Sirloin Steak & Dauphinoise Potatoes Fairwell Feast

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hello again what a windy day today i think it's gusts up to 40 miles an hour so you're gonna hear that through the video um pretty safe i think here in the middle of the woodland a bit of swaying but i'll keep an eye on things but i fancied a steak today i wanted to redo something from a previous video on a camp where i forgot some ingredients it was still tasty but i wanted to do it properly i'm gonna do some dolphin noir potatoes and um a nice steak with some asparagus just need to process a little firewood first just chop it down a little bit [Applause] i've just made a quick bundle surprisingly dry considering how much it rained here yesterday i guess that's due to the wind just gonna tease apart some jute twine here as well just to help things along [Applause] and in my little tin i've got some flint some shark cloth and my steel there we go that's cool just finishing peeling some potatoes and quite a few here what i'm doing today and using my opinel i'm gonna be slicing them fairly thin [Music] today is likely the last day i'll be here at the woodland kitchen there's only going to be a short sort of series and it's time to take it all down and return it to nature i thought i'd zing up my potatoes a little bit i had a couple of rashers of bacon at home so stick that in just fry that down to add in i've got a couple of cloves of garlic here so i'm just going to peel them and slice them quite fine i'm just going to go in horizontally vertically and then chop that through right i've got a dutch oven here and i'm just gonna start putting in sliced potatoes it doesn't have to be perfect don't know why i'm putting in this much effort to be honest i'm just gonna put in a little bit of bacon for that layer a little bit of onion a little bit of cream i've got a nice piece of gruyere cheese i'm just going to add some of that to every layer this time that's what i forgot last time and repeat okay i think this is pretty much going to be our final layer now if anyone saw me do this last time i used a smaller dutch oven and it did boil over because it was almost full so i won't be doing that this time as we'll put in all of what i've got left here [Music] a little bit of that chopped garlic what you would ordinarily do is uh boil the potatoes in the milk and cream mix with some garlic cloves and then transfer it but uh this is like a camp kitchen version a little bit of seasoning i didn't add on that first layer and some cheese nice gruyere nice melty cheese actually i'll add quite a lot on this layer because we're at the top so add in some more cream and top it up with a little bit of milk a bit more cheese trying to get a nice crust on the top of this and i think i'll add a few knobs of butter on top i should melt down through it while it bakes not the healthiest of snacks and on with the lid gonna be using the petromax folding hot stand here quite enjoying this lately just get some of these coals under get our heating through i'm just going to rotate this a bit on the stand just make sure it's getting even heat till i've got enough coals to put under it and halfway through all proof stopping coals on top as well get it nice and melty and maybe a bit crispy too so just keep this fire going while this is cooking [Applause] the wind is picking up now just have a quick check of this and a little bit of a simmer going just starting to melt on top just been doing it slowly maybe half hour already and i'll put some coals on top now i'm sure keeping an eye on these trees around me some pretty big gusts of wind but uh whether yesterday was even worse so i couldn't really get out to do this um and i had all the bits already it's nice to be out i do like this spot it's gonna be a shame to take down the kitchen but to be honest the videos haven't been overly popular i know i started them in a slightly different style silent and everything and i know you guys prefer me to talk to you so like the last one and this one i am and uh yeah i'll get back to how they were before after this but it's been a nice change a nice different spot it'd be nice to kind of change it up again potatoes are cooking nicely i think that cheese is kind of melted through or i'm looking forward to that i do love dolphin noir potatoes or dolphin nose as i sometimes call them and yeah i've got a nice sirloin and some asparagus to put on in a bit too i've got this lovely sirloin here a couple of cloves of garlic just gonna drizzle it on both sides with some oil some pepper and of course some salt as well that's going to be lovely still a little bit of bacon grease in there that should be nice let's get our sirloin in sizzle sizzle we've got these asparagus on as well so steak's done and resting time to check on my potatoes oh they look good sun's just come out too alright it's time for me to attempt to serve up some potatoes oh did put some butter from the steak pan and the asparagus oh that's lovely check out the cheesy dolphin nose [Music] yep perfectly cooked lovely well the garlic's not quite good enough to mash up let's see what this steak looks like oh well that is perfect for me nice and pink and juicy wow see that's why i did it in a uh pan this time give it a nice butter bath oh that is what's the word divine that'll do some of this facts i know it's going to be lovely melt in the mouth that's a lunch worth waiting for what better way to send off the woodland kitchen than a beautiful sirloin steak dolphin noir potatoes and lovely asparagus possibly my favorite meal well i'll take a moment to say thank you and thank you for those that enjoyed the woodland kitchen episode back to normal business next week and i'll see you all soon goodbye for now you
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 103,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gaZfAC1jbfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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