Nurgle Daemons vs Tyranids: Start Collecting DEATHMATCH Game 3

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[Music] welcome to the start collecting death match where 16 warhammer 40k starter boxes go head to head in a single elimination tournament giving us the chance to see how the armies play in small competitive games and discover the true champions of the warhammer 40k universe this is game 3 of 15. in the first two games my orcs took on mini wargaming dave's corn demons and andrew's craft world stood toe-to-toe with my chaos space marines now my start collecting demons of nergal army will take on the tyranid starter box controlled by the man the myth the legend it's me it's anne i'm back again with my nerds annoyingly where we are in the uk was still in a pretty strict covert lockdown when we filmed this so ant was in command on a video call and penny was doing the honours rolling the dice and moving his models let's do a quick recap of the rules for the tournament and then we'll introduce the armies the scenario is a slightly simplified version of eternal war the game lasts four turns and the battlefield has three scoring zones each worth five victory points if held uncontested in your command phase starting from turn two each player can select one secondary objective if the scores are still tied at the end of turn four the battle will go on for one more turn so long as they're ahead on points at the end of turn 4 armies can still be victorious even if they have been completely destroyed to keep things fair balanced and easy to follow the deployment zones and objective scoring zones are clearly marked out and the board is symmetrical to make the objectives nice and clear we've marked them out with white lines and just to be clear the objective area is within the inside of the white circle and not the outside edge the walls are just the line of sight blocking purposes and giving models cover to maneuver around the arena they can be scaled but offer no defensive bonus if models are on top as the vast majority of the start collecting armies are below 500 points the size of the arena floor is exactly the combat patrol size of 44 by 30 inches and all armies will be limited to no more than three command points at the start of the game alright then let's take a look at the armies first up ant's fantastic synth wave tyranids i'll be using my tyranids to face off against guys demons of nergal today and my force is going to be led by the brood lord the brood lord is going to have a bio artefact of hyper adaptive biology which means as soon as he suffers any wounds he's going to add one to his toughness he's also going to be taking the warlord trait of lethal miasma that means that at the end of the fight phase you roll a d6 for every enemy unit within an inch of the warlord and on a four plus that unit suffers a mortal wound now the brood lord is a psycho he's got catalyst and smite he can pull off one psychic power each psychic phase a company in the brood lord is my gene stealers no i've only got eight of them and that means that they're not going to be getting the additional attack if there were 10 of them or more but i have chosen to take two acid moles and two flesh hooks you can take one of each of those for every four models that you've got i've given them rendering claws and scything talons i've also given them toxin sacs which means that on a six plus wound rolls are going to be causing an additional one damage and for heavy support we've got the more lock now in the start collecting box you can either build it as a trigon or a more lock i've chosen to take it as i built it which is a more lock now i've given the morlock a prehensile pincer tail and toxin sacs he's also got adrenal glands which will add an additional one inch to his advance and charge range now my secondary objective i've chosen is domination which means that i will score three additional victory points if i control more than half of the objectives my army has got one hq choice and one troop choice which makes it a battle forged patrol detachment that gives me three command points at the start of the game and i'm going to be generating an additional one command point each command phase the highfleet adaptation i've chosen has been gorgon rather than kraken kraken is good for getting you up and about and allows you to advance really far but on such a small board it really isn't needed so i'm going to be going with gorgon so i can re-roll wound rolls of one in the fight phase just to allow me to do that extra little bit of damage now the tactics i'm going to be employing here is really just to try and go straight for the center get that center objective and then hold firm let's see if the jean steelers can actually push forward and attack and really start chewing on some of these plague bearers okay that's a lot of teeth and claws let's see what i get in the knurgle start collecting box leading the charge is the pox bringer filling my hq slot like all nurgle units he's pretty tough but he's also quite effective in close combat and also has some tasty aura effects that buff nearby nurgle demon units i've basically geared this whole army to be good at holding objectives so i've given him the warlord trait acidic icore which gives him the chance to burn enemies which attack him i've also swapped out his bail sword for the hell-forged artifact called corruption which gives it a big strength and damage boost which might just let me cut that morlock into ribbons he's also a psycho and he knows smite and miasma of pestilence which reduces all hit rolls made against a unit that cast it on by one he also has two cool aura powers too the locus of nurgle gives all of my demon models within six inches of him plus one strength and the locus of virulence makes any wound rolls of six from nearby demon units inflict one additional damage i have two units in my troop slots the first being the plague bearers 10 models all armed with plague swords which lets me reroll all failed wound rolls they're just as tough as jean steelers with toughness 4 and 5 plus invulnerable save but they've got a few tricks up their sleeve first up disgustingly resilient more on that in a sec but i've equipped them with an instrument of chaos letting me add one to their charge in advance roles and a demonic icon which has the chance to resurrect slain plague bearers if i roll a one in the moral phase they're not great at fighting but they're pretty fantastic at simply refusing to die the next troop choice is a squad of three nurgling models now on paper these guys might look pretty lackluster strength two toughness two movement five but each model has four wounds and still benefits from that demonic save and disgustingly resilient they can also reroll all their failed wound roles and have a cool special rule called mischief makers which lets me set them up anywhere on the battlefield so long as it's nine inches away from enemy models or the enemy deployment zone finally in my fast attack slot i've got some plagued drones they're pretty much the only heavy hitters of my army and the only thing that has any ranged attacks just like the plague bearers i've given them an instrument of chaos and their demonic icons so i can add one to their advances and charges and they potentially have the chance to respawn a slain plague drone in the morale phase their riders fight just like plague bearers but the flies themselves are much more effective fighters with an extra four attacks each inflicting two damage again re-rolling all failed wound rolls they can also lob severed heads at their enemies in the shooting phase because i've got an hq and some troops that means the army is a patrol detachment meaning it's battle forged and i'll be starting with three command points and generating one extra in each of my command phases the secondary objective i'm going to choose is slay the warlord i reckon my gross buggy boys have a good chance of nesting me six victory points by killing ant's brood lord so while it might not look like the most well-rounded army with almost no shooting these demons sure know how to stick around at the time of filming the demons of nagal are still operating on their 8th edition chaos demons codex meaning their disgustingly resilient saves still give them a five plus chance to negate every single wound removed which will be much more effective in this game than the updated version of the rule that death guard received in their new codex that's about it for the armies an interesting fight ahead almost no shooting to speak of we're basically going to see if the tyranids melee prowess can negate the nurgle demon staying power at the start of the game we took turns setting up and i place my plague bearers poxbringer and bloat drones right on the edge of my deployment zone but use my nurgling special ability to set them up just nine inches away from anne's deployment zone hoping to cause some early chaos my opponent ant placed all of his tyrannies right at the edge of his zone ready to run in and charge at the earliest opportunity so now ant and i are all set up it's time to roll off to see who goes first and with the new faq change simply whoever rolls the highest takes the first turn nurgle demons turn one so straight off the bat in the command phase i go from three command points up to four and then we move on to the movement phase so first of all i'm going to sneak my little nugglings up a tiny bit and spread them out to just try and stop ants tyranids from getting on that objective straight away because my plague bearers don't have any ranged weapons i'm just going to advance straight up the board and hopefully get on the next objective and because i've got an instrument of chaos i get plus one to my advance role oh very nice a six my hq the epox bringer has the locus of knurgle ability so i need to have him quite close to other models to make them more effective so i'm going to advance him up as well to get closer to those plague bearers and i rolled a two so seven inches of movement finally even though my plague drones have got the highest movement of my whole army i'm actually going to leave them behind sitting on the home objective just for a while see how the next few turns pan out before i decide what to do with them that's the movement phase over and done with now on to nurgle demon's psychic phase now my pox bringer can cast one psychic ability and i'm gonna cast miasma of pestilence on the plague bearers which if it goes off will force ant to reduce his hit rolls by one if he targets them and to get it i need a warp charge of six now if i was within 18 inches of that brood lord ant could try and deny it but unfortunately we're about 22 inches away so no go psychic phase over and on to the shooting phase none of my models actually have any weapons that are in range amongst tyranids straight on to the charge phase the only thing i can really do is charge the nurglings straight at the gene stealers which is kind of suicidal but it's going to be fun oh they are keen eleven they're definitely in well i hope you're ready for this ant because they have four attacks each and their strength too oh i'm not too bad let's reroll those ones four sixes pretty decent damn um so that's gonna have to be four five-up saves needed okey-dokey so uh that looks like there's three dead jean sealers now but i think i'm gonna use a command point to try and save at least one of these jean steelers and just limit the losses damn so that's still three dead jean steelers that is painful okay so now it's time for these five gene sealers to hit back now because the unit count is less than 10 they're not going to benefit from the additional tax they're only going to get three attacks each but that's still 15 attacks i'm going to choose to attack with the scything talents because the brood lord is nearby they get plus one to their hit roll which means that they're going to be hitting on twos rather than threes and also because i'm using the siding talons i can re-roll ones when i'm attacking oh so that's 11 natural hits there i mean i'll take that but let's not forget about the re-rolling of the ones and re-rolling those gives me 14 hits this is this is looking quite spicy for the nurglings they're going to be wounding on twos and because of my highfleet adaptation of gorgon it means i get to re-roll once this can't be good for the nurgle and surely ouch that is 14 wounds that the nurglings are gonna have to save i mean if demons of nurgle are good at one thing it's sticking around so after my invulnerable saves and my disgustingly resilient saves that's eight wounds still going through and because the nerglings have four wounds each that means two of the models are gone leaving just one behind onto the morale phase the gene stealers don't need to take any morale tests because they're within synapse range unfortunately my nurglings definitely do because i only have a leadership of seven ah i rolled a six which would mean i would lose that knurgling i'm gonna command point that just to see if i can keep him around just a three he's staying here for now okay so on to tyranids turn one and it's a bit annoying having that nurgling base still there i was kind of hoping i would have been able to munch through them through the fight phase and then the morale phase but hey he's still there but it does deny me my jean steele has been able to do much this turn because if i fall back with them um i then can't go in and charge the plague bearers which is really what i want them to do i'm gonna just try and get the morlock as close to the center objective so i can charge those plague bearers and hopefully reduce some of their numbers so firstly let's just move the brood lord closer to the middle um because i really want to keep him kind of in that center in my home objective and then we're going to move that morlock as close to the center objective as possible on to the psychic phase vengeance will be mine i'm going to be smiting those into little knurlings just to try and chip a few wounds down yeah we got a ten so that's good d3 mulder wounds yes get in there three mortal wounds and if ant was facing literally any other army that would be that and i would take three wounds but i've got the disgustingly resilient saves to make nice two saves made so only one of those wounds go through taking my last batch of nurglings down to three wounds so that's the end of the psychic phase and i'm not gonna lie i wish i could have done a little bit more damage to those nurglings those damn disgusting resilient saves okay on to the shooting phase and uh well the tyrannies don't have a lot of shooting in this start collecting box but i did put two flesh hooks within that jean steeler squad so they can actually shoot when they are within one inch of an enemy unit so they're going to be attacking those knurling bases that's four attacks hitting on fours oh and only one actually hits okay right um but that's gonna be strength four uh versus toughness two so wounding on twos and luckily it wounds first up my demon and vulnerable save and yep got it on a six so that nuggling is safe okay now on to the charge phase now i'm going to try and get that charge in and start chewing through a few of those plague bearers just softening them up so that when my jean steelers come in there'll be a few less targets to munch through so i'm not gonna be charging anything else this turn just keeping the brood lord back a little bit just aware of guys secondary objective i don't really want to get the brood lord too much tied into combat just yet so that's a four that's needed for a charge on the morlock to the plague bearers so with the moorlock in it's time to fight the morlock gets seven base attacks but it gets one more for its prehensile pincy tail and because it's got three pairs of siving talons it also makes one additional attack all in all it has seven scything talons it has one prehensile pincer tail attacking and one distensible jaw attack this is confusing anyway let's roll hitting on fours okay so that's three siding talons that hit the mark and the prehensile pincer tail that hits the mark but unfortunately distensible jaws do not hit the mark hmm i think i'm going to re-roll one of those scything talons and try and convert that into a hit so that's one command point down there and unfortunately it did not hit the re-roll so that's strength six versus the toughness four of the plague bearers they're winning on threes and huzzah they all wound alrighty i've got four demon saves to make and i made one of them not too bad let's see if i can make some disgustingly resilient saves and another one so that means two plague bearers have met their fate that's okay i mean that's better than none so i'll take that time for my plague bearers to fight back let's do a little three inch piling move now the pox walkers aren't the best at close combat they get one attack each the plague ridden which is like their sergeant gets an additional attack so all in all that's only nine attacks hitting on fours and wounding on fives only four of those attacks hit still only be wounding on fives though two wounds go through and because they're plague swords i can re-roll all of the failed wound rolls and another one pretty tasty see we can make these free up saves excellent that's very resilient of the morlock there still standing full wounds i i do like the look of this thank you thank you i sounded like mr tumble there sorry about that okay so that's the charging unit all done um now it's time to move on to the rest of the fighting so opponent goes first it's going to be those nurglings who are going to have a few smacks before my jeans dealers can thoroughly munch into them four attacks hitting on fours not too bad now wounding on sixes only one i do get that re-roll still only one okay so that's one wound on the jean steelers still i i could really do with just keeping as many gene sealers alive as possible so i really want to make this five-up save dang so that's one dead gene sealer bringing them down to just four now oh goodness me but now it's time for the jean sealers to fight back yay 100 attacks so this is going to be 12 attacks hitting on twos and re-rolling once because they're attacking with their scything talons again and that's 11 that go through one fail but actually with a reroll it brings me up to 12 so that's 12 hits strength four toughness two wounding on twos oh quite tasty that's nine wounds that need to be deflected by the nerglinds here we go nine five up saves not great i failed six of them now let's see how disgustingly resilient these nurglings are ah i failed three so it would be dead but i think i'm gonna use a command point to reroll one of those that didn't make it unfortunately that little blob of knurglings is destroyed finally the nurgling's full and now my jean steelers are kind of freed up to start causing some havoc so that's the fight phase done now into the morale phase and the gene stealers don't need to take a morale test because they automatically pass because they're within synapse range of the brew lord now i only lost two models so the play bearers don't need to take a morale test but because they are carrying the demonic icon i can choose to take a morale test and if i roll a one i get some plague bearers back oh how many going to come back no just one but a none with that morale phase done that's the end of turn one completely start of nurgle demons turn two i gain an additional command point and i also score five victory points because my plague drones are sitting comfortably on the objective in my deployment zone the central objective is contested though and with simplified rules for this tournament nothing is scored going into my movement phase i feel a bit conflicted to be honest because i want the poxbringer to get stuck in really he's got a pretty good close combat weapon and i reckon it might do some damage to that morlock but that does mean leaving my most mobile and strongest unit essentially behind in my home area i think i'm going to swap them around and get my hq in my own deployment zone and release my plague drones now the plague drones have got death's heads which are assault weapons in the shooting phase so i can advance and still shoot them with a little penalty let's see if i can advance and see how far we go hmm an additional two inches not that great let's command point that to get them a bit closer and another two fantastic okay they're advancing 12 inches up and the pox bringer is moving his five inches back onto the home objective all right then moving on to the psychic phase and as tempting as it would be to smite that more lock that miasma of pestilence was quite useful in the last phase so i'm going to cast it again on the plague bearers needing a six and or just so that means anything targeting the plague bearers is gonna have minus one to hit demons of nogl shooting phase and now i actually do have something in range the plague drones have weapons called death's heads which are assault 2 and their 12 inch range and i can just just target the jean steelers but now they'll be hitting on fives instead of fours because i advanced three hits pretty respectable strength four against toughness four i'll need fours again come on penny five up save excellent so that is uh the jean sealer saved their luck next time def's heads absolutely riveting shooting phase over and done with onto the charge phase and the only thing i can really do is charge those plague drones straight into that morlock and that's exactly what i'm gonna do and the role of an eight gets me in safely all righty start the fight phase and i'm gonna use my three-inch pylon move to sneak around the back of the morlock so first up the riders of the plague drones will attack with their plague swords and after re-rolling the fail because of the plague swords i actually end up scoring two wounds so that's gonna be two three up saves for the morlock to make so that's one save one failed i'm not going to waste a command point just yet so that's one wound down from 12 to 11. and now it's time for the actual bugs to fight oh man only hit three times out of 12 attacks anyway wounding on fives re-rolling fails ah and thankfully all of them wound three three-up saves the morlock so that's two saves being made and one more wound taking it down to ten wounds i'll stay there and i'll keep the command point just in case i need it for fighting back and that's my charging units finished their fight so now it's ant's turn to pick which unit he fights with now on to my turn to fight back with the morlock i'm not going to split my attacks because splitting attack never works for me now i'd really like to get rid of the plague bearers but they're really not that bad and i didn't take too much damage from them the plague drones on the other hand they could potentially do some more damage next turn so i really want to try and take them out as soon as possible soften them up a little bit so my jean steelers can come in on the next turn and charge them so both the distanceable jaw and the prehensile pincer tail here which is good because that's actually more than one damage potentially but siding talons only three hitting the mark there they're all strength six against toughness five of the plague drones so needing threes to wound okay so that's wounding on the distensible jaw wounding on the prehensile tail this is good but no wounds on the siding talents yet for the gorgon high fleet adaptation um i can re-roll wound roles of one so i can re-roll that one failed wound role on the scything talon which converts it into a wound so that's three wounds actually hitting their mark with three different weapons by jove this is making my brain hurt okay i really need to save this particular one i really don't want this to go through i'm gonna use my second last command point to see if i can save this yes yes uh so now onto the prehensile pincer tail that's uh so that's the big high damage ones done oh you found the siphon talent okay so that's just one damage so after all that thrashing and more locking only one wound actually gets peeled away from one of those plague drones very very poor show from the moorlock and finally to finish the fight phase my plague bearers are gonna fight back at the moorlock 10 attacks in total hitting on fours okay now wounding on fives re-rolling all fails still only two wounds come on play bearers so two wounds going through into the moorlock that need to be saved with a free up let's see how we do so now on to nine wounds for the morlock that's the fight phase over moving on to the morale phase no one needs to take anything but again i will choose to take a morale test with my plague bearers to see if i get one back nope not this time onto tyranids turn two and the command phase i get one more cp bringing my total up to three command points i get five points for holding the objective market in my deployment zone but not the middle one bringing us to a draw five all at the beginning of turn two so onto the tyranids movement phase have a little bit of a dilemma either i can keep something back either the brood lord or jean steelers hold that objective and guarantee another five victory points or i could leroy jenkins them into those plague drones and start getting them to do what they were designed to do it's time to leeroy jr these guys in let's go and move them as close as we possibly can to get them in a charge range this turn and get them fighting now that the gene stealer and the brood lord are getting nice and close to those plague drones that's the movement phase done in the psychic phase i really want to create a little bit more survivability of my jean seeders because they are falling fast so i'm going to cast catalyst on them which will give them a 5 up feel no pain every time they lose a wound pretty nice so warp charge of six needed for this and it's just a five hmm i'm gonna take a loss on that one and not have that power go off now on to the shooting phase so i just wanna try and get a few wounds off of those plague drains so i'm gonna fire the flash hooks from the two jean steelers into the play drones so four attacks coming in needing fours to hit and every single one fails oh well they weren't meant to shoot anyway they were born to chop and chop they will let's go on to the charge phase so we can just get them in there chopping as soon as possible okay so the only charge that i'm doing in this phase is just getting the brood lord and his four jean steeler pals right in to those plague drones so they can begin to chop just one inch away so yep they're automatically in i'm gonna choose to go with my brood lord first in the fight phase so that hopefully with his higher damage output he can actually take more wounds off of one of these plague drones and prevent some of those attacks coming back into either the brood lord or the jean steeler so he's going to be attacking six times with the monstrous rending claws hitting on twos and five of them hit this is a good start okay so the monstrous wrenching claws when we're looking to wound on this one i can reroll any failed wound rolls for that plus any hits of a six or more on the wound rolls are actually going to be ap minor six and do damage of three so that's three natural wounds that have gone through re-rolling those two fails converts another one which is great and one of those wounds is actually a six so that's great news okay time to make my fireplace demonic saves i'm using a yellow dice for that six that ant got so i really hope i saved that one annoyingly i only save one of the regular attacks so that's the rending hit and two regular hits going through and let's see if i can make any disgustingly resilient saves and that converts into five wounds when we roll for the damage well i made two of them but that's still three wounds that go through so that is one plague drone entirely dead okay so that's one plague drone down can the gene stealers inflict enough damage on the remaining plague drones to take them out of action so that's 12 attacks hitting their mark now let's see how many of them can wound okay so that's five that actually wound uh that means we've got two doing two damage and three doing just one damage so that's still just five wounds for a guy to try and save with his demonic demon save i managed to save one of those rending shots and one of the regular shots which translates to 4 damage going through to my plague drones how disgustingly resilient are they going to be now not very only one of those wounds saved which means that one of these plague drones is down to a single wound it's now onto guy's turn to pick a unit to fight back kind of spoiled for choice with options here but i think it would be most effective to use the plague drones against the jean steelers try and finally wipe them out they hit but they weren't strong enough to actually wound the jean steelers now let's see how the bugs do okay fours to hit not too bad not too bad balls to wound and with these proboscis attacks i get to reroll fails four go through in total ouch uh this could be my whole squad of jean steelers wiped out just relying on these four five up saves to keep them in the game that's one save done but that means that three are gonna die unless unless i use a command point to re-roll this and i i think i'm going to luck be a lady tonight excellent so that command point reroll has just saved another gene stephen but that's still too gone so that squad is looking very thin on the ground now with only two left in it and now it is my phone my phone to tight no it's my turn to fight good god and the only option i've got left is that more lock right in the middle and it's of no surprise that he's going to be putting every single one of his attacks into those plague drones nine attacks all hitting on fours five with the siving talon have actually hit the mark but none with the distensible jaw or the prehensile pincer tail unfortunately so out of those five there's strength six versus toughness five so threes to wound on those six is causing one additional damage okay so that's only two wounds that have gone through i'm really missing that command point reroll right now ah failed both of those demonic five plus saves let's see if they're disgustingly resilient enough to withstand this and only one of those wounds is so the plague drone that has a single wound left is now dead just one left so to finally cap off the fight phase i get to fight back with my plague bearers ten attacks coming in hitting on fours five go through now wounding on fives but rerolling fails which is all of them and after all of that just a single wound goes through fantastic now it's time just to save it yeah okay i need to take a couple of moral tests one for the plague drones to see if that final plague drone runs away he's only got a leadership of seven ah are all the six so that would mean that plague drone flees so i'm going to use my final command point to see if it stays behind okay right roll the two so it's fine now let's see if i can roll a one to bring another plague bearer back with the icon nope not this time no shenanigans and although i lost a couple of gene stealers because they're still within synapse of the brood lord they automatically pass a morale test so that's the end of tyranids turn two all right here we go demons of nergal turn three and at the start of the phase i gain one command point so that brings me back up to one and i also score another five victory points for holding the objective in my home zone moving on to the movement phase i'm going to keep my pox bringer behind he's doing a good job holding the objective there i'm obviously going to keep my plague bearers exactly where they are they're pretty useless for everything else except just holding an objective however i am going to move that single plague drone break him away from the combat because he has a fly keyword he can do that without any penalties and fly him zoom him over to the objective zone on and side of the table very cheeky so just a two for the advanced roll which means i can move 12 inches onto the psychic phase and again i'm gonna cast my asthma of pestilence on the plague bearers just to make them a little bit more difficult to shift needing a six on two dice yeah and with the three that's not going to happen so in the shooting phase the only thing i've got to do is fire my death's heads i did advance so that's a minus one to hit so i'm only going to be hitting on fives only one hits and that'll be fours to wound yep and it does so that's just one five plus invulnerable save to make on the jean steelers i'm happy to use one of my command points to re-roll that to try and make it a five success i've been pretty lucky with the last few rerolls so down to just one command point left shooting phase over moving on to the charge phase and i am not going to charge that plague drone i'm just going to leave him in that objective and hope that ant kind of forgets about him and he's too focused on the plague bearers so moving straight onto the fight phase and there's no new fights so that means ant gets to choose which model fights first and i think it's going to be the morlock so the more love is going to attack the plague bearers same drill as before seven attacks coming in with the siding talons one with the distensible jaw and one with the prehensile pincer tail okay so that's six hits with the scything talons a little bit better than before one hit with a distensible jaw so that's threes to wound so after the re-rolls thanks to the highfleet ability to reroll ones we've got a total of five that have gone through for the siding talons and there's that one distensible jaw that have wounded so i managed to save the jaw attack and one of those scything talons before scything talent attacks go through let's see if i can disgustingly resilient save those ah just one so that means three more play bearers are dead it's now time for guys plague bearers to hear back now the boss bearer is still there so that makes seven attacks coming in five normal attacks and two from the big boss guy pretty good hitting there now let's see how many can wound only two i did get to reroll all of those fails because they're plagued knives and i score another wound so that's three saves of three up to make for the more lock excellent finally to end the turn i need to do the morale phase and let's do that with the plague bearers and hopefully maybe one of them will come back nothing comes back but then nothing runs away either so can't be too bitter about that onto tyranids turn three straight into the command phase and let's see how many victory points oh right okay we don't score any okay that's fine totally fine but i do get one more command point so that raises me from one command point up to two command points okay so on to the movement phase and i want to move that brood lord and the jean steelers back get on top of the objective and also attack that plague drone so the gene steelers and the brood lord um they all have the skills where they can actually advance and then still charge in the same turn so that's exactly what i'm going to do so first roll for the brood lord it's a six and then onto the jean steelers only two so that's 10 inches so we're going to be hampered a little bit by the gene steelers movement here but at least the brood lord can get back onto that objective and you want to move your morlock away from that objective right i'm quite happy keeping him there for the psychic phase i want to smite the plague drone and that's a successful smite d3 mortal wounds not too bad that's two wounds going through onto the plague drone now because these immortal wounds i can't use my demon save against them but i still can use the disgustingly resilient 5 up so that's just one wound off but if it makes it an easier job for the fight phase then i'm happy with that on to the shooting the only shooting that i've got available to me are those two lonely jean steelers that are in there still holding on tight with their flesh hooks so that's two attacks each hitting on fours so with all four hitting let's see if they wound so needing fives to wound one natural wound but let's do some re-rolls of ones for the gorgon ability here fantastic converting one so that's two wounds demon saves first not a chance what about disgustingly resilient ah one one still in the game two wounds left mad props to my jean steelers there for actually taking some wounds off in the shooting phase maybe jean steelers can shoot after all on to the charge phase and it's of no surprise here that my plan this turn is to charge the brood lord and the jeans dealers into that blow drone because i've strategically placed them just outside an inch away they're automatically going to be in for the charge yeah make them kiss hello kissy kissy so let's go first with the brood lord so out of those six attacks after re-rolling everything we end up with three wounds going through against the plague drone one of them is six so that one's going to be making flat-free damage of ap minor six so with some absolutely superb rolling for the damage from the brood lord there and some uh not so great rolling for the saves on the plague drone that play drone is toast after killing the plague drone i'm going to just consolidate the brood lord to get a little bit closer to those plague bearers still in the fight phase and my charging units have fought now it's over to guy for his units to fight coming in with my plague bearers fewer and fewer attacks each time getting chipped away only seven attacks coming in this time hitting on fours yeah not too bad not too bad now wounding on fives re-rolling fails because they're plagued knives three wounds not too shoddy free free up saves to make i could ideally do with saving at least two of these just to keep the more log on the top bracket so we've only made one save there but let's use a command point reroll to try and convert one of those others into a safe excellent that's still on the top bracket for the morlock ready for him to fight back same deal as before seven attacks from the scything talons one attack for the distensible jaw one for the prehensile pincer tail all hitting on fours we managed to make five hits with the siding talons and both the dissensible drawer and the prehensiled pincertail also hit so they're going to be wounding on three okay so those wounds we've got four for the siding talons two of which are sixes one for the prehensile tail okay so first up we need to make the demon saves for the individual hit this can get a little bit confusing now we know which ones have gone through we need to calculate the damage now this special attack does d6 damage so that means i've got to save nine disgustingly resilient saves but this was only from three individual attacks so a max of three models can die with four fails that means three are dead end of the turn and the only person that needs to take any morale tests is me with the plague bearers so let's see what happens and with another roll of a two that means no one runs away but it also means no one comes back either so oh well demons of nurgle turn four in the command phase i gain one command point back and i also earn five victory points for being on that objective in my home area again bringing me to a total of 15 victory points there's no point now leaving my pox bringer behind because i can't score any more points for being on objectives let's get him in the fight onto the psychic phase as tempting as it would be again to smite that morlock i think i've still got to cast my asthma of pestilence on those plague bearers one of six ah eleven those plague bearers are now minus one to hit my play drones are dead so i've got nothing to do in the shooting phase straight onto the charge phase and i'm going to be charging my pock springer into the more lock and i need to roll the seven and i absolutely fail it needs a command point to re-roll that and oh no i fail again i only got a six that pog springer is just sitting out there in the open like an idiot great what a good way to end the game so the morlock gets to fight first thankfully those plague bearers are going to be harder to hear this turn so we've got seven attacks for the scything talons and again one with the distensible jaw and one with the prehensile pincer tail so even hitting on fives that's still five attacks that make their mark okay not too bad that's four wounds converted so that's four five up saves guy needs to make oh lucky lucky lucky now let's see if i can save the one i failed with disgustingly resilient nah that would have been too lucky okay one more plague bearer dies and now i get to fight back that's three attacks coming in hitting on fours just one and does it wound oh yeah it does can the morlock make its free up save no still on seven wounds which means it's still on the higher bracket so that's one wound chipped off of the moorlock and that is the end of a very short turn four let's see if i can bring back some of those plague bearers with a sneaky morale test yes and a one means i get to roll another dice and that many plague bearers come back this is all because the guy with the icon is still alive and that is my last turn moving on to tyranids turn four let's do the command phase first so i get one more command point bringing myself up to two command points i score that objective down in my deployment zone giving me another five victory points and now let's move on to the movement phase okay so i'm going to advance the brood lord as close as i possibly can to the plague bearers one might not cut it let's reroll that with a command point bring me down to one cp rerolls to a six given as a massive 14 inches that's all the movement i'm going to be doing now on to the psychic phase i'm going to be smiting the plague bearers so although that goes off on a 5 i've got a sneaky feeling that guy's going to try and deny this consider it done so smite does not go off let's see if we can just do it with tooth and claws now the brood lord is gonna be an automatic charge in on those plague bearers the brood lord is gonna have six attacks hitting on twos so strength five versus toughness four means they're going to be wounding on threes and we're going to be re-rolling once for gorgon ability so that's five wounds that are going through only one demon save made time for some disgustingly resilient action well i did manage to save two of them but i failed plenty fortunately only a maximum of four can die because that was the amount of attacks that actually went through and now because it's my turn guy gets to fight back okay let's get this over with three attacks coming in against the moorlock hitting on fours and all of them hit wounding on fives one of them fails but i can re-roll because of the plague knife two wounds go through okay so two wounds one of them saved but actually with one wound taken off the morlock that brings it down to its lower damage bracket now that's gonna make it even more difficult for the morlock to hit back this turn and to save a little bit of glory i'm really going to need to use my very last command point to re-roll that save and hopefully save that wound otherwise i just don't think the morlock is going to have it in him to actually kill those plague bearers hey so that command point reroll really paid off and has kept that morlock on its top damage bracket okay now it's time for the morlock to hit back okay i'm gonna have to live with that and hopefully guy will fail both the saves and the disgustingly resilient on fail it bail it okay last saves of the game thanks for the encouragement there penny and yes managed it so those two plague bearers aren't going anywhere balls well that's that then uh unless they disappear in the moral phase time to take a morale test i lost four models so i add four to my role and if it goes over my leadership of seven i lose a model and have to take an attrition test for the last one exactly what i didn't want one model gone and this one will run away on a one or a two because the unit's below half strength two perfect time to use my last command point to deny and his secondary objective yes can't believe it that's ridiculous score free victory points if you control more than half the total number of ejected markers on the battlefield at the end of your turn at the end of the game nurgle demons are on 15 victory points and the tyranids are on 13. just sneaking in there with the narrowest of narrow victories the nurgle demons are victorious over the tyranids if the games in the tournament were five turns instead of four it would have been an easy victory for the tyranids in turn five the final score 15 13. i thought it was always going to be difficult because the start collecting box for the tyranids it's not the strongest the more lock it seems like it should do a lot better than it actually does that high weapon skill of four is really not doing it any favors right now those plague bearers just stuck around and then as soon as you could kill them they just come back again it was a shame that the jean steelers were taking out right at the beginning but it's a close fight closer than i thought it would be i seriously thought the tyrions were gonna do a lot worse than that but good game good fun had by all also i think to be honest the mvp has to go to those little nerglings for their crazy suicide run right at the start of the game what little heroes it's a shame i never actually got to do anything with my pock springer apart from casting a few psychic abilities he's actually got a pretty nifty close combat weapon that you just never really got to use what a shame and just in case any of you were incredibly upset that ant has kicked out the tournament as soon as he's in it do not worry he has another couple of squads that he's going to be controlling throughout the tournament so you'll see him again don't you worry you know fingers crossed we'll be back face to face and you'll see my lovely hands rolling some dice soon demons of niggle advance to the next stage and will be up against the winner of the next match in the tournament a deadly face-off between the drakari and the jean steeler cult i hope you'll join us then thank you so much for watching bye for now thanks for watching see you later bye [Music] you
Channel: Midwinter Minis
Views: 256,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyranids batrep, nurgle batrep, daemons of nurgle, gorgon tyranids, synthwave tyranids, eyebearers, midwinter minis battle report
Id: SbY1Nk_VeJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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