Taiyaki (Japanese fish-shaped cake)

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[Music] you almost everybody let's go get some strawberries alright buddy let's go get some strawberries [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys i'm sorry for the long wait i've been working on building a house kitchen and i'm almost done with planning i named my channel like this as a dream and it's finally happening i'm so excited it's all thanks to you guys and thank you so much and yes there will be a lot of catwalks everywhere in this cat house recently i got contacted by a subscription box service called sakurako which is sponsoring this video and helping me afford my kitchen sakurako let you experience traditional japanese sweets and i realized that i've been making japanese recipes on this channel but not so many japanese sweets so i got inspired by sakurako to make taiyaki this time the box comes with a nice booklet about the suites in the box and next box will include this normally taiyaki has red bean paste inside but there are many other options like chocolate cream fruits or matcha if you're interested in the box i'll talk more about it later so please check it out now let's make taiyaki this time i'm going to put red bean paste as well as some fruits and chocolate first i'm going to make a rip bean paste [Music] rinse the beans and boil it on medium heat for about 5 minutes [Music] [Music] drain the beans to get rid of tartness [Music] boil the beans on medium heat again until the beans become soft drain the beans and make it into paste with sugar [Music] [Music] do [Music] next i'm going to make the batter for taiyaki mix an egg milk sugar and salt in a bowl set the flower in another bowl mixing baking powder pour the liquid mixture into the flour little by little so it doesn't become chunky using a strainer helps rest the batter in the fridge for about 30 minutes in the meantime i'm going to prepare other fillings [Music] so melt some chocolate and mix it with warm heavy cream [Music] i froze these strawberries after i picked them so they will last longer [Music] next heat up the pan on low heat and put everything together spread the batter around the pan [Music] [Music] put the fillings and sandwich them for a few minutes on low heat of course it may not be easy to find a thai pan where it loads but you could also try using these ingredients in a sandwich press or even just fry it like pancakes and spread the fillings between them [Music] whoa does it look like raw fish now taiyaki done they're so cute mmm can't wait to eat it done that cause i have to eat it before they eat it no it's mine the chocolate bread bean paste is so good it goes a little bit too looks really good matcha goes really well too it's really moist wow how do they do it other than taiyaki sakurako offers many more authentic japanese sweets and they source and deliver japanese tea sweets and snacks from local makers looking at these definitely reminds me of kota drip i had if you sign up for sakuraku by may 31st you can get this box which includes this much taiyaki if you're interested the link is in the description down below thank you for watching see you guys next time
Channel: JunsKitchen
Views: 1,557,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taking, cats, walk, jun, junskitchen, juns kitchen, cat, cooking, cuisine, walking, Jun, Rachel, Japanese, food, Japan, ねこ, ぬこ, ジュン, 英語, 日本, 料理, クッキング, yt:cc=on, cook, taiyaki, たいやき, pan, cake, fish, 鯛, 焼き, たい焼き, クック
Id: YvCo9Zp7irY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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