I got DEEPFAKED! | Synthesia Custom Avatar

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today I've got a really special occasion for us I  have been deep faked by a company called Synthesia   you may have seen that I reviewed Synthesia on  this channel I don't know a few months ago and   it is a platform where it lets you take super  realistic looking avatars and have them talk   in your videos and say whatever you want them to  say using AI technology but Synthesia also takes   it up another level if you want you can be made  into your own custom avatar but it's expensive   luckily for me Synthesia offered to do it for free  for me and you guys said you wanted to see me be   made into an avatar so today's the day I haven't  looked at my custom avatar yet and I'm so excited   we're gonna see it together the process of getting  your custom avatar made is a little bit complex I   had to shoot myself saying this very long and very  weird script in front of a green screen I had to   do it three times and each time I had to read a  consent agreement that's Synthesia could use me   and make me a custom avatar now Synthesia has a  very strong commitment to using this technology   responsibly they say they will never deep fake  a celebrity for instance and if you do have your   own custom avatar made no one else can access that  Avatar it only goes into your own account so let's   just Dive Right into my Synthesia account and look  at my custom avatar this is going to be crazy okay   so here I am in Synthesia and I think I can find  my avatar under avatars over here on the left menu   oh my god there yeah I look so serious let  me tell you what happened when I originally   recorded myself saying the lines in front of  the green screen to send to the Synthesia team   to create this custom avatar I guess I was  like bopping my head around a little bit too   much so they asked me to re-record it and to be  very still so you can see in this thumbnail of   my avatar that I just look really serious um  and I think it's because I was concentrating   really hard on not moving around as I read  let's just see what she looks like in action   hello this is a preview of what your video  will look like the create button to get started   okay this is so weird because that's definitely me  but that's definitely not my voice but that's okay   because we can upload our own voice to Synthesia  so that my avatar actually sounds like me let's do   that so I could type a script in here and use the  text to speech feature so I can make my avatar say   whatever I wanted but it would be one of these  stock voices not my own so instead I'm going to   upload an audio file now this audio file came  from descript overdub if you saw my video last   week you know what descript overdub is and if you  missed it I highly recommend you watch it because   it was wild I'll link to it here but basically  the script overdub allows you to make your own   text-to-speech AI Voice using your own real voice  and so you can type out a script export it and   then drag that audio file here into Synthesia now  there is another option where you can actually   connect your descript account with Synthesia  so you can actually do the text to speech with   your own voice right here in Synthesia to access  that feature you need an Enterprise account under   script and they don't even have pricing for that  on the website you have to contact them directly   so I don't think it's cheap I do think that a  descript account is a great value and taking   the extra step to just like export the audio file  and bring it into Synthesia is not a big deal at   all so that's the method I'm working with today  so now that we've uploaded that file it asks me   to select the language I'm going to select English  here and then I'm going to hit generate video at   the top right of the screen I'm going to save and  process this video and I get this Progress Circle   here in my video library so we're just going  to hang out and wait a few minutes for this   to process a few moments later okay that took  less than two minutes let's play this thing   I'm Jen Synthesia Avatar do you think I look  realistic would you be fooled into thinking   I'm the real Jen let me know in the comments okay  my first impression is that it's me but something   a little off part of it is the inflection at the  end when I say let me know in the comments I say   kind of like a question and that's a descript  issue that is not a Synthesia issue but I think   it definitely helps to ruin the illusion that this  is a real person I also think that like the lips   and the sound aren't quite in sync and then I  do this like weird like neck thing at the end   let's watch it one more time on Jen Synthesia  Avatar do you think I look realistic would you   be fooled into thinking I'm the real Jen let me  know in the comments okay I don't think anyone   who knows me in real life or watches me a lot here  on YouTube would be fooled by this custom avatar   um I definitely don't think it looks a hundred  percent realistic even though I do think it's very   very cool I don't think everyone needs a custom  avatar I don't think this custom avatar is going   to be replacing me here on YouTube but I do think  there's a certain segment of people who could find   this super helpful and that would be someone who  does a lot of online tutorials where their screen   content is like full screen and they just want  to see themselves very small in the corner of the   frame I think that if I were really shrunk down  in someone's frame when they were watching this   it would actually be very convincing so if you  make a living making a lot of online tutorials   I think that this custom avatar might be a good  investment for you so you don't have to worry   about like lighting yourself and being perfect  on camera every time you do a tutorial or if   you just love this technology do you think it's  cool want to send like funny birthday messages   to your friends and show off your custom avatar  maybe you would love investing in a custom avatar   from Synthesia as well so I think there's an  audience for this a customer for this but it's not   necessarily for everybody but Synthesia does come  with stock avatars so if you like this technology   but you don't feel like you yourself need a  custom avatar Synthesia does have like a cool   lineup of presenters that you can choose from if  you didn't see my original review on Synthesia I   highly recommend you check it out I'll link to it  up here and down in the description box you guys   thank you so much for hanging out with me today  a big thank you to Synthesia for creating this   custom avatar for me it is so cool and I know you  guys were really interested in seeing this process   so I hope you enjoyed it I picked up some other  videos I know you're gonna love I'll see you again
Channel: Jenn Jager
Views: 33,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synthesia ai artificial intelligence app review, synthesia review, synthetic video generation, synthesia avatar, deepfake, ai avatar, deepfakes, synthesia ai, synthesia video creator, jenn jager, jen jager, jenn jager avatar, synthesia ai tutorial, ai video maker, artificial intelligence, synthesia ai demo, is synthesia good, synthesia demo, jenn jager synthesia, ai video generator, mark cuban synthesia, deep fake, synthesia io review, synthesia, avatar
Id: 9YrYF0wpisg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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