me let me advise you i say this not to everybody at least i have a responsibility over you please obtain grace from god to sit down in one place this spirit of running up and down from here visiting these running and down i can't see that spirit in this season in jesus name you must obtain grace don't sit in your room jesting gossiping talking open your bible and sit down for god's sake and study more than listening to a message carry your bible carry your notebook and sit down read something spirit of the living god open my eyes and sit down and read there were times when any house you go to you see people even if they are existing their bible is in front of them but right now is this this our phones everywhere you sit down you are watching film you are watching this i'm not saying it's wrong but life has seasons for god's sake a farmer who is sleeping during rainy season will be foolish to go to the farm during harvest the head still walks on seedtime and harvest you a man of god here reduce your physical exposure and stay in the secret place and pray for around a man pastor this son and prophet these are my apostles sit down in one place with the word be sound in scripture be mighty in power most of what you need for your destiny is internal sit down don't become a busy body roaming here and there you know in the afternoon you are then the hot sun you are moving around you visit this one i'm not saying visitation is wrong but you are the critical point of your destiny receive grace to sit down study when you fall asleep and you stand up and you didn't read your bible you didn't pray don't act like nothing happened just forgive yourself for nothing no you stand up any time is right for prayer if you plan to pray in the morning and evening that's my recommendation for you i've told you the morning times and the evening times are powerful times so said the ministry of jesus there are few times jesus prayed in the afternoon i'm not saying prayer in the afternoon is wrong but the activities of life will not give you the kind of focus wake up in the morning and pray wake up in the night and pray some of you as you go back now don't say it's too late and it's too cold receive grace from god stretch a little and pray and don't just pray anyhow pray strategically pray scriptures obtain grace from god there's no light you switch on your candle you switch on your phone instead of just watching a movie and then you you you watch you watch spirits to enter your destiny there is a prize for this thing let me tell you god is not a magician there is a real price either you want it or you don't but if you want it you mean business and be aware of the structures are we together there are people who are sincere people but somehow it looks like because of their weakness they allow the devil just when you want to pray they just come and knock your house i have the courage to tell people please i would appreciate it if you want to come and see me i truly would appreciate that you just let me know i may be studying or you can come anytime but please don't be offended if you come and find me studying somebody should not buy a dvd and come to your house to watch and say his own sport is that a blessing what if he comes to meet you doing something please take your life seriously this is about destiny make up your mind that this prophetic word must come to pass especially this issue of finances go and get there are too many messages that have been preached around the area of finances get it and sit with it don't just say lay hands on me thank god for seed thank god for the prophetic god sit down i'm a young man what does it take to be established lord will i end up in this one room forever the answer is yes until you change it you sit down what do i need to know are we together father we thank you we bless you for tonight you have shown to us that without engaging prophecy it will fail and you have shown to us that negative prophecies can be changed lord bring us together as a family of faith and as a body of believers to a point where we exalt the truths of your word we exalt the immutability of your counsel more than any opinion we choose the word of god as a sure word emotional word of prophecy we choose the word of god as final authority in all matters over our lives we take our lives at your word in the name of jesus father i pray for your precious people every condition that needs to be engaged to actualize every prophetic word that is upon their lives i pray that both the grace and the understanding be revealed to them in the name of jesus that you will act out in faith and that in the name of jesus the lord will honor you and the lord will cost your life to be an unending testimony of wonders do they so god and be glorified for in jesus name we pray amen and amen let me make an altar call last week because of time i couldn't make an altar call a gentleman sent me a text and said apostle i was waiting for an altar call i really wanted to give my life to jesus it broke me so bad i asked the lord for forgiveness and so no matter what it is we'll have to make another call please keep standing we're already rounding up please keep standing let's honor those who will be coming there are people inside there are people outside who are saying apostle i desire to hand my life over completely to jesus or i desire to rededicate my life if there's anyone like that you're inside you're outside you're saying i need jesus time is gone but i need jesus please make your way to the front very quickly don't be ashamed don't wait for anybody to come whether you are outside make your way inside god bless you god bless you someone is coming god bless you those outside overflow one overflow two please clear the way for them very quickly there's nothing to be ashamed of you are standing before jesus this is the beginning of a great life the beginning of a great destiny those coming from outside please clear the way for them protocol if there's anyone coming if you're coming please double up make it quick make it quick our time is gone hallelujah praise the lord thank you very very much god bless you this is a place where no one at all for any reason and under any condition would condemn you we're here where a family we love you we salute your courage for making jesus lord of your life this is why uh one of the reasons why he created this platform is my joy and my honor to lead you to jesus young old i want you to lift your right hand and say this passionately and truthfully after me say lord jesus tonight if you're joining them please come very quickly so that you participate in the prayer come quickly say lord jesus tonight i have heard your word and i declare by faith that you are lord you are savior you are king over my life and my destiny i ask for mercy i ask for forgiveness i ask for the newness of life from tonight i declare that i am a child of god i am saved the spirit of the lord lives within me the grace to live a victorious life is mine right now amen keep your hands lifted jesus thank you for these ones precious people you have brought by your spirit and by your grace they are making commitments and some of them are rededicating their lives to you you are the only one who can keep us you are the only one who can build us i pray in the name of jesus that the power of satan the power of sin is broken over your life in the name of jesus the grace to walk in victory is released upon you right now i declare that from tonight you go forward ever and backward never in the name of jesus christ amen and amen thank you for this decision you
Channel: Revival Alert
Views: 295,257
Rating: 4.8752155 out of 5
Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, apostle joshua selman new sermon, sermon on youtube, how to grow spiritually, how to desire greater glory, prophetic prayer
Id: 9yvEqUzwp6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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