Table Talk #5: Automations | Airtable

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hello and welcome to the fifth edition of table talk my name is aaron cormlett and for the next 45 to 55 minutes we are going to be talking about error table automations uh so if you're new to table talk table talk is our weekly live stream where i uh showcase one part of error table by answering your questions so do encourage you to go into the chat say hi and we have a forum where you can submit questions that we're going to add to today's session so if you're new here would love to have a wave in the chat uh uh and you know even if you're not new i'd love to know what is your uh you know the one thing you would love to automate so let me know in the chat what would be that that one thing in your life that you would love to automate outside of air table so you're not allowed to use air table itself what is one thing for myself i think it'd probably be laundry right if i could find a way to just have that done every week that would be amazing uh some familiar faces in the chat hey ben hey tommy uh uh hey matthew hey megan amanda uh i saw vipol oppo opi uh lots of folks really appreciate you all of you jumping into the chat uh uh so i do i'm gonna address something i spilled coffee on my on my shirt uh but luckily i have some backups uh so if i could automate my laundry i would have definitely done that uh um so we got some uh covan would love to drive their kid around automated that would be amazing i totally agree ben the rule was nothing in in air table so we're gonna get to that a little later cool okay so let's talk a little bit about uh our agenda for today so you folks have submitted some questions so do you want to get to those so what are we going to talk about today jumping into our agenda so first as always we're just going to cover what is an automation some of you might be more experienced users do you want to have everyone on the same foot then talk about some common use cases i'll create a few automations just so we get really comfortable and then a question that's actually really interesting is how do you use error table sync versus airtable automations right so you really understand when to use one versus the other can be confusing uh and then you know how do you think about time-based automation so there's different ways in which you can automate say every monday or uh when a time specific time has been selected right so that's a fourth question uh five fifth is how can you make your notifications a little more dynamic right how can you have them be sending the exact information that you want that's tailored to the recipient fifth question how can i sync google sheets uh with airtable to track client interactions and fan favorite uh did i get a new scanner so uh uh i'm gonna keep that one for the end because again i have no promises that my new scanner works uh i'm hoping and i've tested it but you know these live things have a life of their own as you know uh again this is our agenda these are questions we've picked but feel free to use the form uh to submit questions as well and before i kind of get started here two other forms that you should be aware of one we're going to be giving out swag at the end some air table swag there's some winners uh so if you have one rebecca tommy if you let people know if you're enjoying your swag second we also have a form to submit if you want to get one-to-one help with an airtable expert uh if anything we're showing you're like hey i wonder how to implement this or you've got a use case that you're wondering how to use error table for do go ahead and fill out the form okay that was the introduction really appreciate you all joining us today so let's jump into what is an automation so i'm going to go into my uh kind of content management base so just an overview of the use case before we jump in we are a manufacturer company manufacturing different products um and these are the different pieces of furniture that we're hoping to launch this year and this base manages all of the kind of content we're going to create to get people familiar with the product and hopefully to get them to buy that product so we have a sync table these are all of the pieces of furniture we're launching this year and then campaigns so each piece of furniture has a campaign around it where we track you know what status that campaign is different launch dates the assets and then for each campaign you'll notice that there are these little channels these are the individual pieces of content the tweets the facebook posts uh the blog posts that we want to create that we want to target for that specific campaign and in so you'll notice these kind of linked records here so for each campaign we create a set of linked records one for each channel that we want to target and then in content pipeline we have that uh pipeline for each individual piece of content right so you'll notice that there's a tweet for traverse coffee table a facebook post blog post so on and so forth and really this is where individual content is created and their status is tracked so our goal is to find some elements in this that we can automate so what is automations within airtable so within airtable you can use airtable automations to create custom logic right that says if this happens then i want this other thing to happen so for instance you might say well when a new product is in my launches table that's a product that we might not be aware of i want to go ahead and send a notification to the team to let them know that we have to go ahead and start planning that campaign so there's a specific moment in your workflow where you'd like something to happen in this case when a new record is created or added to the launches table go ahead and send a slack notification to the team or it might be well when a campaign is prioritized go ahead and create the action items the pieces of content that we want to go ahead and create for that campaign if you're using a project use case again project is in progress what are the action items for that project can we create them automatically so it creates this kind of logic on top of your air table base to automate different steps and really be able for you to focus on the important things and not on making sure that you're following the precise steps that you need so just to get started let's do a very simple one which is when a record is created in our launches table that means a new product is prioritized let's go ahead and send a slack message to the team letting them know that a new campaign needs to be created for that specific launch so just as a reminder here this is a sync table so that means that new records coming into this table come from this base this is our product roadmap and the view that we have synced is this launches view right so you'll notice that it's been shared it's synced and this is syncs whenever status is any of locked or launched so to create a new record in our campaign table let's go to our kanban view here and let's say we want to let me rename this to new shoe there we go and if i move that into locked that means not sure why we have a shoe in our uh base here but let me just go update the information we're now a shoe store there we go let's give this 15 000. give this brass here we go and now this new record this new shoe should appear as a new record so we're going to go ahead and say when a new record is created in our launches table let's go ahead and send an automate in in a notification so i'm going to go into automations so you'll notice that there's some examples here and i'll get to those in a moment let's create a new automation from scratch so first you have to name it we're going to call this new product launch and then you have a trigger so every automation has a trigger this is what sets your automation in motion right and you have a list that you can pick from so this is saying when this happens i want this automation to run so in our case we're going to pick when a record is created so some of you might be recognizing the new ui happy to answer any questions about the new ui as well and why we moved that there cool so when a record is created you'll hear the configuration you need to say which table a new record needs to be created in for this automation to run that's in our launches table and action these are the steps the things you want your automation to do in our case uh we want to go ahead and send a slack notification but you can do a lot of things you can send a notification update a google calendar or send one or in our case we want to send a slack message slack is what the team uses to collaborate so i'm gonna go to my four oaks fern i'm gonna go to my social campaigns channel and then i can be custom with the message i want to send so we're going to say a new product is locked learn more here and here oh let's actually give it it's called let's give it a name it's called so we're trying to customize this message as much as we want so i'm gonna go click the plus button go from step one and insert the name of the record this is the name of the product that's launching so this is going to read a new product is locked it's called and then input from step one let's actually go to step one and run the test to see which record it would pull out there we go let me see what it what it brought in here exutable amp is the record that we found that's great and we can say learn more here we're going to insert the record url so i'm going back to step one inserting the record url and now it's read a new product is locked it's called it's going to put in the name and provide the url of the record so someone can go in and click and easily access that information a few more specifications you can give your bot a name an icon and whether or not to unfurl links so if you're sending a lot of links it can create a lot of noise you can turn that off and on and i do believe that's a new feature if i'm not sure let me know in the chat if you've seen this before so let's go ahead and turn this on and let me go ahead and run a test that's going to go ahead and send the message and i can see an example right here so this is my slack channel i have a new product as locked it's called sue table lamp and then learn more here it brings me if i would click that url would bring me to a air table into that record so that's an example of an automation now whenever we create a new product the campaign team where the product team com creates a new product moves it to locked it gets synced into our table creates a record in our table and that will send a notification to the team letting them know that they need to go ahead and start working on that campaign so one last thing to worry about now quickly before we consider this done i do want to point you to if you click help here and search automations so this is a new in-product help center if you're ever wondering about automations you have these little gifs that walk you through specific automation but there are also these videos that we want relaunch this week with the new ui that you can click to so these since you've been watching this probably not useful to you but if ever someone on your team is like hey i wonder how to use automations do you encourage you to bring them to the in product help center where they can access videos in the in product help center cool okay brief brief introduction hopefully that puts everyone on the same level same understanding before we dive into some more complex and now the moment uh kuvon and everyone else has been waiting for [Music] confetti awesome never ever uh loses it's it's fun okay so second what are some because uh before i go to the next question i know i'm seeing a lot of folks come in here um swag three forms one swag uh go ahead and fill that out we're gonna give that out at the end second uh if you have a question go ahead and submit it into the form as well third if you need help setting up your base wondering how to use error table we have a one-to-one help form uh where you can get the chance to get an airtable expert to help you out okay number two what are some common common use cases for airtable automations well here we're going to go a little quicker and i'm going to build some more and just kind of give you an overview of what are some examples of what you can do so uh the the three i would say broad categories that we're going to cover and that are useful for airtape automations the first is sending a notification we just did that so when this happens in your workflow you want to go ahead and send an email send a slack message might be to remind someone that they need to review want to send a customer that the delivery is ready whatever moment in your workflow where you need to notify customers or users airtable automations second is auto creating things in air table maybe auto creating a record updating information in your base based on what happens an example of this and we're going to do this in a moment where you say when a campaign is prioritized go ahead and create the different content pieces we need to create so that's use case number two where you want to automate things in airtable and number three is connecting to external applications so one might be updating salesforce information or sending a tweet when the tweet is ready to be sent so those are the three broad categories of things you can do with error table automations those are not exhaustive there are other things you can do with error table but those are the three most common so do you want to bring your attention here to some pre-built examples right so send a slack message that's category number one create a new record that's category number two when you want to automate things within air table and then connecting to third-party tools like twitter you can have pre-built uh um uh examples here in the bottom so great place to start so let's do that second example right where we wanted to create uh linked records create action items automatically when our workflow requires so in my case coming back to my campaigns table let me walk you through it and then we'll build it you'll notice that when i move a campaign into building that's when i create the content action items i want to uh uh create right so i want to create records in my content pipeline for that specific campaign and we want to create them specifically for the channels that we've targeted so twitter and facebook we want one action item one piece of content that we're going to create for each one of those channels so here the logic is when my campaign is building go ahead and create that record in the content pipeline so when a record when our campaign record is moved into building go ahead and create a content pipeline record for that specific channel so let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to go to error table automations just checking the chat there's some questions so do use the form and holly will uh or a colleague will kind of route it into our agenda i'm seeing some questions here cool okay so let's create a custom automation we're gonna build it from scratch so i'm gonna call this uh what did i call the the other ones let me just come back here create action item okay we're gonna call it that as well so let's rename create so action item so let's do twitter now another pro tip uh this does take up the whole screen uh you can make a little shorter here so you can see your base at the same time uh so that's just one we got some feedback that this was useful where you can see the view see the information in your base and automations cool so what we want to do here is when a record matches condition so when a record in the campaign table has status building that's when we want to run this automation so we're going to select when record matches condition and we're going to go ahead and go into our campaigns table and you'll notice i need to specify the condition that a record needs to have in order for this automation to run so when status is building that's my first condition now i want to create one rink linked record for every action for every channel so in this case i'm going to add a second condition where i say and channel has any of twitter right and i'll talk a little bit about why we put those two conditions in at the end when we look at the three automations you need to build in order to do this right so next when we want to do from here is to go ahead and create the record in our content pipeline for that specific channel so let's go ahead and create a record that's our action boom it's going to say which table which table do we want to create a record in content pipeline and we need to pre-fill the fields that we already know so if i make it a little smaller let's select here going to go to content pipeline let's give ourselves a view that we understand a little better let's go by channel there we go okay so the status i know i know the channel as well so i can pre-fill that and i also know the campaign that it's related to so coming back to post by status i know the product i know what type it is so let's just go fill out those fields so first is the name you'll notice that there always have the same structure so this is going to be a twitter and then the name of the product which we can grab from step one it's going to be product and we're going to give insert the name that's the name of the product so it's going to read twitter and then the name of the product next we want to create a linked record to the product itself oh that's the lookup field so we don't need to fill that out it's associated to the campaign but we do need to fill in the campaign there we go we're gonna pull this from step one campaign name we're gonna pre-fill the status as well to unassigned so we're just filling out the information that we already know for that specific piece of content there we go and let me go back to my automation here full screen there we go so we're saying when a record matches condition go ahead and create that record so let me run a test to get which one we're going to pull in and that we can now run this automation so what this is going to do is create a twitter uh in uh twitter in the content pipeline for that specific channel give me a thumbs up in the chat if this is making sense i feel like i might be going a little quick here but you want to make sure that everything makes sense great so let me go ahead and turn this on let me just make sure i've filled out everything correctly yeah okay great yeah perfect okay awesome so we've turned this automation on and now you'll notice that when we move a campaign into building it's going to go ahead and run this automation there we go and we see those two linked records automatically created so this is the one we created with the automation we've just run where we've just created you can see that it was created by error table automations another place where you can see this is if i go into action item twitter and i go into run history you'll notice that it just ran when we did it but you'll notice that there's a second one facebook posts right and that's because we had created four automations one for each type of content that we're going to go ahead and use in our different campaigns and so we have four automations one for each possible channel and each one of those creates a linked record for that specific campaign so this automates a step in our workflow so we can always schedule not schedule i should create content when we're ready okay seeing a lot of thumbs up awesome appreciate that i felt like i was going a little quickly but seems like everyone followed do you want to show you one more example so we've done send a notification create linked records and the third is connect to an external application in our case let's go ahead and when we're ready to send a tweet right so this is an example of a tweet we move it to ready to publish we want to go ahead and send that tweet off so let me create a view where we see that information a little better post by platform let's go ahead and traverse coffee table is the tweet that we want to start drafting and then move it to ready to publish and when it's in ready to publish we're going to go ahead and send it off so we're going to create another automation new automation it's going to say send tweet our trigger is going to be when record matches condition again in our content pipeline table and we want to send a tweet when the status is ready to publish and notice the and here channel is twitter uh so that's an example uh of that and is similar to what we had done before what we want to go ahead and do is send the tweet so twitter i want to post the tweet i've got my four oaks fern account and here let's just make this a little smaller you'll notice that i already have the copy here in the record itself so i'm going to grab that from step one insert that copy so let's go write it out so this tweet was sent from error table automations how cool because it's cool it's it's definitely cool uh as an attachment let's go ahead and create import this asset so again going to step one inserting that asset into the attachment field i'm just going to copy paste for this example right and now we have all of the the elements we need for our tweet but something else i want to do here and this is something you can do with error table automations is update the status to posted once the tweet was sent so let me go back into automations add a second action here which is update record to go to that record update its status to uh uh post it so i'm gonna go to my content pipeline to specify which record we want to update via its record id so i'm gonna go to step one i'm going to insert the record id and the field i want to update is status let me just make sure i'm writing it correctly it's posted posted like that that way it's going to fill that out going back okay i have that so just reading this one last time before i run it when a record has channel equal twitter status is ready to be posted it's going to send the tweet and then update that record to be posted so let's turn this automation on always important to remember to turn your automations on there we go let me just make sure i've got it right here back send tweet is on this one is ready to go let's go ready to publish and this automation should run and do two things it should send the tweet which i can see that it has and update to post it so if i go to twitter i refresh my timeline and we have our tweets sent from airtable so that was the third example updating information or sending information to external application using airtable automations confetti time let's do it [Music] amazing always a great feeling so you meant to ask a question i'm going to answer right away which is can you do it with linkedin as well uh the answer is sorta uh so in the sense that you don't we don't have a direct connection to linkedin however you can use hootsuite uh which we do have a direct connection in with and hootsuite lets you send to linkedin so if you're using hootsuite you can specify that this tweet or this record the information in this record should be sent to you linkedin so that's an example of how to do it through a third party amazing okay third and important question airtable sync versus airtable automations so we luckily in this space have an example of both so in our launches table we have information coming from our product team and we have automation sending in sending information out and coming in so sync is very useful when you want to have up-to-date information so in this case i don't want to be notified when a new product is locked i want to have all of the information for each product up to date at all times so this means that if anything changes whether it's a launch date so let's say you know the the launch date is now the 28th instead of the 14th if i update that information in the product roadmap like i just did this information is going to be pulled into my sync so you'll notice that this is now the 28th now doing the same thing with automations is possible you could potentially say well when this happens do that right but you would have to create so many automations to keep everything in sync so whenever you want things that are updated there to be reflected elsewhere at all times that is a use case for air table sync right so there are different sources i made an example of uh air table but you can sync from salesforce jira google cloud box outlook and we just talked about how to sync from a calendar in one of the tooltips this week that's the first advantage of sync the second is that the information lives in air table and you could add more records let me close this out so in this case i'm actually associating each product to its respective campaign so not only am i syncing that information but then i can add additional information on top so that is airtable sync now automations is for when you want to do if this happens do that so in this case when we're saying when a project is prioritized or running campaign is in building go ahead and create the linked record items if this project is assigned go ahead and send a notification to the team assign an editor create a linked record or send that information one time to another application so sync and automations can sometimes overlap right but are too distinct so sync is great when you're saying i want to keep this information up to date from air table or from an external source and automation is great when you're saying the sentence if this happens project is prioritized record created form submitted go ahead and do this thing once right go ahead and send a message update information send to an external application uh um so very very useful both but are distinct does that feel right happy to answer any questions around airtable sync versus automations so we're feeling we're feeling good about this one cool let's go ahead and drop that confetti [Music] amazing welcome anna appreciate you joining uh tabletop glad you're a fan amazing new mug by the way feels feels right feels very feels very much with the set okay okay is it possible to automate a task based on time and not only by date uh so question from kin i'm going to generalize this question in saying how do you automate based on time so let's say you want a tweet to go out at a specific time or maybe you want to go ahead and every morning send an email with every campaign that is in building right so that every morning you want something to happen so let's cover that uh um and talk about how you can schedule uh automation so so far we've been saying if this right so if a new record is created if let me go into actions here or triggers i've been saying when a record matches specific conditions when a record is updated when a record enters a view those are the the if this happens go ahead and do that well you can also have if it's this specific time uh of the day so at 1 pm or every monday or every month every eighth of the month go ahead and run this automation and that's particularly useful when you have cycles so one example that i'm going to show off here which is every monday morning send an email with everything that's in progress right so every campaign that is in building so this email digest type notification is very useful on automating based on a specific time so i'm going to call this send update on campaigns in progress there's going to be a time-based automation so i'm very bad at naming my automations and my fields and my views so in this case we're going to say when at a scheduled time right so this is our trigger and then we can select at what interval we want to run this every five minutes every 15 minutes every set of hour so every hour or every eight hours in our case we're gonna run it uh every monday so every week on monday right at 1 pm eastern so you can specify an exact time and i think this was part of the question so when you specify your interval you can also specify at what moment in the day you want this automation to run i don't like to send emails before 10 am so it's set 10 am starting so let's say we're gonna start this on sunday that way we're sure that it runs on monday and what we want this to do what actions we want to run well maybe you want to create a record so every morning you want to create a record to remind people to send a tweet right or send a notification to say hey tell me what you're working on today right so you can have that scheduled time based uh uh automation and i i agree with you i am working on my naming conventions uh uh drop some tips in the chat if how you think about naming your automations i'm sure folks have great suggestions i am terrible frankly at it uh and it's something i should be better at okay so we want to say at 10 a.m every monday go ahead and find everything we have in progress right so we want to find where's our find our under air table there we go i had it right here find records so this is saying find all the records that have a specific criteria that we'd like to send over so let's go ahead and go to our campaigns and what we want let me just make this a little smaller we want every campaign that is building so we want to send a message with this kind of grid right with this information to the team letting them know that everything is in progress so we're going to go ahead and create a condition now note you can also say send everything that's in a view so i did see a question from op around views you can also specify an existing view if you already have it i much prefer conditions so we're going to say where campaign status is building right so it's going to go ahead at 1 10 a.m every monday find all the records and what we wanted to do is to send an email so we can send an email to the team so i'm just going to send it to myself as an example so in pro so building campaigns campaigns and building campaigns being built in building that feels about right and here i can go to step one or step two the find records action grab the records and i can have them as a list or as a grid so i'm gonna go ahead and insert them as a grid i could select what information i want to show up in that grid so status makes sense the channels we're targeting which product it's for launch date owner that feels right as well let me move myself out of the way apologies seems like i can't move myself out of the way there we go and now we're back and so what i've selected is status channels product launch date owner let's insert that so it's saying send as a grid and let me go to step two let me run a test to see what it pulls out and i can run another test here just to see what the example is let's preview that email and every monday at 10 am it's going to go ahead and send this email with this grid in it with all of the information around my campaign i can make this a little nicer by adding here or here is everything that is in building amazing to review that i have that little title and then the grid of what we're sending every monday at 10 a.m to turn that on and now i have a time based automations so that's one example now quickly i'm just going to talk about another one where let's say you want to send a tweet at a specific time i'm not going to build this one but what you can create is a tweet time field and then you could create a formula that checks whether it's that exact time and if it is you can have a condition that checks whether that's the case and then sends that tweet so you can also use formulas and views together to automate based on a specific time so that was an example where we're saying every day at x at 10 a.m at 1 pm every week every month and that here what we're talking about is at this specific time that's specified in the record we want to go ahead and run an automation that's also possible what would require a formula and then a condition that checks that uh um cool that's one example uh so yeah there are limitations to that cool one thanks for letting folks know that the now can be a little finicky and then it won't send at that precise moment because it has to run every uh interval as well so that was kin's question based on time there we go feeling good [Music] amazing so amenda there's a question around automating d-dupe um you can there are some uh you can run a script for instance uh there are a lot of ways you can dedupe i would recommend checking out the learn airtable scripting where we did a dedupe there's the dedupe app so there's a few ways you can dedupe uh maybe we'll do that in the speed round uh amazing okay next how can i make the text in automated notifications more dynamic so this i imagine let me go back to the example we just had with the notification so let's go into a new product launch now you'll notice here that this automation will always send the following message a new product is locked it's called and then the name of the field and the exact url of the record of the campaign now you can make this much more dynamic let's say when a specific status is selected you want to go ahead and send a message that is specific to that status so one example might be when a campaign is building or when a new product is launched depending on the type of product you want to go ahead and send you may want to send a different message here so i'll just quickly build this out as an example of how to really make your messages dynamic by using a formula field so let's say here i want to say well if oops if it's a table you know let's say send out the steps to create a new table campaign so we're going to say campaign message gonna be a formula field and i'll just quickly do this here we're saying if i think it's type or what fields do i have here i have whoops category category equals tables let's have the message be this is a new table remember step one is to check its price and then you can have different uh uh examples of messages so this is not a table for instance just as an example so we're creating a field so you have this specific field and this is particularly useful maybe if you have specific steps that you want to send to the team but just maybe you want customer information depending on the type of delivery that you're scheduling maybe there are different indications to that customer and i think that was the spirit of this question right uh so now i have this field available to me in my automation so i'm gonna go to automation i'm gonna go ahead and new product launch remember to always rerun the test that way you get that new field so if i go to field values campaign message this is not a table and then i could use that message in uh my notification in slack as well so let's call this is this a table and we can go to step one campaign message so this is going to say this is not a table because our test is not a table let's update that and let's test again all right if we go to slack and it says this is not a table if it had been a table it would have said here are the steps to create a table so that was one example but particularly useful when you have very granular steps that you need to take based on the status so you can create a complex or simple formula field that has the message you want to go ahead and send particularly useful i imagine in event management you know where how to access the event deliveries things like that you can really use formulas together with automations to be extremely custom so i feel like that question was answered go ahead and get this a thumbs up [Music] amazing okay cool okay so did i get a new scanner the answer is yes but i think the more important question is does the scanner work that is maybe i am listen i'm not going to say anything because last time i said that the scanner worked uh it didn't so if you weren't here about i think two weeks ago i tried for about a good five minutes to scan something live on the stream and it did not pan out so since then i've gotten a new scanner looks a lot like the old scanner so let me go into my furniture inventory so if you're not familiar with health scanner work just quickly you scan a barcode it returns a alphanumeric code and it's extremely useful to search on information so because we're using a database we can go ahead and see if i can find this lamp this lamp right here let me go into full mode so we want to go ahead scanner i want to scan the box that this lamp came in and see if i can find it in my base i've got barcode scanner and let's see if this works so let me go into the base where my inventory management i'm going to ctrl f to find something i have to say i'm a little stressed out about this so let's see i'm having flashbacks definitely working better than last time but still won't scan come on scanner it's a cruel joke so i'm clearly scanning let me see with less light yes it worked okay see there it filled out this worked got the scan do not recommend getting the scanner either i'm not gonna not gonna say what it was but we got it to work so that's how you scan ideally you don't do it live on the stream ideally you don't do it with a bunch of overhead cameras but it does work and that was the proof that it does amazing amazing all is good we saved it okay yeah we definitely need a confetti to get over that [Music] and a little bit of water okay let's get into the speed round um so now we're gonna do about a minute uh i try to keep it to a minute frankly usually fail now is a good time to go ahead and fill out the swag form we're going to do that in about three to five minutes depending uh fill out the form to either ask questions we're going to keep adding to this and third if you want that one-to-one guidance with an error table expert for yourself or for someone you're working with go ahead and fill that out before i start the speed round here in a minute um okay let's set the timer on i'm gonna read the question before the timer so can i sync air table in google sheets to track client interactions so the answer is yes what you can do is use the trigger so let me go back here and create a new automation that is when a row is created go ahead and create a record in airtable so let's imagine i have my customers i want to you know update jessica in my customer table i don't have that but i'll just run it as an example let's go to google sheets let me go here customers like that the worksheet would be customers run test here we go we've got our customer spreadsheet and now i can create a record so every time a new row is appended to my sheet it's going to go ahead and create a record you can send a message you can do whatever you want just like we did before so when a row is created in an air table you can go ahead and update information in air table or use automations just like before cool [Music] so when testing a trigger how does airtable pick the test record how can the user know which text record was picked how so that's a really timer okay i believe that the test that was the the record that's picked is the first one created in that view or that has those conditions right so let's go back to our uh um which one we had here new record created new product launch record is created uh so the how it picks i believe and this i can check after uh and and will send me a message if you really want to know i think it the first record in that view uh or that has the specific conditions that you've picked out right so that is how it picks that one however you can always see which record was picked when you test and click down and you have all of the information right so one example is this one right here so it has the launches table and you could see which record it was picked you can see the record id and the different field values yeah so i think it'll pick the first created field that has the conditions if the view is not picked so kovan that is a good technical question i'll ask exactly to the team what are the exact criteria if you're not on a view um yeah hopefully that makes sense so and then in each one you can see all of the information now note that like something like a status field has a multiple uh it has an identifier for the status it has a name and the color which are all elements you can pull out in following steps cool that was way over a minute [Music] uh great please demo the setting of permissions of a field so it can only be updated via automation great okay great question let me reset the timer okay so what you can do is any field can be limited to a certain collaborators that can edit right so let's go here i can do edit field permissions and here i can say who can edit this specific field and by default it's editors and up so everyone who's an editor can edit information your base uh and up so creators owners so on and so forth and then you can also have creators and up so these are editors cannot edit this field so that is one specification there are specific users now by default only creators can create automations in error table base so if you want your automation to only be able to update it by automation you can set creators and up as an example uh um oh it's not a question okay cool that's something yeah exactly so you can specify here uh who can update uh uh the automation well it wasn't a question but we're still gonna show it off for folks so that they can understand so you can limit who can update information in your base amazing okay cool there we go okay that last question forte we're about five minutes before that's great uh team can we pick a swag winner so if you haven't yet [Music] didn't want to talk over the confetti very important uh let's go ahead and draw this week's swag um glass water just waiting in the chat for who's gonna win this week's swag and important to know that the swag is actually sent via air table automations so if you win the swag you're going to receive an automated email from myself letting you know that you've won one note there were a lot of questions around you know specific road map questions so do remark reaching out to support or checking out the community for questions around you know when is a specific trigger or kind of more advanced things coming out all right swag winner is emenda congratulations i'm gonna send you the swag right after this stream really appreciate all of you uh coming on today and coming to table talk i hope you'll be back next week where we're gonna be talking about formulas uh do submit your questions in advance we review them right before we start the stream uh do fill out the one to one if you need support in air table and you need some help but with that really really appreciate you coming this week and i hope to see you all next week congratulations to amanda for the swag and huge thanks to all of you for coming that's it for me this week i'll see you back here next week for table talk bye everyone you
Channel: Airtable
Views: 984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -ryB00CiJ0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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