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bam welcome everybody to slice and dice it's a game where you slice people and you dice people right the way this game works is uh every turn uh my opponents they'll roll some dice and i'll roll some dice so i can choose to kind of keep keep these symbols uh so uh we have like a ranged attack we've got some healing we've got some magic i don't really like any of those let's do a hot reroll okay right magic very strong i don't want a sword none of my guys are in lethal range we'll take a shield just in case and one more lucky reroll boom uh right bam uh we're going to use our mana uh that lets us cast some of these spells uh i'm going to cast my slice spell bonk it does one damage to each opponent boom and then i can actually like shoot shoot a person stab someone so i can't stab the back line i can only stab the front line and i guess put some shields on the thief that stops them taking damage love it uh okay right what are we doing now uh stab pretty good so if i killed someone then i don't have to worry about them dealing damage to me which is just just the absolute dream world i don't love any of that uh boom uh okay right what are we doing we i guess we should probably shield him just in case stab at the wolf uh i can do a heal doesn't really matter too much and i guess the acolyte will be on at least life boom we gained mana uh i don't need to use a lot of this stuff what i'm gonna do is cast my burst spell two damage or two shields bonk and then blast the archer we're done uh so every now and again we'll be allowed to level up our party uh so this guy does he wants to become a knight or do i have an armorer um let's go with armorer i think sure why not uh so our party's gonna evolve oh god warrior we're in bad bad ways i'll take the shield uh that is doing some shielding why not um it will still deal with the manners and one more nice uh okay right we've got a whole lot of rats um let's just start out with a slice and who is doing the most damage to my yellow boy boom it's you take that ratty uh and then we can just drop some shields on some people actually probably need to shield that warrior let's shield our healer instead see now that they're all in like the two damage range we're kind of like in a fairly okay spot i might not be able to kill all of them this turn uh that's a kill that's not a kill uh luckily we only need like a shield and a heel to get those guys back online so let's just kind of go for that who's doing the most damage sure although they were doing the most damage they were attacking someone who probably didn't want to be attacked [Music] okay right we've got a big bonk uh let's just do a reroll because i'm hoping some of those two damages nice we're done rolling uh use my bonk so this is heavy it has to target the enemy with the highest hp luckily they all have the same hp so i can attack any of them boom we're done right now again an item do you want to replace the middle side of one of our dice with a dodgeball attacks we'll get plus one hp or random i don't love either of those let's go random nice okay left hand side with a two-dimensions growth uh this is great growth every time you use it it increases a little bit i feel like you are a little bit safer to put it on although i'm replacing the same thing uh because they don't have any blank sides it means that we can kind of re-roll a bit more and it should be fine okay the thief is feeling kind of bad i'm gonna take the magic [Music] uh do i want the magic yes um i do need some kind of oh god we're not gonna kill are we right that is not enough of a shield i should have kept um uh shoot that would have actually kept me alive uh i had one of those uh well we'll take our manners um bonk the wolf oh actually oh that won't actually save us though will it uh i can just put a shield on you and we'll put another shield on you uh so the burst it can be used to put down two shields as well as doing two attack uh kind of goofed that a little bit because we could have taken a shot but i think we should be in a good spot uh so mana you don't spend does stick around which is just fabulous uh that is great those are great okay right do a slice just because that hurts that hurts everyone and then i can plug you who's going to kill and you uh i do have that oh wait okay right we can actually there's only damage and shields it doesn't buff up mana okay well it doesn't super meta wait no there is a way if i burst the wolf and then shoot and then shoot uh that gives me another burst boom kill them all uh who do you want to level up next uh that soldier is god he's like not terrible just flat damage all across the board uh or the evoker you know more more mana i'm going to take the soldier i kind of like that and now you can have this because i want to replace your three damage there boom oh god okay that's a big big bit of chomp i do want that keep rolling nice uh okay acolyte is actually in danger if i don't get oh god some good shielding okay well our acolyte's dead i'm gonna buff this um this boy maybe it made sense to actually just kill off kill off you that's only six life and who you chomping heck let's do it um and sadly acolyte is not one for this world so if one of my people dies it's not the end but it is bad um and then he's gonna summon more wolves okay we just want raw damage now uh great give me that uh ooh not that one um i will hold on to the burst because it's not going to kill him this turn and so i can save this mana because he summons a guy i love that sound effect can i kill you this turn maybe not but we'll take a shield oh uh oh we could slice and burst is that better yeah why not and we're good so it's annoying for people to die you generally want to try and avoid that um kind of goofed around a tad but you know what i think we'll be fine uh we're good um and blammo placed right hand side with plus 2 max hp pretty good um you know i'll take that just because we do have guys with blank sides uh actually maybe the mage is safer okay so that more and more enemies begin to turn up oh god oh god they're kind of really throwing the hurt down on some people luckily their rats are at the front so we can instantly kill one we can do a slice immediately that's another right dead that's someone else dead uh yeah i think we'll just stick with that um going with the slice going with the stab giving them bill bonk and i guess like uh keep the mage major live i feel like next time we can easily get three damage done uh so are they gonna kill yeah act like not looking too healthy because they came into this world uh already hurt but we will just uh take them down because we rolled a lot of damage we've got some good we've got some good offensive capabilities kind of buff my healer off a bit but at the moment they're a bit not amazing uh and so as you get different um different uh casters you'll get different spells available uh so instead of slice but now i've got void okay we are i can kill the snake bonk so i don't get poisoned poison kind of bad uh because you take damage every turn that guy's going to make my herbless sad and let's put a regen on the thief so the quartz they put a little um chain on my herbalist meaning they roll uh get one less to their values that they're rolling kind of not ideal let's just go with a bit of that i don't even know do you you can't even roll anything now we're done uh let's buff that stab oh then and i guess we may as well burst uh we are gonna probably get the damage that we need now take this uh that is not the damage that we need uh you know what it lets us just put more healing down uh they weren't gonna kill anyone uh i thought guys for some reason i thought i had a mana uh bam now now we're done step you want more gear sort of each turn self shield one honestly not terrible but random oh max hp whenever you save an ally that actually not terrible who's gonna do more of that maybe you because this uh the herbalist doesn't actually have a lot of direct healing now i think about it okay that's a big big amount of poison coming in oh god we've got actually a lot of a lot of hurt okay well we can give that guy plus one hp because we just gave him his like little heart buff uh okay right this is a waste but i kind of just wanted to guarantee a kill uh yeah i can't save you and he got an extra health um right we're gonna bonk this person so this is a one use item that would poison my opponent generally you don't want to use that just to kill someone um but i did just because i was spooky scared let's uh increase the thieves and max hp got like all these like backline people uh so i don't have a lot of range at the moment which ain't great i've been relying on my slice spell so far uh no one is too hurting okay well we can kill the snake which is good everyone else is taking a plink here and there um it might be worth actually just icing you [Music] just because they were hurting the soldier and the soldiers the ones poisoned okay everyone's still everyone's still in like the safety zone uh let's just keep rolling that's a kill and nice we got him bonk and bonk and then we can just burst excellent oh the witches okay who do you want a rogue i do quite like the rogue let's get the rogue in there don't wanna change i might honestly give up on their range of attack because that growing sword could work so these witches they're a bit spooky special uh they have powers um when they when you hit this kind of like halfway point on their health uh they are going to become immune to damage which is not the dream world uh take the shield so what we can do is who do i want to take out you're healing but you do big hits i'm kind of a bit scared of big hits more than anything and if i do that okay they're becoming damaged that was a waste oh heck why not just do it uh because if i put two damage onto anyone else hell they would have been fighting whatever okay agnes agnes bad for business uh right i do need some shielding i can counteract the poison with just like a heel uh so this dice is like a cantrip any time it's rolled it will just automatically hurt them uh god i'm actually in a little bit of bother here i might actually just try and get the kill here because i will save save my life uh give them a shield uh give them a potion so that health is just going to bobble um and give them a vine sure okay god more poison apples and don't have a great answer that i can shield you out of danger let's get some hot mana in my area nice little stavo bad uh right saved your life you're welcome oh maybe it's better just to like right make both of them immune and i might be able to kill them both off this step is the dream this isn't a very official way to do it generally oh god like look out look how interested my party is nice that's the kills we're done rolling uh stab oh and boom take that you foul witch place the right hand side with two range damage so that's pretty nice droopy hat actually pretty good as well but i'm gonna take that mini crossbow because suddenly maybe it's worth putting it on the archer and putting that over there on you because you're doing more healing and life-saving and there's a reason here so the ghost uh you actually make um spells cost more and so early on we're not going to be doing as much casting um and the quartz is immune to damage which ain't the dream i'll take that i'll take that no one is too hurt so i think we just kind of just gamble i think the max hp actually that seems good nice okay growth side like mana sure why not uh i can kill spooky ghost off it is slight overkill but it might just be worth it because you're doing a lot of damage to a lot of people and just uh wait that's that's stupid to give it to the adept and let's poison you and we could find someone but not too worried uh so the spooky skeletons are some of my favorite boys to fight um so they put out a lot of damage uh generally they turn up in vast numbers but they also uh when they die they deal one damage to people around them so kind of jokes kind of fun guys to hang out with uh maybe it is worth taking a shield there just in case uh you dodge all the damage why not uh i'll take that do i want to do a slice no i'll find you bonk you and do a shield hold on to the burst like we can save that till next time and nice um i'm just seeing uh we don't really need to re-roll bonk okay here we have like nice bunch of skellies two damage to all damaged enemies that's kind of a cool ability let's get that let's take you uh we'll still give you that engage okay right we do need to get some killing done can i get a chain reaction going on and kill a couple of these bones off yeah buff that blast you then stab you nice okay we didn't kill them all but we got the bones and sure get the healer healing up um i could actually done that earlier and made the armor gain one life if he had buffed himself uh we must be able to get the damage here nice uh stabo and stabo love it simplicity add plus one to all basic sides love it yeah uh because like this guy suddenly actually turns into like a real killer okay right slimes and imps oof feeling bad there brother uh okay right we'll take this love that uh do i care about any of these things i'll take a full damage just see what see what happens uh you don't really care about this okay so uh this has the ability engaged uh where it deals two times damage to anyone on full health bonk so we just kill that imp who's gonna poison me do not want to be poisoned um dude just blast slimer and once again this isn't like super efficient but i just wanna stop that guy dealing damage and i'll heal up my herp list so when these guys go down past certain thresholds uh they get a little bit more hp i'll take both of those because he's got seven life i'm going to kill both of them off okay right i think we could be in the good times lost that blast that uh we do those uh stab you oh i'm not gonna kill everyone it's vine on you and then my new scold ability from caldera uh deals two damage to all damaged enemies sadly one of them is going to get away but bonk amazing uh so firstly spawned enemies that didn't do damage uh that they come out or they don't have a dice roll to the turn they come out uh we oh i'm gonna need more than that that's what i want don't rolling boom here you go slimelet get out of here ludus oh baby love ludus look how strong this boy is okay it loses a whole lot of finesse i don't know if i need that ability anymore plus we need to be whenever you save an enemy an ally i don't know if that works like that if uh killing an enemy does a thing but we'll give it a go okay right the lich the terrifying glitch okay right i'm gonna take a gamble here okay right with begin ah okay right we just gambled on ludas and did not pay off but the day has been saved by my armor it's gonna buff the soldier take this up to four damage if a zombie over takes four damage in one hit they die because i guess you destroy destroy the brain and i guess we'll just do a step and who needs loving it's probably ludus dude this is not got a lot of health and sadly he did a debuff on me oh he's just gonna chain those debuffs okay we can survive that it is a bit of a pain oh nice strength bonk uh or growth uh sure do a poison now every time i go past one of his thresholds he's gonna summon two skelly men which is not the dream world but we could just instantly kill one i'm gonna hold on to the manners for now uh just because it'll give me a bit of flexibility next time okay what's he doing just a big old zap not very chill three damage is good yeah um i just want ludus to do like something big okay ludus you're holding out on me brother uh let's just give you a little little burst this will shield some of your damage uh chop oh stab once again i don't need to use the mana just yet so i think we'll just see how this goes oh god he petrified me so my soldier is not doing a lot and now he's just going to summon skeletons himself bad for business uh that's a good stab right if i just do a single a single burst there wait because if i scold that makes him summon two more boys but actually we can just instantly kill them and it does kill off his friends uh it might be worth because he has that one poison on him if we vine him sure he'll summon two skellies but then the poison kills the lich and we are good to go uh boom flame buff stab and then he kills his friend i will look here plus one to each side for stack of poison on you it's okay plus due to incoming healing that honestly could be pretty good uh yeah i'm gonna go with the ruby just because um i feel like we're gonna have to heal ludus not that we actually have a lot of healing probably should have considered that a bit more i'll say those scary basilisks here do not love do not love that oh god they've got a lot of big boys uh let's just try and get some damage out okay right let's just kill one of these snakes off good times i'm gonna poison the basilisk so petrified that side but magic wands you lose anyway so it isn't kind of the end of the world um i might just blast that and just give you the burst immediately just to kind of like clean out some of these people and then drop a heel on there okay just because the soldier is not feeling very happy right now oh man more poison oh so this has got pain on it when i take damage equal to uh whatever the value is of the side which is not the dream world um you might be oh okay i don't really want to take full damage because that will kill me uh my manners or do you have something else that i might be after no you're not getting the manners and wow he just rolled just damaged the whole way what we could do stab him it makes me lose that side which is not great if i do that to you and then scold he will then die uh when a wisp dies wait [Music] i must have done that now scold because it gives you one more mana and then i could burst you and then we just got a whisk left okay i feel like there was a way to kill that other wisp as well but as long as none of my guys are gonna die i'm happy to take that risk uh bonk get out of here okay ogres oh god ogre's goblins right warlock do you want to be better what's your spell blaze is 13 damage when's that ever bad um or the leader i'm gonna take the leader because oh god if we are just stacking damage so warlock has got some charms most equal to the number of damage enemies pretty good pain they heal themselves but i think the leader um and right do we want to add more monsters plus one to all size reach i'm you know i don't think i'm going to because these are all kind of oh kind of tough tough enemies uh simplicity that just makes your attacks four damage it's better over there get three mana it could just make you a bit killier like seven attack there okay they're killing my herbalist unfriendly uh so we can kill you off pretty easily do we randomize older ludus there rudos please i feel like he's probably taking that shield just in case oh no that's really bad uh well i can blast oh god ludus what a waste wait to stab so the goblin gets better for every defeated friend it has which is kind of not very very fun and the ogres get stronger the more damage they've taken so you gotta watch out for hurting a lot of these people um okay all right they are going to kill my boys my sweet beautiful babies that's good damage that's good damage i need two to kill oh but i don't want that to go to shoot you that's four damage i can then stab it uh this allows me to use an ability again so shield that buff that blast him do a heal uh that feels him heals him up to full love it uh and the wizard you're on your own right so this is one of the reasons why i like the leader because getting to use an ability again nice he's just attacking the wrong people uh so this guy's got some shields up which ain't super good we're not really in the danger zone of getting killed so let's buff that um yeah yeah i'm kind of kind of fine like we'll uh although we upgraded them to the most damage possible uh we in turn i've left him on one hp and boom old ludus comes in just decapitates that boy at three damage oh my god ludus oh god did we just like ditch your healing i guess like that makes suddenly the leader really savage but wait who we up against everything there has five hp so actually i don't at least most of your sites it's kind of overkill i think we will shunt that around after this um man those goblins are gonna be bad for business and we're gonna take a lot of poison today uh keep that i guess that's fine to take okay who's in the most danger zone because these dirty goblins are gonna cause me some grief okay oh man there's a lot of them i didn't realize they had backup problems all right increase max life slap a regen up there yeah okay i really need to get rid of the goblins because they because we've defeated two enemies now they'll get plus two to each of their attacks which makes them actual stone cold killers uh both of those are good that is good uh i'd love to get some more mana out of this but don't worry if we can't so who are we killing i can kill both goblins that saves my two dying people ah we're fine oh totally fine uh give us another little re-roll do i want some more max hp sure why not so groveland number one dead problem number two everyone is absolutely fine give you a little blast give you a bunch of poison i'm gonna find them both just so they both die this turn and have some healing i don't think we're gonna die i think we're gonna probably be okay sure that's it bonk uh okay right shaman oh valkyrie i kind of think i want the valkyrie actually the herbalist does need to get buffed at some point right tarantulas tarantulas stone cold killer absolute nightmare to deal with uh that's some good damage that's some good damage guys my leader just dead no okay right we saved the leader's life with this ability prevent someone from dying this turn and give up us some plus one life uh oh tarantulas uh so when this ability pops it just kills off our top our top person on cool um but i think if i can time it in a way that i have this ability and i can save their life oh god i might just have to try and kill tarantulas this turn because otherwise they think we're just dead god like that bite 12 damage i am not blocking that on a seven life person right we can't save their life well i'm pretty sure i'm just going to be doing that and then oh i guess we could just burst you saving the day uh give him a buff give him a bath uh sadly old ludus is in the bad times i was hoping we could get his save someone's life ability sadly it was not to be i just need four damage [Music] oh gosh i seem to be a little oh there we go that ability uh changes all of my dice to be swords oh poor ludus okay what have you got replace the middle side with uh two mana duplicate now we could do every mana plastic one on the first turn i don't know if i really want either of those plus one to all shield sides i don't really have any shields that was bad gamble just like that is technically a shield okay snipers are bad zombies bad ah they're killing ludus two of them are attacking him okay i can instantly blast someone i can save someone's life shield not terrible okay both the zombies could be killed off well kill the zombie is going to kill you kill poison zombie or do you want to kill the big yeah because it actually prevents a lot of damage save your life save your life hold on to the mana we could have killed that but it was the the zombies the zombies had to go that's why i had the good the good attacks out that's a good attack uh save someone's life bonk save your life do a thing i'll hit them both with a vine just because everyone's alive all i need next turn is one mana and we get a scold and we're good uh oh we can take that because this sword attack gives me a mana and then scold them okay here we leveling sorcerer i do enjoy um sorcerer very cool we haven't really built around sort of a cantrip play i keep saying we need to upgrade that herpes but we'll worry about that later on uh you can still have that buffed thing uh so now the sorceress every time i roll one of her can trip sides that will actually oh god there's so much damage um nice uh so we get more rerolls which is good god we just instantly blast one of the big boys um my asthma okay we don't have my burning burning powers anymore i've got rerolls got a free shield love that okay who is attacking the most people yellow is really popular but yellow isn't actually dying because i can put revenge on them i guess like it's the same with oh it's all three of these put on the valkyrie just because that does two damage to everyone that uh was going to attack them revenge could just straight up kill off one of these guys and then we just have to worry about um boys wait oh no it doesn't kill and that is fine because we can hit them with a miasma just get a bit more damage coming in and then who is the saddest you're going to be in trouble i'm kind of just thinking about the future with poison oh god they're really doing a lot of poison and they attacked by herpes two jerks uh oh we could just save their life if we wanted to that is a straight-up kill nice bonk good job are we doing a kill on you very good well done sir and saved that life okay have we just got the kill there i think that is hit them with the old miasma and then just massive overkill and kill the spider and growth to the left two sides wow and plus one to all sides that could be amazing growth is really strong but i'm gonna do that plus one to all sides because with this the cantrips can get really strong um especially if you keep getting re-rolls uh okay sorceress bad nice okay so that's just two re-rolls that's a kill uh oh god like it's such a mess of enemies uh but like look how much money we've got on we still got our rerolls putting shields down love that i still didn't really care about these things nice more rerolls i don't know what i'm looking for from the valkyrie uh okay we've got 10 10 mana great 12 if we uh pop that so we could kill the wisps off for additional manners do need to put some shields there and blast you oh heck do we just burst them down oh we can do some killing we can just save save that person's life get another poison over there um buster shield down boom can trips honestly the most fun way to play this game you're dead nice no one died okay the last level we're off against the dagger on uh oh okay right we do need heels here what have you got for me baby cleave probably pretty good boost someone's thing do a cleanse yeah what does that just heal too you'll want to all allies and regen pretty good feel through and rescue i do like um i'm gonna go with the mender i think uh you don't have shields uh you can have the saving allies oh oh those are those do countless shields now heck this whole time oof [Music] uh valkyrie you might need to step in here and help her out [Music] uh what am i looking for some just some big hits just some big hits uh we've still got some rerolls to goof around with man like ludus is not doing the business wow ludus just betrayed me uh right bonk a miasma actually pretty good wait no no i need to like burst heal you i can heal them [Music] yeah i have to do that a couple of times otherwise i am in the danger zone um i would love to have got myself off but we kind of spent too much time goofing around oh man so the level 20 enemies kind of tough [Music] everyone taking five okay right i need a very specific spell here there's one i'd super need uh actually there's two i need this ability um if i don't get that we're doomed we'll see we got it oh my god we got it um and just in case i'm gonna keep rolling sure okay so this it heals three and if you save someone's life you can use it again actually is this gonna work i can't heal people on full hp well there's a lot of shields hmm okay right we can do some goofing goofing around and now their life is saved god we're still not saving them i'll shoot so we can now turn that into shields that's probably better as shields than just raw damage [Music] kill him off uh yeah they just pop four shields all over the place and so mender because they need to they save some lives okay we did get the regen so people are going to get a bit of health back oh god we are just just circling the drain a little bit okay we've got some damage coming in got this like little archer they can just get out of here can't they uh right heal you heal you give you life heal you everyone's in the safety zone now thank goodness all right let's give you a big bonk [Music] i have another big bonk like sadly that shield's not super good uh we could get another sooth off because i think regen two health each turn not terrible and it might be worth just killing that archer just because they're being uh just a little little peoples uh something like that um i'm a little little worried ow okay right the mender might be dead um i'm not gonna lie actually wait we can save them nice wow yeah wow super camp uh do you have something else i might want no not really oh excuse for a lot of damage and stuff nice free shields a boat a car about that nice bonk uh right give a plink of that just because it's not gonna do anything else now is it better i think this is the play uh because their shields will wear off at the end of the turn give them four shields that becomes shields we saved them i'm glad uh pop another soothe ah we can't do it um another miasma no and poison luckily we've got so much good defense wait are they dead i'll just do some rerolls just to make sure i get a little bit of extra damage uh i'll just hit them with all of my asthmas as well because that's fun and yeah you know leader bonk we got him ah look at these guys look at these 60 x's rolled down a lot of healing download killing done a lot of blocking huzzah well done to us um man uh so you can get this game on edge um it's a ton of fun i also play on my phone um i really like this game uh he's checking out there's loads of other characters there's loads of builds and like synergies you can make it's a ton of fun i hope you guys enjoyed this until next time see you
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 55,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: vPeVqYzaVms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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