[Airtable Masterclass] How to build your ‘Business Control Center’ in Airtable, step by step

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hey it's Vic and welcome to the master class on how to set up your air table control center for your business I'm going to try to run this class in one uninterrupted piece of video and I'm also going to try to keep it to 60 minutes if possible and to 90 minutes if 60 minutes is just proves to be way too little because this is sort of meant to be an impromptu improvisational thing so you can see my thought process around how how I work with air table so that you can then copy what makes sense for you and also see how to problem-solve with an air table rather than just giving you sort of a pre-formulated a completely pre-formulated approach so I might have to cheat in case I mess something up I might have to pause and actually go and figure it out and then come back but I'm going to try to keep it uninterrupted and let's just dive right in and create a new base now let me just give you a small bit of context the project or the business that I intend to make this base for is a project that I've been meaning to do for pretty much all my life around my passion which is songwriting and this this this business is called write awesome songs or at least that's what it's called for now and what I want to do is basically teach people to write how to write songs on their guitar and how to sing and obviously that includes a whole lot of stuff that includes having a website having a blog having a youtube channel getting the right equipment getting a good recording space so I could do everything getting lighting creating courses creating a membership site you know recordings there's so much stuff involved in any kind of business and hopefully there's enough carryover from what I'm going to be showing in this business to your own business and if not of course you can always ask questions and ask clarification for clarification in the comments and I can always record new videos to supplement the core core videos that make up this class to answer very sort of specific questions for your particular situation so here I am an air table let's create a brand new base and we are going to start from scratch and of course I will give you as many templates as I can but in the meantime just so you that you understand how everything works we're going to go from scratch that's really more important then then starting with a template so we're gonna call this the right awesome songs Control Center now let's give it some kind of a icon representative icon how about a rocketship and let's launch it so here is our basic control center and the very first thing that makes up a company of any kind is the people working on the project which is why every time I create one of these control centers and by the way I've created control centers an air table for my main business member fix for our crypto currency fund blockchain 34 a project that we're doing with our Brazilian Jujitsu professor called olavo LaBrea online and so on and so forth everything is always in an air table and there's a general approach that that makes sense and the very first tab we're going to call it team I'm going to call it team and we're going to start now this this is called a primary column and as you can see its primary because no matter how many tabs you add to the right just show you what I mean here okay and no matter how far to the right you scroll this primary field remains sticky and follows you all the way to the right no matter how many fields you happen to have they're just gonna go ahead and delete these guys delete fields okay oops and let's delete these as well let's delete these as well okay so the team member named will in this case be Vick Dorfman that's me and let's imagine that I also have a co-founder and let's say I'll use my friend Leslie my good friend Leslie gobble my French friend from Bordeaux and he's let's say Michael my co-founder now what we want to do is we want to indicate the role of the person in the company generally speaking so we'll create a single line text field or you can use a single select field but in case you have an online business where roles are sort of flexible you want to be able to easily modify this so I will say founder and let's say content marketing which is in fact the role that I will take in the right awesome songs business and let's say Leslie might be the graphic or let's say the UX UI designer which in fact he is that as well real-life any notes you want to include about the team member you would do here now if you want to include things like their hourly rate so for example you're going to be working with contractors probably in any business that you're in if it's online or even if it's offline and let's say you have a contractor named let's say Peggy Sue and let's say she's a developer and let's see one to indicate that she's let's say if you want to indicate her status so we're going to insert another field to the right of a role and we will say status and we will use a single select field now a single select field means that you can only have one option selected at a time as opposed to a multiple select field where you can have multiple pre-configured options selected at a time and we'll say okay status would be active meaning the person is actually working with you and I'll use green for that and let's say that they are inactive and I will use yellow for that okay and once you've created those fields then we can indicate the status and we can say okay all three team members are currently active now if we have another team member and let's say his name is Nawal robbie can't how cool would that be and let's say he's an advisor that would be pretty sweet if you guys know who he is and let's say that for whatever reason he's inactive on the project that will indicate that he's inactive and let's again imagine we've got our friend tim ferriss as an investor on the project and let's say he's inactive although i don't know how an advisor or investor could be inactive it's not like they're contractors but let's say for the sake of argument that that's the case what we can then start doing is grouping the different team members by their status okay so are they active or not active and by the way what I like to do is I like to squeeze fields too so that they're as small as possible so in other words whatever the largest or the longest input is we want the field to stretch that long but not longer we want to keep all of this we want to economize all of this space so that you're not having to scroll all the way across the screen and particularly with the with a computer like mine I have an old MacBook Pro in 2010 you're you're gonna be scrolling a lot with the small screen resolution unless you zoom out but then you can't see crap so it's just a good sort of a best practice and I'll do the same thing for roll and I'll do the same thing for name okay so we've grouped by status and I can see okay here are my active team members here are my inactive team members but we will talk more about grouping a little bit later and we don't really need this attachments field which kind of comes with by default new tabs and notes field we can just indicate stuff like okay well Peggy Sue we pay her pay her via upwork okay or Leslie we could say 25% equity and whatever other information we need to indicate here and as I said if you're working with a contractor and you can indicate that as well you could say let's say type and let's say we'll do another single select and we'll say full-time part-time contractor advisor investor you etc okay so victus obviously would be full time let's say Leslie would be a part-time designer X amount of hours per week let's say Peggy Sue is a contractor so she works on an as-needed basis on an ad-hoc basis okay and my man navall is gonna be I always want to say revolt Navi can't it's not all ravi content and let's say he's advisor investor and then that would make the role redundant right but it wouldn't make it redundant for the other types of team members okay and let's say we want to indicate their rate maybe their hourly hourly rate now here I recommend that you make this a number and not a currency for reasons that will be clear later but it's basically if you're doing payroll calculations you want you don't want to complicate the fields or the calculate calculation by using disparate types of information so for example you will be calculating stuff like hours and you'll be calculating stuff like rate multiplying them or whatever the case may be you want them all to be of the same field type well it's pretty easy to calculate hours as a number but you can't calculate hourly rate as hours minutes minutes does that make sense so we want to just keep it as a number for now and let's just just take my word on that and in fact we can make it a decimal integer and we can give it a precision of 2 decimal places or 2 places after the decimal point and we could say okay fix hourly rate would be let's say 150 150 bucks an hour and Leslie's let's say would be a hundred bucks an hour and Peggy Sue let's say she's you know a pretty reasonably priced developer she charges 35 and of all would be nothing maybe because he's an advisor and he gets equity and Tim same he's an advisor so he gets equity so it doesn't have an hourly rate just leave those blank and now you may be wondering like well if you're using a number for an hourly rate how do you indicate the currency because you might you might not be working with US dollars you may be using Australian dollars or Hong Kong dollars or whatever the case may be or euros and the way that I like to do this again you don't want to hamstring yourself by creating a field and setting a currency and setting a field that than other fields cannot be calculated with in a formula so what I like to do is at this point begin to add field descriptions so the hourly rate or prorated hourly rate so let's say if somebody has a fixed amount of hours per week or per month you're not really paying them based based on hours you're paying them based on the their requirements but you still want to know what their rate is if you prorated it over the course of their required hours I hope that made sense hopefully that was clear of the team member in u.s. dollars and you could even just rename the rate field because you have some space here rate parentheses parentheses USD okay so now you've got a nice little description as well and by the way this is I think a really important best practice to get to get in the habit of doing which is giving all of your fields in all of your tabs and all of your tabs themselves descriptions that make the purpose of a field and the purpose of a tab impossible to misinterpret by your team members especially new team member okay so you're basically in a way automating having to explain how your Control Center works to new team members because it's all indicated you've got tool tips everywhere saying rate okay this is the hourly rate or prorated hourly rate of this team member in u.s. dollars okay so now I don't have to bother you the founder or the operations manager whoever you have in your and your management team in step like you they don't have to bother you and slack to say oh well what does rate mean that's right you know that kind of thing so type would be let's say edit field description and say the work arrangement type of this team member and you could even say eg part-time full-time contractor etc okay so you could give an example of what kinds of values this field can accept make it make it clear that way and again let's go ahead and contract this so we're not taking up a ton of space and let's do the same thing with the rate now with with a field like notes now this is a long text field right here as opposed to the role field and the name field which are short text fields and the difference being that if you try to type a bunch of stuff in this field it all gets put on one line okay so it's meant for short little descriptors right but if you want to type out you know a bunch of stuff well let's just paste a bunch of random stuff here you can see that you've got this whole big old blob big old blob of text that you can that you can paste into it and then it also expands so let's say I paste a bunch of stuff in here then I close it and if I highlight it if I mouse over it you can it can it has a a ellipsis indicating that oh you can open this bad boy and you now you can see what's inside and of course as with any field where you enter text namely the short text and long text fields you can at any of the team members that you've added to the space and that's also pretty simple to do you basically just go to share and you either invite people via email or you generate a link and then you send that directly to to the person that you want to collaborate with okay so this is our teen field now you can see we've kept it super simple for the sake of time and let me just consult my cheat sheet here so we've created our team tab now let's go over to customers tab now customers tab obviously every business needs customers everybody every business has customers and in fact rather than recreating the customers tab from scratch we could even just duplicate this table and we can even duplicate the records but maybe we'll keep their records non duplicated and will rename this table customers and will say ok customer name let's ungroup here and we'll say customer name let's say we've got a customer named who's a cool person Quentin Tarantino it's pretty cool okay so well I guess for the customers we don't really need a roll tab a roll field we could use a status field like we could say okay this customer is either currently paying us or they were a previous customer but now they're inactive and in fact we do use this status in the member fix control center for our core business so I'll say okay my man Quinton is active and any notes about the customer that are important like likes making movies curses a lot anything relevant to to that person can go here type probably we can delete that field as well rate we don't need the rate but what we would need is we would need to indicate what that customer purchased from us and or what subscriptions that they are subscribed and subscribe to and this is probably not as important in a digital products business as it would be in a services business where you need to know which customers are currently active and which aren't whereas for a membership site all of that stuff would be pretty clear in the members dashboard or if you're selling digital products or ebooks it might not apply but I'm gonna show it to you anyway and say um plan okay so we'll call this one plan and I'm going to leave it as a single line text for now and you'll see why in a moment okay and any other info you might want to include here about your customers like maybe how much time they receive oh let's say their website website say website one use a URL okay now we'll duplicate this field we'll duplicate it yet again because you may have a customer and you're working on several of their websites so we'll say website one site too mr. mais field renamed field website three oh you'll need their email address weren't you won't you email address now this is actually its own filled in air table so email you might need their phone number etc etc so Quentin Tarantino would that be crazy if that's really his ego and let's see their plan I'm going to leave this blank but I'll come back to it and let's say gtps Quinton dot-com HTTP hateful eight dot-com HTTP say Reservoir Dogs calm adoption okay and so on and so forth right now why did I leave plan blank the reason for that is because and this is a very basic principle of organizing your control center or using air table in general you always want to try to separate different categories of information in different tabs okay so in this case if you have multiple different plans sure you could use a single select or a multiple select field and just put what plan they have but the problem with that is is that it wouldn't allow you to see any information about that plan okay and you wouldn't want to add all that info in this tab because it would clutter the tab so what do we do we create a brand new tab or table they're called tables but they look like tabs and we'll call it let's say we can call it plans but I'm gonna call it offers because I want it to include anything that we sell anything that you sell is an offer so whether it's a subscription a membership a book physical book coaching service everything should go in one tab because it's one category of information which is an offer so offers go here okay and let's say you've got a description so services plan a let's say you've got another services subscription let's say you've got a coaching package let's say you've got a eBook let's say you've got a online course like the one that you're currently in let's say you've got a membership site and let's say you've got a same let's say you've got a an event a an offline event event ok so all of these different offers obviously cost money hopefully you're charging for your stuff and again rather than we could use a currency in this case because we probably won't be calculating using the offers tab to do any calculations and you know the cool thing is - so let me show you something now let's say we want to say USD okay and let's change can we change this format okay so we got USD and this is a currency filled now so we know that this one cost let's say 97 USD and this one let's say cost 197 USD and coaching package let's say costs 400 USD and your ebook let's say cost $17 your online courses 297 your membership site is 49 a month and your event let's say is 1500 okay let's go ahead and delete this attachments field and we also need to indicate the payment terms right so it's 97 when once every month every quarter every year and what if it's a plan and what if it's only 97 for the first payment and then after that it's something else so you want to indicate all of that stuff and you'll probably want to use a long text so that you can add add various descriptions so and by the way you know if you're using a lot of plans in your business this might not be the most elegant way to set this up so as always just leave your comment leave your your questions and I can help you and hopefully our other members of this community can also chime in and add their ideas and say well here's how we do it and this works really well and so on and so forth because the possibilities are so so infinite here and let's say that this is services plan a let's say monthly this is the service and let's say this one is monthly as well and let's say you're coaching package is $400 but it's $200 in two payments thirty days apart alright and your ebook is a one-time payment online course is a one-time payment your membership site is monthly and if you have several price points you can you can indicate that as well by maybe making oops we should call this price by maybe making like price to todd price three tab and so forth but we're again we're going to keep it simple just for the sake of time and demonstration and your event would be a one-time or maybe there's a plan plan available okay now hmm as I said if you have a field let's say you have like a currency field and you and you think crap I you know I really don't want this to be a currency field I just want a regular old number field because everything is done in USD in my business for example so all you really have to do is you customize the field type you change it from currency to number you'd have to set the precision to be two decimal places because currency is two decimal places by default because you've got one dollar 57 or one dollar seventy three and if you don't include it it'll just round will just cut off that that precision point and you click Save and look what happens all of your prices have converted to this format and now all you have to do is indicate price of offer in u.s. dollars okay and then you can even rename this field say price USD isn't that cool but so why the heck did we create this tab anyway well if we go back to our customers tab we've got this plan filled because we want to say which customers are on which plans slash have purchased which offers at different times and like in our case where a services business so our primary product is just a subscription straight monthly subscription and we have three different tiers we have a light amid and a pro well what I like to do then is I like to customize this field type and make it a linked record okay this is really the most important field and air table arguably because what it does is that allows you to link information between different tables and to see the relationship between those those pieces of data and I'll show you exactly what I mean so we're gonna link to another record in another table and we're going to look up the offers table and let's open that and you can see there's a few options here we can allow linking to multiple records we could limit the record selection to a particular view which is pretty cool feature but I generally leave this option enabled for the simple reason that well in this case people could buy more more than one thing but even if they can't buy more than one thing you want to leave this option available in case you ever expand your base in case you ever need to change stuff around you'll just have that option available you don't actually have to utilize it it'll just be there so let's go ahead and click Save okay cool so now we have a linked record and look what happens when I click this plus all right I get a listing of all of the records within the offers table that we created and if I click on services plan a you can see that we've got this clickable item here in the plan tab so what happens when we click it look at that you can see that air table indicates okay we've just opened a record and we've opened it here in the offers tab which is why there's this linking line going to offers and we can see all of the data that we entered about that plan in the offers tab directly in this pop-up instead so we don't actually have to go to offers to view the details of a particular offer okay you see we've got the name of the plan we've got the price of the plan in u.s. dollars of course you've got the terms okay it's a monthly payment and we've got the customer with whom this record is associated in this case Quentin Tarantino now one thing to notice or to note is that anytime you create a linked tab in or linked record in one table it automatically must create a linked record in the linking table for the obvious reason that if you're linking from one place that means that your reciprocally linking to the other place right so in this case we've got this customers tab here so we can see now anytime that we go to the offers tab well we know at a glance when we'd probably have to expand this tab a bit all of the customers who are on this particular plan right or if we want to know all of the customers who are on service plan a we could also just create a grouping and group by plan and metal group that will sort of create blocks of different plans or we could even create a brand new view and we'll call it services plan a view where we create a filter where the plan name contains let's say plan a okay so now we're only gonna see records that meet this filter criteria criterion that in this case right so that's just a little taster II know of what actually air table can do but again we're gonna try to keep it super super simple how are we doing on time I'm not even actually sure so I'm just gonna keep blasting I think we started at about 5:35 I'm not mistaken okay so moving on we've got our team we've got our customers we've got our offers team customers are offers right okay so I wanted to show you a really important concept and in in our member fix Control Center in our in our dashboard for for my our core business we have two separate tabs we have a team tab and a customers tab but really that kind of violates the principle that I explained to you earlier which is that you want to keep broad categories of information in one table okay and then using the filtering and the sorting and the grouping and the different views you can create all of those different differentiations within that one tab so to give you a really simple example we've got our team here and we've got our customers here what is the broad category that both team members and customers belong to they belong to the category of people they're all people well is there any reason that we can't just have them all in one tab none at all so how would we actually do that well okay so we've got this customer Quentin Tarantino so let's go back to the team tab now let's rename it the people tab and let's add a new record it's actually added to active and will say Quentin Tarantino role would be customer okay but that's actually irrelevant annual you will see why in a second any notes type rate etc well we really need to separate who our customers are and who our team members are right so what we're going to do is we're simply going to create a brand new view we're going to create a grid view in this case and we'll call it the customers view okay and we're going to create another grid-view and call it the team members view and we can yet create another grid and we'll call it the strategic partners view and the affiliates view and so on and so forth and what I what I always like to do and I don't know if this is necessarily a best practice this is just a preference of mine is the very first view that you have by default in air table in any of your tables I like to keep this ungrouped unfiltered unsorted and rename it as raw raw grid view little filters just to indicate that look all people no matter what kind of people they are whether their customers affiliates partners team members whatever whatever all go in here and you can see this raw unfiltered unsorted view here and you can see we've got Quentin Tarantino well he's a customer and his status is active and type rate whatever but the thing that allows us to sort whether or not somebody is a customer has to be some sort of a field so type we need to add another type and we need to say ok customer there's a type now what we do is we completely sequester these two fields so let's go into customers customer view and you can see that the customer view doesn't have any filters groupings or sorting so therefore it's exactly the same as this raw grid view because we haven't applied any filters to make it different yeah that's no that's not what we're going to do and customers you were going to add a filter where type and let's say is any of crap there is any of customer because there may be cases where a customer is also an affiliate where customers also an investor where customers I guess can also be a team member I don't know but so you want to be careful with your filter and not make it so that it is customer because that would mean customer and only customer but not customer and also something else okay that makes sense so in other words if somebody were your customer and also an affiliate of yours and in fact let's add another option called affiliate okay and let's customize this view so that it's no longer single select but multiple select so that we could have multiple types and say okay well Quentin is not only a customer but he's also an affiliate so now we can indicate both of those relationships and when we go create our filter and you can see we're in the customers view here we're going to set the type has any of customer and there's our filter so we know Quinton is a customer and we also know that he's an affiliate now do we need to know his his hourly rate well he's not a team member so no we don't so what do we do we right-click and we hide that field do we need to know whether or not he's active or inactive I would say yeah that's probably a good idea because if you have a services business or maybe this person used to be a customer or isn't now then you could get rid of them and you could even create a separate status like active for customers and active for affiliates because you wouldn't want to use the same status for both and you would just hide one well I'll show you instead of explaining yeah why don't I just show you I'll just duplicate this field and yeah I'll duplicate the cells as well so we got two status fields now right and we're going to rename the status field status customers okay and we'll rename this status status affiliates okay well he's at customer but let's say he's inactive as an affiliate and I'll show you the significance of that later and since I don't really need to know his affiliate status in this view I just need to know his customer status well we will hide this field as well okay and it only hides the field in this view you see the magic of this so when we go to the affiliates view we'll hide his status or of whether or not he's active as a customer but displaying his status of whether or not he's active as an affiliate super cool so any notes we might have about that customer will enter here and by the way any way that you arrange your different fields here within this view will stay like that for that view only so this view it's like its own little universe its own little microcosm of stuff okay cool so we've got our customers view now let's go to team members of you okay well we need to know what type of person this person is so we want to indicate create a new option called team okay I've already indicated full-time part-time contractor advisor investor etc but we need ammo we need an omnibus omnibus category that makes it easy to create a filter okay which is what we've just done okay cool so we need to create a new filter where the type has any of the following team ok now what that implies is that you also have to go back and mark everybody who is a team member with that with that type so I'm a team member Leslie as a team member Peggy Sue's a team member and of all Robbie can't I wish it was a team member in Tim Ferriss I really wish was a team member - but hey Peggy Sue ain't bad either and now when we go to the team members of you look at that what do you know now we can see that our filtering has worked and these are all of the people that we have now if in this team members view you want to do some further grouping role let's just do that let's say well we want to see who's an active team member and who's in who's an inactive team member but look at the problem that we've encountered here the status tab is for customers hmm these are all team members so if we use the status tab for customers to group it's not really going to apply in this case although I suppose you can use the same the same single select field for both cases but again what if somebody is a customer they're active as a customer but they're inactive as a team member and vice versa or as an affiliate and vice versa you want to separate it and create duplicate field okay and you want us to make it clear that this status is 14 and now we just hide the status for customers and now we have our status 14 which makes it very easy to group according to status for team members so now we've got all our active team members neatly lined up we've got all our inactive team members neatly lined up notes neatly lined up type you may not even want to see this information so you could always just hide it statuses affiliates not really relevant for your team probably so you hide that and now you've got a nice clean view that has all the information you want and none of the information you don't want and doesn't interfere with any of your other views you dig now obviously when we come back to this review it's going to be a bit of a mess because we've got all of these different fields like we've got two different status fields and we'll probably have more for different types of people and everything but look what we've effectively done is we've effectively combined the team members tab with the customers tab that we had had and we no longer need this customers tab but we did leave out a few pieces of information that we should probably add so we have website one website to website three plan and email address okay website one two three email address and plan so let's just create those fields and I generally like to create the fields that the additional fields that I need within the view that I need them in okay so that way it won't actually automatically create that field and the other views whereas if you create it in the grid view well I guess it probably wouldn't transplant that either you know what wouldn't so this is another cool feature so let's say we create website one and this is a URL field the question is is this website one field going to automatically appear in our pre-configured views and you can see that no it is not it is automatically hidden by default but you can unhide it how cool is that so it doesn't automatically assume that okay whatever new field you create in one view should be just broadcast to other views it respects your views it respects the compartmentalization that you've gone to all this trouble to create so if we go back to raw grid view here we can say website one let's duplicate this guy website to duplicate this guy website three and we need a linked record I know excuse me this is an email address male ok now and now we can just copy those four values just like that because we had or paste them rather because we had to copy them okay now we can just rename these guys website three website to website one email and I think we have one more field that we had to insert which was d-plan linked record field that goes to the offers tab save it now I definitely pasted this on the didn't I see we're gonna move this down my man Quinton's line okay and now if we open up our customers of you see Quentin we see his notes we have any likes movies let's say his status is active he's an affiliate and a customer now when you do show the websites that we work on that are related to him pardon me excuse me we want to show his email and we want to show the plan that he's on katoki so there you have it and see where did his plan good oh we not hind that unhide that here we go plant okay and now we're going to link to the services plan and again if you click on on a linked record it'll pull up that record and indicate which table it's linked to or from okey dokey so what that means essentially is that we can delete this customers tab and we don't have to have two separate tabs for two separate types of people because they're all under the broad umbrella of being people and we use the different filters and different views to to manipulate that information within the same table okay and this is really important because unlike something like Google sheets you probably know this or otherwise you wouldn't be watching this it allows us to prevent duplication of data it allows us to prevent having redundant entries in our database and it allows you to have fewer places to put stuff so if you have you know a tab for tema tab for customers a tab for affiliates you have to recreate a bunch of different stuff and it also limits your ability to just create filters out of an existing dump of a bunch of different data okay within one table so that's the reason we do that so we've got our people we've got our offers all right and we are really cracking along on time here so we should probably speed things up so calls or you could be watching this up 1.5 X or 2x or 1.75 X speed as well unless you think I'm talking too fast in which case you could probably slow it down anyway calls why would you need a calls tab for your business well an hour in the business that I'll be creating and you know by the way I meant to I meant to make this like a real dashboard that I'm really going to be using but I guess the truth is that I really don't know who's going to be on my team at this point and it's not going to be any of these people except they can possibly Leslie and possibly Novell Robbie Khan as well and I don't really know what my offers are going to be yet so I had to create some sample data so I need you to suspend disbelief a little bit and say that hey Vic I thought you were gonna use this for a real business well I will but I'm gonna change all this stuff to reflect the actual offers that I come up with but I have to come up with them first right now calls in pretty much any kind of online business and in a lot of offline businesses you do all sorts of calls you do calls with vendors you do calls with prospective customers who want to sign up and they want to ask you some questions with you do coaching calls you do interviews for podcasts and for websites any kind of a call you should have it recorded you should have a recording of it we use zoom for all of our calls which is fantastic just blow Skype right out of the water which is spyware anyway Google it you know believe me we're DuckDuckGo it if you're really you're really cool and that's what we have this tab for so now in this case we don't need the name to be the primary field we really need it to be a date because and so the rule of primary fields is what is the organizing piece of data that defines all of the items in a particular category of information that's kind of a mouthful but in this case let's say okay we've got the date the only thing that really distinguishes all of these calls is when they're made and it's probably kind of the most the easiest way to sort it filter the different different calls so we're sit well say date we will not include a time field because it's probably not relevant although you could include a time field if you wanted to and I'll just say save I will rename it as the date so this is the date the call is taking place right now we want to indicate who we're making the call with okay so that will be caller on the team okay and we will create duplicate field called caller in fact you know what here's what we'll do we'll just do caller one caller one and caller two and will make both of these kind of record you reckon we need here who do we have calls with do we have them with people yes we have one with people so we're going to use people linked record from people and we do allow linking to multiple records because sometimes you have calls with multiple people and we will say caller one is from people a call or two would also have to be from people because your unless you're having calls with AI or something just probably a thing by now then you're going to be calling from one people's to another people and what we'll do is we'll say okay Vic has a call with Leslie on Friday the 28th and what I like to do for calls and this is just again my preference will say agenda actually agenda say purpose not agenda purpose so we want a really brief description discuss website design okay and then this becomes the agenda and I really try to come into calls with an agenda especially if there calls with friends or people I'm friendly with because they tend to sort of get out of control and just get way off course and you're not being productive you're just kind of chit-chatting with another which is fine but it's just not really a time or place so what you would do is to say one show Lesley websites I'd like to model show Leslie a list of functionality let's say San Leslie send and demo a list of functionality need along with due dates let's say discuss timelines and a point due dates and let's say for discuss plugins we need and 5 let's say decide on hourly rate to pay Leslie that's relevant and so we have the agenda and it makes it really easy to just go through each of these items when you're actually on the call to pull up this field and one convention that I use is I use these two brackets okay and this again again this is personal preference you do not have to use this at all but if you use these brackets what it allows you to do is okay you're you're on the call you've shown mostly the websites you'd like to model tasks done you send it and demo a list of functionality that we need along with due dates okay that's done discuss timelines okay we're done with that discuss the plugins we need yada yada we did that and decide on an hourly rate and you can even add some call notes here or you can even set you could keep that as a separate tab but that might just get a little bit cumbersome because you'd be opening this valid this cell and you'd be opening the other cell as well so you could just sort of make it a combined field if you want and say notes call what again up to you and any attachments I don't really think calls will have attachments but what they probably will have and what I certainly recommend you do is record all of your calls and upload them somewhere so you can upload them to Dropbox you can even upload them directly to air table but an air table isn't really meant for for file storage so I just use a URL and I plug in the URL from from Google Drive when it becomes available and in fact we actually have a zapier zap so that whenever a file is uploaded to our calls folder in Google Drive it automatically sends the URL to here along with a little bit of info and the way that we're able to identify the like who the caller is and the date and so forth is because we have a naming convention for like before we upload before we upload the call to Google Drive we name it a certain way like let's say it would be something like today is June 27th so it'd be 627 19 so that's the first part of the convention with a pipe which is the second part of the convention and we'll say Vic Dorfman okay so that's the caller say Leslie Ga'Hoole that's the Kali and be say discuss website designed the purpose okay and you could even have zapier parse your convention and automatically put each of these fields in the appropriate place like the date would get parsed and go to the date field the caller would get parse and go to the caller field it the the other caller would get parks then go to the second caller field and the purpose would get parsed and go to the purpose field and they're recording URL would automatically be sent there as well there's so much cool stuff you could do out of the box with air table but we're really only scratching the surface because there's a peer and there's also direct a P I integrations if you have a developer on your team you could just go absolutely crazy which you might do that now that you're now that you're getting a hang of it okay moving right along we've got our calls we need we need tasks many tasks because thing with a business is you got to do stuff so we need to have a way to track that stuff and I'm not gonna go too in depth into this in this video because a we're already kind of long on time and B because it deserves its own set of videos about how you really track tasks but suffice it to say that you want to indicate what the task is 1 2 3 you want to obviously include any important information about that task you know or maybe even some action steps a B do C and you also need to indicate who is the owner of the task because and that's a linked record and that will go to people okay and I like to call this field owner because it implies ownership rather than whatever the opposite of ownership is dis ownership and we also want to set due dates want to set two dates okay and due dates generally going to utilize a date field okay now this is the grid view again raw unfiltered view raw grid-view no filters as always that's my first view that I create but it's not really conducive to doing task stuff but you know what is super conducive to doing tasks is the Kanban view so this is just like Trello this essentially is the same thing as Trello but without having to use or pay for Trello and go into a separate app now actually I have to go back to the raw grid view and create one more field type with which around which to organize the Kanban view because you see Kanban view is a series of cards right usually have tasks to be done so unlike maybe unassigned you can call it unassigned tasks in progress completed tasks and you might have something like rejected tasks archived or whatever categories you want and we'll say status it's going to be a single select field in this case it has to be single select and we'll say planned in progress completed rejected so maybe that's a task you wanted to do but then you decided it's kind of not really super important and we'll say those are our statuses right okay so let's just create a few more tasks so you can see how this works so we got tasks two three tasks one two three you okay so now we've got three distinct tasks okay and let's say Vic is the owner of one Leslie is the owner of the other and let's say Vic is the owner of the third task as well okay set our due dates we set our due dates here and for the status we are going to indicate that this task is planned this task has been completed and this task by Leslie is in progress okay now how would this look in the Kanban view well you can see that it's asking you which single select or collaborator field would you like to use for this con van view your records will be stacked based on this field so we're going to use the status field and by default air table adds this uncatted Erised status okay so all you have to do is click collapse stack and it collapses that that status and it'll remain collapsed for this view because again anything you do within a view stays that way unless acted upon by an outside force so to speak so we've got planned in progress completed rejected and that's it but we don't really know who this belongs to so what we have to do is we have to determine or define the cards or customize the cards so we want to see who the owner is aha there is the owner okay so we can see the owner and we want to see the due date too okay so now we know when it's due we can see the owner and we can see what what all needs to be done okay and if we want to go further and say okay well let's make a Kanban view like we'll duplicate this view where it's only Vic's stuff so Vic's combine view and I don't I don't because you don't want your team members to have to see other team members tasks necessarily right you that's that's just too much signal to note to noise too little signal to noise ratio I guess too low of a signal signal to noise ratio and we'll create a filter where the name is or let's say contains because if you put is it has to be exactly the the value so we'll just say enforcement because nobody else is going to have door hey wait a minute that's it dick oh we're owner not name we're own or contains Vick there we go cool so now I just see what I need to do so anytime I need to check my tasks I'll go into tasks I'll go to Vicks Kanban view and I've got everything I need so again keeping this really high-level not going to go into too much detail here because again this is this is going pretty long so let's move right along and don't worry I know I've got a lot of items here I'm not gonna address all of those because it's just gonna take way too long now one thing I didn't get into but that I will get into in the in the lessons persist I can talk in the lesson specifically about how to create your task tables what you can do and what I would actually started doing is you can create a parent task table and you can create a child tasks table the function of which is to allow you to track projects rather than having a sort of a combination of little tasks and I won't get into it now but it's a pretty cool little workaround ok time sheet um in in our company in member fix we always track time for everything and one of the reasons we do that is because when we're doing if our customer needs to see what work we're doing for them they have their own reporting view ok and I'll show you what that looks like in a second that's number one number two we just need to know where our time is going you know you you need to know how your team is using their time you need to know how you're using your time to determine whether or not you're being effective and you know nobody really likes tracking time but it's one of those things that you kind of you know have to learn like as a business owner I think that's my view unless you have KPIs that that that aren't really dependent on on time tracking but in the services based business you kind of need to do it so anyway here's a time sheet and what I always do is I make this first field this primary field a long text field okay now we'll rename this one task and we'll say alright this is an itemized list of all the stuff that I've done in service of this task so let's say I'm right now I'm working on this control center so one I hit record in ScreenFlow and I created a demo control center three I will let's say edit the ScreenFlow screen no no ScreenFlow video before I was my niece sorry about that hit record in ScreenFlow cord and ScreenFlow created demo control center edited the ScreenFlow of video and for I will export the video at night as a bulk export it's gonna take a while on my Mac and so there is your task and so you have an itemized view of the task now we also need to indicate the actual time that we spent working on it so that means we've got to create a new field and this is going to be a date field and it is going to include a time field in this case okay and you can choose to use the same time zone for all collaborators probably a good idea so that it's just not confusing to anybody so okay and we'll call this the start time field and we're going to duplicate it and we're going to call it the end time field and then what we want to do is we want to create a new field which is the total duration okay and this is going to be a duration field and the format is our : minute minute so we started this around 5:30 I reckon about 5:30 so if we were to wrap things up now that would put us at 1 hour and 10 minutes so you've got your duration and you can see here at the bottom that we can and this is also beyond the scope of this particular masterclass this is just an overview is we can sum the values in a column or we can create a histogram define a not defined but view arrange see the min max median and all sorts of cool operations that apply to numbers and durations and so forth okay and of course we need to indicate who actually worked on this task who made the timesheet entry rather and we could link to the record of people and if you want you could also say link to tasks but I find that if you do too much linking it becomes sort of cumbersome so we try to keep it simple okay now in practice what I do is I have a time sheet tab oh sorry by the way I forgot we need to also add the customer for whom we're doing at the work and if you're doing the work for your own company and not for a customer per se then what you simply do is you create a new record okay and we're gonna call it right awesome songs that's the name of my my new project and put in parentheses company to indicate that we're doing work for the company right and not for a particular customer and say the role it's the it's the company the status is a customer it's obviously octave notes no part time full time whatever it doesn't matter rate doesn't matter status doesn't matter none of that stuff is relevant all that relevant is that we're able to see how much time each team member spends working on a particular task for the business and we can also see if we do have customers let's say if we're getting commissions for writing songs or whatever the case may be then we can also see okay well we spent 14 hours writing the song for you know so-and-so some Russian oligarch or whatever the case may be that would charge a lot of money okay and the owner let's say in this case is Victor and lookie lookie here so I actually have my first time sheet entry and I'm going to remove these so that I can accurately represent how much time I've been spending on this video um even though this is a little bit complex because on the one hand I'm working on creating the control center for right awesome songs on the other hand I'm working on this masterclass so how does is it a duplicate time entry or how would you determine that I don't know honestly I would probably just enter it into both both control centers both for this one and for the other business and in the in the lesson that I have about timesheets I'm going to show you how you can actually break this up into two tabs and have an in-progress timesheet and an actual completed timesheet and how those are two different tabs and why that makes sense why would you why would you do that will be made abundantly clear to you okay timesheet is done okay let's take a quick look at schedule schedule is really important so schedule is you need to know when your team is working excuse me you need to know when your team is working so the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a calendar view you okay and we'll say date okay and there's our calendar now we've got our calendar view but we need to connect the calendar view or we need to indicate okay we know people are working on such-and-such a date but we need to know who is working on such-and-such a date which means we need let we need a linked record that goes back to the people table okay so we know so-and-so is working on such-and-such a date and let's say like in our business we have different types of days we have we have content days so these are days where our team members focus solely on writing content the content that the content that they're responsible for we have three days we have buffer days and we have focus days now those mainly apply to me and if you if you're familiar with strategic coach you'll you'll understand why that's the case and we have actually we're going to yeah content days three days so actually we're going to change this a little bit and we're going to say content days so that's a working day working regular off paid off okay so this is the way we actually use it in real life and I'll explain what that okay and let's rename that remember and let's go back to our calendar view so here's the 27th this is today let's create an entry and let's say name OB X Y Z I don't know and the type of day is a working day and who is actually working the BIC is working okay now you can see that this is this name field is not a great organizing field it's not a great organizing field so let's go back to our grid view and let's customize this field type now you can see that the primary field in air table does not give you all the options like you can't use a linked record to be your primary field you can't use like a rollup field there are certain fields that don't apply but the date field seems like the most logical organizing field for for a calendar for a scheduler so we're going to make this date we're going to copy this over here and we're going to delete this second date field and we're going to rename this date so now when we open our calendar we can see we can see the date' type working not working etc and in fact you know what let me go over to our schedule here our real business to see what organizing field we use because I think it's a little bit different so here's our raw of you know filters okay so we did something a little bit different you can see that in fact the organizing field and I'll give you guys this template of course but I just to show you we actually use a function field because we need to collate or concatenate I believe is the actual function can actually see this it's yeah it's a concatenation function I think where it takes the first name of the team member - AIDS and then also indicates the status like are they working are they off or are they on a Content day or what and then that becomes the primary field which makes it really super easy just to view at a glance see okay today CS is off Stan is working Victor's working Rd Ana's working where do is working I'm working Soren is working cool and it also makes it easy for me to see okay who's on a paid day off you can see CS is on vacation so cool hope he's enjoying that right now and so there's all this kind of cool stuff that we're going to get into but again this is just an overview so let's move right along finish this bad boy up cuz you're probably getting a bit antsy now I am okay back to our outline okay so we did our time sheet we've done our schedule let's take a quick look at content marketing stuff because this is really important and what we're going to do is we're going to create content and again this is somewhere where I kind of messed up inside of our member fix control center because you can see here we've got content articles and content videos now those are both types of content so they should really be in one tab so those need to be joined together and what I'll do here is I'll say content it'll be let's say the name of the content piece like how to write a chord progression okay then we'll indicate the type of content it is it could be two different types of content right it could be so we'll do a multiple select and we'll say okay well it's actually in this case we'll probably want to make a single select and we'll say type okay article video audio know what else maybe I think those are the main types right and this will be an article and we'll say you know any any kind of a content marketing plan requires that you have some due dates and some KPIs around how many pieces of content you produce every month and so forth and I'll say we have a due date field here again we'll once you rename it do and set a due date okay and there's a lot of other stuff that you can configure here and you can use views to sort of create your quarterly article KPIs and video KPIs you can indicate where the articles are posted if you're doing guest posts where it's actually published so that's usually something that you want to indicate in all cases it's kind of a universal so we'll go ahead and include that yeah by the way you know sometimes I don't know I find myself scrolling through this thing especially if I'm tired I'm just not seeing the few just type it in and it'll it'll bring it up okay and we'll say HTTP right awesome song is calm slash right chord progression we got our nice SEO friendly URL okay and you could also really plan your articles here as well like what is your actual idea so description and you can flesh out your description of your of your piece of content that you're going to have okay we want to do a seven-part post our seven-step post on how to write a chord progression okay say that'll be the first point second point videos with each point required word count equals let's say 2000 words I like I like to write long articles and you could even make word count one of these fields right and so on and so forth and this you would do exactly the same thing for a video but again just like we did with the people tab or table is you would create different views for the articles and for the videos and for the audios because you would have a little bit of a different field right like you wouldn't have like s really in some cases it would be the same but you'd probably wind up with some different fields that apply to one view but don't apply to another view and maybe this one is how to create a groove okay and maybe I need some sort of I need to sort of what's the word storyboard the video because video you got to get a storyboard a video sometimes so okay storyboarding you got your storyboard stuff and that can be a separate field right it could be a long long text field and you've got your you know your equipment field or whatever the case may be for video I'm not really a video guy but I guess I will have to become one here in the next few years get better at it so that's our content tab by the way I haven't added description descriptions to any of these yet so table tracking and let's say table tracking and defining all of our content marketing efforts that's a bit verbose but anyway just to let you know that that is how you add a description to table okay we are getting to the end of it more or less because I'm not going to go over all of these you can bet your fern I'm not gonna do that now partners I will go ahead and skip that for now because I did um I did sort of go into it in the introduction introductory video how that works with our member fix Control Center but it's basically again you wouldn't even really need this as a separate field or as a separate table this would be part of people these partners are people too and affiliates are people too so these could all be combined into the people tab I'm not even really sure why we keep creating new tabs sometimes you just get lazy I guess and you just feel like it's going to be easier easier to create a new tab but at the end of the day it really isn't at the end of the day you want to keep your categorization where where you had said it originally because that's the whole point of a table it's categorized now SOPs I did also go over this in the intro video so I'm not going to get into it here but I will say that you should have standard operating procedures regardless of your business this is sort of a passion project business there's gonna be a lot of multimedia a lot of blogs a lot of video but you know a lot of music stuff but it's still a business so you still need your standard operating procedures you still need them you know so we've got our our member fixed SOPs here and we've got them organized by view for different roles in the company you can see who what the SOP is who wrote it its status its type is it a document is it visited video is it a gravity forum because we actually create executable SOPs via gravity forms maybe I'll make a video on that because that's kind of a cool thing e the different roles that this SOP may pertain to the URL of the SOP any tags and the tags this is a cool little feature it basically just makes it really easy to search right because you just you just look for a tag like oh man where's that SOP about freshdesk about how you do the thing in freshdesk oh I know why don't I just create a filter where the tag has any of first US and there's all of our SOPs that have anything to do with freshness okay and we've also got a field indicating whether or not we've created a gravity form out of it the URL for the checklist is it specific to a customer yes or no is we also create customer specific SOPs so I'm not going to get into that here but you absolutely should create an SOP stub and I'll get into that in a separate lesson as well because this is again just a master class of sorts a primer let's say it's kind of air table for business 101 SOPs payroll way beyond the scope of this video this this deserves its own lesson and will get its own lesson it's pretty complicated but and again I covered it in the intro video but suffice it to say that if you have any team members that are on contract that you pay hourly or per project it's a really good idea to track all of that stuff and have a record of it you may already have a way of doing this like maybe you use Xero some kind of accounting software QuickBooks maybe everything is going through PayPal whatever the case may be we like air table so that's where we keep our payroll info but we're not gonna actually create that table in this demo base course outlines so this is I just threw this in for fun but basically this is what you're looking at you're looking at the course outlines table and what this relates to and I cover this in the intro as well is this knowledge products tab so if you're selling any kind of or this could even be offers right this could even be combined with offers and and separated by type I might do exactly that so it's interesting to making this video I really kind of see where I tripped up and where I could have done a better job of crew of making our control center for our main business more effective then it is sort of reducing the amount of tabs that we have at any at any given time and so we got our knowledge products listed here okay those would really just be different kinds of offers and then we've got course outlines and I'm not even really sure that air table is the best choice for this but since everything is already in the air table why not just use air table to do the outline of this knowledge product which you are currently consuming and watching so that's exactly what I did and that's exactly where we are at so and the course outlines is really simple you're basically just creating a chapter which is a single single line field and a notes field which is a long text field and your grouping by a linked record which links back to whatever product this chapter is related to so if I had a different product let's say I had a product let's say I've got my ebook okay chapter 1 introduction and then I'll have my notes mentioned so-and-so thank my dad daddy shout out to little JJ just joking but basically you can see so okay cool so now we've got all of our chapter our course outlines for this product and grouped here and for this product its grouped here and we can even hide this field and it was hidden before right and bada-bing bada-boom we've got our course outlines and you know you don't even really have to keep this tab once you've used it this can be sort of a temporary tab because once the product is created do you really need to hold on to the outline maybe maybe not it's up to you it'd be pretty cool if you could actually archive entire tables or hide entire tables maybe that will come in but for now you can't do that okay we've got our course outlines and CRM now I cover this a little bit in the introduction and I'm obviously will have a separate separate lesson on CRM but this depends entirely on the kind of business you run so with right awesome songs for example we're not really going to need a CRM to acquire our customers because we won't be doing outbound marketing for our membership I don't think but we may need a way to let's say track our affiliates or our strategic partners so a lot of times in in a creative fields like music or art or whatever the case may be you have people who come in who are sort of subject matter experts so me I'm like a guitar songwriting guy but maybe there's this really good piano songwriting guy and we say hey I'll give you 50% of all of this sales you know however you track it of like every anybody who buys your masterclass on piano songwriting you'll get half of those sales and we'll get more content and more members hopefully and so on and so forth well we need a way to track that relationship and of course it would link back to the people tab using linked record as always and you'd be able to track the progress of your relationship I'm just like you would in pipedrive or any other CRM and that's exactly what we started to do here okay in member fix we started to say okay let's reach out to various partners various I would keep saying veriest let's reach out to various partners and and see if they can list us as a qualified contractor because that's in fact how we get a lot of our business is through various membership plugins and themes and services and so forth that lists us as a service provider they may not endorse us officially some of them do but at least they're linking to us and giving us a source of free leads traffic and SEO not a bad deal really so that is in a very broad simplistic way how the CRM would would work looking function now we'll get into the actual logistics of how to set it up in a separate video okay so we are just about done here and I think we're going on maybe almost two hours already okay so CRM all done hmm kpi's well again this is super super business specific depending on your particular business what your KPIs are and how you track them you might not even need a separate table for that or you might because what if your KPIs are just content well in that case you just create a new view in your content tab but maybe your KPIs or sales or leads or whatever you wouldn't want you would want to track those in a separate tab but we actually don't have our KPIs we have our KPIs defined but we don't have them defined an air table for member figs so I'm not going to get into that either and I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm sort of abridging the end of this but I did intentionally leave these more complicated tables for the end because I wanted to touch on the fundamentals of how to set up this control center and then later on you can look at the different lessons and set up what you need so that you're not sort of forced to watch something that doesn't apply to you okay so KPIs will have that knowledge products so again this could be this could be concatenated alright and kpi's that's sorted feedback testimonials really feedback in testimonials could be the same table because a testimonial is a sort of feedback a negative critique from a customer is a sort of feedback so is a positive critique so any kind of feedback you're getting from customers from members and so on and so forth you could put in a feedback tab man and I actually find this to be a really useful table okay so I'm going to go ahead and put feedback okay this will be the actual feedback this will be like a short description call it over overview maybe like you guys suck just kind of in specific and or unspecific or maybe it would be something really specific like I love your video on CRM or actually on songwriting because this is the songwriting base right you guys suck I probably wouldn't put that in there because that's not that's not actionable feedback I guess if enough people are saying you suck then you pay attention but you can't really do anything with you guys suck right and then the sort of long version of the feedback maybe the type okay is it a is it a testimonial is it a critique is it member feedback etc and so on and so forth okay so I love your video on songwriting so that could be like a member feedback and we could even say like format did they send a video I always go for video testimonials because the way I look at it is if you ask your members or your customers for a video testimonial and they're camera-shy and they say oh I'm not doing that you say okay well could you do it text testimonial please and can I use your picture you're kind of down I guess you're you're you're down selling them basically because if they do the video testimonial great you get the best possible type of testimonial if you they don't do it well maybe they won't feel so intimidated to do a text testimonial and then maybe they'll be more likely to say yes then if you had just requested the text testimonial so that's my thought process I don't really know if that's really true but that seems to be the case format would be video text audio in person say okay and let's say somebody let's say somebody sent me a video saying Vic your I love your video on songwriting it's really great and in that case we probably wouldn't need this text we'd probably just want a URL of the video you okay and if we again if we wanted to organize these into different views where we have all of our member feedback in one of you all of our testimonials in another in another view and tired all of our critiques and yet another view way down at the bottom so you don't have to cry at yourself to sleep when you see them then you could do that so feedback and testimonials and resources to be honest and I cover this in the intro as well I don't really use the resources table very much but I think when it comes time to really get cracking on the right awesome songs project it will actually be really useful because there will be and you know resources isn't really a great name I would say materials or collateral materials and we actually did use this tab quite a lot in our cryptocurrency fund blockchain 30 which we ran exactly like I just showed you guys exactly like this this is how we ran it is this control center format and it would obviously had some very specific tabs and so on and so forth but at it's all the same principles regardless of the actual business so whether it's like a song writing business services business like member fix whether it's offline business real estate it doesn't matter as long as you understand the the conceptual and and foundational framework of how all of these different tables interact how to organize them you'll be able to do pretty much everything and I'm betting if you've watched all the way through well first of all congratulations for for stomaching me for that long guy guy I can barely listen to myself speak at this point but secondly you probably already have some idea of how you can organize you or your control center based on just one what I've told you without deep diving on any of the particular tables and and their particular particularity alright so but anyway final tab here materials would be something like name of the materials so in the songwriting world I'd probably have a lot of PDFs let's say how to write a catchy melody okay really and we'll say insert right resource type will be a maybe a single select and we'll say it's a PDF might be a PDF might be a video might be an article might be an e-book I guess ebook and PDF is really the same things ebook might be a white white paper um could be a quiz there's just so many way it could be an email email course you know mini course so many ways that you can package your your goodies and let's say this is a video okay and maybe I I can upload it as an attachment or I could link to it via the URL wherever it may happen in be and just have all these materials ready and available sort of in one place you might you'll probably have them in Dropbox or Google Drive but they're they're they're notated here so you don't have to actually go to Google Drive to get the URL you see or to link people to it which is obviously super super useful and once again you could organize by resource type whether it's a video document an article or what-have-you so guys well thank you for sticking with me through this master class you know I didn't want to break this up into too many lessons because I didn't want it to be fragmented this is sort of a holistic you need to see it all at once kind of thing this is almost like a coaching call and since it's gone about two hours almost two hours if it had been a coaching call it probably would have run you about 300 bucks is my rate is 150 dollars an hour for this type of a coaching so hopefully you've kind of already recouped your investment and hopefully you see the value of what this this can bring to your business in terms of organization in terms of not having to pay for other apps that do stuff that you can do with air table in terms of getting your team all in one place I mean remember fix we if if we could find a way to do chat on air on air table we probably would get rid of slack but unfortunately slack is sort of chat is too different from from the functions at air table offers but we even thought true story we even thought about getting rid of fresh desk which is our ticketing system and creating sort of a Frankensteined ticketing system using air table because fresh desks doesn't really have everything that we want in a ticketing system no ticketing system has everything we want in a ticketing system so we thought maybe we'll build our own and maybe air table will sort of anyway point being that we whereas we used to use seven or eight different apps now we just use air table slack and fresh desk mostly mostly air table so guys I know this has been a big long verbose video if you have any questions if you need any clarification if you need me to address a particular issue that I haven't addressed here or in any of the satellite lessons that deep dive on each of these individual tables okay leave your comment leave your questions below let's discuss it let's figure it out and let's make this not just theoretically valuable to you in your businesses let's let's actually implement it in of practical value so that you get your money's worth and then I get to put you in my sexy testimonials tab and the member fix Control Center so thanks a lot guys welcome again to the to the member fix the the air table by example knowledge product business edition and I will see you guys around the comments and in the forums ciao
Channel: Vic Dorfman
Views: 21,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airtable, airtable course, airtable masterclass, airtable by example, how to use airtable, airtable guide, airtable tutorial
Id: Lb6mvA3Czd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 49sec (6109 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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