Tacos Al Pastor - The Campfire way

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hello guys welcome back to the shelter here out today to do a little cooking it's been ages since I've done a proper cooking video and uh I thought I really want to do some tacos al pastor which I believe is the shepherd way of cooking um brought over from Greek immigrants to Mexico bringing their Gyros or Gyros or however you would like to say it not 100 sure how I'm doing it here on the campfire today we'll make it up as we go along but I've got a lot of bits with me so I need to get this fire started foreign foreign just gonna start the fire with a bit of Tinder card here I'll just use the knife give that a Fluff up should take a spark if I put a bit of a brace at the back here start getting some Twigs on there a little bit of a worry it's just got very very dark I can't see Blue Sky in the distance though so hopefully we'll be okay got quite a lot to get on with first thing I need to start with is this big old piece of pork shoulder it's been deboned which is why it's got the bridges twine on and I just need to get some healthy slices from that foreign they don't provide much heat but a lot of flavor that's for sure and I like to cut them down a few times rehydrated seeds are not the nicest thing so I get out a lot of seeds tear them up put them in here to rehydrate I have some hot water it's time to soak them dried chilies got some garlic so I'm just go ahead and get a few clothes from that seems to be sprouting a little bit that's no problem just gonna cool them and roughly chop them I'm going to grind our paste together so I'm gonna throw everything in the pestle and Malta now I'm going to start off with the garlic I'm going to put the chili with the liquid in there you might have to add some more I'm going with the salt and pepper at this point as well and start grinding and immediately starts turning Pasty I've got a few things in the ready here we've got our chili paste or chili and garlic outside a few lumps in there still some cinnamon there cumin this I probably should have ground this in but I'll mix it in it's actually some lime more then go pineapple and some white vinegar as well and you can pre-tell I'm making these measurements up I've never made this exact recipe I've done similar so it's gonna get that all combined we're gonna now grab all our pork shoulder slices get them dunked in here give that a good mix around obviously if you're at home or going to take this prepared camping you'd do it the night before I'm doing it all on camera here look at that color got some proper lard here and I'm just gonna melt some off to add to my tortilla mix okay I've got that melted lard I'm just gonna go in there got some salt and pepper mix and some warmed up water I'm just going to slowly mix together until I got a nice soft dough this Massa Arena corn flour is treated or cooked or something it's not like ordinary corn flour let's look out for the pan stuff you can get it on Amazon and things like that the corn tortillas are lovely now it's been kneaded a bit I'm just gonna leave that covered for 10 minutes or so then we'll start using it soon all right I have a pineapple and I'm going to take off the top bit and take off the bottom section this I'm going to save for in a bit and these I'm going to use now this is the bit I'm worried about right so I want this this way around so I think I've got to kind of build backwards and so that means putting the top on first Central enough and then building on my pork so get our pieces of pork and one at a time this one I'm going to fold stick them on this through as we go let me double this over to two okay that's all of our pork and this is just for a little added weight on the bottom here like so it's pretty impressive looking anyway well you guys know I was trying to film everything but uh that was fiddly I've actually suspended it as well from above and I'm gonna get his fire burning around it so we shall see how this works out I have to tone the fire down on one side because of the wind but it's semi-working foreign [Applause] cooking away over there I'm going to make a pineapple salsa I'm just going to cut a slice of this take off the outside like so cutting around the core I'll just Cube it up in the same with an onion and I'll just roughly [Music] chop this too and give that a good mix light keeps coming out and playing with the camera this looks nice well here we go with our dough make some small balls just need them and some greaseproof paper here put one in paper over the top with a good press I'm just going to do that a second time paper should come off nicely and then we can go cook this and here we go tortilla number one gives that a flip all right let's give that a final flip and that can go into a warmer foreign I think we're pretty close to done with the pork it doesn't matter too much if the middle isn't done because we're going to cut it kind of like a Donna kebab so I think we're close some nice charring on the outside not overly done now I've got to figure out how to cut it I've managed to drag this away from the fire a little bit and it does look juicy and cooked so here's the bid I've been putting off we're coming away from a pineapple on the bottom I think we're gonna be okay foreign 's going again just to make sure that's cooked through the rest of it but I've got the outside bits here so I'll put some of these little taco a little bit of the salsa a little bit of extra coriander and I've got parmesan which is a bit of a substitute for the Mexican cheese bit of a squeeze it's a bad boy I go oh wow that is amazing that is so good check that bad boy out oh wow oh wow this is great it was quite a lot of work but I'm glad I did it put some of this in a bit more of this a bit of the parmesan a little bit of that oh we got what am I missing a little bit of lime here we go Taco number two straight away this even gives the barrier tacos a run for their money very good I think I prefer them but this is quite novel I think the better way that I should have done is just hung it in the first place rather than trying to stand it up like I did but I did have my tjm Metalworks spit in case I needed it there's a bit of a backup looks like I've got Fair old amount to take home with me tacos tonight thank you guys for watching it's been good to get out and do a proper cook it's been a little while just the cooks on camps recently uh good to use the shelter as well that's the last time we're going to be using this um fire pit area because I'm going to be completely redoing that uh very soon um might take me a little while but uh look out for that video um yeah hoping to get out for a camp this week as well so look out for that as well and you tend to try out see you all soon goodbye for now
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 72,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qk3k0frRZk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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