SYNTHESIA REVIEW 2024 - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

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Synthesia review so as you guys can tell about today's video title I'll be going over everything you need to know about Synthesia going through the pros and cons and just going over everything you need to know so you can make an informed decision to see if this tool is going to be right for your business so I'm without further Ado let's go and get started so if you do want to actually go ahead and learn more about Synthesia I will provide a link Down Below in the video description so you can actually go ahead and try out the tool um at the time recording this video you can create a free AI video and actually kind of like try it out as well so again if you do want to learn more about Synthesia and get it for the best price because again their official website will have the best price that is available I'll provide a link down below to that in the video description for your convenience so with that being said let's begin today's video so as you guys can see I am inside the members area for the Synthesia and this is what it looks like so once you go ahead and actually have a paid plan you'll be able to have a civil dashboard that looks something like this as well so I think the first thing to go over is this is what your dashboard is going to look like there's a bunch of templates that they actually already have so you can easily just get started creating videos straight away as you can see if we go over here to videos you can see the videos you've created right here if you have like any videos in the trash you can delete them right here as well in terms of the library you can import your own media music fonts and templates so you can easily just for example add images videos and vectors so upload your media files to your library to use inside of your projects these can be JPEG files etc etc and the same thing goes with music fonts and other different templates as well that you want to add to your videos inside of Synthesia so if we go over here to avatars this is going to be one of the most interesting Parts because you can actually use these AI avatars inside of your videos as you can see right here there's a giant list of them right here and the list is quite endless to be honest so let's just go ahead and play uh this Avatar right here and if we click on this Avatar we can obviously select the preview language and I'm just going to leave it as English for now and also what's cool about Synthesia is that you can actually use it for multiple different languages so it's not just like English as well you can use it for like other different languages throughout the world if you're looking to talk at different markets so let's go ahead and click on play and see what Alex sounds like hello this is a preview of what your video will look like click the create button to get started so yeah as you can see I can create a video with this Avatar if I want to and maybe I'll prefer a different Avatar so I'm just going to go ahead and choose a random Avatar right here so let's just go ahead and choose um Anika so if we click on play right here and again one of the things I love about this is just the fact that they're how realistic the AI uh spokesperson looks so the fact that we can create videos like this without having to like go on third-party platforms to hire video spokespersons and things like that just really makes me really really excited because the potential of utilizing such software and tools like this is just absolutely endless now I guess a mild con is a you have to choose the right voiceover for your particular um video in the tent of the video you're going to be creating for your business whatever the intent may be and obviously some of the AI videos in terms of like the actual voice isn't going to be 100 perfect because of course you know some people can tell that hey it's you know kind of like Texas speech and it's not perfect but a lot of the AI avatars and the Texas speech voice service are pretty good and again there's a giant list right here so um it'll be impossible to go over all these AI avatars in uh one review video unless I wanted to make this video an hour long which isn't going to be obviously the best thing to do for you guys because I want to make sure I give you guys a quick and concise review while going over everything you need to know about Synthesia so um if we go back over here to the home page right here and we click on new video this is where you can actually create a new video for some visa and this is where the magic actually happens and again in terms of like Synthesia if we go over here to their page right here again there's plenty of different features that make some feature quite powerful you know avatars like we've kind of like gone over already you can choose from 150 plus different like AI avatars you can again use Synthesia to create videos in 120 different languages accents and voice tones of course it is the Texas speech you know tool so you can simply type in your text and turn it into professional voiceovers in minutes um you can create custom advertisers as well which is a whole different thing so create your own custom AI Avatar and your own digital twin which is absolutely insane um you can add micro addresses to your avatars such as head nods or raised eyebrows and voice cloning as well so you can even clone your own voice and pair it with your own custom AR Avatar which again is just a crazy feature it's so Synthesia this technology is literally just absolutely insane like where we're at in this world um the things we can do and the technology is actually available to like all of us right now so if we go over here to back to the dashboard you'll see that there's three options you can choose in sort of Synthesia so first of all you can create a blank video you can start from scratch with a blank canvas the second option is you can create your video with AI and then the third option is going to be import PowerPoint you can convert your slides to scene backgrounds so in terms of like what to do and what I would recommend it's going to be obviously personally up to you so if you already have like um power points or like slides you can import into Synthesia then of course you can just import it to PowerPoint right here inside the Synthesia tool um but I think for the most part it's probably best just to choose a template it'll make your life a lot more easier so um let's just go ahead and choose a template so if we scroll down below I'm going to go ahead and choose this template right here and let's click on use and of course if you click on generate actually so you generate video with AI it will actually create a script for you and you just give it like different video topics or different like information so you actually like generate a script that you can apply to your video so we'll go through that later as well but let's just go over the basics in terms of sufficient and how it all works in terms of creating your videos so the first thing you guys want to go ahead and do is actually input your script into this software so I'm going to go ahead and copy and paste my scripts okay so I've just put in a quick little uh script right here of course you're going to want to put in like a much longer script to create a longer video I've just put in like a little bit of text just so I can demonstrate how this works inside of my review video so again you're going to want to go ahead and put in your script right here and you can also add different scenes where you can import like other different like text-to-speech or text to your overall script so I'm going to go over that as well but in terms of like the language you can click on what language you want to go ahead and use so um you can either have it be a us voice an Australian voice catalog so you can even choose like what accent you want um the actual tone of the voice itself and of course if you scroll down below the list is quite big so if you want to like choose a different language like Spanish for example you can go ahead and choose Spanish and it's very very simple to go ahead and change that as well so you can also add like different things like markers to your script that can affect like the output of the voice generated by the AI pauses and all that type of stuff as well and again if we click on ADD scene we can add like a different scene so let's just go ahead and click on that same and as you can see this is going to be on the second scene so the first scene right here is for um the first part of the video and the second scene is for the second part of the video and so forth in terms of like adding new scenes then you can import your text right here and you can go ahead and keep on creating your video so in terms of customizing your video you can add our different avatars so let's just say I wanted to replace the Avatar I can click on the Avatar that I want to go ahead and use so I can go ahead and just click on Alex Carla or whatever Avatar that is listed here again there's quite a big list so I'm sure you won't be um having any issues in terms of like a variety of different um voiceovers and different avatars you can use for your video now I'm text is pretty self-explanatory you're just adding a text um you can have different shapes as well so I can add like this circle thing right here if I wanted to to my video and I'm not going to modify that too much let's leave it as it is and I can easily change the color right here to let's just say orange so it's congruent with the video itself okay and I can always just modify the text right here as well so I can just put in test for video I can modify this or I can even like delete it if I want as well it's very very simple to do so I'm just going to put him test for video because again this is just a test so I can demonstrate how it all works again it's very very simple to customize as well which makes using the Dr Synthesia tool quite easy and again you can modify the text with the fonts um how big it is and all that type of stuff very very simply on the right hand side of the screen okay and then you can also add media so if you want to go ahead and actually add like videos like background videos or images to your projects you can all your videos you can go ahead and do that as well so if I want for an example a business setting so let's just click on business you can actually go ahead and choose plenty of different templates that we can add to our videos so we have plenty of different like business videos right here that we can go ahead and utilize so yes very very simple to do and what's also pretty cool as well is that we can actually go ahead and record our like screen inside of chrome so click on record we can actually record and add that to our video as well so um in terms of like what you can do um Sophia is definitely not limited there's quite a number of things you can do to really make unique content inside of Synthesia so if you want to go ahead and actually play the um text-to-speech you can click on play right here and see what it looks like and this is going to be a drop version so the Avatar won't actually animate so we have to like generate the video to see what it looks like in a second but I want to show you what the draft version looks like so you can kind of see what it looks like when you're creating your own videos inside of Synthesia welcome to my brand new video today I'll be showing you how to use the power of AI for your business okay and if we also go back to our office scene that we added in today's video we can also add in some more templates or like text right here to make a congruent with the first scene so we can just put in some text regarding like Ai and of course in terms of like the images right here you can see like how the templates are very handy we can actually change these images so click on Place video and just search up something to do with AI for example so we'll just choose the first thing that comes up really so this looks pretty cool all this brain thing looks pretty cool and if we go over here click on replace video and do the same and let's choose something pretty futuristic so yeah let's choose that okay so as you can see we've added the videos to the background of our scene and we'll quickly added some text that's going to be congruent with what AI is all about so what we can go ahead and do is click on play to actually see a full preview of the video brand new so we can go ahead and do is click on generate we can put in the title description so let's just pull in test for video and let's just generate the video so it'll take about like five to ten minutes depending on of course on the video length so like I said during the start of today's video you can generate video with AI as well so if you don't want to go and just create a template right off the bat or we don't want to create a blank video and start off with a blank canvas or import the PowerPoint you can click on generate video with AI and this is pretty cool because you can still utilize the templates and you can just choose a template if you want as you would normally do in size Synthesia but you can actually put in like a bit of information so you can choose like the topics so for example topic can be about Ai and then we can just have a Target business owners for an example okay so business owners and then this way you can actually go ahead and have the um AI generate a script for you based on this topic so we'll just click on the templates and we can just choose the template that we want to go ahead and use so we click on this template for example and that can that will be good enough for now and of course you want to actually give the you know AI so you want to put in as much information here on the topic and the audience so you can actually generate a script or the AI can actually generate a script it's going to be helpful and that you can actually use and then you can click on generated videos but of course you're going to want to go ahead and like edit the script and change things up to make sure it's going to be perfect for whatever you're doing in terms of creating the video for you so the script isn't going to be perfect again we're leveraging AI um it can be very helpful and I like to you know have the 80 20 rule approach in a sense that yeah you can let it do 80 of the work but you want to like 20 you know edit like 20 of it to make sure it's going to be helpful for you so as you can see it's generating a complete script for me it's you know pointing these um this text into different scenes as well and we can actually click on continue to editor and we can go ahead and customize everything the way we want so yes we can go ahead and do that you can see it's in different scenes again I just did this really really quickly just to quickly show you like what it looks like more or less um I think we I think a generator like the um wrong Avatar might have made a mistake there again we can easily change avatars right here as well if you want to use a different one okay so as you guys can see the video has generated you can see what it looks like right here and I'm going to go ahead and actually play um the full video right now so you can actually see what it looks like for yourself welcome to my brand new video today I'll be showing you how to use the power of AI for your business AI has quickly become a vital tool for anyone looking to leverage automation within their business okay so as you can see it's pretty cool it's extremely extremely powerful and I generated that um relatively quickly and I was just kind of going through a quick demo so I can showcase um how the tool Works to solve this review now in terms of how much Synthesia is going to cost there's going to be two pricing plans there's going to be the personal plan and the Enterprise plan it's probably going to be um in your own currency once you actually land on their pricing page so for me it's 26 Euros per month and for the Enterprise there's an option to essentially contact them and book a demo to discuss the pricing so I guess a bit of a con in my personal opinion is the fact that they are restricted to only 10 videos per month and you can only create get like on the maximum of 10 scenes per video which is unfortunate so there is a bit of restrictions in that regard and you know you're still getting 90 plus advertisers which should be more sufficient I'm 120 plus languages voice servers I'm AI script existence and all that type of stuff as well I guess it's just like unfortunate they are slightly restricted but of course for the pricing plan per month you know it's still not a bad deal considering like we can create the videos that are showcase to you um in today's review so you've got to keep that in mind as well but of course if you do want to go with the Enterprise plan you can go ahead and book a demo to discuss that with them as well so it's always an option that you can consider if you're going to be creating a lot of videos for your business or whatever it may be you're doing so that's basically for today's Synthesia review video if you do want to go ahead and learn more I'll provide a link Down Below in the video description and um yeah thanks for watching today's Synthesia review video
Channel: ImminentHD
Views: 11,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synthesia review, review, synthesia demo, synthesia tutorial, ai video generator,, synthesia
Id: 04Lw9tLL3wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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