Easy 30 Minute Gyro | WEEKNIGHTING

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there's a guy with a weed whacker out there come on man hey what's up i love a euro sandwich but like you i don't own a spit to make one so i've invented a process here to make a euro at home that hits just like the restaurant version but it's lighter it's fresher and it only takes about 30 minutes to make this is week night to get started i'll grab my food processor and into that i'll measure 100 grams of rough chopped onion that's about half of a medium sized onion and i chopped it up before i'm gonna chop it up with the food processor so that it breaks down quicker and more evenly then in goes three to four cloves of garlic the lid goes on and i'll spin both of those up together until they're relatively well minced and that looks pretty good next i'll add in one pound or 450 grams of 90 10 ground beef feel free to use fattier beef if you want things to be slightly juicier just be prepared to manage some flare-ups on the grill behind the beef i'll add in one pound or 450 grams of ground lamb and the fat balance on this lamb is roughly 85 15 and i'll mention that you can use all lamb instead of half beef if you prefer but i think the beef helps mellow out some of the gamey lamb flavor and beef is like half the price of lamb where i live so it's more frugal this way on top of the meat i'll add in 50 grams of panko bread crumbs 2 grams of dried oregano 5 grams of coriander 3 grams of black pepper 1 to 2 grams of chili flake 7 grams of ground cumin and 10 grams of salt now the lid goes on and i'll spin this up to combine the idea here is to approximate the giant cone of euro meat that you see in most americanized greek restaurants that stuff is very finely minced and bordering on pureed so i'm going to try and do the same think of it like a greek meatball on a stick or like a middle eastern kofta that is flavored like a euro once the spices are well incorporated and the meat is well broken down i'll stop to take a look as you can see this is pretty well homogenized at this point and texturally it's quite sticky that stickiness is going to allow us to shape this into something that's easy to grill and easier to slice next i'm going to grab my scale and quickly divide this into six 175 gram balls of meat now to shape these into grillable patties i'm going gonna grab a ball and work it a little bit in my hands to make sure the exterior is just a little bit stickier on the outside and then i'll press it and pull it into an oblong shape that's about six to seven inches tall by three inches wide give or take and once it's looking kind of like an ice cream sandwich like this i'll grab a wooden skewer and stick it right through the middle of the patty but off to the side like this by the way these skewers have been soaking in water overnight because that really helps them from burning into ashes when we throw these on the grill now i'll take a second skewer and stick it right through the middle but on the other side of the meat patty top to bottom then i'll give it just a little bit more juicing to adjust and tidy things up and there we go euro meat on a stick i'll move this over to a sheet tray and i'll mention that the sticks here really help keep the meat in place and allow me to move these around on the grill a lot more easily if i need to speaking of the grill i'll scoot these meats off to the side and head outside to the grill by the way don't turn your burners on high blast and then spend three minutes adjusting your camera before you hit ignite as far as heat goes here i've got all three of these burners turned up to high because i'm gonna be looking for a hard fast sear on this meat i'll give the grill 15 minutes or so to preheat and in the meantime i'm gonna make the toppings for this sandwich starting with a quick easy israeli style cucumber tomato salad that's definitely not the most traditional move for a euro i know but it combines the cucumber and tomato vibe of the trad euro with something more vibrant and flavorful think of it like a greek style pico de gallo first up i'll need to medium dice some cucumbers this is just a regular old slicing cucumber that i've peeled some but not all of the skin off of and then i cut it into long strips turn those 90 degrees and then i'll dice those into this medium small dice by the way i remove most of the squishy seed stuff because that's gonna sog up the salad one medium cucumber should yield about 150 grams and once it's diced i'll scoot it into a medium bowl and then grab a medium sized tomato this is an heirloom variety that i got at the farmer's market but a regular old slicing tomato from the grocery store would work totally fine just try to avoid something that's mealy and white on the inside i'll slice the tomato and then cut those slices into strips turn 90 degrees and then i'll dice those strips into the same size medium dice as i did for the cucumber this medium sized tomato should yield about 150 grams as well and into the bowl it goes next i'll grab a half of a red onion and cut that longitudinally then latitudinally and then i'll give it an even dice the same size as the cux and the tomatis into the bowl goes and then i'll grab a strong grip of parsley without the stems i'll give that a rust to coat chop in total i need about 15 grams of parsley into the bowl it goes on top of that i'll squeeze in half of a lemon that's about 15 grams worth of juice then a good long squeezer of olive oil let's say 15 to 20 grams then a healthy grip of salt and don't be shy on that i'll jump in the bowl with the spoon now and stir everything to combine as this salad sits that salt's gonna draw out some moisture and the veggies are gonna marinate in all of those juices and the whole thing is gonna get more flavorsome up next i'll make some lemon herb yogurt sauce to loop things up but before i do i'm going to quickly thank amy ramen for sponsoring this video emmy is the world's first low carb high protein and 100 plant-based instant ramen it's basically a much more sophisticated version of the sodium preservative laced ramen that i ate while buzzed in college in contrast to that emmy has 21 grams of protein 18 grams of fiber and only 6 grams of net carbs per serving it's also 35 lower in sodium than the traditional blocks of ramen plus it tastes very good and it's just as easy to make as that stuff they use high quality ingredients for these noodles too the soup base has no unnatural preservatives and like i said it's 100 plant-based and that means it's dairy free you can make it on the stove top or in the microwave and either way it's ready in only about seven minutes personally i throw a little hard-boiled egg in mine with some scallions maybe a little bit of nori and some chili oil and okay now you've got my attention the variety pack that i got came with spicy beef tom yum shrimp and black garlic chicken again all of these are plant-based so if you want to eat ramen again without all of the guilt click the link in my description use code brian at checkout or go to emmyeats.com brian for five dollars off your order that's emmyeats.com brian for five dollars off your variety pack the link is in my description thank you me now to make an herby yogurty sauce to lu up this meat into a high sided container i'm gonna measure 200 grams of plain full fat yogurt 75 grams of mayonnaise the added fat from that mayo is really going to help cut some of the bracing acidity here and bring some balance then 15 to 20 grams of lemon juice or about a half a lemon's worth one minced garlic clove and two grams of salt now my immersion blender goes in and i'll spin all of this up to combine you could skip the blender here if you wanted but your sauce is going to be a touch thicker than i'd like it to be the blender really helps break up the thickness of that yogurt and overall gives the sauce a nice thin texture that i think is ideal once that's spun up i'm going gonna add in two to three grams of chopped fresh dill i'll stir that in and there we go a sour tart round herby dressing to bring some life to a fresh grilled meat sandwich the pro move from here is to move this into a little squeezer so that you can have a high level of accuracy and control over where your sauce hits this gyro once i've got my sauce in cucumber salad made now it's time to grill these meats i've let this grill preheat for about 15 minutes and at this point it's rolling hot at about 450 to 500 f before i drop any food on this though i need to give these grates a generous dose of high smoke point oil the heat here is going to make that oil bond to the cast iron grates and that's going to form a temporary polymer that keeps food from sticking one last move here is to hit the meat itself with a small dose of pan spray this added layer of fat can help transfer heat to the meat and provide a superior sear okay once the grill is oiled and very very hot i'm going to lay on my skewers of meat i'll make sure to give each piece a really good press into the grates to ensure even contact and heat transfer and once everyone's in the pool i'm gonna let these sit and sear undisturbed for four to five minutes four to five minutes later when i check back you can see that these have taken on some really nice dark color so from here i'll flip them over and cook them on the far side by the way this is my attempt at recreating the high dry heat of a spit the best euros are always shaved off of a spin and this is about as close as you can get at home flavor-wise if you didn't want to use a grille or if you didn't have one you certainly could do this under the broiler but it would take some adjusting to time and temperature to make sure you don't dry out the meat now once everything's flipped over i'm gonna lower this lid and grill on side two for three to four more minutes after eight to ten minutes of grilling in total i'll come back and take a look all six of my meat clods are perfectly grilled and they smell freaking dope internal temp wise i'm shooting for 150 f i personally wouldn't go much higher than 155 because you could start to dry out the meat these are in the zone so i'm going to lift them off the grill and bring them inside to turn them into a euro sandwich back in the house once the meat has rested for about five minutes or so i'm gonna carefully remove these charred skewers if we didn't soak these there would be a very good chance that they would crumble into ashes and you would have wood stuck in your meat next i'll grab my chef's knife and slice this euro flavored meatball into a thickness that approximates what you would get at a euro place visually this doesn't look like much i'll admit that but neither does euro meet textually though this is great it's moist it's meaty it's tender and it tastes mildly of spiced lamb like it should the last step here is to cut those slices in half so that we can get something that more easily fits onto the sandwich or let's be more accurate the taco yes i prefer to use flour tortillas to make weeknight gyros these ones in particular are called extra fluffy and they're pretty close to a pita honestly i don't particularly like any of the pita options available to me at my local grocery store but i do love these sweet floppy warm fluffy flour tortillas i toast them hard on one side in a nonstick pan to get some additional color and flavor and then i throw them into a tortilla warmer to soften them up and make them a little bit more flopsy now i'm gonna fill that tortilla with three ounces of the chopped sliced grilled euro meat then i'm gonna hit the whole thing with a generous drizz of my yogurt lemon dill sauce then a few pinches of salty crumbly greek style feta cheese the salty sheepiness here really lights this thing up behind the feta i'll lay down a bunch of sliced pepper and cheese doggies at least six to eight of those and then i'll drop a large spoonful of the marinated israeli salad make sure to drain off any excessive moistness or regret it when your taco is dripping down your arm lastly i'll add in a pinch of shredded lettuce to bring some fresh crunch and really tie the room together yes that's a euro or at least it's very very close it has all the flavors and textures that you'd need in the same place but you don't need to own a spit to make it happen this euro is just the right amount of lamb meat it's creamy it's salty it's bright it's fresh and it's juicy i really hope you try it soon let me know in the comments what you think let's eat this thing [Music] you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 560,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gyro, gyro sandwich, gyro recipe, gyro meat, greek recipes, gyro taco, easy gyro, gyros, weeknighting, easy gyro recipe, gyro sauce, homemade gyros, greek sandwich, gyro meat recipe, recipes, brian lagerstrom, brian lagerstrom weeknighting, grilled gyro meat, fast gyros, cooking
Id: sBAX5EiY-ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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