Table talk #1: Linked records | Airtable

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hello and welcome to table talk my name is aaron cormblett i'm going to be your expert for the next hour helping you learn about airtable and specifically about linked records but for not first off let me just kick this off by talking about what is table talk so table talk is our new weekly live stream where the community can gather and we're going to answer your airtable questions so every thursday i'm going to meet you right here and talk about one area of air table today we're talking about linked records and the agenda is going to be built by you by asking us questions so since our first one some some housekeeping if you will i'd love to kick this off by learning more about you so let me know in the chat where you're joining us from give me your first name if this is your first time on a stream welcome make sure to utilize the chat throughout that's where i'm going to kind of be looking to for questions and making sure that i'm answering and teaching you what you need to know about airtable so uh our agenda let's kick this off so i've got about five four questions that have been submitted beforehand around linked records and that is where we're gonna start and then we have hallie here for colleague who's going to be curating questions throughout that we're going to answer live as well and then we're going to end with a speed round trying to make sure we answer as many of your questions as possible so just looking at the chat we've got naya we've got ben alex chris uh abdi so many folks really appreciate all of you joining i'm really really excited to kick this off this new weekly live stream did i did i introduce myself i don't i don't remember uh so halle is the one curing questions uh my name is aaron cormlett i'm on the education team at airtable uh awesome got hitch here really appreciate uh um we've got john appreciate thanks for joining us well so with that let me kind of jump into air table and start kind of showing you what questions we have have been submitted around linked records and then we're going to go into your questions as well so with that let me jump in hey mikayla from seattle appreciate you joining uh really excited okay so we've got four questions from the group that have been submitted holly's actually going to go ahead and drop a link if you have questions that you want to ask in the future one thing i did forget to mention in the intro first table talk we're still we're a little rusty here we are going to be giving out swag uh so my colleague halle not howie halley is going to go ahead and drop a link in the chat uh where you can give us your email and we're going to draw swag at the end of the stream so let's go ahead and kind of let's go ahead and answer or talk about our agenda for today so we've got four questions that were submitted what is a linked record why you should use a linked record instead of a select field can you automatically link records and how you can edit what you see in the linked record so those are the first four questions that we're going to tackle along around linked records but feel free to drop some in the chat uh that hallie is going to go ahead and add to our agenda for today okay so first question is what is a linked record so i think this is this is an important one so i'm going to come back to the main view so a linked record is what allows you to create relationships in air table and it's also one of those differentiating factors with a spreadsheet so linked records allow you to say this is related to that right so an example of that is let's say you're managing projects and every project has multiple tasks and you want to be able to say well this project has these tasks where these tasks are related to this project so just one example of a relationship that we can communicate using linked records another might be we have events so we curate events every week and we need to know which person which one of our customers or people are attending which event so you can see we have events then we have people that are attending those events and we uh we want to be able to say this event has these attendees and this attendee is going to this event or these events and so really what linked records allow you to do is to create relationships reduce adding redundant information and really create that single source of truth throughout your workflow so that was a little bit of theory let's actually go into the practice and kind of talk about what that relationship means in practice boom so i'm back in my base let's jump to this creative project space that i have open right here and it's very simple we have a bunch of projects around content we're creating a training video we're recording a podcast series we're publishing blog posts and we are launching a video ad campaign and so for each one of these we have a set of information that we're tracking status content type priority start date and due date and then in another table we have our action items so action items are the things we need to do for that piece of content to be completed so if i'm looking at training videos we have we have to write a script we have to create graphics we have to record a video publish blog post we have to align on publish date write blog post one two three so those are just examples of action items that are related to content let me go ahead and add a new project and this is where i'm gonna kind of talk about linked records so i'm notoriously bad at creating fake projects so if you can help me in the chat with suggestions of what the tasks should be for this project go ahead so our first project is let's say we're going to go ahead and i don't know start a stream feels appropriate or launch a stream it feels very timely so this one's upcoming it's going to be a video priority is ultra high people are excited and then let's say the start date 22nd and let's say the third so we have some some information around that project if i go over to action items let me go ahead and create a empty view so all action items there we go launch a website next time mckayla that's a really good one i'll keep that one in mind let's do that for the next one i have another example coming up really appreciate that i didn't have action so i need to build a set right we need to build everything around us we need to buy a mic and then we need to invite everyone those are the three simple steps to creating our string now you'll notice that in our action items table we have action items for every single project what i would love to be able to do is say these specific action items are related to that stream projects that i just created now in a spreadsheet that would involve a lot of copy pasting and making sure that all of your lists are kind of in the same you would have a list of projects in one place and another list of projects somewhere else but because of linked records so this field right here is a linked record i can see that customized field type it's a linked record to our content table that means that whenever i click this plus button i see all of my content all of my projects that allow me to associate each task to its relevant project oh right let me move myself out of the way apologies for that thanks ethan there we go so now you let me just show that again appreciate that ethan so you can see our three tasks right here are action items and then here in projects when i click this plus button boom i see all of my records from my content table so these are all of the different projects that we're working on so we have create training video one and then here we have that launch a stream so this is automatic whenever you create a new record in your content table and you associate a field to that table your list of projects or items in that table will be available so now i can say this action item is related to this project so launch a stream is related to build a set or build a set is related to launch stream let's do that one more time when i need to go ahead and buy a mic i can click the plus button and here i can associate that action item to that project hey steve welcome hey ethan welcome as well so if i go over to content now if i go into that tasks uh field i see those linked records are there automatically so it creates a two-way relationship we have projects related to tasks and i could see that right here and then i have tasks related to project so if i go over to content just like before if i click this plus button if you've been following along we should see action items right here and that is exactly what we see so the one invite everyone is our third action item for launching a stream i can go ahead and associate those two and now i've created that relationship between content and action items what can you actually do once you link records well then you let's say we want to do all tasks by project which is a different view where i can see all of my projects organized by all my tasks organized by their relevant project and throughout the stream i'm going to show a few more things you can do like calculate percentage go ahead and pull information from one table to another but let's start very easy we started with what is a linked record um let me know in the chat if that makes sense any additional questions just on our high level of what is a linked record hey folks hey ash amazing i'm so great to see some familiar faces in here so that was just what is a linked record uh uh cool so i'm gonna ask you can i consider that one checked any questions that we have around what is a linked record i'm gonna go back into our little agenda over here grab a glass of water so chris has a great question around how do we link to a subset of records that is going to be question number four right how do i edit what i see in the list so chris clearly seeing in the future foreshadowing our next topic here so with that i'm going to consider this one checked so we're going to consider this one done boom we've updated that got a little confetti great job everyone let's go drop some claps in the chat amazing okay cool so this one done our first question of table talk is completed that was amazing great okay so a question from shawnee is why should i use a linked record instead of a select field uh so very common question and actually a really good one so let me actually use an example here so let's imagine that you know our little projects are going extremely well and we want to start tracking clients that are related to the content that we're creating so we have a status we have a video type of a priority and let's imagine that we're an agency and we want to say this project is for this client now a thing we might want to track is their name right so we want to say hey let's go create a single select that has a drop down of all of our clients that we can associate each project to so let me go ahead and do that insert left i'm going to create a new client field it's going to go ahead and be a single select oh client names tough um so i saw i saw some let me try to get inspired by the chat here for some names so it's got stevens stevens construction company let's go barcelona express let's go i am terrible at this [Music] connor marketplace and then let's go halle video still i'm not sure there we go those are our four clients that's all the information we have boom boom boom let's create that field and now we can associate or mark which project is associated to what client barcelona connor great i'm hoping that that makes sense okay so now you know we can easily create okay well i want to see my projects by client great so let's go project by client and create a little group so we'll just create a new view it's unfiltered let's go group that by client makes sense sounds good however if you're running a business there's probably more information that you need for each one of your clients point of contact address email right you might want to see like what projects have we run in the past how much on average have we built each one of these projects there's a lot more information than what's included in this single select right and so that's a distinction between using a single select field and a linked record so single select is great when you want to tag something you want to say this project is urgent or it's low priority or this project has this status however when you start saying well we want to track additional information so for instance when it comes to clients right now we only have their name but what we probably want is email address things like that so in those situation where you need additional information to tag each one of your projects by well in your mind you should be thinking linked records now it's actually a best practice to maybe start with a linked record so in this case we've said okay our clients are sorry a single select so in our case our clients are a single select but once we've done a few projects or we're creating a more complex workflow we want to have a table that has all of the information around each one of those clients but we don't want to lose that relationship to say that published blog post is for steven's construction company so what we can do is actually turn this single select into a linked record so let's go ahead and take that single select customize field type and let's turn it into a linked record link to another record and we're going to create a new table where we're going to store all of the information around all of these clients so let's create a new table boom we're calling this clients and we're going to save there we go and now you'll notice that our grouping doesn't work anymore if we go over to clients we see all of those clients are now a primary field are each a record in our new clients table so we can track additional information i said email i can create an email field so example at let's just put some information here and i have additional information around all of these clients that we're hoping that we're working with so the distinction between a linked record and a single select field single select field is great if you want to tag a record so say this project has this status has this content type has this priority however once you start wanting additional information around that tag name address things like that specifically for a client you can turn to a linked record while still having that relationship in place okay i'm just looking at the chat exactly so an example chris will get to look ups and things like that additional things you can do once you've linked up amazing cool making sense so far give me a thumbs up in the chat um we're on schedule here drop some questions if you have them around single select versus look up amazing cool boom okay so that was question number two absolutely boom considering this one done confetti amazing okay can i automatically create linked records absolutely okay that's a great uh amazing uh third question can i automatically create link record so i i'm gonna interpret this question is let's say i always create the same records when something happens in my workflow so if we go back to our creative projects example let's say every time we create a video project we want to create these three tasks we gotta write a script we gotta create the graphics we gotta record a video so when your workflow has these recurring steps that you need to take maybe when a tenant writes a contract you need to do four or five things and you want to be able to track whether you've done those things that's usually a situation where you want to create those linked records uh automatically so the first step is probably to create them manually so in our case what we did is when we created a training video we would create those action items manually however we may want to automate that to say every time we create a training video or a video type piece of content create these three action items automatically so an air table when you create when you say out that sentence when i do x then do y that is usually a situation where you want to use air table automations so when a project a video project is in progress or has been prioritized go ahead and create those action items automatically when a tenant has signed their lease go ahead and do these three things those are situations where you want to use air table automations so let me open up my automations here on the top right and let's create a custom automation i want to create it from scratch let me move myself out of the way boom create a custom automation like that let's name this video action items and so air table automations has kind of two parts that are related first is a trigger triggers are what set your automation in motion this is what needs to happen for your automation to run so in that sentence i used before for us it's going to be when a project when a video project is in progress go ahead and do that that first part that's going to be our act or trigger but there's a few triggers there's a few types of ways of saying that sentence if you will when a record matches conditions when a record form is submitted when a record is created in our case we're going to go ahead and use when a record matches conditions so what this is saying is when a project is a video project and is in progress go ahead and create those action items if your workflow is when a form is submitted send that person an email or when a a record is updated send a slack notifications or remind those folks that they have a due date so those are different types of triggers that you can use there we go yeah we're we're we're not limited to one thing chris we can do we can talk about linked records with automations we're going to have an automation specific session soon enough uh i'm not worried they're going to run out of topics for a table talk so let's go ahead and select our trigger boom and then we want to know where does the trigger live so which table which has the records that need to fulfill that condition to run the automation so in our case that's the content right here and then we specify the condition so let me go back to our content table and what i said was when a video project so content type will have to be video and status will have to be in progress right so those are the two criteria that our record has to fulfill in order for us to want to run the automation so let's go ahead and add conditions so what i just said is that when a record in our content table has status equal to in progress i could have selected a few options here but this is what we need another condition i need both to be true so i'm going to use an and here content type is video now just a note maybe you want to do is any of you want to trigger this on a few options in our case we just want to keep video so i'm just going to do like this that's a little confusing let's see this is video there we go so those are the conditions that a record needs to fulfill in order for this automation to run let's run a test and what we see is that it's pulled out i'm just going to go into that test field value let's go get the name create training videos one right here and that makes sense right that's saying if we would have just created this new record and we have set it in progress set content video we would have created uh run this automation so that's all great let me make this a little larger click done okay so we have our first trigger which is saying when a project has video and in progress go ahead and run this automation now actions are what you want the automation to do so this could be a wide variety of things it could be let me go cycle through here update a record you can go let me go into full screen give us a little bit more space that didn't really help did it go ahead and send an email update something google sheets external applications as well send an outlook email hootsuite a bunch of examples that we could run with in our case we just want to create a record so let me go back so which table do we want to create a record in in our case that's the action items table so let's go into action items and then we can specify do we know what some of the fields are well in our case if we look here we always our first record is always going to be named write script so it's going to action items let's choose a field our name field and we're going to call it write script next one is this projects this linked record and so what we want is this to be linked to the record that triggered the automation so in our case we wanted to be linked to create training video to step one now whenever you want to associate or fill in information that's available in a previous step you can click this plus button and go to step one and this is saying take information from the record that triggered the automation so we're going to click that and what i want is the name insert that it's going to go ahead and create that relationship between the task and the project that was just prioritized and that's it so those are the only two fields that we want to fill out so let's click done and we want to do that three times so the next is we also want to create a record so for each one of these template action items we can go ahead and fill out that information so i'm going to do this a little faster here let me know if there are any questions create graphics i'm going to associate that to step one boom one last time i'm gonna go ahead and create record in action items we only have to do this once and then we're automating a lot of work name is record video so i'm just recreating these three templates boom click done and now the most important step that i forget every single time is to turn on the automation very important to click this on button and now what we're saying with this automation is when a record is in progress and is tagged as video in when record matches condition go ahead and create three records now always always a little stressed out to run these on the string let's go ahead and create a new record for let's say steven's construction company so we're calling this video training or safety procedures just gonna stay with the construction team so let's say this is in progress it's a medium we're starting this 30th boom and now once i set this to content type is video it's going to fulfill the two things we need let me move myself out of the way let's see if this works video it's going to go ahead and run the automations video now if we did this correctly it went too quickly okay i was gonna i was gonna do this whole thing but it created our action items automatically so now we have our right script create graphics record video we need like a like a confetti um there we go and we have our action items automatically created so this is perfect for when you have workflows at certain points that you need to create uh recurring action items all right we need we need we need some kind of horn i'll next week we're gonna have a proper proper celebration when automation runs uh um so steven good question around will this be available yes so the instant the stream is done it's available on the youtube channel to watch again chime app great idea love this let it keep them coming awesome okay so uh holly any questions amazing absolutely need air horns okay cool cool cool let me give a quick check on time wise we're about three quarters of the submitted questions boom okay how can you edit what you see in a list of linked records okay this is a great question so if i come back here and go to content and look at my client let me remove uh steven's construction let me go to a view where we have all of our projects that is not grouped let's have a new project you'll notice when i click this plus button as we learned a moment ago it's going to go ahead and pull up all of the information from our clients now we have four clients today but i'm sure a lot of folks here have hundreds or thousands of clients or tables with so much information it becomes difficult to just scroll and find the link that you need so what we want to do here is how do we edit this so that make it easier to find the information that we need so here let's say one thing i could do if i had hundreds of clients actually search on them so let's say i search barcelona as i'm writing it out it's going to go ahead and find that information however it only searches on the first field so let's say i want to search example which is one of the elements i can't find it because it is not in our first fields this one in bold so the primary field is a special field it's your first field in every table and what happens is that you cannot hide this feel it is crucial it's what indicates what's in the rest of the record so sometimes you might have structured your tables incorrectly such that it becomes difficult to find the information that you need so let me rejig this let's say i have jeff and you know this was jeff at air table and this was holly but then i had a second client whose name was also jeff and i'd say i had a last name a single line text i had jeff johnson and i had hallie i'm terrible at this i should not do this berks sure jeff shawnee and then rosie there's the name of my old cat uh banks sure you'll notice that i have two jeffs now i can differentiate these geps based on you know either the content that we're creating for them or their address or some other piece of information in this table however if i go and say i want to link this project to jeff well that becomes a problem because i'm not sure which jeff i should be linking to so this will happen often when you start out and you have a piece of information that you use as your primary field but then you have multiple instances of that so your primary fields should be unique and informative so you should be able to search on them that's the informative part so just a bunch of numbers doesn't really make sense and they should be unique so when you enter that information you're quickly be able to differentiate amongst the different records that you're linking to so some folks in the chat are a little a little further ahead than i am so let's go ahead and go back to our clients and try to adjust this so i have the last name last name and first name is usually unique right so if there was a way to search on first and last name instead of just first name well that would really solve my problem that would make this much more unique and informative so let's go ahead and create a field that is first name it's going to be a single line text create that field move it here let me go copy paste all of this field so i'm clicking control c or apple c on a mac moving that over here and i have a blank here so what i'd love this field to be is first name space last name that way when i pull in the information i pull in the first name i pull in their last name that primary field becomes unique and informative so how do we do that how do we take existing fields and concatenate them together to create a new field that is based off of those other fields well whenever you have existing information that creates something new in your table you should see here alarm bells ringing formulas so that is the end when you're taking existing information maybe due date and adding time or removing time existing information creating something new that is when you use a formula so let's change our name here to be a formula and what should our formula be there's a few ways to write this a synonym for concatenate uh merge i guess what is a good syno let's concatenate is there one explanation here join together the text arguments that makes a little i guess it was joined together different lines of text right hey cherise welcome so what we want this to concatenate is the first name and the last thing so here i'm using the concatenate formula there's another way that's just dropped someone suggested i'm going to do that right after so i'm saying take the first name and then as a second argument i'm going to take the last name so this should merge them together join them together let's save that whoop okay this looks a little weird right so they're like they're too close we need a little space here so we can actually add as many arguments as we want so let's say after the first name we want a little space so we're just going to say little quotation marks international sign for quotation marks and bunny you know uh we're gonna go ahead and add a space there so this is saying take that space added between first and last name let's save that boom so now we have our first and last name now this should be more informative so if i go back to our content i'm gonna associate this new project to the right jeff and i write out jeff well now i see that it's either jeff johnson or jeff shawnee now what's good about this is maybe i i know which jeff we're talking about talking about johnson so i can search that as well because it's in our primary field so if you remember one thing from this question and maybe just from this stream make sure that your primary fields are unique and informative how you do that is often using a concatenate or using a formula field that takes existing information and jumbles it together to create something that when you search on it you're sure to find the right record now i promise to show other ways to create that concatenate let me do that right now so i know concatenate is a word that you might not remember so an easier way to do this and one that i actually prefer is just by writing out the sentence and using ampersands international sign for ampersand is is this i think or it's my sign anyway uh so first name and put that space and last name there we go if we say that the output is going to be exactly the same there we go and now we have our formula field um that is automatically created there we go okay so that is one way to change what is in the linked record right here so uh the question is how do you edit the list of linked records so that was the first one is how to make the search easier i think the second part of this question i'm hoping uh this question was from wade that's a wade hopefully this is i'm interpreting interpreting your question correctly maybe what you meant was not how do i make the search easier but how do i limit the records that are here again if you have thousands of clients after a couple years a few of them may have churned they're no longer your client or maybe they're no longer a tenant or maybe you only want to see action items for projects that are in progress so maybe you want to limit the records that show up here when you click the plus you don't want to necessarily see all of the records from that table so let's go to clients and let's imagine let's put that use case where we only want to see clients that are currently a client let's go ahead and go like this and let's say i have a check box that says current client check box and everyone except jeff johnson is still my client right so now i only want to see these three options when i use that dropdown when i add that project to that client so how do we do that how do we limit the list of linked records to records that fulfill a condition foreshadowing what i'm going to go do here so let's customize that field type and you'll notice that when you link to clients there are two options here we actually only want to have one client for each project and second we can limit selection to a view now however we haven't created a view that has those conditions so let me go ahead and create a view i'm going to cancel i'm going to not save go to clients create a new view that is current clients always better if you spell it correctly let's filter where current client is checked so what this says is only show me clients where the checkbox current client is checked meaning it is a client let's go ahead and go back to content let's do that one more time customize field type allow limit records to a view current client and let's save that so now when i pull up this plus button you'll see that there's only three records so only hallie jeff and rosie if i come here and say you know what rosie or jeff or haley i don't know who to pick a little stressful uh rosie rosie is out no longer a client i come back here i only have those two records that are now available uh so that is one way to add a little bit of validation to making sure that you're linking to the right record so second tip that i hope you'll remember make your primary fields unique and informative and whenever possible make sure you're limiting that linked record to the right subset of information so that as a user as a collaborator i'm sure that i'm pulling the right information or associating the right information from one record to another cool yeah i feel bad let's put rosie rosie should be a client let's give rosie a chance here rosie's great okay rosie's back okay okay dukes no worries cool okay if i'm not mistaken those are all of our pre-submitted questions okay great how can i reorder linked records once i have a bunch already linked so the question from chris uh uh this is where i'm rubbing my hands because i expect these to be a little bit uh a little tougher if you will so uh it's still time we're gonna try to get through these as quickly as possible and then we're gonna do a lightning round so p uh uh uh let's go ahead and answer these as quickly so holly do you want to do the lightning round now okay okay let's let's let's answer chris's and then we'll see okay cool so let me make sure i'm doing the right thing okay okay landing round okay let's do it so i've got i've got a minute for each one of these so drop them in in the chat and i'm gonna answer each one of these in a minute so the first question is how can i reorder linked records once i've linked them so the best way to do this is go ahead here and you could reorder them right there so i'm going to do that one more time chris you go to that linked record you open it here and then you can manually rejig them right so they are by default ordered in the order that you link them however you could change that order here like that so that is the only way to reorder your length records boom okay question one i'm going to assume chris but that is done yes that is the only way correct so question from coolbone uh what is the limit uh the limit i don't think it's one of practical limitations right so you could have hundreds or thousands of linked records so do i have a minute here you're giving me a minute 30 seconds okay um so the limitation is not on the number of linked records it is on the number of records uh uh um globally right so on the whole base uh the limit however you might hit uh speed limits if you have hundreds uh or thousands of um records that are linking and pulling in and formulas and things like that so limitation is not there it's more on the base performance as well so if you are creating a lot of linked records make sure to optimize your whole base to optimize for performance not that there is a limit to the number of linked records obviously the limit is also the number of records totally right so 50k you can't have more than 50k linked records but you're probably going to hit some performance issues before that so make sure that your base is optimized and only linking when you need to okay i went over on that one okay so question for michaela is it possible to link to only active projects in that case i would actually use a to use i got 15 seconds for this one i would just use the limit to a view so you can create a view that only has your in progress projects like we did right here so create a view that has your in progress projects and then you'll only be able to select from that view when you create that linked record way way over time okay we're at 100 percent all right they're tough they're tough uh um okay amazing appreciate it great question michaels uh cool bone asks what happens that you ask in the form and i'm not answering so this is what i'm gonna we're either gonna prioritize them for a future session so we had a lot of questions for automations and we're gonna prioritize that for the automations if i can't answer your question we're actually going to send it over to support to make sure that you do get an answer so we want to make sure that your questions do get answered so we're going to go ahead uh drop a link to uh upcoming questions if you have them our next session next week is about apps and then we're going to talk about fields generally but really we're welcoming all questions we want to see what kind of questions you have both so we can create new sessions that are tailored to those questions and we got a sense of what are you asking how can we help you learn more about airtable are there any other questions that we haven't answered so there's a lot of you can write a script i think to change the order uh so kovan if you can share that script i'm really appreciative batch update as well was when i missed so there's things even sometimes that i miss so really appreciate that great i think we answered all of the questions so appreciate just drop the link to uh questions for the next session um and let me go ahead okay we got some i'm gonna go ahead and drop a link amazing we do i i don't handle the swag so go ahead and let uh uh so stephen that's a great question uh so you're saying the question is you know if you have existing linked records in a sync table they get passed as a single line text i'll let the team know about that feedback uh yeah so that is not possible today they do get passed on as a single line text cool all right so who's our winner for our swag this week amazing so steven's our winner for swag this week we're going to reach out after the session to send over your airtable swag i personally would love to know the session how did it go how much did you enjoy this any feedback to make this session better i would love to know so i'm very aaron really appreciate all of you joining i hope i will see you next week where we're going to talk about actually make sure i got this right apps and then fields the following week please drop us submit your questions in advance whether about that topic or anything else you want to talk about with regards to error table ask us anything so really appreciate all of you joining this session i'll be back here same place same time next week and i hope that you will be too so huge thanks ash pam uh neya for coming niyah probably stephen stephen again ethan chris uh uh cubone michaela really appreciate all of you coming i hope to see you back next week for some more table talk and some more airtable learnings with that huge thanks again for coming and i'll see you there you
Channel: Airtable
Views: 2,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Airtable, Linked records, airtable, airtable demo, airtable training, airtable tutorial, airtable tutorial youtube, how to use airtable, Airtable linked records
Id: 6a_p1Wu8_bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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